Lindsay is about to marry the man of her dreams- until everything spirals out of control at her bachelorette party. With the wedding called off, she soon uncovers her friends devious scheme to steal away the man she loves.
After breaking up with her longtime boyfriend and losing her job, Jane reluctantly heads home to the small town she grew up in. But on her way there, she stops to help a stranger in need who ends up helping her believe in herself— and love— again.After breaking up with her longtime boyfriend and losing her job, Jane reluctantly heads home to the small town she grew up in. But on her way there, she stops to help a stranger in need who ends up helping her believe in herself— and love— again.
Mrs. Cooney
영특한 머리, 타고난 말빨, 거침없는 행동력까지 모두 갖춘 버팔로 토박이 페그 달. 그녀의 목표는 가난을 벗어나는 게 아닌, 부자가 되는 것! 미국에서 가장 돈이 되는 채권 추심업에 뛰어들어 단숨에 적성을 찾은 그녀는 짭짤한 돈 맛을 본 후 자기 회사를 차린다. 하지만 경쟁업자들의 온갖 협박과 방해 공작이 시작되면서 가족들까지 감옥에 갇힐 위기에 처하는데…
Dorothy Gordon
When Anne helps her father close the family's toy store, what she finds will help inspire an entire town that is need of some Christmas cheer.
Woman with Shotgun
갑자기 알 수 없는 존재가 세상의 모든 소리를 집어 삼키고, 소리 내는 모든 인류는 공격을 당한다. 청력을 잃은 소녀와 가족들만이 소리 없이 대화할 수 있는 그들만의 방법으로 살아남아 마지막 사투를 벌이게 되는데… 공포가 들리는 순간, 거대한 재앙이 시작된다.
Up until now, marriage has been smooth sailing for Jennifer Jones. But after suffering a miscarriage, she begins to question her happiness and whether the spark in her marriage has dimmed. She shrugs it off as just being the 7-year itch and gives her husband, Freddy, who is content in their relationship, the benefit of the doubt. Things take an unexpected turn when Jennifer catches Freddy in a few unassuming lies. And when a sudden accident throws Freddy into a coma, Jennifer is left to pick up the pieces and reconcile everything for herself. With Freddy in hospital, a larger story begins to unfold - something that might just be Jennifer's worst nightmare - prompting her to question if she ever really knew the man she was married to.
Mrs. Armstrong
Like many Native families, Lena Mahikan grew up in the cycle of abuse. Her father, a residential school survivor, was an alcoholic until he killed himself when Lena was 10. Her mother, only 14 years her senior, turned to the slots. By the time Lena was 15, she was pregnant and, before giving birth, was kicked to the curb by her mom. The cycle continues and Lena is now watching helplessly as her own daughter, Peeka, spirals out of control, landing herself in the hospital following a drug overdose. As a final attempt at survival, Lena decides to return home and face her own mother and a past she’s desperate to escape.
Sara's Mother (voice)
A young married couple comes home from a date night to discover that they are imprisoned in their own house with a methodical killer inside.
89세 ‘크레이그 모리슨’은 평생 해로한 아내 ‘아이린’이 알츠하이머에 걸리자 그녀를 위해 직접 맞춤형 새 집을 지어주기로 결심한다. ‘크레이그’의 ‘집 짓기 프로젝트’가 한창일 즈음, 시청 건축과에서는 자재부터 건축방식까지 허가를 받아야 한다며 사사건건 참견을 한다. 내 땅에서 내가 사랑하는 아내를 위해 집을 짓겠다는데 무엇이 문제냐는 ‘크레이그 모리슨’은 점점 더 악화되는 아내를 위해 집짓기를 강행하고, 결국 구속될 위기에 처한다.
Carrie Bishop, a successful event planner in New York City, is left unconscious after a car accident. In order to "pass over" to Heaven, she must help Scott Walker and his daughter Abby save their restaurant and find their Christmas spirit.
Lily Ann Holmes
Jenn Corbin seems to have it all; the perfect husband, children and life. But when this suburban wife and mother in an upscale Atlanta suburb, commits suicide, authorities discover a marriage of secrets and betrayal. While the investigation seems to be leading to the final conclusion that her death was a suicide, bits and pieces of the couple’s lives come to the surface. These discoveries soon convey that looks can be deceiving and people are not necessarily what they appear to be!
Would be filmmakers, Nick and Vince, dream of making it big and getting out of Nowheresville. Their goal is to make the next indie blockbuster of Blair Witch proportions and they have just the idea to take them to the top: a documentary about their hometown hero Scott Speedman. As Nick and Vince scour the city to document Scott Speedman stories, they encounter prolific producer Dietrich Baum, who agrees to help them if they can get the "actual Scott Speedman" in their movie. Nick and Vince seem destined to succeed. The only thing in their way, is reality.
Martha Miller
Seventy-year-old Daisy Graham is having a hard day. No one in her small town wants to let her forget about the big ceremony tomorrow, a ceremony at the local high school in her honour. But Daisy has more important things to think about than some ceremony - she's dug out her rifle, now all she needs is a box of bullets.
Silva Waiverly
A 911 operator receives a ghostly call from a child murdered thirty years before and becomes obsessed with unraveling the crime. What she discovers shatters her.
High-powered fashion photographer Claire Jameson finds herself stranded in middle America on the way to her dream Christmas-time wedding in Aspen. Unable to get another flight or rent a car, Claire is reduced to begging for a ride. When the rugged former artist turned teacher, Tom Pullman and his 13-year old daughter Hilly kindly offer to take her, none of them realize that their journey is just beginning, and it will leave all of them in a very different place than where they began.
Single, divorced lawyer Jess Gradwell returns in this sequel as she tries to raise her new three-year-old son, Jake, while dealing with her teenage daughter, Sara's, growing carnal desires with a photographer she meets while planning her high school graduation. It all comes to a head when Jess' former flame and father of Jake, Alex Lofton, returns never knowing he has a son out of his and Jess' lustful fling and wants to be a part of her life again, despite Jess not wanting anything to do with Alex.
An elderly woman turns the tables on her kidnapper.
Jess Gradwell and her teenage daughter boast a superclose relationship. When it comes to sex, however, Mom won't stand for anything less than premarital celibacy. So she gets a pretty healthy dose of her own medicine when she winds up getting pregnant from a brief encounter with a newly single doctor! This new situation poses a major challenge to the mother-daughter dynamic. Tune in to see if Jess and her daughter can rise to the occasion.
Eva Foley
A decade ago, curler Chris Cutterdisappeared suddenly on the verge of stardom, dropping his curling stones to the bottom of a lake and leaving his fiancée, Julie Foley, at the altar. But when his former coach dies, Cutter returns home for the funeral and attempts to fulfill the man's last wishes. The team is reunited under Cutter's estranged dad, Gordon — himself a former curling star — for a final attempt at glory.
Mrs. Paley
8개의 침대 위, 비닐에 쌓여 누워있는 인간들... 그 중 한 침대는 비어있다! 그리고, 다시 큐브 안. 비어있는 침대의 주인이었던 그녀, 큐브의 첫 에피타이저였다 다시 시작된 큐브공포 실험실에서 실종되었던 그녀는 어느새인가 새하얀 큐브 속을 헤매고 있다. 아무도 보이지 않고, 큐브 속엔 6개의, 똑같이 생긴 금속 문만이 닫혀있다. 그 중 하나의 문으로 기어올라가 본다. 문이 열리면, 똑같이 생긴 또 하나의 큐브. 그리고, 비명소리와 함께 사라진 그녀! 눈부실 만큼 새하얀 큐브 속, 두려움으로 가득 찬 사람들의 얼굴도 마치 큐브컬러다. 왜, 어떻게, 이곳에 왔는지 기억하지 못하는 8명의 인간들. 스스로 살아 움직이는 벽은 점점 조여오고, 시체들은 점점 늘어나는데... 하이퍼 큐브, 그 상상할 수 없는 진화 큐브 속 유일한 실마리는 60659. 출구를 풀 수 있는 실마리인가? 생일번호일수도 있다. 우편번호? 단순한 일련번호? 아니다. 아무 의미가 없을 수도 있다. 그럼, 온 몸에 60659를 비롯한 공식들을 써놓은 채 죽은 물리학자의 시체는 어떻게 된 것인가? 예쁘게 곱증하던 사각형은 점점 커져, 피 한 방울 남기지 않고 결국 엔지니어를 삼켜버리지만, 그는 다른 큐브 속에서 여전히 살.아.있.다!! 벽 속에서 튀어나온 레이저 스피어(Razor Sphere)는 대령의 다리부터 끊어 먹어버리고... 시간과 공간을 텔레포트 해버린 큐브 속, 다양한 현실과 다양한 시간이 공존하는 환상의 큐브. 그러나 그 순간에도 벽은 조여온다. 큐브 너머, 미궁의 실체를 찾아라! 모든 것이 한 곳으로 모이고 있다. 도형, 숫자, 죽은 물리학자의 시체... 모든 가능한 현실이, 과거의 나와 미래의 내가 한자리에 모이면서 다시 죽고, 죽인다.
Lorraine Hampstead
A presidential debate, unconfirmed rumors and four reporters who take the political process into their own hands. With the election only a week away, the two candidates square off in a final debate. The televised event takes a dramatic turn when the moderator and three panelists confront one of the candidates with unconfirmed rumors and allegations. The debate quickly turns into a witch hunt and destroys one politician's career. They also give Tom Chapman, the up-and-coming reporter investigating the panel's ambush, the story of a lifetime: What went on behind the last debate.
Jenny Novak
재능있는 건축가 오스카는 부유한 사업가 찰스의 새로운 건축 사업에서 수백만 달러 계약을 따낸 후 인간적으로 친해진다. 찰스는 우연한 기회에 오스카가 동성연애자임을 알게 된 후 자신의 여자친구 에이미를 감시해 줄 것을 부탁한다. 사실 오스카는 동성연애자가 아님에도 불구하고 엄청난 돈이 걸려 있는 거래를 좌지하는 찰스의 부탁을 거절할 수 없어 오스카는 그의 제의를 받아들인다. 그러나 오스카는 그만 그녀에게 사랑을 느끼지만 에이미 역시 오스카가 동성애자인줄 알고 둘의 사랑은 빗나가기만 한다.
Judge Seers
자신의 실수로 어린 아들을 교통사고로 잃은 존 프로돔은 신앙과 가정을 멀리하고 사건에만 매달려 지낸다. 어느 날, 피터 벨쿠러란 사람이 시체로 발견되면서 1주일 단위로 금요일마다 연쇄 살인이 이어진다. 3주간 사체로 나타난 살인사건의 희생자는 피터, 매튜, 제임스 모두 33세의 남성이며 살해된 뒤, 팔, 다리, 머리 등 신체의 일부가 사라졌고, 시체에는 로마 숫자가 새겨져 있다. 존은 33세라는 나이가 예수가 죽은 나이이며, 피터, 매튜, 제임스가 베드로, 마태, 야고보라는 예수의 열두제자 이름이고, 시체에 쓰인 숫자는 성경 구절임을 알게 된다. 모든 정황을 토대로 존은 범인이 예수의 몸을 다시 만들어 부활을 꿈꾸는 광신도임을 깨닫는다.
Society Matron
Biographical look at the bombastic love affair that writers Dashiell Hammett and Lillian Hellman shared in 1940 and 50's Hollywood. Refusing to marry, but deeply in love, the two engaged in many affairs and battled alcoholism.
Danielle Devreaux
With the budget of the UniSol program cut by the government, a gang of mercenaries takes control of the new line of Universal Soldiers to use them for their own nefarious ends. In doing so, they clash with Luc Deveraux, survivor of the first incident with the UniSols, alongside his long-lost and newly-resurrected brother Eric and news reporter Veronica Roberts.
Single mom Kathleen Russell (Roma Downey) and her daughter Zoey pretend to be Kathleen's boss's "family" so he can close a major business deal with the mysterious Mexican financier Javier Del Campo.
Grandma Matilda
Two teenagers (with single parents) join their families together in order to win the grand prize in a soda company competition by pretending to be the perfect family. The only problem is the CEO of the company must live with them for one week.
Station Manager
New York: Every night the mysterious "Night Owl" goes on the air with her moody radio show. She seems to have an inexplicable influence on some men; several of Julie's friends commit suicide while listening to her voice. She fears for her husband Harry, who becomes more and more distant from her.
Mrs. Gentle
Norm, a confused young man, lives two lives, one in and one out of reality. One night, he witnesses the murder of rock video star Madelaine X and feels guilty, as he did nothing to prevent it. At Madelaine’s funeral, he meets a mysterious woman in black. Norm then gets a job at a news stand through a Cindy Lauper like girl called Zelda. They discuss the mystery around Madelaine’s death.
Agatha Haines
When the superintendent of the Canadian insane asylum, Dr. Maurice Bucke, meets poet Walt Whitman, his life and that of his wife and patients is radically changed. Like Dr. Bucke, Whitman has avant-garde ideas on the subject of mental illness. "Dreamers" is based on true events. Dr. Bucke became an important biographer of Walt Whitman.
1975년 미국에서 존경받는 부인과 의사인 쌍둥이 마커스 형제, 엘리엇과 비벌리가 죽은 채로 발견된다. 그들은 환각상태에서 환자들을 수술한 것으로 밝혀지고 이 영화는 이 실화를 바탕으로 하고 있다. 이들은 쌍둥이 이지만 성격만큼은 정반대다. 육체는 물론이고 정신까지도 서로 일치한다고 믿고있는 이 쌍둥이 의사 형제는 여자를 함께 공유해야만 완전히 소유했다고 생각할 정도로 정신적인 일체상태에 빠져있다. 그러던 중 사랑에 눈 뜬 비벌리는 형과 정신적으로 분리되는데...
An out of work actor takes a role in a vampire porno.
Letting Go stars John Ritter as a widower and Sharon Gless as a lonely unmarried woman. They meet during a group-therapy session. Romance is inevitable, but the road to true happiness is pockmarked by a series of comic complications. Advertised as a straight romantic drama, Letting Go is actually more akin to the screwball comedies of the 1930s, with a strong satirical bent regarding "behavior modification" theories. The made-for-TV film debuted May 11, 1985.
Miriam Chatwill
A group of college students accidentally see a local redneck kill his wife. A deadly game of cat-and-mouse ensues, with the students trying to escape the area while the killer sets out to eliminate the witnesses who can tie him to the murder.
A light comedy/love story based on the life of blind musician Tom Sullivan.
Wanda, Vrain's Scrub Nurse
Celebrated heart surgeon Thomas Vrain supports the research of an offbeat scientist who has invented an artificial heart. Against the advice of the Ethics Committee, Dr. Vrain decides to perform the first artificial heart transplant.
Kathryn 'Katie' Koob
A dramatized account of how the staff of the Canadian Embassy helped a group of American diplomats escape from Iran during the Iranian Revolution.
Liz Carfield
A middle-aged family man and high school teacher struggles in silence as he accepts the fact that he is gay.
Marlene Connors
A teenage girl tries to save a herd of wild horses from a local gang intending on capturing and selling them for dog meat. Unfortunately the nearest Federal land where the horses will be safe lies one hundred and fifty miles away, over badlands and a mountain range.