Ashley Cordray Esq.
A grieving man relocates his two teen daughters to a charming town and into their dream home. Quickly the dream becomes an inescapable nightmare.
An entitled Basketball star is forced during suspension to tour with a dismal charity league. In the process he has the most bizarre on the road experiences in the history of the game, in the end discovers what is truly important in life.
Black Helmet Man
Thumb Wars IX is the epic tale of Loke Skyskipper and family. The story reveals the truth behind the seemingly reclusive Loke Skyskipper while tracking the ongoing internal conflict of Thumblo Ren and the mysterious origin story of Thumbray. The focus is on the fan base and ALL will be revealed.
In a fragile relationship, a husband wants to impress upon his pregnant wife his seriousness in being a good father, so he whisks her away on a babymoon travel holiday to the most exotic, beautiful, Instagram -able, country imaginable, which unbeknownst to him is experiencing a political revolution!
News Anchor
크리스찬 그레이는 아나스타샤 스틸을 잊지 못해 되찾으려고 하지만 아나스타샤는 지금까지와 다른 새로운 관계를 원한다. 과거의 상처를 고백하며 점점 변해가는 크리스찬의 모습에 아나스타샤는 결국 그를 받아들이고, 둘은 서로에게 더욱 깊이 빠져들며 뜨거운 사랑을 나눈다. 그러나 그의 숨겨진 과거와 비밀을 아는 사람들이 아나스타샤를 위협하기 시작하면서 그들의 관계는 위태로워지는데...
바깥 세상이 궁금하지만 나는 법을 알려주지 않는 아빠 때문에 섬에 갇혀 늘 홀로 지루한 시간만 보내던 천방지축 오리 ‘롱웨이’. 어느 날, ‘롱웨이’의 섬을 차지하려는 청둥오리 무리가 나타나고, 외롭던 ‘롱웨이’는 청둥오리 대장의 딸인 ‘에리카’와 절친이 된다! 한편, 자신이 100년에 한번 찾아오는 악당에 맞서 태양을 지키는 슈퍼오리 히어로임을 알게 된 ‘롱웨이’. 악당 마녀 ‘나우트’는 그런 ‘롱웨이’의 능력을 빼앗아 영원한 젊음을 얻고 태양을 없애 섬을 암흑으로 만들어 버릴 계획을 세우는데… 태양을 지키기 위해서는 나는 법을 배워야 한다! 히어로가 된 ‘롱웨이’는 여자친구 ‘에리카’와 함께 마녀를 물리치고 태양을 지켜낼 수 있을까?
Ken Stevens
A haunted doll teaches one little girl why children shouldn't play with undead things.
Follow three individuals who served on the jury for one of San Francisco's most high profile serial killer cases. Now someone, or something, is killing them off one by one.
After watching a True Hollywood Stories-type documentary in which he is considered a forgotten star, Johnny Bravo travels to Mumbai, the entertainment capital of India, to prove himself he is still popular, confusing Bollywood, India, with Hollywood and Indiana respectively.
Fly (voice)
당신 발 밑으로 펼쳐지는 미지의 세계 파괴자 루카스의 행동에 더 이상 참을 수 없던 개미들은 마법사 개미 조크(니콜라스 케이지)가 완성한 묘약을 가지고 루카스를 개미만큼 줄어들게 만든다. 개미왕국으로 끌려와 재판을 받게 된 루카스는 현명한 여왕 개미(메릴 스트립)의 명령에 따라 개미들의 생활방식을 배우게 된다. 이제 루카스는 예전에는 상상도 못했던 낯선 풍경 속에서 생사를 건 모험을 시작한다.
Hugh Neutron (voice)
Back for their third and zaniest adventure yet, Nickelodeon's boy genius Jimmy Neutron and Timmy from "The Fairly Odd Parents" unite to sculpt a wonder robot. Cartoon calamity ensues when the power-hungry robot develops a mind of his own and turns on his creative inventors.
Carmine "The Beans" Pasquale / George Cheeseman
A mafia family from New Jersey is placed in the witness relocation program to an all-Mormon community in Utah.
Chuck Steak
A world record orgy, wild sex scenes, ninjas... just a typical day at the office when you happen to work on a porn set. Director Chuck Steak is making his last film and wants to go out with a bang. With the help of veteran actress Roxy Free and the outrageously endowed Lance Long, they concoct the biggest and most absurdly complicated porn film ever made. But along the way, everything that can possibly go wrong does go wrong. Tempers flare, secrets are revealed and a hidden past is exposed, as all hell breaks loose during the climactic orgy scene. It's a wild ride in this rowdy and heartwarming tale of life in the adult film industry. Written by HBFilmworks
Hugh Neutron (voice)
Jimmy Neutron and his buddies go on a spectacular adventure through space and time.
Hugh Neutron / Emergency System / Gen. Abercrombie (voice)
Retroville becomes ground zero for a meteor engraved with a mysterious alien message, which only the best and brightest(naturally, Jimmy) can translate. When he finally figures the message out, he and his friends are teleported into deep space and are forced to become contestants on an intergalactic reality game show, where the losers have their home planets destroyed.
Hugh Neutron (voice)
Mayhem reigns supreme in the animated kingdom as whiz kid Jimmy Neutron and Timmy from "The Fairly Oddparents" swap places in each other's worlds.
Hugh Neutron (voice)
Jimmy is enlisted as a spy by the Big Top Secret Organization. His mission: find and rescue Agent X - who turns out to be Jimmy's movie hero, Jet Fusion.
Thummy / Don Bazzarzini / Wartz
This film is an incredibly silly parody of The Godfather,....starring thumbs with computer-generated faces! WAIT!!!! Keep reading--it's really not as dumb as it sounds and it is darn funny! Really! Steve Oedekerk has created several thumb parodies and they are all well worth watching...
Security Elf 1/Flippy
A lonely snowman finds Santa's workshop. But when he sets off the perimeter alarms and is chased away, he wonders why he couldn't be Santa and get all the love and fun this year. With the aid of "Snow Minions Made Easy", he pits his snow army against Santa's elves and captures Santa. But can he really do Santa's job?
Black Helmet Man / The Interviewer / TV Anchor (voice)
This Thumb Double Feature includes exclusive special appearances by The Thumbersons.
Lazlo 'Ted' Wozzeck
A school is started to teach reality television contestants to be better actors.
Hugh Neutron (voice)
레트로빌의 천재소년 지미 뉴트론은 어느날 외계로부터 기이한 메시지를 받는다. 은하계 건너 욜크스 제국에서 보낸 메시지의 내용을 확인하게 위해 지미는 토스터를 개조한 메신저를 우주로 쏘아 올린다. 지미의 메신저로 지구 인간에 대한 정보를 입수한 욜크스 제국의 구보왕은 레트로빌 아이들이 놀이공원에 놀러간 틈을 타 우주 괴물 풀트라에게 제물로 바치기 위해 지구의 부모들을 납치한다. 사사건건 잔소리에 간섭만 하는 어른들이 없어지자 기뻐 날 뛰던 아이들은 방종한 생활에 금방 지치고 어른들을 구하기 위해 욜크스 제국으로 출동한다.
Fred / Narrator / Bank Depositer / Millionaire (voice)
Super hero Wuce Bane (a.k.a. Bat Thumb) and his trusty sidekick, Blue Jay, are called upon to save Gaaathumb City from the evil, despicable, and poorly dressed "No Face." Will the city survive? Will Bat Thumb's true identity be revealed? Will Vicky Nail learn to control her unruly waves? Find out the answers to all these questions in this latest comic adventure from master storyteller Steve O.
The Interviewer / TV Anchor / Elvis / Lookout #2 / Rich Man at Dinner / 'Shuffle Board Finals?' (voice)
Short-subject movie parodies with casts completely comprised of the digits. Released in 1999, Thumbtanic gives the thumb-treatment to James Cameron's box-office and Oscar juggernaut Titanic and features the voice talents of Mary Jo Keenan and Mark DeCarlo, among others.
Black Helmet Man (voice)
The hilarious story of a restless young farm-thumb, Loke Groundrunner, and his tasty companion, Princess Bunhead, who go on an quest to combat Black Helmet Man and the Evil Thumbpire.
A high powered business executive takes on an assignment on Christmas Eve, knowing she is to get married immediately after the holiday. Arriving at the Seattle airport, she discovered all flights are canceled and she has to get to LA. She then hires an obnoxious cabbie to transport her to LA. However, the cabbie eventually proves to be rather endearing while she maintains her upper class posturing.
Dad (voice)
The pilot of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. The short was going to start the series, but Nickelodeon liked it so much that they decided to make the film and the series was produced a couple of years later. Jimmy runs away after his parents ground him for launching Carl off the roof. Little do his folks know that Jimmy has been abducted by aliens, who think he knows about earth's defense systems.
Joel Hemmert
음악프로 DJ인 죠와 사건 현장을 찾아다니며 사진을 찍는 몰리(Molly Stewart/Angel: 다렌 보겔 분)는 연인 사이이다. 몰리가 거리의 여자일 때 친구였던 폴라는 AK47이라는 록밴드의 리드싱어인 피스톤(Piston Jones: 쉐인 프레이저 분)을 좋아하고 있었다. 그러던 어느 날 오랫만에 몰리와 만난 후 폴라는 시체로 발견되고, 폴라의 목에 난 상처를 본 몰리는 피스톤을 범인으로 지목한다. 몰리는 자신이 피스톤의 옛애인인 매릴린과 닮았다는 점을 이용하여 그에게 접근하고 그의 방에서 증거물인 기타줄을 훔쳐오는데 성공한다. 하지만 기타줄의 혈흔을 분석한 결과 피스톤은 범인이 아니라는 것이 드러나는데...
아름다운 금발에 빼어난 몸매로 고교 치어리더들 중에서도 돋보이는 킹카인 버피는 자신이 운명적으로, '흡혈귀 제거자'로 낙인 찍혀 있음을 알고 있지만 이러한 사실을 원하지 않는다. 현실의 학교 생활을 너무도 좋아하는 버피는 태어날 때 어께에 찍혀 있던 흡혈귀 제거자의 표시를 없앤 지 이미 오래다. 그러나 세상일이야 어떻게 돌아가든 관심이 없던 버피는 뱀파이어들이 사람들을 계속 공격하자 마음이 흔들리기 시작한다. 결국 버피는 뱀파이어 해결사 스승을 모시고 지도 받으며 체력을 연마하게 된다. 이때부터 흡혈귀를 없앨 궁리만 하던 버피는 계속 뱀파이어를 물리치며 승승장구 하게된다. 그러던 어느날...
Dr. Skip
A mad doctor puts together a new body by using body parts he steals from a mortuary at the hospital where he works.
How do you save friends and defeat a dangerous villain, if you are just a small wooden boy? And what if, after gaining freedom, your friends don't know what to do with it now?
Father Carlo / Coot (voice)
How do you save friends and defeat a dangerous villain, if you are just a small wooden boy? And what if, after gaining freedom, your friends don't know what to do with it now?