Maria Hart

Maria Hart

프로필 사진

Maria Hart

참여 작품

The Friendship Game
A group of teens in a small town come across a strange object that tests their loyalties to each other with increasingly destructive consequences the deeper into the game they go.
러스티 맨
Rosemary Maddox
베테랑 로데오 선수인 제프 맥클라우드(로버트 미첨)는 경기 중에 부상을 입은 후 그 일을 그만두고 어린 시절을 보냈던 고향으로 돌아온다. 그곳에서 그는 자기 소유의 목장을 사려고 열심히 돈을 모으고 있는 웨스(아서 케네디)와 루이즈(수잔 헤이워드) 부부를 만나게 된다. 로데오 팬인 웨스는 로데오 챔피언이었던 제프를 알아보고는 자신이 일하는 목장에 소개시켜준다. 곧 웨스는 제프에게 상금의 절반을 제공하는 대가로 로데오 선수가 되는 방법을 가르쳐 달라고 부탁한다.
Outlaw Women
A old west town run by women. All the town's business is controlled by a woman gambler who tries not to succumb to the allure of a handsome and persistent cowboy.
Cattle Queen
Queenie Hart
After conning a potential buyer into believing that Queenie's herd is diseased, nasty would-be empire builder Duke Drake is confronted by the girl's new tough foreman Bill Foster. In retaliation, Drake frames Bill for a stage robbery committed by his own henchmen and arranges a phony trial presided over by the saloon's bartender Judge Whipple. Queenie interrupts the "trial" with the news that the townswomen have all elected Jim Marshal. To uphold the decision, Bill has secured the release of three convicted outlaws: Blackie Malone, Bad Bill Smith, and Shotgun Thompson, two of whom join in the fight against Drake and his gang.
Border Outlaws
Jill Kimball
Western tale of a special agent (Bill Edwards) unravelling a series of rustlings on and around Cooley's dude ranch
The Fighting Stallion
Released from a navy hospital following WW II, Lon Evans learns that he faces eventual blindness and returns to his Wyoming ranch. He sees a beautiful white stallion named Starlight and his cowhands Lem and Yancy say he is a killer and cannot be trained. Lon disproves this by training the stallion to act as his guide in preparation for his future blindness.