María León

María León

출생 : 1984-07-30, Seville, Andalucía, Spain

프로필 사진

María León
María León

참여 작품

라 피에타
릴리와 마테오는 서로 의지하는 돈독한 모자지간이다. 둘 중 한 명이 난치병으로 진단되면서, 그들은 숨 막힐 듯한 현실을 마주한다. 서로 분리된다는 생각만으로도 그들은 점점 가장 어둡고도 독이 되도록 자기 자신들을 내몰게 된다.
Stories Not to be Told
Ana (segment "Sandra")
Five tales of human vulnerability and the hilarious, painful, and awkward curveballs life throws us.
Oliver's Universe
The year is 1985. Oliver, a boy with an overflowing imagination, moves with his family to the southernmost corner of Europe, just as Halley's Comet is about to pass by. These events will mark a before and after in the emotional life of Óliver, who will look to the stars for the solution to his problems in the new school, in the neighborhood and at home. To make matters worse, his grandfather, nicknamed "el majara" is encouraged to help him interpret the comet's message and take a step forward in his new Universe.
More the Merrier
Multiple stories about the oscillating world of couple relationships and how difficult it can be to separate sex from love.
Eva and Carmen are two women who meet in the worst place: the doctor’s office, waiting to hear the results of their cancer screenings. So Carmen has an idea: why don’t she and Eva rent an RV with her best pal, Mar, make a list of things they’ve always wanted to do… and do them.
The Japon
In 1614 a Japanese expedition led by the emperor's grandson landed in the Sevillian town of Coria del Río, and the heir to the throne fell in love with a beautiful Sevillian, formed a family and never returned to Japan. 400 years later, Emperor Satohito dies and the rightful heir turns out to be Paco Japan, a 37-year-old neighbor of Coria del Río. The life of Paco and his family will change dramatically when he sees himself overnight living in the Imperial Palace and preparing to be the new Emperors of Japan. The cultural and linguistic clash between Japanese and Andalusian will cause funny and crazy situations in this adventure where East and West shake hands.
Not the End
Javier comes from the future to recover María's lost love. Together, they relive the magic of the day they met and repeat the journey they made from a sunrise in Madrid to a sunset on the Andalusian coast. Everything to get María to be the full of life girl he once fell in love with.
어떤 작가
왜곡된 열망이 초래하는 파국을 다룬 영화. 전 부인의 성공에 자극받은 한 남자가 베스트셀러를 쓰겠다고 결심한다. 재능도 상상력도 없는 그는 어느 날 최고의 허구는 현실에서 비롯된다는 사실을 깨닫고 이웃에게 살인 플롯을 짜게 하면서, 상황은 걷잡을 수 없이 흘러간다. (2017년 제22회 부산국제영화제)
엘리트 특공대
특수 정예군이 전멸당하자 스페인은 테러 음모를 저지하고자 새로운 팀을 급히 꾸린다. 영웅심에 불타는 오합지졸 팀원들은 과연 성공할 수 있을까?
Wednesdays Don't Exist
Rey gitano
Two unemployed detectives with conflicting ideologies meet a rogue and seductive gypsy who proposes them a crazy mission. After that, their luck will change for the worse.
Not the End
David comes from the future to relive, together with Nina, the day they met.
A biological mother, Sara, and a foster mother, Virginia, share a girl. Sara lost custody due to problems with alcohol and drugs. Five years later, the girl is returned to her.
Carmina and Amen
After her husband dies, Carmina keeps it a secret until a check that he had been expecting comes in.
Carmina or Blow Up
Carmina, 58, runs a shop selling Iberian products in Seville. After several robberies and no help from her insurance company, she comes up with a way to recover the money she needs to keep her family. While she waits in her kitchen for her plan to kick in, she thinks back over her life, her work and her miracles.
더 슬리핑 보이스
Finished the Spanish Civil War in April 1939, in November 1940, while Spain is being crushed by the ruthless boot of dictator Franco, Pepita travels from rural Huelva to Madrid to be near her sister Hortensia, who is seven months pregnant and imprisoned, haunted by the shadow of a death sentence.
완소녀 쟁취기
Chica Disco
수줍음 많고 공부에도 그다지 소질이 없는 소년 에밀리오는 늘 마음속에 비밀하나를 간직하고 있다. 그것은 바로 나탈리아에 대한 짝사랑. 마지막 학년, 그는 마침내 사랑을 고백할 결심을 하지만 나탈리아는 옥스퍼드 의대에서 장학생으로 공부할 기회를 갖게 되고, 에밀리오는 어디에도 입학허가를 받지 못한 상황이다. 주저하던 그는 마침내 장학금과 입학자격을 가짜로 속여 옥스포드로 들어가는데..