The romantic life of the head of a bandit gang, wanted by the police. Cartouche gets away with being deported to Louisiana after unmasking a plot by a Duke against the throne.
A singer who has become voiceless is forced to leave his wife and children. He will become famous again as a clown.
Mme Beaudrier, the wife of a Parliamentary Senator, hurls a pastry at visiting King Joan IV of Cerdagne, sparking off a series of farcical events involving all levels of the government and their mistresses.
Activities and exploits of firefighters in the context of a village then the capital and under the bombardments of the Second World War where the saving of lives was more important than that of factories.
After losing her only child and falling for another man, a wife no longer loves her husband, but he thinks if he takes her back to some of the places they enjoyed in earlier years, it might rekindle their doomed marriage.
The Commissioner of Police (uncredited)
A scatterbrained girl harasses a lawyer in Cannes.
A young man is hired by an industrialist, while a secret hangs over his birth. His boss's wife turns out to be his mother, who hides the truth from him.
The romantic relationship between a sports journalist and a cyclist during the Tour de France.
A father falls in love with his son's mistress whom he has forced to emigrate to force him to break up. More carefree than a schoolboy, he ruins himself for the beauty who soon chases him away. The family will soon be reunited permanently.
The voyages of Pierre Savorgnan de Brassa through Africa. This great explorer, the founder of Brazzaville (Congo), was born in Italy but chose France as his motherland.
A vindicative and spiteful captain carefully plots his vengeance against his best friend who lured away from him the woman he loved.
Some try to travel around the world with a time constraint, but Lavarède has to perform an even harder task than Phineas Fogg. His assignment is to go around the globe with a mere five cents coin. Worse, he can't even spend it or else he will not come into the money of his inheritance. To make sure Lavarède plays by the rules of the game, two supervisors stick to him like a shadow. Will the young man meet this unbelievable challenge?
Father Goujon
In the lead up to WWII, several escapist French films were made promoting health and sport among youth.In this one, we see the friendship of young males on a Marne river rowing team threatened by the presence of a typical femme fatale.
"Les Trois Valses" traces the love story of two people over three eras. In the first waltz (music based on Johann Strauss I), Yvonne is a sensitive Parisian ballet dancer, whose romance with a dashing officer is brought to an abrupt end by his family. She goes off to Vienna to become a big star. In the second waltz, her daughter, an even bigger star, but now of Paris music halls, has a brief flirtation with the rakish man-about-town who is the son of suitor number one. She throws him over pretty quickly for a chance to shine at a Gala performance. Finally, in the third waltz, the two get together, when she is a movie star, and he is posing as an insurance salesman.
Prosper, the accountant of a fashion house, takes a vacation to Monte Carlo without his wife Sabine. And if he goes alone it is for a very good reason: he has a rendezvous with Olga, a beautiful woman. Once in Monte Carlo, he wins a large sum of money at the casino. Unfortunately for him he immediately becomes the prey of three gangsters who proceed to relieve him of his newly acquired fortune.
A middle-aged Parisian lawyer meets a young girl and falls in love with her. The girl's mother discovers the affair and the couple must flee.
Alexis, a former war pilot, attempted the Paris-Tokyo raid and failed. He became a taxi driver. The film actress, Margot Fontane, forgets her bag in the taxi and Alexis thus meets her. He goes to see the great actress shoot, he is hired for a small role as an aviator, and to simulate a take-off, he flies to Tokyo. It is the signal of happiness for the two lovers.
Captain Lecouvreur
After serving in the trenches of World War I, Jean Diaz recoils with such horror that he renounces love and personal pleasure to immerse himself in scientific research, seeking a machine to prevent war. He thinks he has succeeded, but the government subverts his discovery, and Europe slides with seeming inevitability toward World War II. In desperation, Diaz summons the ghosts of the war dead from the graves and fields of France to give silent, accusing protest.
Miche Doulin is a wife who like to spend. Her husband Henri, who is a diplomat and worried about several large bills, wins an unexpected gain at play. He hides his luck and invents an incredible burglary. His wife to repay the imaginary theft will commit a big imprudence, when she learns the truth.
A young unemployed girl pretends to be a boy and gets a job as a car washer.
Jacques de Chardin, runner of women, marries a rich and young American, Mary-Ann. He does not give up, however, his conquests and has an affair with Chouquette. His wife and her friend, Baron Sigismond, decide to fake an affair in order to get revenge.
Usher's assistant
At the urging of her childhood friend Brémontier, Lucie de Kéradec, a wealthy widowed countess who wishes to remarry, invites all of her seven suitors to her mansion. Her untold intention is to test them by claiming to be ruined. The experience is a success in that each of the potential husbands reveals his inner nature but a failure when it comes to finding a new life partner. None of the guests passes the test except - the eighth man, namely Brémontier who loved Lucie in secret but, being penniless, had not dared declare his flame to her.
The story of Charles de Foucauld, a cavalry officer, who became an explorer, and then became a Catholic priest and hermit in the Sahara
A student monitor in a high school in the French provinces has no control over the pupils. He is in love with the caretaker's daughter but his superior, the Dean of Discipline, is also his love rival. Now, the two men are sent on military temporary duty and irony has it that in the Army the Dean is only a private whereas the mere supervisor's rank is ... corporal!
le monsieur
A young man-about-Paris, cut off from his father's money, falls in with a picaresque gang of car thieves.
In a small provincial town, the new colonel of the dragoon regiment consigns all his men. Three soldiers defy orders and jump the wall. But the colonel becomes indulgent thanks to the intervention of the general who did not remain insensitive to the charm of a young American.
작은 마을에 사는 의사 샤를르 보바리는 엠마 루오와 재혼했다. 하지만 남편과의 결혼생활이 권태로웠던 엠마는 다른 남자를 만나 외도를 즐기기 시작한다.
A traveler without a ticket gets off the train he has stopped, becomes an occasional station master, fraternizes with the inspector who is chasing him, protects the loves of the wife of the real station master who has abandoned his post to make sure of his wife's fidelity, and takes the train back when everything is settled.
Octave Laburette only makes blunders in his job with a backroom worker. He buys ten thousand shares of the Compagnie Générale des Cacahuètes, when the client wanted to sell them. His boss registers them on his own account: Octave then owes the agency sixty thousand francs and his wife informs him that she is joining her lover.
Two husbands claim to be Freemasons so they can go out at night. Where do they go, if not to the lodge, the Masonic lodge? In reality, one goes to visit a pretty and particularly welcoming concierge in his dressing room, and the other spends his evenings in the dressing room of a little music-hall actress.
A man is a hunter at Maxim's restaurant. He lives in the provinces and his family is unaware of his profession. As soon as he has enough money, he quits his job and goes home for his daughter's wedding to a marquis. This one is a regular at the restaurant and the man tries to prevent the wedding before the truth is discovered.
After he is thought dead, a painter who had no success before suddenly becomes a man of repute, and a statue is even prepared in his honor.
Misfortunes and disarray of the little clown Leroy who is upstaged by a comrade, Bertini, and sees himself abandoned by his girlfriend Ginette, preferring his collaborator to him.
The son of a rich soap manufacturer gets himself in predicaments trying to prove to his father that he's responsible enough for marriage.
Mailman Biscot decides to run the Tour de France bike race to impress a lovely swimming champion.
Alexandre, Viscount of Beauharnais
나폴레옹의 어린 소년 시절, 사관학교에서 천재적인 용병술로 전쟁 놀이를 승리로 이끄는 에피소드를 효과적인 접사와 이중 인화 미쟝센으로 인상 깊게 묘사하는 장면에서 영화는 시작 된다. 나폴레옹의 고향이자 프랑스, 영국, 이탈리아, 스페인의 접점이기에 늘 국제적으로 쟁점이 됐던 작은 섬 코르시카에서의 성장 과정을 거쳐 쉬이 현실과 타협하지 않는 과감성, 프랑스를 조국으로 인지하면서 생겨난 애국심과 민족주의적 성향, 정확한 판단력과 기회를 놓치지 않는 결단력으로 격변기 프랑스의 동력으로 자리매김 되기까지 나폴레옹의 영웅적, 인간적 내면 세계를 깊이 있게 묘사한다. 그 뿐 아니라 프랑스 혁명, 1793년 영국-이탈리아-스페인 연합군과의 트론 전쟁, 당통의 사형, 로베스 삐에르의 공포정치와 공화제 폭정에 고통받는 민중들, 정치 역학의 소용돌이에서 부침을 거듭하는 나폴레옹의 역경과 국민공회에 의한 최고 사령관 추대, 그의 처 죠세핀이라는 인물의 조망까지 당대의 상황을 아벨 강스는 탁월하게 담아냈다.
Céleste Noménoé, a provincial actor, comes to Paris for an inheritance. He also gets a part in a movie. The managers of a music-hall notice him. He takes the stage name of Grock.