Paula van der Oest

Paula van der Oest

출생 : , Laag-Soeren, Gelderland, Netherlands


Paula van der Oest (born 1965) is a Dutch film director and screenwriter. Her 2001 film Zus & Zo was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. With her final exam at the Dutch Film and Television Academy, Zinderend, she won a Cannon Award in 1988. In the following years, she worked as an assistant director, until she returned in 1994 as a director. For the VPRO-series Lolamoviola she made the short movies Coma and Achilles En Het Zebrapad (Achilles and the Zebracrossing). With the former, she won a Golden Calf for the best television drama. In 1996 van der Oest made her first long movie: De nieuwe moeder (The New Mother). Her husband at the time, Theu Boermans, had a role in this movie (later, he would also have a role in Zus & Zo). De Trip Van Teetje (The Journey Of Teetje) was produced in 1998, with Cees Geel as a louche entrepreneur who buys a Russian cargo ship. With Zus & Zo, loosely based on Chekhov's The Three Sisters, van der Oest directed her first mainstream film in 2001. The realistic characters and the relations among the individuals from her former movies remained central, but there was more humour added, resulting in an Oscar nomination

프로필 사진

Paula van der Oest

참여 작품

파탄 난 결혼에 대한 기억, 그리고 딸과의 싸움으로 괴로워하던 여자. 휴가가 예상치 못한 방향으로 흘러가자 엄격한 자기 계발 수련회에 참석한다.
파탄 난 결혼에 대한 기억, 그리고 딸과의 싸움으로 괴로워하던 여자. 휴가가 예상치 못한 방향으로 흘러가자 엄격한 자기 계발 수련회에 참석한다.
더 포가튼 배틀
Executive Producer
세 젊은이가 2차 세계 대전의 포화 속으로 들어간다. 연합군의 글라이더 조종사, 네덜란드 출신의 독일군 그리고 레지스탕스로. 방법은 달랐지만, 이들이 원한 건 오직 자유, 그 하나였다.
더 포가튼 배틀
세 젊은이가 2차 세계 대전의 포화 속으로 들어간다. 연합군의 글라이더 조종사, 네덜란드 출신의 독일군 그리고 레지스탕스로. 방법은 달랐지만, 이들이 원한 건 오직 자유, 그 하나였다.
Love in a Bottle
Two people in two different countries, both in COVID-19 lockdown, have a love affair through FaceTime — but how viable is a relationship that might as well be just a fantasy?
Love in a Bottle
Two people in two different countries, both in COVID-19 lockdown, have a love affair through FaceTime — but how viable is a relationship that might as well be just a fantasy?
Love in a Bottle
Two people in two different countries, both in COVID-19 lockdown, have a love affair through FaceTime — but how viable is a relationship that might as well be just a fantasy?
베이 오브 사일런스
로잘린과 윌은 이제 막 결혼을 하고 쌍둥이까지 임신해 행복한 신혼 생활을 보내고 있다. ​하지만 예기치 않은 사고로 로잘린은 뱃속의 쌍둥이 중 한 아기를 잃게 되고, 그후 로잘린의 행동이 이상하게 변해간다. ​그러던 어느 날 정체불명의 택배가 로잘린의 앞으로 도착하고, 윌이 집을 비운 사이 로잘린은 아기와 유모까지 데리고 사라져버린다. ​윌은 겨우 로잘린을 찾아냈지만 아기가 죽은 것을 발견하고, 아내를 위해 진실을 묻어두려고 한다. ​하지만 로잘린의 과거와 조현병에 대해 하나둘씩 알게 되고, 늦게라도 진실을 밝히려 하는데…
Executive Producer
황량한 시골마을, 청각장애 소년 웨슬리는 학교에서 돌아오던 중 총상을 입은 채 쓰러져 있는 낯선 남자를 발견한다. 그를 집 근처 헛간에 옮긴 후 음식과 약을 가져다 준다. 하지만 낯선 남자의 정체는…
All You Need Is Love
When popular TV show host Dr. Love goes missing ahead of the annual Christmas special, a zany search for his replacement and holiday romance ensues.
Younger Days
A group of middle-aged former bandmates reunite to scatter the ashes of their deceased lead singer, only to have their bond put to the test by the unexpected presence of one of the friends' twenty-something girlfriend.
Younger Days
A group of middle-aged former bandmates reunite to scatter the ashes of their deceased lead singer, only to have their bond put to the test by the unexpected presence of one of the friends' twenty-something girlfriend.
After 21-year-old student Tonio dies in a traffic accident, his novelist parents face sorrow and regret as they suffer the agony of losing their only child.
피의자: 사라진 증거
아동 병원의 간호사로 일하고 있는 루시아는 고집스러운 성격이지만 나이 든 노인과 허약한 아기들을 돌보는 것을 자신의 사명으로 여기는 평범한 여성이다. 그러던 어느 날, 그녀가 돌보던 아기가 갑작스럽게 죽는 사건이 발생하고, 이를 수상하게 여긴 병원은 경찰에 사건을 의뢰한다. 패기 넘치는 젊은 여검사 유디스는 적극적으로 나서서 사건을 파헤치고 루시아의 이전 행적들이 심상치 않음을 발견, 그녀를 살인사건의 용의자라 확신한다. 루시아가 계속해서 무죄를 주장하는 가운데 여론까지 가세해 그녀를 ‘죽음의 천사’라 부르기 시작하고, 결국 그녀는 4건의 살인사건 혐의로 종신형을 선고 받는다. 그러던 어느 날, 모든 것이 완벽해 보이는 사건에 한 두 가지 허점이 보이기 시작하고, 자신의 판단을 확신했던 유디스는 수사가 어디서부터인가 잘못되었음을 직감 하는데… 유럽을 뒤흔든 전대미문의 충격실화가 공개된다!
The Domino Effect
If global economy came to a sudden stop what would be the effect on families worldwide? People in different countries or continents might not seem to be interrelated but there is more than meets the eye and we might be more connected than we sometimes like to think.
The Domino Effect
If global economy came to a sudden stop what would be the effect on families worldwide? People in different countries or continents might not seem to be interrelated but there is more than meets the eye and we might be more connected than we sometimes like to think.
블랙 버터플라이즈
Confronted by Apartheid and a father who was Minister of Censorship, Ingrid Jonker searched for a home, searched for love. With men like Jack Cope and André Brink she found much love, but no home. Later, in his first speech to the South African Parliament Nelson Mandela read her poem "The Dead Child of Nyanga" and addressed her as one of the finest poets of South Africa.
Bookkeeper Jacob newest client is the talented and flamboyant actress Anne. They first meet each other on her houseboat, the morning after the premiere of Anne's new theatrical play. Anne has made a mess of her personal finances and she has a lot of debt. So much so that she may even have to sell her houseboat. Jacob does what he can to help her.
Bookkeeper Jacob newest client is the talented and flamboyant actress Anne. They first meet each other on her houseboat, the morning after the premiere of Anne's new theatrical play. Anne has made a mess of her personal finances and she has a lot of debt. So much so that she may even have to sell her houseboat. Jacob does what he can to help her.
On 2 December 1975, a journalist is one of many passengers on the slow train that is kidnapped near Wijster by young South Moluccans. After some terrifying moments, he makes contact with the hijackers and starts acting as their go-between. Meanwhile, his wife and daughter, as well as his mistress keep themselves abreast of things through the media. The train hijacking lasts for twelve days and claims a few lives.
Hidden Flaws
Seventy-year-old Agnes takes the ashes of her dear Robert and travels to their regular holiday cottage on the Scottish island of Mull. On the way, two Dutch runaways, the ten-year-old girl Chris and her younger brother Tommie, sneak into her car. The children warn Agnes they will flee again if she calls the police. In the secluded house, beautifully located near a bay with a view of the sea, the elderly woman and the children gradually grow towards each other. Chris is confident and short-tempered, and dominates not only her younger, pigheaded brother, but also old Agnes, who loses herself in memories of Robert. Meanwhile, Agnes has to withstand the people who want to take over the house from her. The surroundings play a major role in this adaptation of Renate Dorrestein's novel about family, trust and secrets.
Madame Jeanette
When her husband Ted is put in jail Bibi suddenly needs to provide for herself and decides to contact fortune teller Madame Jeanette.
부유한 양부모와 함께 숲속의 호화로운 외딴 집에 살고 있는 십대 소녀 클레어. 어느날 정원 헛간에 아프가니스탄 소년이 피를 흘린 채 숨어 들어 있는 것을 발견하게 된다. 소년은 마피아를 위해 마약을 장기에 숨겨 배달하는 일을 하다가 총상을 입게 된 것이었는데 마약 일부는 아직 소년의 몸 속에 남아 있었다. 클레어의 정성스런 치료로 소년은 회복하게 되고 말도 통하지 않지만 둘은 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 마피아는 마약을 찾기 위해 소년을 추적하고 클레어는 곧 도시로 이사할 예정이어서 급기야 소년과 함께 도주를 시작하게 되는데...
Zus & Zo
In this Oscar-nominated comedy, three wacky sisters try to save their inheritance from their supposedly gay brother, who suddenly appears with a fiancé in tow. If he gets married, their father's will stipulates that he gets the family hotel in Portugal. So the sisters put aside their personal differences and set out to stop the wedding at all costs.
Zus & Zo
In this Oscar-nominated comedy, three wacky sisters try to save their inheritance from their supposedly gay brother, who suddenly appears with a fiancé in tow. If he gets married, their father's will stipulates that he gets the family hotel in Portugal. So the sisters put aside their personal differences and set out to stop the wedding at all costs.
Roos en Rana
The Dutch Roos and the Turkish Rana are two adolescent bosom friends who divulge all their secrets to each other in a diary. Whereas the philandering Roos is more interested in boys than in school, the reserved Rana tries to make the best of her study. The girls are very different, but share the desire to become famous, as well as the fact that at home nobody understands them. Roos' single mother is working all the time and Rana is completely fed up with her mother's traditional upbringing. When Rana's brother reads a passage from the girlfriends' diary to his mother, the situation escalates. Rana is put under house arrest and is no longer allowed to associate with Roos. For the girls, this is the limit: they take the first train to Turkey. The long journey becomes one great adventure, which not only puts their friendship to the test, but also brings about great changes on the home front.
De Trip Van Teetje
Tate, a young and crooked businessman, thinks he can get rich quick by buying a Russian freighter in the port of Rotterdam. This turns out to be a fiasco because the ship has been arrested, the freight has been sealed by the customs and the crew has been waiting for months for their wages. When his girlfriend falls in love with the ship's mate, Tate makes a decision. He takes pity on the suffering crew and tries to save them from their helpless predicament. Written by Dennis Jansen
Another Mother
A widowed Latvian father's quest for a much-loved Dutch pen pal, whom he hasn't heard from in three decades, provides the basis of this comedy-drama. The father is accompanied by his traumatized and mute eight-year-old son whom he had to kidnap from a Riga hospital. Together, the two flee towards Holland where the father Yuris hopes to find his long-lost friend Marie, whom he remembers as a great beauty. During the long journey, father and son have several funny adventures, many of which occur because neither father nor son speak much Dutch. They finally arrive at Marie's door empty-handed. What they find, gives them little hope, for the lithe young idealist of Yuris' dreams has become middle-aged and cynical.
Another Mother
A widowed Latvian father's quest for a much-loved Dutch pen pal, whom he hasn't heard from in three decades, provides the basis of this comedy-drama. The father is accompanied by his traumatized and mute eight-year-old son whom he had to kidnap from a Riga hospital. Together, the two flee towards Holland where the father Yuris hopes to find his long-lost friend Marie, whom he remembers as a great beauty. During the long journey, father and son have several funny adventures, many of which occur because neither father nor son speak much Dutch. They finally arrive at Marie's door empty-handed. What they find, gives them little hope, for the lithe young idealist of Yuris' dreams has become middle-aged and cynical.
로테르담, 아이 러브 유
Several love stories set in one of the most interesting new cities in the world, Rotterdam.