Bent Vejlby

Bent Vejlby

출생 : 1924-03-20,

사망 : 2020-08-31

프로필 사진

Bent Vejlby

참여 작품

The Olsen Gang's Big Score
Flughafenpolizist (im Bild rechts, am Zaun stehend) (uncredited)
After his usual stay behind bars, Egon has another cunning plan involving millions. They rob over 4 million from a money transport. The gang keeps a low profile and hide the money. But it's stolen by "Kongen" and "Knægten", who immediately start living it up - in the penthouse suite at the Sheraton. The suitcase with the money changes hands several times, before Kongen's daughter takes of with all the money.
Oh, to Be on the Bandwagon!
This is a film about the stuff dreams are made of, yet, there is nothing elevated in this concept, on the contrary. The characters around the bar Strudsen (the ostrich) are doing what ostriches do, hiding themselves from the threats of life and keeping their dreams to themselves. Scriptwriter Benny Andersen being a poet is rendering a loving portrait of a number of persons, who fail to try to make their dreams come true, possibly not being sufficiently dissatisfied with their life after all. The manager would like a bar of his own but dare not admit to it, the butcher would like to be an opera singer, the window cleaner (sorry, window polisher) is secretly in love with the bar lady, but dare not show it and the pianist willingly listens to all the different dreams being presented to him. This film was the best accomplished movie from Henning Carlsen since his debut with 'Sult'.
Bedroom Mazurka
Max (Søltoft) is a popular teacher at a public school who needs a new schoolmaster. In an effort to entice him to take the vacated position, the boys hire a stripper to seduce the sexually inexperienced scholar. The wife and daughter of the former headmaster also wish to tutor the teacher in their own private lessons in human sexuality.
Agent (uncredited)
마이클 (존 포사이스)은 미국 CIA 요원으로서, 프랑스 주재 미 대사관에 근무하는 데브로(프레데릭 스태포드)에게 쿠바의 소련 미사일 기지와 소련과 내통하는 스파이 조직 '토파즈'에 관한 정보를 입수해 줄 것을 부탁한다. 데브로는 이 정보를 얻기 위해 하바나에 침투하고 반카스트로 조직원들과 협력하여 정보를 캐내지만 이 과정에서 자신을 도왔던 공작원들과 애인을 잃게 된다. 쿠바 정부는 데브로가 반카스트로 조직을 도왔다는 이유로 항의를 하고, 데브로는 본국 프랑스로 소환된다. 데브로는 미국과 프랑스의 이중 스파이로서 오인받아 문책을 받게 되지만, '토파즈'에게 자신의 정보가 노출될 것을 꺼려해 자신이 쿠바에 갔던 진정한 이유를 숨기게 된다. 이제 그는 프랑스 정부의 고관이기도 한 '토파즈'를 찾아내기 위해 다시 숨가쁜 첩보전을 펼쳐야 한다.
The Egborg Girl
The Egborg Girl (Danish: Pigen fra Egborg) is a 1969 Danish comedy film directed by Carl Ottosen and starring Dirch Passer.
Helle for Lykke
Me and My Kid Brother and the Smugglers
Me and my Kid Brother and the Smugglers is a 1968 Danish comedy film directed by Lau Lauritzen Jr. and starring Dirch Passer.
Friends at Arms: On a Bear Run
Løjtnant Petersen
The German bear Fido from Münich is sweet, easygoing and nice, and just loves Danish soldiers. Thus, the bear marches together with the recruits and even wants to share their beds in this strange Danish comedy.
Det var en lørdag aften
Me and My Kid Brother
Me and My Kid Brother is a 1967 Danish comedy film directed by Lau Lauritzen Jr. and starring Dirch Passer.
Nyhavns glade gutter
Danish family film directed by Carl Ottosen
Det er ikke appelsiner - det er heste
Six Kids and Their Uncle
Erik Lund is a child psychologist and defend a doctoral thesis on the subject. His knowledge is at the very theoretical level, and he will be seriously trouble when he for a time has to babysit his sister's six children ranging in age from baby to teenager. Fortunately, the neighbor cute daughter, Lisbeth has a more practical take on things.
Nu stiger den
Relax Freddy
A Chinese diplomat is kidnapped from a conference in Genève and the world peace is at risk. The trail leads to a hiding place in Denmark and the Danish secret service brings in their best agent, agent Smith, who has been in a psychiatric hospital since his last assignment. To accompany Smith they once again turn to novelty and party tricks salesman Frede Hansen, because they need an unrecognizable man to infiltrate the crime syndicate behind the kidnapping.
The Heir to Næsbygaard
Een pige og 39 sømænd
Sailor Sørensen
It's Nifty in the Navy
It's Nifty in the Navy is a 1965 Danish comedy film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Dirch Passer.
Danish melodrama about a housemaid struggling to find normalcy and love in the midst of war.
Mord for åbent tæppe
Handlingen udspilles på et teater, hvor skuespilleren og teaterdirektøren Poul Bech (Preben Mahrt) bliver skudt ned af sin medspiller Eva Berthelsen (Susse Wold) midt under en premiere. Manuskriptet siger, at han skal skydes ned, men ikke at det skulle være med rigtige kugler! Alle på teatret har tilsynelandende en grund til at ønske ham død. Der skal dog endnu et drab til, inden det lykkes at finde morderen.
Når enden er go'
Ebbe Langberg er journalisten Claudius, der mister sit job, og er forelsket i Dorte. Hendes far nægter at give sit samtykke, før Claudius igen har fundet et passende job med en god løn. Og så sker der en masse! I forrygende tempo og med afsindige forhindringer - hvor bl.a. den dansk-amerikanske Miss Thomson - med afrikanske masker og tomatcocktails som speciale - spiller en afgørende rolle. Selvfølgelig vender alt sig til det bedste - og Claudius får sin Dorte.
The Castle
The Castle is a 1964 Danish family film directed by Anker Sørensen and starring Malene Schwartz.
Majorens oppasser
The Danish minister of defense decides to join the army incognito to observe. This causes CHAOS. It also causes him to meet the major's daughter. He ends up becoming the major's orderly which gets him closer to the daughter.
Dust for all the Money
Dronningens vagtmester
Da svenskerne har besat en dansk herregård, beslutter Svend Poulsen sig for at hjælpe familien i sikkerhed. Undervejs bliver Ib taget til fange. Svend Poulsen og hans gønger udgiver sig for at være en deling svenske soldater, der ankommer til borgen hvor Ib sidder lænket på taget. Under middagen om aften bliver den svenske kommendant mistænktsom og snart kæmper soldaterne mod hinanden. Det lykkes dog Svend at befri Ib.
The Musketeers
Vi er i krigsåret 1658 og vinteren i februar er så hård, at bælterne er frosset til. Den svenske Kong Karl den 10. Gustav, der er ankommet Tyskland opholder sig nu i Jylland. Han kan, sammen med sin hær gå over bælterne og videre mod København. Svend Gønge får en særdeles vanskelig opgave af Frederik den 3.: 50.000 rigsdaler, der tilhører kongen, skal bringes fra Vordingborg Kirke til København.
A portion of the tail of a prehistoric reptile is discovered in Denmark. It regenerates into the entire reptile, which proceeds to destroy buildings and property and generally make a nuisance of itself. It can fly, swim, and walk, and has impenetrable scales, which makes it difficult to kill.
Sømand i knibe
Eva comes to visit the ship, and when the alarm is raised and they are facing the sea, she hides in a cabin. This leads to various complications, not least because the admiral later come aboard.
Kvindelist og kærlighed
Styrmand Karlsen
First mate Knud Karlsen has just received sad news from his girlfriend. On board the ship is also chef Valdemar, sailor Ole, owner's confident son Robert and a whole bunch of eager sailors. On board develops the drama out every minute, culminating in the film's climax, when a fire breaks out on board
Tag til marked i Fjordby
Tag til marked i Fjordby is a 1957 Danish comedy film directed by Poul Bang and starring Dirch Passer.
Mig og min familie
Det gamle guld
Mand der danser