Mark Korven
출생 : , Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada
Mark Korven is a Toronto based music composer for film and television.
Original Music Composer
Forced into early retirement by a degenerative illness, former baseball player Ray Waller moves into a new house with his wife and two children. He hopes that the backyard swimming pool will be fun for the kids and provide physical therapy for himself. However, a dark secret from the home's past soon unleashes a malevolent force that drags the family into the depths of inescapable terror.
Original Music Composer
한 소년이 대낮에 마스크를 쓴 남자에게 납치당한다. 소리가 새 나가지 않는 방음 지하실에 갇힌 소년. 그런데 전화벨이 울리기 시작한다. 발신자는 납치 살인범의 이전 희생자들.
Original Music Composer
거대 제약회사 '엄브렐라'가 철수한 후 폐허가 된 '라쿤시티'. 어릴 적 끔찍한 사건을 겪고 고향을 떠났던 클레어가 돌아온 그날 밤, 라쿤시티는 좀비 바이러스에 감염되어 순식간에 지옥으로 돌변한다. 남은 시간은 7시간, 죽음의 도시를 탈출하라!
Original Music Composer
절박한 심정으로 미국에 밀입국한 멕시코 여성. 허름한 클리블랜드 하숙집에 묵으면서 섬뜩한 환영에 시달린다. 수상한 집주인, 불길한 울음소리, 알 수 없는 형체까지. 이곳엔 무언가가 있다.
A young couple discovers a strange road block on an isolated country road.
Original Music Composer
1890년대, 동떨어진 섬의 등대를 지키게 된 두 등대지기의 이야기. 고독과 외로움에 시달리는 두 명의 등대 관리인이 제정신을 잃고 끔찍한 악몽으로부터 위협을 받는다.
Original Music Composer
샌디에이고로 향하던 베키와 칼 남매는 풀숲에서 도와달라고 외치는 남자아이의 목소리를 듣는다. 그들은 망설임 없이 길 잃은 아이를 구하러 들어갔다가 결국 풀숲에 갇혀버리고 만다. 그리고 어떤 사악한 힘이 남매를 끌어들였음을 느낀다. 두려움에 사로잡힌 베키와 칼은 높은 풀 속에서 빠져나가려고 발버둥 치지만, 더 끔찍한 사실을 깨닫는다. 진정한 공포는 풀이 아니라 그 속에서 마주치는 낯선 사람이라는 것을.
Original Music Composer
좋은 동네에 위치한 집으로 이사 한 라리사와 매트 케인은 아무 걱정거리가 없어 보이는 젊은 커플이다. 하지만 라리사가 예상외로 일찍 출산하면서 산모의 생명이 위험한 상황에 처하고 만다. 의사들이 그녀를 되살리기 위해 최선을 다하는 가운데 일 분 동안 그녀의 숨이 멈추면서 아이를 사산하게 된다. 시체 안치소에 싸늘하게 누워있는 숨진 아이의 이미지는 그녀에게 감정의 기복을 불러일으키고 그녀의 정신 상태, 결혼생활, 심지어 생명까지 위협하지만, 헌신적인 남편의 노력에 의해 퇴원하게 된다. 집으로 돌아온 라리사는 죽은 아이의 환영을 보기 시작하고 그와 동시에 이 층 창문에 앉아서 그녀를 무섭게 쳐다보는 옆집의 젊은 여자를 발견한다.
Original Music Composer
클라우디아(아즈라 스카이)의 삶은 겉보기엔 완벽해 보인다. 직장에서 승진을 앞두고 있는 남편(브라이스 핑크햄), 건강하게 잘 자란 두 아들. 그렇지만 클라우디아는 늘 공허함을 느낀다. 그러던 어느 날 클라우디아는 쥐에게 물리면서, 그녀를 감싸던 주위의 공기가 바뀜을 느낀다. 광견병에 걸린 것은 아닐지 걱정스럽지만, 누구하나 클라우디아에게 신경 쓰는 이가 없다. 가족의 무관심과 사고뭉치 여동생의 계속되는 스트레스. 점점 더 심해지는 통증. 과연 클라우디아에게는 무슨 일이 일어나는 것일까?
Original Music Composer
부모님이 끔찍한 사고로 급사한 후, ‘에단’, ‘매트’, ‘베카’ 삼 남매만 남게 된다. 갑작스럽게 가장이 된 ‘에단’은 죄책감과 책임감으로 인해 동생들을 돌보면서도 무선 전력 송신 장치 개발 연구에 몰두한다. 프로젝트 성공이 눈앞으로 다가온 어느 날, 집 안에서 기묘한 일이 발생하게 된다. ‘베카’는 죽은 엄마가 밤마다 찾아온다고 하고, ‘매트’ 역시 집 안에서 죽은 부모님의 혼령을 만나게 된 것. 완전하게 부모님을 소환하는 방법을 찾기 위해 노력하는 ‘에단’, 하지만 그럴수록 집 안에서는 점점 기이하고 이해할 수 없는 사고가 발생하게 되는데…
Original Music Composer
You find fungi in Antarctica and in nuclear reactors. They live inside your lungs and your skin is covered with them. Fungi are the most under appreciated and unexplained organisms, yet they could cure you from smallpox and turn cardboard boxes into forests. They could even transform Mars into Eden. There are vastly more fungi species than plants and each and every one of them play a crucial role in life’s support systems. Join us on a journey into the mysterious world of Fungi to witness their beauty, unravel their mysteries and discover how this secret kingdom is essential to life on Earth, and may in fact hold the key to our future.
Original Music Composer
믹(쉐인 웨스트)은 자신이 팔려고 산 노부부의 창고 물품에서 희대의 살인마 조디악 킬러로 추정되는 자의 필름을 찾는다. 물건을 찾은 하비(맷 크레이븐)는 샌프란시스코 경찰국에서 해당 사건의 증거를 발견하면 10만 불의 포상금을 준다고 하고, 생활에 찌들던 믹은 아내 조이(레슬리 빕)를 설득하여 포상금 작전에 참여하기로 한다. 먼저 필름의 주인을 찾던 믹은 하비의 컴퓨터에서 자료를 찾아내고, 범인으로 추정되는 노인의 집을 찾는다. 그러나 필름만 빼앗기고 아무것도 못 찾게 되는 일행들. 그때 하비가 조디악의 암호편지를 풀게 되면서 수사는 급물살을 타지만, 조이가 사라지게 되면서 믹과 조이는 큰 위기에 빠지게 되는데...
Most people experience trauma at least once. For many, the memories fade with time. But for some, they make it impossible to move beyond trauma.
Original Music Composer
Vancouver-based filmmaker and TV news veteran Fred Peabody explores the life and legacy of the maverick American journalist I.F. Stone, whose long one-man crusade against government deception lives on in the work of such contemporary filmmakers and journalists as Laura Poitras, Glenn Greenwald, David Corn, and Matt Taibbi.
Original Music Composer
신대륙에 정착한 청교도들. 그중 한 가족이 척박한 뉴잉글랜드의 숲으로 밀려난다. 이들에게 마녀의 그림자가 드리우면서 서서히 움트는 불신의 싹. 가족이 마녀라는 생각에 사로잡힌 순간, 진정한 비극이 땅을 피로 물들이기 시작한다.
Original Music Composer
Documentary-drama recounting the Martian War of 1913–1917. Europe was on tenterhooks in the 2nd decade of the 20th century, everyone was expecting a Great War between the major European powers. But then, in 1913, something crashed into the forests of SW Germany. Troops were sent to investigate but were wiped out. Martian fighting machines began making their way across Western Europe and the countries of Europe combined forces to resist them. With aspects taken from ‘The War of the Worlds’ by H.G. Wells and from WWI itself, this dramatisation presents a documentary style look at events as they unfolded and the effect they had of our world today. Lots of references to real events including the mass attacks and defeats as men were thrown against machines on the Western front, the Christmas truce and the Angel of Mons, America's isolationism and late entry into the conflict, the worldwide Spanish flu epidemic that killed more people than the war, and many other things.
Original Music Composer
In the heart of a metropolitan city of 15 million people and among the construction of a new billion-dollar transportation network, an archaeological sensation has been discovered: the ancient harbour of Theodosious, lost from the history books for over 1000 years.
Original Music Composer
Korea is a divided nation. Filmmaker Min Sook Lee sets out on a revelatory, emotion-charged journey into Korea’s broken heart, exploring the rhetoric and realism of reunification through the extraordinary stories of ordinary people.
Original Music Composer
Documentary about internationally-renowned author Ariel Dorfman, the third generation of his family to know exile. His father's leftwing beliefs saw the family uprooted from both Argentina and the US, before settling in Chile. When Allende came to power, Ariel was a prominent member of his circle, but the bloody 1973 coup saw many of his friends and colleagues killed or disappeared and Ariel forced into exile again. Peter Raymont journeys with Ariel as he looks back on his life. (Storyville)
Original Music Composer
The story of Canadian Lt. Gen. Roméo Dallaire and his controversial command of the United Nations mission to Rwanda during the 1994 genocide. The documentary was inspired by the book Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda which was published in 2003.
Original Music Composer
A Hollywood star (Fawcett), fed up with her husband's cheating, hires a private investigator to tail him. Emotional support is offered by her two friends - a soul singer (Givens) and a famous director's wife (Gilbert)
Original Music Composer
A newly hired security expert on the American Embassy in Paris questions who to trust, as he investigates an elaborate passport faking scheme.
Original Music Composer
Alberta (Canada) rural farm-boy Sheldon Kennedy feels abused by dad when punished for poor performances compared to big brother Troy. being recruited for professional ice-hockey at age 14 seems an ideal way out, straight to a party animal's good life. Yet after a Vegas marriage with Jana and hearing she's pregnant, Sheldon breaks down and tells her what's eating at him for years: coach Graham James, whoa arranged for him to be transferred each time James was, sexually abused Sheldon, who fears to be laughed away as a queer and loose his only career avenue if he goes public
Original Music Composer
정체를 알 수 없는 폐쇄된 공간, 왜 이런 폐쇄된 공간에 있는지 갇히게 되었는지도 모르는 여섯 사람이 주인공이다. 경찰관인 쿠엔틴, 수학 전공 학생 리븐, 자폐증이 있는 카잔, 탈옥 전문가 렌, 여의사 할로웨이, 그리고 이 미로와 자신과의 관계를 이야기하지 않으려는 남자 워스, 이들에게 주어진 과제는 어떻게 살아서 이 곳을 빠져 나갈 것인가 하는 것이다. 이 큐브들 안은 무수한 함정과 장치들이 있어서 미로를 빠져 나가려는 사람들을 죽게 한다. 뿐만 아니라 이 큐브의 외형을 설계한 주인공조차 누가 그리고 왜 이런 공간을 만들었는지조차 모른다. 절망한 그들 사이에서 리븐은 큐브 입구마다 새겨진 번호들의 공통점, 곧 솟수의 법칙을 발견한다. 그러나 그들이 솟수의 법칙에 따라 결국 도착한 곳은 그들이 처음으로 만났던 큐브이다. 왜 이런 일이 생겼는가 생각하던 그들은 큐브는 움직이고 있었다는 사실을 그제서야 깨닫는다. 17,576개의 큐브가 서서히 그 모습을 드러낸다. 더 이상 어떻게 해야 할 지 모르는 순간, 자폐증 증상으로 일행을 위험에 빠뜨리던 카잔이 큐브에 감추어진 마지막 단서를 발견한다.
Music Arranger
CBC's dramatic account of the tragedy of Yellowknife's Giant Mine, in which 9 miners were killed during a bitter labour dispute.
Lyddie (Tanya Allen) faces a daunting task: She's struggling to reunite her family and save their farm. To do that, she takes a job at a cotton mill and, with the help of Diana (who's toiled in the mills since age 10), learns that there are risks involved with being a factory girl -- namely, dangerous working conditions and low wages. Soon, Lyddie finds herself in the forefront of a suffrage movement to better those appalling conditions.
Original Music Composer
Joe loves to rock and be wild, but the time has come for him to settle down. He is to marry a conservative daughter of a well-to-do man. On his wedding day, a fiery female artist kidnaps him in order to blackmail his future father-in-law.
When Hydro-Québec announced its intention to proceed with the enormous James Bay II hydroelectric project, the 15,000 Cree who live in the region decided to stand up to the giant utility. With unprecedented access to key figures like Cree leader Matthew Coon Come and American environmental activist Robert Kennedy Jr., Power is the compelling, behind-the-scenes story of the Cree's five-year battle to save the Great Whale River and their traditional way of life.
Original Music Composer
Verlin is 9 years old and does not talk, nor does he even seem to hear. Henry, a child-like adult, befriends Verlin and pulls him from his shell. Verlin's mother mistrusts Henry, who she feels is dangerous.
Original Music Composer
Journeying through cities, suburbs, plains and deserts, Lawn and Order is a fun, hilarious and touching documentary which reveals the zany and obsessive fascination North Americans have with their front yard.
Original Music Composer
Norm, a confused young man, lives two lives, one in and one out of reality. One night, he witnesses the murder of rock video star Madelaine X and feels guilty, as he did nothing to prevent it. At Madelaine’s funeral, he meets a mysterious woman in black. Norm then gets a job at a news stand through a Cindy Lauper like girl called Zelda. They discuss the mystery around Madelaine’s death.
This feature film is a documentary portrait of Joseph Idlout, a man who was once the world's most famous Inuit. Unknown to most Canadians today, Idlout was the subject of many films and books, and one of the Inuit hunters pictured for many years on the back of Canada's $2 bill. In this film Idlout's son, Peter Paniloo, takes us on a journey through his father's life - that of a man caught "between two worlds."
Original Music Composer
Awkward, shy and delightfully funny, Polly Vandersma is an "organizationally impaired" temporary assistant who finally gets her first permanent job at the age of 31. While she works for the curator of an art gallery, Polly narrates her own story, sharing the comical and bittersweet pretensions of the art world. At the same time, she reveals a special part of her own private world, taking the viewer to enchanted places in this quiet assault on the notion of authority everywhere.