In the late 1980s, stage actor Alexander Petrov is banned from theatre without any apparent reason. When he reappears, after the demise of the Communist regime, he discovers that he had been denounced by the one man he admired most, his master and friend. He discovers this fact at the very moment that he is called upon to deliver a funeral eulogy for the man. Devastated, Petrov declares that he is retiring from public life. That’s when Markov offers his help. An old acquaintance, Markov was a former director of the secret service, who has become a successful businessman. Now, in the mid-1990s, the country is wracked by unretstrained capitalism, along with violence and gang wars. Markov, an admirer of Petrov’s stage talents, offers to make him the leader of a new political party aiming at rescuing the country. Can this work? Is Markov the right man to be allied with? Petrov must make a fateful decision.
TILT is a love story set against the backdrop of the changing political and social environment in Europe in the late 80's and early 90's. Can this love survive the challenges of emigration, a violent homeland and immoral social atmosphere thanks to a gang of adventurous friends?
최강 솔져들의 잔인한 전투가 다시 시작된다! 1960년 죽은 병사들을 특수약물로 회생시켜 만든 완벽한 병기인, 유니솔. 20년 후 모든 유니솔을 폐기 처분하라는 명령이 떨어졌지만, 유니솔을 만들어낸 콜린박사에 의해 신형 유니솔이 도난 당하는 사고가 발생한다. 그 이후 체르노빌 원전을 점령한 테러집단에 의해 대통령의 두 자녀가 납치되는 사건이 발생하고, 그 배후에는 도난 당했던 감정도 고통도 없는 살인무기인 신형 유니솔이 있다. 정치범을 석방하지 않으면 원전을 폭파하고 자녀를 살해하겠다는 테러집단에 맞서기 위해 정부는 냉동되어 있던 4대의 초기 모델 유니솔을 투입하지만 결국 모두 전멸하고, 결국 사회적응 치료 중인 마지막 남은 유니솔인 루크(장 끌로드 반담)을 불러오게 되는데...