Claire Letellier works as head of a pharmaceutical company. After dating André for a number of years, she has at long last accepted his marriage proposal. She decides this is a good time to reclaim the maid's room she owns above her place and turn her apartment into a duplex. But her tenant, a slightly offbeat designer named Alain Gareda, categorically refuses to vacate the premises. The latent hostility between them gains momentum by the day, until Alain suggests a compromise.
December 1953. Rosa and Alfred, a young couple of Polish Jews, await the return of Rosa's brother from America. Alfred will take care of the turkey. The delivery man brings it still alive.
슬로모(Shlomo)가 걱정스런 소식을 가지고 마을로 돌아온다. 그 소식은 이웃 마을의 유태인 거주자들이 나치에 의해 추방되었다는 것. 마을 사람들은 밤새 고민한 끝에 마을 원로회(the Old People's Board)를 소집, 마을의 공공 자산으로 낡은 기차를 구입하려 한다...