Juli Vizza

참여 작품

Let the Canary Sing
Alison Ellwood’s spirited documentary Let the Canary Sing takes the audience on a nostalgic exploration of the life and career of legendary pop icon Cyndi Lauper, with a boisterous narrative anchored by the inimitable Lauper herself. The film traverses her upbringing in a lower-class Queens neighborhood through her rebellious youth pushing back against intolerance, all the way to her meteoric rise in the music scene crafting classic songs that are vibrant and catchy as well as socially resonant. Ellwood presents a revealing and honest Lauper alongside lively archival footage of her cheeky personality and many absorbing performances through the years. The result is a film that captures Lauper’s body of work as an outspoken feminist artist who has been a stalwart advocate and champion for others.
A Guide For When Immigrants Become Ancestors
An intimate portrait of a fourth-generation Mexican Filipino American as they navigate what it means to inherit an identity rooted in cultural memory.
And She Could Be Next
The story of a defiant movement of women of color transforming American politics from the ground up. Filmed during the historic 2018 midterm elections, the series follows organizers and candidates as they fight on behalf of black, brown, immigrant and poor communities–long neglected by politicians and pundits alike.
어슐러 르 귄의 환상특급
고인이 된 페미니스트 작가 어슐러 르 귄의 놀라운 삶과 유산을 탐구하는 최초의 장편 다큐멘터리. 르 귄은 세계 3대 판타지 소설로 꼽히는 '어스시 시리즈'와 '바람의 열두 방향', '어둠의 왼손', '빼앗긴 자들'과 같은 획기적인 공상 과학 소설과 판타지 작품으로 잘 알려진 작가다. 르 귄이 10년 동안 함께해 만들어진 이 다큐멘터리는 작가가 걸어온 길과 신념, 작품 세계를 현실적이면서도 환상적으로 안내해 준다.
Billy's Dad Is a Fudge-Packer
In this, her first non acting effort, writer/director Jamie Donahue parodies the 1950's high school educational film.
Billy's Dad Is a Fudge-Packer
In this, her first non acting effort, writer/director Jamie Donahue parodies the 1950's high school educational film.
라이딩 위드 보이즈
Assistant Editor
1965년 웰링턴시 코네티컷주 작은 마을에 사는 비벌리는 모범 경찰관의 딸이다. 뉴욕에서 작가로 성공하겠다는 꿈을 키워가던 그녀는 그러나 하룻밤의 실수로 15살에 임신을 한다. 어쩔 수 없이 아이 아빠와 결혼하고 고등학교도 마치지 못한 채 미혼모가 된 비벌리. 약물중독자 남편과 헤어지고 혼자 힘으로 아이를 키우며 틈틈이 글을 계속 쓴다. 드디어 1986년. 천신만고끝에 첫 소설 출판을 눈앞에 둔 비벌리는 아들 제이슨과 함께 오래 전 헤어진 남편을 찾아 떠난다.
Diary of a City Priest
David Morse plays Father John McNamee, a catholic priest who accepts a position at an inner-city church. The film begins with Father McNamee as he starts his new job and follows the priest through his struggles in adapting to his new surroundings. Based on a true story