Kirill Safonov

Kirill Safonov

프로필 사진

Kirill Safonov

참여 작품

Love Them All
She always has a plan. For each his own. For everyone another name. One needs Vera (Faith), another Nadezhda (Hope). And almost all need Liubov (Love). She leaves every one at his own time. She finds a reason. But who knows where deceit ends which people buy only for the sake of money, and when genuine feelings begin? And who knows who she is: just a kept woman in the capital, or an artful swindler, or a talented actress, or a woman who is able only to love? To love them all.
No Love No Death
Accidentally, Alyona finds herself alone in her lover's country-house on Christmas Eve. All she can see from the window is a snow-covered desert, and a cat is the only living creature who is near. The heating is turned off, her mobile phone battery is low. Alyona tries to get out of the country-house, but the more external circumstances she overcomes the deeper she sinks into her inner hell. At the end of the day her desire to escape suddenly evolves into desire to die. There are three layers in the film: physical, symbolical and metaphysical. All Alyona's activity is a surface that hides her struggle with her inner demons, her existential solitude and her inability to cope with it. Trying to escape the swamp of unsolved issues Alyona sinks only deeper and deeper to reach the bottom, then push off and start her way to inner resurrection. The only thing we are never given enough is love. The only thing we never give enough is love.
New wife
Sasha and Ira have been married for a long time. During the years of marriage their passions subsided, the romance went away, and even the celebration of the thirteenth anniversary of married life turned into a very ordinary event with ridiculous gifts. Iraq meets Gosha - his student love. Unlike Sasha, Gosh pulled himself up. Feelings flare up with a new force.
Андрей Томилин
In the European town, two Russian spies were arrested by the local police and the CIA. More truly, the spy and the spy. Polina Smirnova, an attractive woman of about 20, came to a secret meeting with the Russian illegal immigrant Andrei Tomilin, but her inept actions led to a failure. Tomilin and Polina were deported to Russia. Actually, this is only the beginning of history.
Random acquaintances
They met in court. A successful businessman Alexander, who turned out to be a calculating businessman, was taking a room from the sanatorium for the elderly, in which the pretty girl Vera worked.
In the city centre, two thieves steal a bag with one million Euros from a car, thinking that at last they're in luck; yet they cannot even fathom what they got themselves into. A proper hunt for this money begins.
Two in the rain
Oleg is the owner of a construction company, he has everything - money, health, success, beautiful women. One of the directions of his business is the demolition of old houses and the construction of new elite housing in their place. One day, a meeting breaks down at Oleg ... gasoline runs out ... a mobile phone discharges. The evening ends with a classic scuffle in the bar. Wet, frozen, beaten Oleg, Dasha, a waitress, brings her home. Further, according to the "laws of the genre", LOVE arises between the heroes. But Dasha accidentally learns that 2 years ago Oleg’s company not only demolished the beautiful house where she lived with her grandmother, but also broke her entire destiny ....
Vera’s Crisis
Vera has reached the top of her profession and owns her own company. Young, determined and successful, she is, however, lonely and unhappy. One night when Vera is driving home, she hits a young man on the road. She takes him to hospital but feels so responsible for the accident that she visits him every day bringing him food and gifts. They soon fall in love and on leaving the hospital, Anton moves into Vera’s flat. Meanwhile, Vera’s company is suddenly and inexplicably on the verge of bankruptcy, and when Vera witnesses Anton meeting with the manager of a rival company and giving him a package, she assumes he has betrayed her and throws him out. Imagine her astonishment, when she discovers that the informant is actually the wife of her company’s president, who has been leaking information to her lover, who works for a competitor.
Мой осенний блюз
묵시록 코드
Operativnyy rabotnik situatsionnogo tsentra FSB
미국의 핵 잠수함이 침몰하고, 잠수함에 실려 있던 많은 양의 플라토늄이 사라진다. 세계적인 테러리스트 자파드 벤 자이디의 조직이 훔쳐낸 것. 그들은 훔친 플라토늄을 세계 4대 도시에 나누어 몰래 장착해 놓는다. 14개의 아라비아 숫자의 조합으로 구성된 A-Code는 언제든지 휴대폰으로 시그널을 보내 대폭발을 일으킬 수 있도록 되어 있다.전 세계를 아비규환으로 만들어 버릴 수 있는 가공할 핵 폭발 장치의 방아쇠, 그것이 바로 묵시록 코드(A-Code)이다. 러시아 비밀 첩보부 요원인 '다르야'(Anastasya Zayorotnyuk)는 메리라는 가명으로 활동하며, 테러리스트 조직에 침투한다. 그곳에서 그녀는 테러리스트 두목이자 훔친 플라토늄을 세계 4대 대도시에 장착해 놓은 장본인인 자파드의 죽음을 목격한다. 자파드는 죽기 전, 다리야에게 14개 숫자 조합인 A-Code를 3개로 나누어 자신이 진실로 믿고 있는 측근들에게 비밀리에 나누어 주었음을 알려주고 숨을 거둔다. '암살자'로 알려진 팔라치는 자파드의 파트너였고, 그는 혈안이 되어서 A-Code를 찾으려 한다. 그의 목적은 이 세상을 날려 버리는 것. 다리아 역시 A-Code를 찾으러 사방으로 다닌다. 그녀의 목적은 A-Code가 팔라치의 손에 들어가 대참사가 일어나는 것을 사전에 막는 것. 이 둘은 각자 A-Code를 찾아 온 세계를 다니며 마주치지만, 서로에게 위해를 가할 수 없다.3개로 나누어진 A-Code를 각각 하나씩 가지고 있기 때문에 서로의 것을 빼앗아야 한다. 목숨을 건 긴 여정 속에 다리야는 마침내 그녀의 임무를 완수한다.
Love & Dance
Chen, a young kid, is battling a cultural conflict between his Russian born mother and Israeli father. She is cultured and used to the finer things in life, including theater and fine dining. He is gruff on the outside but sweet on the inside - a Sabra; and looking to make his young son a man rather than the wimp his mother is raising. One day, Chen stumbles upon a ballroom dance class for young people and sees Natalie, a stunning Russian young girl he falls in love with immediately. His interest in Natalie leads him to taking ballroom dancing and to ultimately bridging the cultural divide of his own family - through the Cha Cha and the Tango. The teachers are a pair of former Russian world champions who never quite fulfilled their potential, but find themselves battling their demons through the instructions of the kids.