Mo McRae
출생 : 1982-07-04, Los Angeles, California, USA
Duke Parks
Cash is trying to live an honest and quiet life, but when Big Cat forces him back into her services, he proves capable of anything to protect the town and the only family he has left.
An upper middle class married couple find their lives spiraling out of control when they decide to take justice into their own hands and seek retribution against their neighbor.
An upper middle class married couple find their lives spiraling out of control when they decide to take justice into their own hands and seek retribution against their neighbor.
An upper middle class married couple find their lives spiraling out of control when they decide to take justice into their own hands and seek retribution against their neighbor.
On the streets of Hollywood, a recently retired NFL player is saved from scandal by a homeless veteran. With their "glory days" behind them, the two men bond in search of purpose and identity.
A woman, stressed before an import job interview, goes on a journey of self-discovery through her own subconscious.
A woman, stressed before an import job interview, goes on a journey of self-discovery through her own subconscious.
Three boys and one girl get sent off to Captain Bill's military school to learn how to respect others and be disciplined.
A slightly dystopian vision of LA, we follow three disaffected teenagers, Jessie, Calvin and Nicky, all victims of extreme childhoods, running supreme hedonistic riot as they try to work out a way in life.
The incredibly powerful and timely true story of the all-black Twenty-Fourth United States Infantry Regiment, and the Houston Riot of 1917. The Houston Riot was a mutiny by 156 African American soldiers in response to the brutal violence and abuse at the hands of Houston police officers.
대마초를 소지한 혐의로 유죄판결을 받고 21년 만에 출소 한 주인공이 패스트푸드점 쓰레기통에서 버려진 아기를 발견하게 되면서 일어나는 일들을 그린 영화.
A Marine veteran working as a school janitor tries to mend his relationship with his son after a divorce. When his son is killed by a police officer found innocent without standing trial, he takes matters into his own hands.
7 & 7
미국의 공포 스릴러 영화 《더 퍼지》 시리즈의 4번째 작품. 더 퍼지의 프리퀄 이야기를 그린다. 분명 인기가 없었다면 네 번째 시리즈까지 만들어지지 않았을 편부터 특유의 잔인하고 폭력적인 소재와 화제가 됐던 영화이다.
Det. Gus Henderson
나쁜 놈들을 위한 법은 필요 없다는 범죄수사대 앞에 LA를 공포에 떨게 만든 최강 은행강도 조직이 나타난다. 완벽한 행동력과 거침없는 추진력으로 무장한 그들에게 현금 수송 차량부터 연방 은행까지 털리며 속수무책인 상황. 강도단을 쓸어버리려는 범죄수사대와 두려울 것 없는 은행강도 조직의 피할 수 없는 대결이 펼쳐진다! 시원하게 털거나 화끈하게 잡거나!
Tay / Dontay
A man navigates parallel realities: one as a hardened criminal who has spent years building his drug empire; the other as an ambitious architect who has been working his way up the corporate ladder.
건설현장 작업반장 로만은 우크라이나에서 오게 된 아내와 임신한 딸을 마중하러 공항에 나간다. 한편 관제사 제이콥은 생각하지 못한 실수로 비행기 두 대가 충돌하는 최악의 항공사고를 일으킨다. 가족을 잃은 로만과 패닉에 빠진 제이콥 두 남자의 돌이킬 수 없는 불행이 시작되는데……
When a young girl loses her mother right before a game, it takes her teammates to help her pull through.
When a young girl loses her mother right before a game, it takes her teammates to help her pull through.
Stokely Carmichael
Lyndon B. Johnson's amazing 11-month journey from taking office after JFK's assassination, through the fight to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act and his own presidential campaign, culminating on the night LBJ is actually elected to the office – no longer the 'accidental President.'
Up-and-coming sports shoe entrepreneur Steve, who is still reeling from the death of his dad, has made a "November rule" in order to keep his distance from the women who seem to be getting too serious about their relationship. Every November 1st, Steve makes up a whopping lie in order to break up with his current girlfriend. However, this year, when he gives the beautiful Leah her walking papers, he realizes his immature and arbitrary rule has just lost him the woman of his dreams. But whether he can win Leah back seems increasingly doubtful, especially after she starts dating pro sports star, James Avedon.
At the dinner table sits a white family: the father (a police officer), a mother and their two sons—a teenager and his younger brother. The teenager has an African-American friend, J.B., whom he wants to hang out with, but his father doesn’t want him leaving the house to meet up with J.B.—and especially not at night. “I want to keep you from bad situations,” the father explains to his son—an eerie foretelling, but more important, indicative of the violence that this white man associates with all black boys, even J.B., a black boy he knows personally and considers to be “a good kid.”
Competition brings out the worst in some people- and when "some people" includes your significant other, maybe an all-in-good-fun contest is not what you need. So when Brett and Shannon go on a couples scavenger hunt across Los Angeles, what will they really find?
Jimmy Carter
가난한 삶, 폭력적인 아빠, 부모의 이혼으로 불우했던 유년 시절을 지나 엄마와 함께 행복한 인생을 맞이하려는 찰나, 유일한 삶의 희망이자 온몸을 다해 의지했던 엄마가 갑작스럽게 암으로 세상을 떠난다. 엄마의 죽음 이후 인생을 포기한 셰릴 스트레이드는 스스로 자신의 삶을 파괴해가고… 그녀는 지난날의 슬픔을 극복하고 상처를 치유하기 위해 수 천 킬로미터의 삶과 죽음을 넘나드는 극한의 공간 PCT를 걷기로 결심한다. 엄마가 자랑스러워했던 딸로 다시 되돌아가기 위해..
Eldridge Huggins
고향을 떠나 워싱턴의 한 호텔에서 일하던 세실 게인즈는 손님을 응대하던 성실하고 진실된 모습이 백악관 관료의 눈에 띄어 꿈에도 생각지 못한 백악관에 들어가게 된다. 1952년부터 1986년까지 무려 34년간 역사의 흐름 속에서 묵묵히 자리를 지키며 8명의 대통령을 수행한 세실 게인즈. 흑인 꼬마에서 최고의 버틀러가 된 그를 통해 지금껏 아무도 몰랐던 백악관 사람들의 감동 실화가 펼쳐진다. 케네디, 닉슨, 레이건 등 8명의 대통령들의 마음을 움직인 그가 올 가을, 관객들의 마음을 움직인다!
Jason Gretch (as Mo)
A gang of violent teenagers uses detention class to get revenge on the teacher who identified a friend as the gunman in a deadly shooting.
Leon Hayes
산타모니카의 소년원 킬패트릭 캠프의 보호관찰관인 션 포터는 수감중인 10대들을 대상으로 미식축구팀을 결성한다. 그러나 이들의 노력을 보는 주위의 시선은 곱지 않고, 같이 시합할 팀을 찾기조차 힘들다. 포터는 이러한 난관을 극복하고, 그들에게 제 2의 인생을 찾아주고자 하는데...
Rapper #2
모범생인 사춘기 소녀 트레이시는 친구 이브를 만나게 되면서 일탈의 길로 빠져든다. 일탈의 강도는 점점 심해지고, 트레이시는 결국 학교에서 유급을 당하고 믿었던 친구 이브에게도 배신을 당하고 마는데...
A drug deal goes wrong when instead of cocaine the dealers find out they have a baby, and one of them refuses to give it back.