Pierre Letarte

참여 작품

Love & Savagery
Director of Photography
In 1969, a visiting geologist from Newfoundland arouses scandal in a small Irish village when he romances a local girl who’s destined for the convent.
Hunger Point
Director of Photography
A woman struggles with her self-image in a house run by a weight-obsessed mother, alongside a younger sister whose eating disorder has tragic coincidences.
Director of Photography
Takeoff on the Godfather with the son of a mafia king taking over for his dying father.
Director of Photography
The true story of a love affair between mob boss Sam Giancana and singer Phyllis McGuire.
위험한 아이들
Director of Photography
루앤 존슨(Louanne Johnson : 미쉘 파이퍼 분)은 9년간의 미해병대 복무를 정리한 뒤 영어교사로 전업했다. 그녀는 캘리포니아 북부의 한 고등학교에서 정교사 자격증을 취득하기 위한 과정으로 일종의 교생 실습을 받던 중 아카데미 클래스(문제아 학급)의 담임으로 배정받는다. 이 아카데미 클래스는 그녀의 인생을 완전히 바꾸어 놓은 교육 현장이었으며, 그녀 또한 문제아 학생들의 인생을 영원히 바꾸어 놓았다. 그녀가 담임맡은 학생들은 하나같이 어두운 환경에서 성장하며 접근하기 힘든 반항 심리를 지니고 있지만 누구보다도 진심 어린 애정과 관심을 가져줄 사람을 기다리고 있다. 또한 이들은 주위에 마음을 열어놓거나 의지할 대상이 흔치않다는 것을 이미 깨달아 버렸다. 그러나 루앤 존슨은 이들에게 꿈을 심어주며 학교의 잘못된 규정을 거부해버리고 스스로 새로운 커리쿨럼을 만든다. 가정의 따뜻한 보살핌이 없이 성장하여 거칠기 짝이 없는 학생들에게 그녀는 밥 딜런의 시와 딜런 토마스의 시를 가르친다. 시험 성적이 천차만별이고 항상 자신들의 실패를 하나의 숙명처럼 받아들이는 학생들에게서 좌절감을 느낀 존슨은 마침내 특이한 교육방식을 고안해내 학생들의 관심을 이끌어낸다. 그러나 무엇보다도 중요한 것은 어려운 상황에서도 존슨이 학생들로 하여금 자기 자신들의 영혼과 잠재력을 믿도록 사랑하면서 힘을 북돋아준다는 것이다.
Director of Photography
A dramatization of the failed World War II raid which became the most serious defeat of Canadian forces in the war.
The Boys of St. Vincent: 15 Years Later
Director of Photography
Fifteen years after the events of The Boys of St. Vincent took place, the various boys involved are brought in to testify against the brothers, now finally standing trial, who assaulted them when they were children.
더 보이스 오브 세인트 빈센트
Director of Photography
The true story of boys being sexually abused at their orphanage, run by a religious community in Newfoundland.
Creative Process: Norman McLaren
Norman McLaren was a cinematic genius who made films without cameras, and music without instruments. He produced sixty films in a stunning range of styles and techniques, collecting over 200 international awards, and world recognition. In Creative Process, director Donald McWilliams demystifies the process of artistic creation. Drawing on McLaren's private film vaults, a gold mine of experimental footage and uncompleted films, McWilliams explores McLaren's methods, including his celebrated "pixillation" technique, and his daring forays into animated surrealism.
Lessons on Life
Director of Photography
A day in the life of a Quebec magazine writer - his fortieth birthday - from his dream before waking to his last act before sleeping. He looks back over his life, his thoughts, and his loves.
Camera Operator
With the arrival of a new juke-box in a snack-bar, the cockroaches' life becomes suddenly a little more animated.
Le Deal mexicain
Director of Photography
Going the Distance
Camera Operator
Canadian documentary film directed by Paul Cowan about the 1978 Commonwealth Games.
L'âge de la machine
Director of Photography
A young police officer goes through Abitibi to take a train with a young convict who escaped from her orphanage.
Games of the XXI Olympiad
Camera Operator
Edited from almost 100 km of film footage shot during the Games, this feature documentary is a breathtaking portrait of the 1976 Montreal Olympics. Much more than a simple record of the Games, the film approaches each event with the intention of revealing the athlete - whether winner or loser - as a unique individual.
The Ungrateful Land: Roch Carrier Remembers Ste-Justine
Director of Photography
Here is the village of Ste-Justine as one gifted man, novelist and playwright Roch Carrier, remembers it. In this small corner of Québec there is space in the landscape and in the vast spread of forest, but the fringe of rocks around every field speaks of the backbreaking hardship that was the lot of Carrier's father and of his grandfather before him. This is a nostalgic view of rural Québec.
Just Another Job
This short film takes you behind the scenes of the Quebec Nordiques. Coached by the legendary Maurice Richard, the team is playing its opening World Hockey Association game at the Quebec Coliseum. Experience the pre-game tension, the on-ice action and the dream-contract signing.
Sad Song of Yellow Skin
Director of Photography
A film about the people of Saigon told through the experiences of three young American journalists who, in 1970, explored the consequences of war and of the American presence in Vietnam. It is not a film about the Vietnam War, but about the people who lived on the fringe of battle. The views of the city are arresting, but away from the shrines and the open-air markets lies another city, swollen with refugees and war orphans, where every inch of habitable space is coveted. (NFB)