Dorota Kamińska

Dorota Kamińska

출생 : 1957-06-07, Warsaw, Poland

프로필 사진

Dorota Kamińska
Dorota Kamińska
Dorota Kamińska
Dorota Kamińska
Dorota Kamińska
Dorota Kamińska
Dorota Kamińska
Dorota Kamińska
Dorota Kamińska
Dorota Kamińska
Dorota Kamińska
Dorota Kamińska
Dorota Kamińska
Dorota Kamińska

참여 작품

The Welts
Tania's Mother
Following the death of his mother in '80s Poland, 12-year-old Wojciech has taken the brunt of his stressed father's frustrations with him; the boy frequently gets punished via belt. Wojciech's father occasionally tries to, instead, bond with him, but soon snaps back to his short-fused habits. Apart from Wojciech's friend Bartek, no one does anything to help. Jump to present day, Wojciech is a furrow-browed journalist who spends most of his spare time spelunking alone. Just like his father, he has serious anger management issues. Fellow caver Tania feels inexplicably attracted to him, but the love of a good woman may not be enough.
The Witcher
Adapted from a series of fantasy novels by the polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher tells the tale of Geralt, one of a few remaining "witchers" — traveling monster hunters for hire, gifted with unnatural powers.
Weekend Stories: The Last Circle
An aging ballet legend who defected to France years before returns home to Poland for the first time to appear in a charity performance, and he immediately clashes with his ex-wife, who stayed behind when he defected.
Love Me and Do Whatever You Want
Łucja Werczakowa, była żona Werczaka, producentka disco-polo
Młody człowiek mieszka na Suwalszczyźnie, ma się żenić z córką miejscowego bogacza. Jest jednak absolwentem konserwatorium, chciałby zostać kompozytorem. Zatrudnia się jako akompaniator popularnej piosenkarki ,która przybyła do miasteczka na gościnne występy.
The Birthday Trip
Magdalenas veninde
When the hot-dog vendor Kaj from the small town of Skælskør in Denmark turns 40, his friends take him on a trip to Poland, to a long party with cheap liquor and emigration eager polish ladies. It will go merrily, but it gets serious for Kaj as he meets a girl who mistakes him for a wealthy Toyota dealer she has exchanged letters with.
Special Mission
Ewa Kokocińska
In 1943, a drunk cook is mistaken for a secret agent and sent on a special mission from London to Nazi-occupied Poland.
Problemat profesora Czelawy
Karate po polsku
언어학을 공부하는 대학생들이 작은 별장에 모여 여름 방학 캠프에서 토론을 나눈다. 학생들을 지도하는 26살의 젊은 교수 야로스와프는 학생들의 창의적인 접근을 북돋지만 그의 자유분방한 태도는 동료 교수인 야쿱과 번번히 충돌을 빚는다. 이들의 대립은 야로스와프의 학생인 야렉이 제출한 논문을 두고 정점을 찍는다. 1977년 폴란드영화제 황금사자상, 각본상, 남우주연상(즈비그뉴 자파시에비츠) 수상. 1978년 로테르담영화제 연출상 수상