Franco Scaldati

Franco Scaldati

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Franco Scaldati

참여 작품

Io e Franco
Apocalypsever - Franco Maresco
I Don't Know the Men of this City
Franco scaldati - died in 2013 - was one of the most important autors of italian theatre plays, Maresco describes his role in the cultural and social field. Through his opera we can observe Italy from another point of view.
The Passion of Joshua the Jew
Born in Spain in 1492 at the time all Jews and Muslims were ordered out of the country, Joshua (Leonardo Cesare Abude) is declared the next messiah by an elder. Eventually settling in Italy with his family, Joshua grows into a man and becomes fascinated with Catholicism, much to the dismay of local religious leaders. Pasquale Scimeca's religious drama exploring the nature of prejudice and intolerance also stars Anna Bonaiuto and Toni Bertorelli.
Viva Palermo, viva Santa Rosalia
The Return of Cagliostro
Salvatore La Marca
In the Sicily of the late 1940s, two brother sculptors, tired of selling madonnas to the local churches, finally realize their dream, and set up a Sicilian production company, thanks to the help of a local bishop. They start producing one box-office failure Z-movie after the other, all with terribly bad local non-pros as actors. Covered in debts, they finally have their great chance, when a local nobleman obsessed by magic decides to invest all his wealth in the making of a movie about Cagliostro, just one year after Orson Welles' Black Magic (1949). They hire a famous American actor (Robert Englund) and start shooting "The Return of Cagliostro".
I briganti di Zabut
The Star Maker
Brigadier Mastropaolo
The adventures and deceptions of a photographer who travels through small villages of 1950s Sicily pretending to work for the big film studios in Rome.
Diario senza date
Il giorno di San Sebastiano
Toto and Vice
Adapted from Franco Scaldati's play, the movie transposes the story of Totò and Vicé from the theatrical representations to urban scenes. Totò and Vicé are timeless creatures, bewildered and misplaced, that roam about Palermo, marooned and empty; an urban journey and waking life between memories and dreams in one magic night. Out from a timeless cave, their story of sanctification crosses the suburbs, reaches the city and it's bowels, showing the real settings of Scaldati's writing and cosmogony.