Linda Molin

Linda Molin

출생 : 1992-07-24, Gothenburg, Västra Götalands län, Sweden

프로필 사진

Linda Molin

참여 작품

Little Olle
Stupid Bitch
가든 레인
Elin (adult)
오랜만에 만난 에릭과 엘린은 둘이 처음 만났던 어둡고 마법 같은 여름을 회상한다. 둘은 아직 어린아이였고, 둘의 부모 린다와 피에테르는 마약 중독자였다. 네 사람은 아름답고 강렬했던 몇 개월을 진짜 가족처럼 보낸다. 하지만 린다와 피에테르가 무너져 내리기 시작하면서 두 아이는 생존을 위해 싸워야 했는데.
Nightfall In India
Ricardo, an amusing grumpy middle-aged man, decides to travel overland to India, as he used to do, shipping hippies in the sixties. Only now he has other things on his mind. He has been in a wheelchair for 10 years, suffering from a degenerative disease, that's pushing into its final stages. This is to be his last journey. Accompanied by his housekeeper Dana he sets off, crossing Europe, through Turkey, Iran, Pakistan. It turns out to be a funny and inspiring journey, opening doors both Ricardo and Dana thought were closed forever. As the landscape widens ahead, all of the crucial things of life unfold before them. Most importantly, Ricardo finds a reason to live.
Naomi and the Heartbreakers
Naomi is blue-haired, unemployed and meaningless. When she is dumped on her 20th birthday she has had it. She decides to become a masked vigilante who fights "heartbreakers", but she soon learns that love might not be as simple as she first thought.
Bitch Hug
Kristin counts down the days to her high school graduation, when she'll finally get to leave her small town and her manipulative sister behind, for the New York of her dreams. Everything is perfect, and the local paper has promised to publish Kristin's columns about the city that never sleeps. But Kristin misses her flight and, to escape total humiliation, instead ends up hiding out at the house of the peculiar young girl Andrea, far out on the countryside. In this house of Nowhere, Kristin brings Andrea along to the pulsating heart of New York on a big virtual adventure which she chronicles for everyone at home to follow. But then reality comes knocking.
She Monkeys
When Emma meets Cassandra, they initiate a relationship filled with physical and psychological challenges. Emma does whatever it takes to master the rules of the game. Lines are crossed and the stakes get higher and higher. Despite this, Emma can't resist the intoxicating feeling of total control.