Gabe Polsky

Gabe Polsky

프로필 사진

Gabe Polsky

참여 작품

도살자의 건널목
In the 1870s, a young Harvard dropout seeks his destiny out West by tying his fate to a team of buffalo hunters led by a man named Miller. Together, they embark on a harrowing journey risking life and sanity.
도살자의 건널목
In the 1870s, a young Harvard dropout seeks his destiny out West by tying his fate to a team of buffalo hunters led by a man named Miller. Together, they embark on a harrowing journey risking life and sanity.
도살자의 건널목
In the 1870s, a young Harvard dropout seeks his destiny out West by tying his fate to a team of buffalo hunters led by a man named Miller. Together, they embark on a harrowing journey risking life and sanity.
Red Penguins
Shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Pittsburgh Penguins and the famed Red Army hockey team formed a joint venture that redefined what was possible in the new Russia. Eccentric marketing whiz, Steve Warshaw, is sent to Moscow and tasked to transform the team into the greatest show in Russia, attracting some of the biggest names in Hollywood and advertising along the way. He takes the viewer on a bizarre journey highlighting a pivotal moment in U.S.-Russian relations during a lawless era when oligarchs made their fortunes and multiple murders went unsolved.
Red Penguins
Shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Pittsburgh Penguins and the famed Red Army hockey team formed a joint venture that redefined what was possible in the new Russia. Eccentric marketing whiz, Steve Warshaw, is sent to Moscow and tasked to transform the team into the greatest show in Russia, attracting some of the biggest names in Hollywood and advertising along the way. He takes the viewer on a bizarre journey highlighting a pivotal moment in U.S.-Russian relations during a lawless era when oligarchs made their fortunes and multiple murders went unsolved.
인 서치 오브 그레이트니스
A cinematic journey into the secrets of genius as told through the greatest athletes of all time. It includes original interviews with Wayne Gretzky, Pelé, Jerry Rice, and features Muhammad Ali, Serena Williams, and Michael Jordan, among others.
인 서치 오브 그레이트니스
A cinematic journey into the secrets of genius as told through the greatest athletes of all time. It includes original interviews with Wayne Gretzky, Pelé, Jerry Rice, and features Muhammad Ali, Serena Williams, and Michael Jordan, among others.
The Blimp-Maker
For the past forty years, Igor Pasternak has pursued a lighter-than-air vision: to build gigantic airships that haul cargo to otherwise inaccessible parts of the planet. In high school, in Ukraine, Pasternak formed an airship club; at Lviv National University, where he studied civil engineering, he established an airship-design bureau. Eventually, he settled in southern California and started Aeros, which builds blimps for surveillance and other purposes. His prototype cargo airship, the two-hundred-and-sixty-foot-long Dragon Dream, was destroyed in 2013 when its hangar collapsed on it. Unfazed, Pasternak now aims to produce a fleet of “Aeroscraft” cargo airships, the largest of which will be more than nine hundred feet long and able to carry five hundred tons. Pasternak spoke recently with the director and producer Gabe Polsky. Polsky’s documentary, “Red Army,” played at the 2014 Cannes, Telluride, Toronto, and New York Film Festivals, and was released in theatres in 2015.
The Blimp-Maker
For the past forty years, Igor Pasternak has pursued a lighter-than-air vision: to build gigantic airships that haul cargo to otherwise inaccessible parts of the planet. In high school, in Ukraine, Pasternak formed an airship club; at Lviv National University, where he studied civil engineering, he established an airship-design bureau. Eventually, he settled in southern California and started Aeros, which builds blimps for surveillance and other purposes. His prototype cargo airship, the two-hundred-and-sixty-foot-long Dragon Dream, was destroyed in 2013 when its hangar collapsed on it. Unfazed, Pasternak now aims to produce a fleet of “Aeroscraft” cargo airships, the largest of which will be more than nine hundred feet long and able to carry five hundred tons. Pasternak spoke recently with the director and producer Gabe Polsky. Polsky’s documentary, “Red Army,” played at the 2014 Cannes, Telluride, Toronto, and New York Film Festivals, and was released in theatres in 2015.
The Blimp-Maker
For the past forty years, Igor Pasternak has pursued a lighter-than-air vision: to build gigantic airships that haul cargo to otherwise inaccessible parts of the planet. In high school, in Ukraine, Pasternak formed an airship club; at Lviv National University, where he studied civil engineering, he established an airship-design bureau. Eventually, he settled in southern California and started Aeros, which builds blimps for surveillance and other purposes. His prototype cargo airship, the two-hundred-and-sixty-foot-long Dragon Dream, was destroyed in 2013 when its hangar collapsed on it. Unfazed, Pasternak now aims to produce a fleet of “Aeroscraft” cargo airships, the largest of which will be more than nine hundred feet long and able to carry five hundred tons. Pasternak spoke recently with the director and producer Gabe Polsky. Polsky’s documentary, “Red Army,” played at the 2014 Cannes, Telluride, Toronto, and New York Film Festivals, and was released in theatres in 2015.
The Blimp-Maker
Self (voice)
For the past forty years, Igor Pasternak has pursued a lighter-than-air vision: to build gigantic airships that haul cargo to otherwise inaccessible parts of the planet. In high school, in Ukraine, Pasternak formed an airship club; at Lviv National University, where he studied civil engineering, he established an airship-design bureau. Eventually, he settled in southern California and started Aeros, which builds blimps for surveillance and other purposes. His prototype cargo airship, the two-hundred-and-sixty-foot-long Dragon Dream, was destroyed in 2013 when its hangar collapsed on it. Unfazed, Pasternak now aims to produce a fleet of “Aeroscraft” cargo airships, the largest of which will be more than nine hundred feet long and able to carry five hundred tons. Pasternak spoke recently with the director and producer Gabe Polsky. Polsky’s documentary, “Red Army,” played at the 2014 Cannes, Telluride, Toronto, and New York Film Festivals, and was released in theatres in 2015.
붉은 군단
소련 국가대표 아이스하키팀 ‘붉은 군단’은 체제의 우월성을 입증하려는 목적으로 스탈린 치하에서 탄생했다. 전국 각지에서 선발된 최정예 선수들은 소련 군대가 운영하는 훈련소에서 체계적으로 양성되었다. 올림픽 금메달 2개, 세계선수권 금메달 7개, NHL 올스타 2회에 빛나는 아이스하키 영웅이자 러시아 체육부 장관을 역임한 슬라바 페티소프도 그러한 시스템 하에서 성장했다. 페티소프가 활약했던 냉전 시대, 동구와 서구 모두 열광했던 아이스하키는 실제 전쟁을 방불케할 만큼 치열하게 펼쳐졌다. 1980년 동계올림픽 결승전에서 미국에게 패한 ‘붉은 군단’은 전면적인 개편과 함께 잔인하고 혹독한 훈련을 강행했다. 이후 소련 아이스하키팀 사상 가장 강력한 ‘5인 부대’가 탄생했고, 이들은 2회 연속 올림픽 금메달을 차지했다. 하지만 화려한 성과 이면에는 선수들의 망명을 막으려는 KGB의 감시가 항상 뒤따랐다. 그런 가운데 1985년 개방 정책이 발표되면서 ‘붉은 군단’에도 변화가 시작된다.
붉은 군단
소련 국가대표 아이스하키팀 ‘붉은 군단’은 체제의 우월성을 입증하려는 목적으로 스탈린 치하에서 탄생했다. 전국 각지에서 선발된 최정예 선수들은 소련 군대가 운영하는 훈련소에서 체계적으로 양성되었다. 올림픽 금메달 2개, 세계선수권 금메달 7개, NHL 올스타 2회에 빛나는 아이스하키 영웅이자 러시아 체육부 장관을 역임한 슬라바 페티소프도 그러한 시스템 하에서 성장했다. 페티소프가 활약했던 냉전 시대, 동구와 서구 모두 열광했던 아이스하키는 실제 전쟁을 방불케할 만큼 치열하게 펼쳐졌다. 1980년 동계올림픽 결승전에서 미국에게 패한 ‘붉은 군단’은 전면적인 개편과 함께 잔인하고 혹독한 훈련을 강행했다. 이후 소련 아이스하키팀 사상 가장 강력한 ‘5인 부대’가 탄생했고, 이들은 2회 연속 올림픽 금메달을 차지했다. 하지만 화려한 성과 이면에는 선수들의 망명을 막으려는 KGB의 감시가 항상 뒤따랐다. 그런 가운데 1985년 개방 정책이 발표되면서 ‘붉은 군단’에도 변화가 시작된다.
His Way
A look at the professional, political and personal life of legendary movie producer Jerry Weintraub featuring interviews with friends, family and colleagues.
Little Birds
Lily and Alison face a life-changing event after they leave their Salton Sea home and follow the boys they meet back to Los Angeles.
뉴올리언즈 형사 테렌스 맥도나는 허리케인 카트리나가 불어 닥친 와중에 탈옥범을 구하려다 불의의 사고로 허리를 다치게 되고 이후 진통제에 의지해 고통을 달래는 신세가 된다. 약물 중독자가 된 그는 필요한 약을 구하기 위해 온갖 불법을 서슴지 않으며 악질적인 부패 경찰의 길로 빠져든다. 그러던 중, 과잉수사로 인한 상원의원의 보복과 비리 경찰의 존재를 의심하는 내사과의 집요한 추적을 받게 되고, 도박 빚으로 연루된 악당들에게까지 목숨을 위협당하게 되며 법과 정의로 비호 받던 그의 일상은 돌이킬 수 없는 파국을 향해 치닫게 된다.