Tom Cavanagh
출생 : 1963-10-26, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Thomas Cavanagh is a Canadian film and television actor. He was born on October 26th, 1963 in Ottawa, Ontario, the second-oldest of five children. His close-knit family moved to Ghana, West Africa when Tom was six. His father educated teachers there. The family moved back to Canada before Tom started high school (which he attended in southern Quebec). Tom went to Queens University in Kingston, Ontario where he played on the basketball team and graduated with degrees in English, Biology, and Education. His interest in theater grew when he was cast as the lead Danny Zuko in a Canadian "Grease". In his spare time he likes to play guitar and participate in a variety of sports.
A missing hard drive with hundreds of thousands of dollars in cryptocurrency and the issue of trust in the modern era.
Gordon Tweedy
그레이트노스웨스트 지역에 위치한 샌티부론 교도소는 초능력자 죄수들을 가두기 위해 세워진 곳으로 온갖 괴물, 사이보그 그리고 돌연변이들이 넘쳐난다. 그중에 가장 악명 높은 죄수는 추적할 수 없는 재산을 가진 슈퍼 천재 '러브'이다. 부정부패의 온상인 교도소 총책임자 데블린의 유일한 관심은 러브의 숨겨진 재산이다. 이 교도소의 불안한 평화는 불온한 의도로 교도소에 잠입한 살인 자경단 페이백과 날조된 형량을 받은 디에고 도벌이 등장하면서 위기에 처한다. 수감자와 간수들 사이에 긴장이 고조되면서 교도소는 무정부 상태가 되고 질서는 발칵 뒤집힌다.
Reverse Flash
When a powerful alien threat arrives on Earth under mysterious circumstances, Barry, Iris, and the rest of Team Flash are pushed to their limits in a desperate battle to save the world. But with time running out and the fate of humanity at stake, Flash and his companions will also need to enlist the help of some old friends if the forces of good are to prevail.
Pastor Spencer
BE THE LIGHT is the story of a down and out girl, Celina, who tries to make amends with and save her dying father. To do this, she sparks a musical movement that will save her family in the most beautiful of ways, they'll believe again.
Henry Warner
When you're up to neck in's not about the money. A drama full of the comedy of life. A story for our times that examines the durability of marriage and family, the price of telling the truth and discovering what matters most.
Miles Strasberg
Attorney Claire Darrow defends an old colleague of her mother's for murder. Things get complex when Claire's romantic interest, Miles, is named as prosecuting attorney on the case.
Claire finds herself defending a woman already convicted of murder, while Miles questions his role as prosecuting attorney and helps her on the case.
Two brazenly inept thieves attempt to rob a bank without a plan, a clue-or a gun.
Executive Producer
Two brazenly inept thieves attempt to rob a bank without a plan, a clue-or a gun.
Two brazenly inept thieves attempt to rob a bank without a plan, a clue-or a gun.
Two brazenly inept thieves attempt to rob a bank without a plan, a clue-or a gun.
A simple offer of legal advice turns into the biggest challenge of Claire Darrow’s legal career when her new beau, D.A. Miles Strasberg, introduces her to his younger half-sister, Phoebe, a singer fresh off her first album. Following a legal dispute between the two, Phoebe's producer ends up dead and all signs point to Phoebe. Claire is the only one Miles trusts to uncover the truth and save his sister.
Claire Darrow, a lawyer, fights for what’s right, regardless of whether it makes her a dime. Naomi, Claire’s estranged mother and a lawyer as well, would rather make a profit. They clash on nearly everything, even on the best way to raise Claire’s daughter, Louise.
A struggling father uses a bedtime story to impart an important life lesson to his son.
우주 비행을 하는 동안 벌어지는 심리 변화를 측정하기 위한 모의 실험에 참가하게 된 4명의 최정예 우주 비행사들. 그들은 우주선이라는 제한된 공간 속에서 400일 동안 생활하며 본부의 미션을 수행해야만 한다. 실험은 순조롭게 시작되지만 26일째, 갑작스럽게 본부와 교신이 끊기면서 상황은 급변한다. 요원들은 점점 떨어지는 산소량과 불안한 심리 상태로 인해 환청, 망상, 호흡 곤란, 정신 착란 등 신체적, 정신적 이상을 겪게 되고, 서로를 믿을 수 없는 상황까지 치닫게 된다. 게다가 외부와 완벽히 차단된 우주선 안에 정체를 알 수 없는 침입자의 흔적이 발견되는데…!
Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash
Oliver introduces Barry to his own little fight club which features such members as Roy Harper, Laurel Lance, Malcolm Merlyn and Ra's Al Ghul.
Mr. Drago
아이반은 보드게임에 재미를 들이며 새로운 게임을 만들어내는 환상적인 세계에 빠지게 된다! 게임 발명가 모로디안은 아이반의 할아버지가 만든 도시 자일을 파괴하려하고 그에 맞서는 아이반은 진정한 게임 메이커가 되기 위해 어떤 노력을 해야 하는지 알아야만 한다.
Snap (voice)
Lucky, a small rubber duck (voiced by Christian Borle), prepares to leave the toy factory where he was born to be shipped to the store when, because of Code S (a faulty whistle), it is immediately trashed. By dint of pugnacity, he still manages to return a box of toys ready to board a boat. New twist of fate: Lucky inadvertently pass overboard! Then he will have to face all the dangers always pursuing the same goal: to find the perfect home.
Ron Spencer
A mild mannered birder seeks revenge on a younger rival, after losing the highly coveted Head of Ornithology position at the National Park.
Nick Carleton
After the shocking murder of her mother, a girl helps a police detective by searching her home for clues that they hope will lead to the perpetrator.
Charles Johnson
Emily misses her daughter Heather, who is attending college in Boston. Since her father died, Heather is sensitive to her mom’s dependence on long-standing holiday traditions. This Christmas, Heather has planned a trip to Phoenix with her boyfriend, but tells her mother she is staying on campus to study. After Emily arranges a house-swap with Charles, an English professor from Boston who wants Washington State’s solitude in order to finish his novel, Emily hops on a flight to Boston to surprise Heather for Christmas. Unaware of the house swap, Emily’s best friend, Faith walks in on Charles at Emily’s house and in Boston, Ray, Charles’ brother responds to a 911 call only to find Emily at Charles’ condo. Will Christmas travel calamities lead to cross-country romances? Or have there been one too many surprises already?
Ranger Smith
젤리스톤 국립 공원에 사는 먹보 곰 `요기`와 그의 친구 이야기를 그린 동명의 애니메이션 시리즈를 원작으로 하는 작품으로 실사와 CG 애니메이션 기법이 함께 표현되는 작품이다.
Nick Snowden
When Nick gets amnesia, it's up to Sandy and Buddy the reindeer to save him and Christmas.
Eric McNally
The lives of Eric, an ex hockey player, and his partner Sam, are thrown into turmoil when they are forced to take in Scot, a flamboyant 11-year-old.
George Grieves
조지 그리브스는 마흔 살 생일을 앞둔 중년 남성. 사랑하는 아내와 착하게 커준 두 남매를 거느리고 있는 가장이며, IT 컨설턴트 일로 한 때 닷컴 업계가 잘 나가던 시절엔 꽤나 성공을 맛보았던 사람이다. 마흔 살 생일을 앞두고 그는 자꾸만 높은 곳에서 추락하는 악몽을 꾼다. 늘 땅에 닿기 직전에 눈을 뜨곤 하지만 그는 이유 모를 불안감에 시달린다. 아마도 마흔 살을 앞두고 심기가 뒤숭숭해서 그럴 수도 있고, 곧 있을 결장경 검사가 두려워서 그런 것일 수도 있다고 생각한다.마흔 살 생일날. 오래 동안 만나지 못했던 동생 빌리가 불쑥 찾아온다. 그는 세계 각지를 여행 다니면서 자원 봉사 활동을 하는 이상주의자이다. 현실에 뿌리를 내리지도 못 하면서 국제 현실이니 사회 불평등이니 타령을 하는 동생이 조지는 영 마음에 들지 않는다. 게다가 친구들은 결장경 검사를 앞둔 조지의 불안함은 조금도 배려하지 않고, 의원성 질병이나 의료 사고 발생률 얘기를 들먹이기까지 한다.드디어 결장경 검사를 받으러간 조지는 이란 출신의 담당 의사가 왠지 믿음직하지가 않다. 검사가 끝나고 의식을 회복한 그는 이상한 느낌에 휩싸인다. 간단한 검사에 불과했지만 너무나 몸이 아프고, 의료진과 아내는 조지 앞에서 뭔가 쉬쉬하는 분위기인 것 같다. 게다가 몸에서는 쉴 새 없이 땀이 나고 엉뚱하게도 가슴 부분에 이상한 상처까지 나 있다. 이름이 비슷한 환자와 혼동이 생기는 바람에 그만 엉뚱한 수술을 받게 되고 만 것. 강력한 진통제를 투여 받으면서 조지는 이상스러운 환각과 공포심에 계속해서 시달리게 되는데…
In 1980, the SCTV crew had a request from their broadcaster, the CBC, for distinctively Canadian content. What players Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas created was a satire of it, but Bob and Doug became so much more. This documentary tells the special tale of how the McKenzie Brothers became a sensation that would become a cherished part of Canada's self identity.
신경계 근육 질환을 앓고 있는 15살 소녀 조지아는 온 몸이 마비되기 전에 사랑을 하고 싶어한다. 어머니의 사진 작품을 팔러 벼룩시장에 나오게 되고 그곳에서 고등학교 영양사로 일하고 있는 비글을 만다. 그녀를 편견 없는 시선으로 대하는 비글과 데이트를 즐기는 조지아. 한편 비글의 형 가이는 록스타를 꿈꾸며 뉴욕으로 떠났지만 실패하여 돌아온다. 어머니 장례식마저 놓친 그는 애인이었던 스테파니가 가정을 이루고 살고 있다는 사실을 알게 된다. 조지와와 비글의 가족 구성원들은 사랑과 상실에 관한 문제로 고민하고 다투지만 화해하고 서로의 대한 사랑을 깨닫게 된다.
Sam Baldwin
New York.
광고회사에서 촉망 받는 크리에이터, 그레이. 금발에 멋진 외모, 쿨한 성격 그리고 밤새도록 춤추며 노는 열정까지 갖춘 잘 나가는 그녀에게도 고민이 있다. 완벽한 그녀의 유일한 고민은 몇 년째 남자다운 남자를 못 만나봤다는 것. 게다가 주위사람들은 친오빠 샘을 남친으로 오해까지 한다. 급기야 정기적인 심리상담도 받아보지만, 그녀에게는 별 효과가 없다. 좋은 짝이라도 찾을까 해서 찾아 간 센트럴파크에서, 그레이는 샘에게 너무나 잘 어울리는 매력적인 찰리를 기적처럼 만난다. 그리고 첫눈에 반한 이 커플은, 그 주말에 당장 결혼 하겠다고 나선다. Las Vegas.
오빠의 결혼식을 위해 라스베가스에 따라간 그레이. 그날 밤, 그레이는 자신이 연애하지 못하는 이유를 알게되고, 알 수 없는 묘한 감정에 휘말리게 되는데… 과연, 그녀의 선택은 어떻게 될까?
During the first day of his new school year, a fifth grade boy squares off against a bully and winds up accepting a dare that could change the balance of power within the class.
Barry Bergman
In this bittersweet comedy, four adult siblings gather at their dying mother's house in North Carolina for what they expect to be a quick, last goodbye. Instead, they find themselves trapped — together — for two weeks.
Mal Downey
Can an university computer scientist (Cavanagh) make a woman fall in love with his interactive computer before she succumbs to a well-known professor?
Nick Snowden
Nick Snowden is reluctantly taking over the family business and with only three days before the big night, one of Nick's younger reindeer is stolen from the North Pole and taken to a zoo.
On the eve of a hurricane threatening New Orleans a dangerous convict escapes from prison with two accomplices. When the high winds and flooding disrupt their escape plan they're forced to take shelter in the remote bayou home of Cassie and her two daughters. Unable to count on estranged husband Wayne the women must use their wits to stay alive.
Val Duncan
A troubled and bullied high school student fights against judgement from his community after threatening to bomb the football team.
When Sam and his friend fall for the same woman, their friendship is put at risk.
Patrick Birmingham
Inspirational tale set in the late 1940s involving an elderly blind woman with a unique collection of bells in her home and a dyslexic 12-year-old boy who form an offbeat friendship to help each other overcome a disability.
A stranger's call informs Roberta that her estranged brother Frank has died in a small town under bizarre circumstances. Ben, his best friend from college, also gets the call. Arriving just in time for his funeral, it becomes quickly obvious to them that the little slice of small-town America in which they find themselves is like an episode of The Twilight Zone featuring Frank's eccentric friends, his amazing secrets and his stunning final request. Both Ben and Roberta are shocked to discover that Frank not only had a child, but that he has left them responsible for his son's care.
Eric and Louise's honeymoon is disrupted by a stranger who claims he will perform a miracle. Meanwhile, Eric's brother and best friend are both experiencing trouble with their own relationships and want to warn him about challenges of marriage.
Tim Jonas
A female police psychiatrist develops sexual fantasies involving a patient accused of murder.
While attempting to flee from the FBI, the criminal Frank Dallio kills Detective McKenna's wife, Rachel. McKenna himself is shot in the face by the professional killer Lyle Mason, who dies in a car crash shortly thereafter. The FBI persuades McKenna to undergo facial surgery and take the place of Lyle Mason in order to find Dallio and a valuable microchip.
An author is on the trail of a vigilante.
Simon, Patient #1
깜찍한 여동생 얘슐리(Ashley Black: 사라 웨인 분)와 오빠 조슈아(Joshua Black: 조슈아 잭슨 분)는 엄마와 살고 있지만 여름 휴가를 위해 이혼한 아빠(Jack Black: 마크 하몬 분)와 함께 글렌노키 호수로 떠난다. 이 호수에는 언젠가부터 어마어마한 공룡이 살고 있다는 것. 한편 이 지역의 악덕 화학공장은 몰래 이 호수에 화학폐기물을 버리고 있다. 호수에 도착한 애슐리 일행. 얘슐리는 전설을 확인해 보고 싶어 하지만 공룡은 보이지 않는다. 어느날 얘슐리는 입에서 떼지 못하는 크림 과자를 먹다가 우연히 그 과자의 크림만 먹어치우는 물속의 존재를 발견한다. 드디어 과자를 통해 호수의 공룡과 친해진 얘슐리. 그러나 화학공장의 횡포로 얘슐리와 조슈아 형제는 위험에 빠지고 꼬마들을 찾아나선 아버지도 공룡의 동굴에 함께 들어가는데 그곳에서 병들어 굳 죽을 운명에 빠진 공룡과 두아이들을 발견한다.
Andy Newman
Rachel is the daughter of a wealthy media tycoon. Her husband dies in a car crash. Years later she meets Eric a photographer for New Woman magazine. They fall in love and quickly marry. On honeymoon in a remote cottage we discover that Eric's plan all along has been to get some of her father's money and sets in motion a faked kidnap of himself and Rachel. Rachel is unaware of his plan but begins to suspect something due to his suspicious behaviour. As her father hires a investigator to catch the kidnappers, Rachel begins to fear for her safety as Eric's plan becomes clearer.
A man stalks his wife and child when they leave for an abused women's shelter.
A doctor's relationship with a terminally ill child adds pressure to her already rocky marriage as she spends more time with her patient and gradually neglects her home life.
The Fourth Movie in the Darrow & Darrow series
Edgar Floats
A police psychologist uses his skills to become a bounty hunter.