Alan Dershowitz
출생 : 1938-09-01, New York, New York, U.S.A.
Alan Morton Dershowitz is an American lawyer and academic. He is a scholar of United States constitutional law and criminal law and a noted civil libertarian. He began his teaching career at Harvard Law School where, in 1967, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor of law in its history.
"Never Again?" seeks to educate others on the horrors and consequences of anti-Semitism. The film follows the journey of a Holocaust Survivor and former radical Islamist as they seek to leave behind a legacy of love over hate.
Exploring the life and death of convicted sex offender Epstein, who killed himself in prison in August while awaiting trial on fresh sex-trafficking and conspiracy charges.
By depicting real-life witnesses and actual evidence in a courtroom setting, American Trial will tell the story of the trial that may have occurred had NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo been indicted for the killing of Eric Garner in Staten Island, New York. Using the trial as a conduit, this documentary will examine accountability, race and police/civilian relations in New York City and beyond.
Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager examine the reality of life and discourse on college campuses in modern America.
Legendary and controversial attorney Roy Cohn was a power broker in the rough and tumble world of New York City business and politics. Senator Joseph R. McCarthy’s top counsel during investigations into Communist activities in the 1950s, Cohn is also known for being Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer, fixer and mentor. Focusing on key periods of his life, and drawing on extensive, newly unearthed archival material, a new documentary on Cohn’s life will debut on HBO in 2019.
Self - Lawyer (voice)
저명한 저널리스트인 로버트 피스크는 40년 동안 세계에서 가장 폭력적이고 첨예한 문제들에 대해 보도해왔다. 창 영 감독은 피스크가 전쟁으로 황폐해진 땅을 돌아다니며 사람들에게 진실을 알리고자 고군분투하는 모습을 거침없는 액션으로 포착한다.
A fascinating portrait of Ben Ferencz, the last surviving Nuremberg Trial prosecutor, who continues to wage his lifelong crusade in the fight for law and peace.
2차 세계대전은 수십 년 전에 끝났지만, 단죄는 끝나지 않았다. 아우슈비츠에서 30만 명 유대인을 죽인 종범으로 기소된 93세 노인. 그의 죄를 묻는 세기의 재판이 시작됐다.
Is Israel a greater world threat than Iran, a state bordering on the edge of Nazi Fascism? Using satire and humour comedian, Brad Stine, leads the viewer through a minefield of hate to find the truth. What is BDS, it's agenda, it's origins, it's basis and it's leaders? Contributions from celebrities and experts include Dennis Prager, Pastor Jack Hayford, Alan Dershowitz and Jackie Mason.
Dubbed “The Cannibal Cop,” former NYPD officer Gilberto Valle was charged with conspiring to kidnap and eat women but argued it was all a fantasy. His story made headlines both for its disturbing details and its potential to kick off a trend of thought-policing across the nation. Featuring intimate interviews with Valle and insights from experts, Thought Crimes explores if someone can be found guilty for their most dangerous thoughts.
Every story needs a brave and trustworthy guide, and Deli Man’s is the effusive and charming Ziggy Gruber, a third-generation delicatessen man - his uncle and great-uncle owned Berger’s in the diamond district, and the Woodrow Deli on Long Island. His grandfather owned the famous Rialto Delicatessen on Broadway, and Ziggy was stuffing cabbages atop of a crate when he was eight. Now he is owner and maven (as well as a Yiddish-speaking French trained chef) of one of the country’s top delis, Kenny and Ziggy’s in Houston – yes, Texas…Shalom y’all. Of course the story of deli isn’t Ziggy’s alone. Deli Man has visited meccas like the Carnegie, Katz’s, 2nd Avenue Deli, Nate ‘n Al, and Canter’s, as well as interviewed some of the great connoisseurs of deli, including Jerry Stiller, Alan Dershowitz, Freddie Klein, Dennis Howard, Jay Parker (Ben’s Best), Fyvush Finkel, and Larry King. -
“Roadmap Genesis” is a film documentary that makes the case that the Book of Genesis is a roadmap containing guideposts on how to live a productive, fruitful, and fulfilling life that will help our society lift itself out of its current decline and return it to prosperity, promise, and accomplishment.When Filmmaker Nolan Lebovitz found himself at a crossroads in his life, he knew he had to choose between continuing to make the Hollywood suspense thrillers that were his livelihood and trying to make the world a better place for his new young family.
The story of the New York accent, as told by New Yorkers.
This electrifying film documents the efforts of Vincent Bugliosi, one of our nation's foremost prosecutors, as he presents his case that former president George W. Bush should be prosecuted for the deaths of American soldiers in Iraq because he deliberately took our nation to war under false pretenses. Based on Bugliosi's New York Times bestseller, the movie discloses shocking hidden details of how Bush and his people systematically lied to Congress and the country. He shows incontrovertible evidence that Bush, Cheney, Rice, et al committed a monumental crime under our constitution and the laws of this land. He leads us through a legal understanding of what is needed to bring a formal prosecution, setting the stage for what would be the biggest and most important trial in U.S. history.
The onset of the 21st Century will be an era in which the very nature of what it means to be human will be both enriched and challenged as our species breaks the shackles of its genetic legacy and achieves inconceivable heights of intelligence, material progress, and longevity. While the social and philosophical ramifications of these changes will be profound, and the threats they pose considerable, celebrated futurist Ray Kurzweil presents a view of the coming age that is both a dramatic culmination of centuries of technological ingenuity and a genuinely inspiring vision of our ultimate destiny.
Self (as Alan M. Dershowitz)
About the life and work of controversial American Jewish academic Norman Finkelstein.
Rising in vigorous defense of the nation-state of the Jewish people, distinguished Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz presents incisive evidence from leading experts across the political spectrum to assert Israel's basic right to exist.
Rising in vigorous defense of the nation-state of the Jewish people, distinguished Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz presents incisive evidence from leading experts across the political spectrum to assert Israel's basic right to exist.
A chronicle of the former president's tour recent for his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid."
제작비 2만 5천 달러! 포르노 사상 최초로 정식 극장 개봉! 표현의 자유 둘러 싸고 정부와의 전쟁 선포! 시민들의 뜨거운 관심으로 연일 장사진! 워터게이트를 압도하는 화제 속에 총수익 6억 달러 돌파! 영화 "목구멍 깊숙이"는 그렇게, ‘세기의 신드롬’이 되었다. 그로부터 30년이 흐른 지금, 의 화면과 함께 전문배우가 없었을 당시 남녀배우의 캐스팅과 촬영에피소드, 관객들의 다양한 반응을 소개하며 영화가 불러온 사회적, 문화적 파장은 무엇이었는가? 세기의 히로인 여주인공 ‘린다 러브레이스’는 어떻게 되었는가? 총 수익 6억 달러, 그 어마어마한 돈의 행방은? 이제, 그 영화를 둘러싼 모든 비하인드 스토리가 드디어 낱낱이 공개된다!!
Emmy-winning director William Gazecki (WACO: The Rules Of Engagement) delivers a searing indictment of the American legal system in this tragic story of teens, drugs and murder. Reckless Indifference explores how California’s controversial felony murder rule unjustly changed the lives of four teenagers forever. After participating in a backyard brawl which resulted in the death of a LAPD officer’s son, the ensuing trial led to life without parole sentences for the accused, even though the evidence against them was not clear-cut. Ten years have passed and they are still behind bars, though an appeal is pending. With revealing interviews from legal expert Alan Dershowitz, family members on both sides, and an exclusive recent interview with Brandon Hein from his jail cell, Reckless Indifference gives viewers an inside look into a trial that earned national attention but failed to bring justice to those involved.
A charismatic basketball star (Holt McCallany) is accused of rape. A lawyer (Ken Olin) in need of a big win is brought in to get the star off. The lawyer wins the case, but along the way he discovers that the player may not be as innocent as he leads on to the public. Then things get worse when he discovers the player has led his teen-age daughter to a hotel room for a "special" birthday party for her.
부자들의 별장이 즐비한 로드아일랜드주 뉴포트에 있는 대저택의 여주인 서니 본뷸러(Sunny von Bulow: 글렌 클로즈 분)는 하루에 온갓 종류의 약을 수백 정 씩 복용하는 약물 중독자며 술꾼에다 담배를 하루에도 서너갑씩 피워대는 지독한 골초이다. 그녀는 하루 종일 침대를 떠날 줄 모르는 자멸 직전의 여인으로 그의 남편 클라우스 본뷸러(Claus von Bulow: 제레미 아이언스 분)는 한때 런던에서 석유왕 폴 게이트의 보좌관 역할도 한 바 있는 덴마크 귀족 출신의 백수건달이다. 그는 오로지 여자의 돈 때문에 결혼한 부도덕한 쾌락주의자이다. 말이 부부지 남이나 다름없는 이들이야 말로 애정을 잃어버린 중년부부의 결혼 생활을 단적으로 보여 줄 뿐이다. 아내 서니가 인슐린 피하 주사로 첫번째 혼수상태에 빠졌던 것은 1975년 크리스마스 때였고 이때는 얼마 안 있어 깨어났었다. 그러나 이듬해 12월, 그녀는 두 번째 혼수상태에 빠진 뒤로는 깨어나지 못했다. 서니 본뷸러는 이제까지 11년째 뉴욕의 병원에서 식물인간으로 누워있다. 서니가 두 번째 혼수상태에 빠진 후 그녀가 낳은 두 남매는 클라우스가 서니를 살해하려했다고 믿고 사립탐정을 고용해서 증거를 수집시킨다. 이 사건은 곧 세상에 알려져 사건의 주인공이 워낙 병약한 부자 아내를 괴롭힌 날건달, 바람둥이 남편이어서 클라우스는 정식 재판을 받기전에 여론 재판을 받아 냉혈 악마로 낙인찍히고 만다. 마침내 클라우스는 재산을 노려 아내를 살해하려 한 혐의로 법정에서 30년형을 선고 받는다. 클라우스는 이에 항소한다. 그는 백 만달러의 보석금을 지불한 뒤 출소해서 하버드 법대 교수인 엘런 더쇼위치(Alan Dershowitz: 론 실버 분)를 고용해 일심판결을 뒤집고 무죄가 된다