A recently released convict finds himself trapped between his urban criminal past and his new life on probation as the only black man in a conservative white Wisconsin farming town.
Air Force Operator
시카고에서 벌어진 오토봇과 디셉티콘의 전투로 인해 수많은 사상자가 발생하고 도시가 처참하게 파괴되자 정부는 일부 오토봇을 제외한 트랜스포머에 대해 체포령을 내린다. 시카고 사태, 5년 후 대부분의 디셉티콘이 처벌되고 오토봇 역시 모습을 감춘 상황, 엔지니어 케이드 예거는 우연히 폐기 직전 고물차로 변해있던 옵티머스 프라임을 깨우게 된다. 그리고 그의 생존이 알려지자 옵티머스 프라임을 노리고 있던 어둠의 세력 역시 모습을 드러내기 시작한다. 전세계를 새로운 위협에 몰아넣을 거대한 음모, 사상 최대 가장 강력한 적에 맞서 옵티머스 프라임과 오토봇 군단은 목숨을 건 대결에 나서는데...
Robert picked the wrong time to meet his soul mate! After being fired from his own father's company, he feels like his luck has run out - until Morgan enters into his life.
Jacques Vandelay
Christopher Nolen's "The Good Life" is the story of Jacques and Marianne Vandelay, a highly successful African American couple. They are happy but both are keeping dark secrets from each other.
An NFL player sidelined by a debilitating injury finds his marriage in jeopardy when his wife learns of a past discretion that causes her to question his character. Devin (Darrin Dewitt Henson) and Tracey (Shanti Lowry) are ecstatic over the impending birth of their first child as the injured athlete works hard to regain his strength and get back on the gridiron. Though money is tight, they're determined to stay positive, and give their child a happy home. But when a stranger wanders into Tracey's beauty salon with disturbing news about Devin's past, things quickly take a turn for the worst.