David Trueba
출생 : 1969-09-10, Madrid, Madrid, Spain
This drama about immigration into Europe is set in the city of Melilla, a Spanish possession in Africa on the border with Morocco.
This drama about immigration into Europe is set in the city of Melilla, a Spanish possession in Africa on the border with Morocco.
70년대 콜롬비아 메델린의 저명한 의사이자 인권 운동가였던 헥토르 아바드 고메즈의 삶을 아들의 시선으로 그린 영화. 그는 자신의 자녀 뿐 아니라 소외계층의 아이들까지 걱정하며, 사랑과 관용을 베푼다. 예상치 못한 딸의 죽음으로 슬픔과 분노에 이끌린 그는 사회와 정치의 변화를 위해 온 힘을 쏟지만 비극적 죽음을 맞이한다.
Himself - Filmmaker
In Spain, on May 11, 1896, at the Price circus, the first moving images ever shown in the country are projected. From that event, the Spanish actor Antonio Resines intends to compile a series of anecdotes to shape the amazing history of Spanish cinema, holding several conversations with prominent figures of the Spanish film industry.
In 1963, under Franco’s dictatorship, two Swedish students travelled to Spain to spread news of the movements in favour of democracy. They contacted a young university troubadour, Chicho Sánchez Ferlosio, and on return to Stockholm set about making an album with the recording of his songs. They called it Canciones de la Resistencia española and kept the singer-songwriter's identity anonymous. The album was an instant hit all over Scandinavia.
In 1963, under Franco’s dictatorship, two Swedish students travelled to Spain to spread news of the movements in favour of democracy. They contacted a young university troubadour, Chicho Sánchez Ferlosio, and on return to Stockholm set about making an album with the recording of his songs. They called it Canciones de la Resistencia española and kept the singer-songwriter's identity anonymous. The album was an instant hit all over Scandinavia.
Two old friends. An ex couple. A music tour. Two lives to meet again.
Two old friends. An ex couple. A music tour. Two lives to meet again.
Original Series Creator
After her experiences in Nazi Germany, actress Macarena Granada traveled to Hollywood, where she became a star. In the 1950s, the diva returns to Francoist Spain to star a Hollywood blockbuster about Queen Isabella I of Castile. (A sequel to The Girl of Your Dreams, 1998.)
Original Series Creator
After almost thirty years of his career, the musician Fran Nixon joins film director David Trueba for a travel around Spain in which they'll talk about it and meet some friends.
비틀즈 노래로 수업을 하는 영어 문법 선생님은 존 레논이 영화 촬영 때문에 알메리아에 온다는 소식을 접한다. 그를 반드시 만나야겠다고 결심한 선생님은 차를 몰아 떠난다. 그러다 선생님은 도중에 가출한16살 소년, 무언가로부터 도망쳐 나온21살의 여자아이를 차에 태워주게 된다.
비틀즈 노래로 수업을 하는 영어 문법 선생님은 존 레논이 영화 촬영 때문에 알메리아에 온다는 소식을 접한다. 그를 반드시 만나야겠다고 결심한 선생님은 차를 몰아 떠난다. 그러다 선생님은 도중에 가출한16살 소년, 무언가로부터 도망쳐 나온21살의 여자아이를 차에 태워주게 된다.
Daniel, a Spanish filmmaker would like to give his country back some of the hope it has lost due to the financial crisis. He's determined to shoot an inspirational movie about the Moncloa Pact, the agreement that brought back Democracy to Spain after the Franco era. The thing is he wants the film to be a musical.
Technical Advisor
What some filmmakers do when they are not making movies: they waste time; they eat and get drunk; they take a walk after watching a movie; they fall in love; they are alone or with friends, building future memories for a future movie.
Logroño, 1959. The death of a local authority creates a double expectation in his family, the coming of the TV set the deceased bought and the mayor to attend the funeral. His grandson (Airas Brispo) will witness the grotesque situations.
저명한 저널리스트 미구엘은 아름답고 수줍음 많은 언론학도 안젤라를 만나 집에서 인터뷰를 하던 중 사고로 욕실 문이 고장나 둘은 욕실에 갇히게 된다. 그렇게 시작된 두 사람의 치열한 설전. 둘은 여러 가지 주제를 놓고 현학적 토론을 벌이며 상대방을 조금씩 알아가고 가까워진다. 매우 좁고 한정된 공간 안에서 펼치는 문학과 언론, 삶, 욕망과 영감 등 사적이면서 특별한 대화가 펼쳐지는데...
저명한 저널리스트 미구엘은 아름답고 수줍음 많은 언론학도 안젤라를 만나 집에서 인터뷰를 하던 중 사고로 욕실 문이 고장나 둘은 욕실에 갇히게 된다. 그렇게 시작된 두 사람의 치열한 설전. 둘은 여러 가지 주제를 놓고 현학적 토론을 벌이며 상대방을 조금씩 알아가고 가까워진다. 매우 좁고 한정된 공간 안에서 펼치는 문학과 언론, 삶, 욕망과 영감 등 사적이면서 특별한 대화가 펼쳐지는데...
Documentary film about visual effects master Emilio Ruiz del Rio. From his early works on films at 1942, to his last contribution at 2007, Emilio Ruiz talks on his film experiences and traditional trickery, using foreground miniatures, glass shots, and painted cut out miniatures. It shows interviews with some of the professionals he has worked with, like, Rafaela de Laurentiis, Ray Harryhausen, Guillermo del Toro, or Enzo Castellari
A long talk with the spanish screenwriter Rafael Azcona, who's credited in the writing of more than 100 films. He's well-known for his colourful scripts, indulging in picaresque characters and flavourful dialogue, but has a wide range of facets. He worked for filmmakers like Luis García Berlanga, Marco Ferreri, Carlos Saura, Fernando Trueba or José Luis García Sánchez.
A long talk with the spanish screenwriter Rafael Azcona, who's credited in the writing of more than 100 films. He's well-known for his colourful scripts, indulging in picaresque characters and flavourful dialogue, but has a wide range of facets. He worked for filmmakers like Luis García Berlanga, Marco Ferreri, Carlos Saura, Fernando Trueba or José Luis García Sánchez.
Vital reflections of veteran actor and filmmaker Fernando Fernán Gómez.
Young couple Samuel and Eva move to Madrid and start living together when he finds work as a photographer. Although Samuel doesn't knows, Eva's expecting a baby.
Young couple Samuel and Eva move to Madrid and start living together when he finds work as a photographer. Although Samuel doesn't knows, Eva's expecting a baby.
A multi-part feature on the governing body of Spain, the Popular Party under Jose María Aznar. Themes include the bombing of Iraq, immigration, U.S. fire in Baghdad, and the manipulation of the media.
Military Doctor
North Sudan, summer 1923. King Alfonso XIII of Spain captures an enormous African elephant, an apparently irrelevant act that, however, will be paramount to understand the Spain of 20th century; an animal from far lands that will become a symbol of the Second Spanish Republic, the communist movement and many other things; a royal hunting that marks the beginning of a bizarre story of jealousy, passion, political intrigues and taxidermy.
Professor Lola Sánchez investigates the truth behind the events experienced by Rafael Sánchez Mazas, one of the founders of the Falange Española party, during the Spanish Civil War.
Professor Lola Sánchez investigates the truth behind the events experienced by Rafael Sánchez Mazas, one of the founders of the Falange Española party, during the Spanish Civil War.
Professor Lola Sánchez investigates the truth behind the events experienced by Rafael Sánchez Mazas, one of the founders of the Falange Española party, during the Spanish Civil War.
The story of Cuban refugees who risked their lives in homemade rafts to reach the United States, and what life is like for those who succeed.
Prof. Ética
David is a teenager who feels he doesn't belong to a life where his family, friends and the girl he loves seem not to understand him.
Two cinephile weirdos kidnap a famous actress to force her to star in a little movie they're making with an 8mm camera.
Two cinephile weirdos kidnap a famous actress to force her to star in a little movie they're making with an 8mm camera.
Caco is a proud, handsome man, head of a family, and very powerful in the local community. Yet he has been torn to pieces by the death of his beloved daughter. He constantly visits her grave, weeps silently at her photo and has transferred all his wildly protective love and attention onto his mentally challenged nephew, Diego. It seems that Diego's father, Caco's brother, is in hiding after having killed a man from the Caravaca family, who are equally powerful in the community. They are looking for vengeance and have come to Caco for justice. When he refuses to betray his brother, the Caravacas grow impatient. When they realize they are getting nowhere, they threaten to kill Diego. Despite his fierce pride, Caco eventually realizes that the cycle of killing and revenge must be broken. But how can he achieve this and protect everyone he loves?
Secretario del obispo
A hilarious and heartfelt comedy! Meet Juan (Juan Luis Galiardo, Goya Ward Winner for Best Lead Actor)... an unbelievably charming middle aged ladies' man who is still taken as handsome even though he has to disguise his belly, his white hair and his "health" problems. A series of amusing situations begin when Juan is torn between his daughter, who unexpectedly and inconveniently arrives into his life, and his latest - and failed - love affair. His failed attempts at trying to patch things up will have you not only laughing out loud but it will also leave you with a wonderful sense of love and family values.
A company of Spanish movie makers leaves Franco's Spain and moves to Hitler's Germany to make a film in co-production. Soon some problems start to arise...
정신 나간 형부에게 언니와 두 조카를 잃은 프레디타(로지 페레즈)는 멕시코 국경 근처에서 은행강도 로메오(하비에르 바르뎀)를 만난다. 폭력과 성욕이 절묘하게 맞아 떨어지는 두 사람은 함께 잔인한 범죄를 저지르며 쾌락을 즐긴다. 가는 곳마다 피범벅된 살인의 현장을 남기는 프레디타와 로메오. 부두교 의식을 치르기 위해 납치한 한 쌍의 젊은 연인을 각기 강간하면서 두 사람은 조금씩 서로를 향한 의심을 쌓아 간다. (임재원)
Mommy's boy Juantxo is engaged. Dragged to the party by his friends Konradin and Paco, he loses his expensive wedding ring inside the body of a prostitute. Mafioso whorehouse owner Villambrosa finds the ring. Meanwhile Villambrosa's rival gangster Souza sends femme fatale Fatima to check things out. Juantxo and his friends are trying to get the ring back and in the process get involved in the war between gangs.
Tristan is about to turn fifteen. He enjoys the good life his parents have built for him. And yet, it won't be long before his environment of protection, affection and comfort crumbles. From then on, he will learn the taste of loneliness, sadness and that survival is often more important than life.
Tristan is about to turn fifteen. He enjoys the good life his parents have built for him. And yet, it won't be long before his environment of protection, affection and comfort crumbles. From then on, he will learn the taste of loneliness, sadness and that survival is often more important than life.
늘 인생에서 실패만 경험했던 아트 다지는 화가의 꿈을 버리고 지금은 마이애미에서 다 쓰러져가는 미술관을 운영하고 있다. 손님은 점점 줄어들고 결국 비서인 글로리아의 월급을 주기위해 이것 저것 할 줄 아는 일에 매달린다. 그러던 중 베티 커너(멜라니 그리피스 분)를 알게 된다. 부유하고, 충동적이며, 약간 정신이 없는 것 같은 여자 베티. 늘 로맨틱한 사랑을 꿈꾸지만 한번도 진실한 사랑을 해보지 못한 그녀는 사업가(대니 아엘로 분)와 막 두번째로 이혼했다. 아트와 베티는 우연히 만나 호젓한 바닷가의 모텔에서 정열의 불꽃을 태운다. 이혼의 상처를 잊기 위해 재혼을 서두르는 베티에게 있어 아트야말로 이상적인 남편 후보감. 당연히 그들은 결혼을 하기로 한다. 하지만 결혼까지 가는 길이 순탄할 리 없다. 아트는 리즈 커너(다릴 한나 분)를 만나 그 자리에서 그녀에게 홀딱 빠져버리고 만다. 리즈와 베티는 자매간이였지만 이들은 낮과 밤처럼 서로 달랐다. 베티와의 결혼을 뒤로 미룬 후 아트는 리즈를 차지할 목적으로 이 문제의 해결방법을 모색한다. 해결책이란 것이 이태리에서 돌아왔다는 있지도 않은 쌍동이 화가 동생을 만들어 낸 것이었다. 이런 정신 나간 짓에 그의 비서와 늙은 아버지(앨리 월러치 분), 매니(가비노 디에고 분) 그리고 아트의 미술관에 그림을 전시하고 있는 젊은 화가가 끼여들고 문제는 꼬여만 가는데...
Espectador Cine
Alberto lives with his parents and his brother Roberto, quite attractive, who tells him there are lots of girls. Alberto is a romantic guy, and doesn't find a girl for his own. He knew he was in love as soon as he saw Maria, although he was not very sure of what she thought. His brother told him he would help with her, but things get difficult when Roberto also likes Maria.
Alberto lives with his parents and his brother Roberto, quite attractive, who tells him there are lots of girls. Alberto is a romantic guy, and doesn't find a girl for his own. He knew he was in love as soon as he saw Maria, although he was not very sure of what she thought. His brother told him he would help with her, but things get difficult when Roberto also likes Maria.
Chico imprenta
Pedro goes out searching for a girl, but the night doesn't seem to be good. While he is talking with a friend, he sees Sara breaking up with a boy. He goes after her, and they end up sleeping in his house. Time goes by and they continue together. But Sara has too many men around and Pablo can't stand that. Their relation is difficult, they love each other but, at the same time, they can not be together.
Pedro goes out searching for a girl, but the night doesn't seem to be good. While he is talking with a friend, he sees Sara breaking up with a boy. He goes after her, and they end up sleeping in his house. Time goes by and they continue together. But Sara has too many men around and Pablo can't stand that. Their relation is difficult, they love each other but, at the same time, they can not be together.
Evilio, a deranged, knife-wielding maniac abducts three pretty young women and drags them to an abandoned building. He tells his bound and helpless captives that he will call their families one by one - if someone answers the phone, that captive will live; if not, a gruesome death awaits.