Teresa Szmigielówna

Teresa Szmigielówna

출생 : 1929-10-09, Kobalówka k. Tarnopola, Polska (obecnie Ukraina)

사망 : 2013-09-24

프로필 사진

Teresa Szmigielówna
Teresa Szmigielówna

참여 작품

The Fifth Season of the Year
Roman's Mother
To fulfil a last wish, an elegant widow accepts a ride from a modest retiree that will take them through mourning, music and new memories.
My Father's Bike
Grandfather's wife unexpectedly leaves him for another man and this sparks a series of events. His son and grandson arrive from abroad and set of for a journey to find a woman dear to each of them.
Miasto z morza
Before Twilight
The film is about a group of old retired theatre actors in a retirement home for actors who aim to regroup and stage Goethe's Faust.
All The Saints
Maria Kalkus-Cios
As every year, the celebration of All Saints Day brings Polish families together at the graves of their loved ones. On this special day Maria, 80-year-old widow, visits the graveyard with her son, his wife and their children.
matka Beaty
Beata, Bożena and Magdalena are waiting for their husbands-seamen in the Tri-City.
Boczny tor
Old couple dreams about a cruise.
Rośliny trujące
barmanka w lokalu
Woman in a Hat
A psychological portrait of Ewa, a young Polish theatre actress searching for her own way in life. She plays a minor role in Jasieński's 'The Ball of Mannequins', a complete opposite of her real personality, while aspires to star as Cordelia in Shakespeare's 'King Lear'. Ewa lives on her own, occasionally visiting a famous old actress to talk about theatre, taking care of a poor neighbor, and fights her sophisticated mother rejecting the truth about her beloved father, who died an alcoholic.
Na straży swej stać będę
Madejowa, matka Mai i Darka
Set during the World War II. Story follows a young officer, returning home after lost September 1939 campaign, who organizes an underground network, but is betrayed by a girl who had more interest in him than the cause.
Tribute to a Gray Day
Zofia Karolak
The year 1943. The Second World War is on. A group of partisans, which includes, among others, the young poet Gonczar, his friend Włodek and Zosia, are ordered to blow up a railway bridge during a military transport crossing. The task is completed, but with great losses.
Biała gorączka
Zamach stanu
Aleksandra Piłsudska, żona marszałka
The Border
siostra Borbockiego
Krótkie życie
Jarosław Dąbrowski
Waleria Piotrowska
Facing the Truth
Polish drama from 1970 directed by Bohdan Poreba.
The Criminal Who Stole a Crime
A retired police captain, Siwy, tells a reporter about his latest action, carrying on his own investigation into the mysterious death of a Eve Salm, a.k.a. Princess. She was a witness in a case where the defendant pled guilty and was sentenced to eight years in prison. Siwy doubts the defendant's guilt and risks his life to apprehend the real killer.
The Pier
After completing a project, a shipbuilder grows restless and travels the country on his motorcycle. He leaves behind his wife, a woman of virtue and responsibility, as he goes off on his amorous drunken escapades. He is part of a lost generation whose economic and vocational prospects have been severely limited in the decades following World War II. His summer cabin on the Baltic beach is torn apart by drunken revelers to feed a bonfire in this brooding and often depressing film.
Ostatni po Bogu
kobieta płacząca w poczekalni szpitala; nie występuje w napisach
한 무리의 청년들이 이상한 의식을 시도하며 사회의 낡은 관습과 기성 세대를 비판한다. 이 중 한 명인 주인공은 마치 연극 무대처럼 텅빈 거리로 나와 이곳저곳을 돌아다닌다. 그러는 동안 주류 사회의 위선과 경직성, 사람들의 공허와 외로움이 초현실적인 분위기 속에서 드러난다. 현실의 문제를 다루면서도 핍진성의 요소를 의도적으로 빗겨가는 실험적 연출이 돋보이는 작품.
Tomorrow Mexico
Wanda, kierowniczka kawiarni w ośrodku, kochanka Jańczaka
A disqualified trainer of water jumpers starts work in the province, where he discovers Majka's talent.
Trzy kroki po ziemi
Nurse (segment 3)
Mrs. Hanka's Diary
The young and beautiful wife of a prominent diplomat complains of boredom. To change her monotonous life, she has an affair, through which she gets entangled in intrigues and espionage affairs. (telemagazyn.pl)
Szczęściarz Antoni
Julia Grabczyk, żona Antoniego
The Road West
dziewczyna w Poppowitz
In the last days of the war an old train driver and his young assistant carry weapons to Polish soldiers on the western front.
순진한 마법사
Nurse Teresa
의사가 본업이지만 재즈 밴드에서 드러머로도 활동 중인 바실리는 여러 여성들과 만남을 가진다. 그러던 중 한 클럽에서 독특한 매력의 여성을 만난 뒤 그녀와 함께 밤의 도시를 걸어다니며 긴 대화를 나눈다. 음악 감독으로 참여한 크리스토퍼 코메다의 아름다운 재즈 음악이 깊은 인상을 남긴다.
야간 열차
Żona adwokata
한정된 야간 기차 객실에 하룻밤을 함께 보내야 하는 낯선 승객들이 가득하고, 이 중 한 명은 살인자일지도 모른다는 전제가 깔려 있는 알프레드 히치콕 스타일의 영화. 카발레로비치 감독이 영화의 장르적 요소를 어떻게 뒤섞었는지 보는 것은 흥미로운 경험이다. 서스펜스가 인물들과 어떻게 결합하는지, 그리고 영화가 진행되면서 인물들 사이의 관계가 전개되는 과정을 지켜보는 것은 살인자를 찾아가는 과정을 지켜보는 것만큼이나 흥미진진하다. 이 영화에는 1950년대와 60년대 폴란드의 대표적인 배우인 즈비그니에프 스불스키가 출연하지만, 영화의 정서적인 중심에 서 있는 배우는 슬픈 눈매를 지닌 루치나 비닛츠카이다.
The Noose
Kuba's old love
A day in the life of an alcoholic. With the help of his girlfriend Krysia, Kuba attempts to regain control of his life. But when his girlfriend is at work and Kuba home alone, resisting temptation becomes hard.
Podhale w ogniu
Halszka (w napisach: Teresa Szmigiel)
Irena Hulewicz
Karwowski, son of a pre-war colonel, is transferred from the West to Poland with the task of assembling a spy and diversion network. The task seems to be easy. However, after landing in Poland, it turns out that nobody wants to cooperate with him. Karwowski's "100% reliable" contacts with potential collaborators turn out to be completely outdated.
Through the fate of the boy - whose hunger drives from his home village , and who receives a severe school of life , going through different social environments in order to become conscious , revolutionary activist - creators show a realistic panorama of conflicts in pre-WWII Poland.
Three Stories
sanitariuszka (segment 1)
The Warsaw Debut