Oto Ševčík

Oto Ševčík

출생 : 1931-10-23, Karviná, Czechoslovakia

사망 : 2003-02-25

프로필 사진

Oto Ševčík
Oto Ševčík

참여 작품

Útěk do Budína
An army deserter and a soon-to-be high school graduate embark on an ill-fated romance in this musical film set in the '60s.
The Watermill Princess 2
Happily ever after has a bumpy start for a young couple in a magical land when the husband is sent off to battle by a jealous prince.
Kuře melancholik
The Watermill Princess
A young man Jindrich goes looking for a princess only to find a girl in the country mill.
스탈린그라드: 최후의 전투
Major Kock
1942년 늦은 여름, 제2차 세계대전이 네 번째 해를 맞이했을 때, 히틀러의 군대는 유럽 대부분과 북 아프리카 일부를 점령했다. 그리고 그들은 두 번째 러시아 공격을 준비 중이었다. 목표는 카스피 해와 코카서스 유전. 이집트에서 큰 공을 세운 제6군은 이탈리아에서 짧은 휴가를 마치고 파울루스 장군의 지휘 아래 스탈린그라드로 진격한다. 스탈린그라드로 향하는 기차 안에서 젊은 중위 한스와 패기 넘치는 롤로는 누가 살아 돌아올지 내기를 한다. 하지만 전선에 도착하자마자 그들은 이제까지의 전투와는 다른 느낌을 받는다. 수많은 전우들이 눈앞에서 죽어나가고 러시아 포로들은 인간 이하의 대접을 받고 있었다. 그래도 조국을 위한 희생이라는 명분 아래 다들 최선을 다해 싸우지만 동료 부상병 에미콜즈를 치료하기 위해 프리츠가 위생병에게 총을 들이대는 바람에 한스와 그의 부하들은 지뢰 제거반에 보내진다. 러시아 포로들과 함께 생활하게 된 그들은 혹독한 추위와 비인간적 대우까지 견뎌야 했다. 패배가 뻔히 보이는 전투에 가차 없이 투입되고 무고한 러시아 시민까지 사살하게 되면서 병사들은 마지막 애국심마저 내려놓게 된다….
Wolfgang A. Mozart
When rumors spread about a "child prodigy" among the Mozarts in Salzburg, the archbishop orders an investigation in which the seven-year-old Wolfgang has to demonstrate his talent before a committee of scholars. Soon afterwards, Leopold Mozart and his son are traveling all over Europe to play for patrons and admirers. The new Archbishop of Salzburg, Count Colloredo, is not very enthusiastic about Mozart and dismisses him. Mozart marries Constanze Weber, settles in Vienna and has his first successes, earning him commissions and the goodwill of Josef II. In the last years of his life, his situation worsens; Mozart runs into financial difficulties and health problems, but still works incessantly.
The Last Butterfly
Stage mime Antoine Moreau is compelled by the Gestapo to put on a performance for the children of Terezin, a "model" concentration camp, to convince the Red Cross observers that the camp is truly what it seems. Reluctant at first, Moreau slowly learns the true nature of the camp, including the meaning of the "transports" on which people leave. With a world-class orchestra (made up of people interned in the camp) and a cast of children, Moreau stages a show to end all shows.
Friends, Comrades
Manfred Horst
The boisterous good humor of Jurmala (Mikk Mikiver), the nickel-mine owner, is, if anything, only barely dented by the raging battles in Finland before, during and after World War Two. In fact, everywhere he goes, he meets prospective customers on all sides of the conflict with his all-inclusive greeting "Friends, Comrades." Indeed, the resource he is wrenching from the earth's bowels is necessary to all forms of industrial activity, and is especially necessary for military applications. Thus, he has no reason to fear that he will ever run out of customers. This doesn't prevent him from using every possible means to entice them. At home, his relationship with his wife is not so prosperous, and they resort to some extraordinary means to try and keep on an even keel.
Fathers and Sons
Follows two wealthy families in Germany during the first half of the 20th century. One of them is German, the other one Jewish.
로자 룩셈부르그
1896년 로자 룩셈부르크는 독일의 민주정부 설립과 폴란드의 혁명을 위해 투쟁하면서, 그녀의 정치적 재능을 모든 사람에게 인정받게 된다. 그러나 레오 요기헤스(다니엘 올브리쉬스키 분)와 긴밀히 협동하면서 그들의 정치적 활동은 개인적인 관계에 어려움을 가져오게 된다. 국제적 긴장감이 감돌자 로자는 전쟁과 군국주의를 비난하는 연설을 하게 되고 그녀의 사회주의자 동지들은 로자를 급진적 인사로 치부하게 된다.
The Halftime of Happiness
A movie directed by Zbynek Brynych.
The Divine Emma
armádní chemik
The opera lady singer Ema Destinnová is in all her splendor at the American stages. But in Europe there rages war and she decides to return home to Bohemia.
Vítězný lid
Akce v Istanbulu
Výstřely v Mariánských Lázních
Film by Toman and Gajer.
Kronika žhavého léta
Operation Bororo
A man and a woman from a different planet come to the Earth to get a cure for a disease that is apparently threatening to eradicate their civilisation.
Days of Betrayal
This feature film based on the events of 1938 is a chronicle of the futile efforts of the Czechoslovak president Edvard Benes (Jirí Pleskot), politicians and ordinary citizens, to save the independence and the territorial integrity of the state from the advance of Hitler's Germany. On the 29th of March 1938 the leader of the Sudeten Germans Henlein (Werner Ehrlicher) has a meeting with Hitler (Gunnar Möller). Hitler orders him to intensify pressure on the Czechoslovak government. On the 24th of April in Carlsbad, the Sudetendeutsche Partei (Sudeten German Party) decides upon eight demands that are unacceptable to the Czechoslovak President, since they would ultimately lead to the break-up of the Republic. Benes still shows a certain willingness to negotiate, and Henlein resents this. The Germans are determined to make further negotiations impossible through incidents and violence.
And Give My Love to the Swallows
This film, chronicling the last days of Czech resistance fighter Maruska Kuderikova (played by Magda Vasaryova), is based on her diaries. Though she was tortured and eventually executed by the Nazis, her diaries indicate that she was optimistic for the humanity of her captors and did not by any means hate them. Told with simple dignity, this film makes clear why Maruska became a national hero.
The Key
Jan Zika is the legendary hero of the communist resistance movement during World War II and leading functionary of the second underground Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.
Balada o narození
Svatej z Krejcárku
Hansgeorg Heidenmann (voice)
In the aftermath of World War II, a soldier takes charge of a manor formerly owned by a German family and falls in love with the daughter, now a maid. Their relationship forces him to confront the tension between his love and his conscience.
I, Justice
At the year 1946, the time of the Nuremberg Process. One of the main actors of the Second World War, who reportedly committed suicide, Adolf Hitler is, however, missing. The Czech doctor Herman (Karel Höger) is kidnapped from Prague and driven to the sanatorium of Professor Rolf Harting (Jirí Vrstála). The sanatorium is a disguised military stronghold, most probably occupied by a Nazi garrison, with prison cells and an execution chamber in the basement. At night, Herman is taken to a patient in whom he, to his horror, recognizes Hitler (Fritz Diez).
마르케타 라자로바
중세 시대 체코, 폭압적 영주 코즐릭은 아들들과 함께 도적질을 일삼는다. 어느 겨울, 코즐릭은 왕의 측근인 주교 일행을 공격하고, 주교의 아들을 납치한다. 왕의 공격에 코즐릭은 숲으로 도망가고, 그의 아들 미콜라슈는 이웃 영주 라자르에게 도움을 구한다. 그러나 미콜라슈 덕에 목숨을 부지했던 라자르는 협조하지 않고, 화가 난 미콜라슈는 수녀가 되려던 라자르의 딸 마르케타를 데려간다. 독특한 문체의 체코 작가 블라디슬라프 반추라의 동명 소설을 각색했다. 체코의 화가이자 (1984, 밀로스 포먼) 등의 의상을 맡았던 저명한 복식 디자이너 테오도르 피슈텍이 의상을 담당했다.
Sedm havranů
Dva tygři
Long Live the Republic
Oldrich is the runt of his village, beaten by his father, bullied by the other boys. But he has imagination of his side, and a wiry toughness they can’t defeat. The village is in turmoil, because the Nazi occupiers have just retreated and the Red Army is advancing. Oldrich dodges amid the mayhem and panic, taking his share of blows but always managing to stay one step ahead. Beautifully shot and darkly ironic, Karel Kachyna’s forgotten masterpiece jumbles reality, memory and fantasy to capture the intensity and confusion of childhood in a war zone.
The assassination of Heydrich in Prague during WWII.
Místenka bez návratu
Young Clerk
Death Is Called Engelchen
deserter Willy
Pavel is a Czech partisan fighter in the waning days of the war. Just as peace is declared, Pavel is shot in the spine and sent to the hospital emergency ward. As he fades in and out of consciousness, he recalls the events that led to his participation in the underground. Holding German occupation commander Engelchen responsible for all the horrors and deprivations heaped upon his comrades, Pavel is kept alive by the possibility of recovering and exacting vengeance upon the Nazi officer - no matter how long it takes.
I Survived Certain Death
Telling the prisoners of a death camp. Boxer Tony Majer, who got into a concentration camp for a fight with the Gestapo, remembers the murderous work in quarries, on the cruel torture of the Nazis and prison solidarity that helped him survive.