The dreaded Italian mafioso, Marian Labuda, will also be convinced. Mafioso Carmello was guilty of the principles of his organization when he tried to fool the boss and earned a death sentence. The convict runs away from the killer through Vienna to Prague, which his Austrian colleague in crime recommended as a safe hiding place. None of them knows that the Czechs learned so much tricks under real socialism that a seasoned Italian professional is not enough to watch.
The story of 1947, when Bender's band, after a beating of the Nazis, tried to fight their way through Czechoslovakia to Austria. They come out of the forest to occupy the family's rural estate, kidnap doctors to help heal one of their wounded.
The life of the famous French writer Alexander Dumas the Elder. Screenwriter Jaroslav Dietl did not hide his admiration for this literary giant, and in addition to the screenplay he also wrote a three-part TV play about Dumas (starring Vladimír Menšík). In Kachyn's film, Dumas played the father and son of the Štěpánková brothers, and it was a very difficult and difficult task for these young actors.
Crippled Christ (segment "Zbehovia")
An apocalyptic story of three wars in three film tales encompassing the end of the WWI,WWII, as well as a vision of the world destroyed by nuclear weapons. This film was honored at the film festivals in Venice and Sorrento. Immediately after that the copy with Italian subtitles was locked in a safe as evidence of the anti-communist activities of the director, who used real footage of the Soviet invasion.
중세 시대 체코, 폭압적 영주 코즐릭은 아들들과 함께 도적질을 일삼는다. 어느 겨울, 코즐릭은 왕의 측근인 주교 일행을 공격하고, 주교의 아들을 납치한다. 왕의 공격에 코즐릭은 숲으로 도망가고, 그의 아들 미콜라슈는 이웃 영주 라자르에게 도움을 구한다. 그러나 미콜라슈 덕에 목숨을 부지했던 라자르는 협조하지 않고, 화가 난 미콜라슈는 수녀가 되려던 라자르의 딸 마르케타를 데려간다. 독특한 문체의 체코 작가 블라디슬라프 반추라의 동명 소설을 각색했다. 체코의 화가이자 (1984, 밀로스 포먼) 등의 의상을 맡았던 저명한 복식 디자이너 테오도르 피슈텍이 의상을 담당했다.