Nasser Zerkoune

Nasser Zerkoune

프로필 사진

Nasser Zerkoune

참여 작품

어쩌다 아스널
Aggressive guy
학교 축구팀의 에이스 12세 소년 ‘테오’(말룸 파킨), 실직 후 알코올 중독에 빠져 이혼하고 오직 아들의 축구를 보는 것만이 유일한 인생의 낙인 아빠 ‘로랑’(프랑소아 다미앙). 어느날 학교에 영국 프리미어리그 아스널의 스카우터가 찾아오고 ‘테오’는 아빠를 위해 아스널 유소년팀에 뽑혔다고 거짓말을 한다. 마을 전체가 ‘테오’의 아스널 입단 소식에 열광하고 아빠는 아들과 함께 영국에 가기 위해 술을 끊고 영어 공부를 하며 달라지기 위해 노력한다. 12세 축구 천재 소년의 발칙한 입단 사기극이 시작된다!
Eve is an emergency medical technician who falls in love with Damien (Sagamore Stévenin), a handsome and caring man who runs a neighborhood bar in the Belgian countryside. When Damien and Eve become a couple, she joins him in looking after the bar and becomes friendly with the regular customers, but things take an unexpected turn when Eve is in a serious auto accident. While Eve walks away with no serious physical injuries, she's emotionally ravaged by the experience, and develops a severe speech impediment. Eve's new stutter makes it hard for her to communicate with Damien and she becomes the butt of jokes from the customers. Eve is increasingly isolated and Damien takes up with another woman until Eve retaliates by trapping him in their home and forces him to re-establish the building blocks of their relationship, starting with their sexual communication. Meanwhile, Eve's struggle to speak is contrasted with one of the tavern's annual events, an animal calling contest.
Bad Connection
Paris is being rocked by a wave of bomb blasts. Stuck in a video game, Sadim calls the players helpline from a phone booth. Laurence takes his call and talks him through it. But their virtual chit-chat turns to drama as one misunderstanding leads to another.
Camping Sauvage
A César nominated short film.