The story of a teenage boy who suffers from a rare disorder that prevents him from feeling. We follow the journey of a single mother going through her son's physical and emotional changes.
Bruce Willis goes from "Die Hard" to dead on arrival as some of the biggest names in entertainment serve up punches of their own to Hollywood's go-to action star. And with Roast Master Joseph Gordon-Levitt at the helm, nobody is leaving the dais unscathed.
Ernie (voice)
When their trip to San Lorenzo takes a turn for the worst, Arnold and his classmate’s only hope of getting home is retracing the dangerous path that led to Arnold's parents' disappearance.
Joe E. Lewis
A combination "before the rage" and "after the rage" of world middleweight boxing champion Jake LaMotta's tumultuous life and times.
Through unprecedented backstage access and candid interviews, the film weaves through the absurd world of the working comedian and reveals a crazy and hilarious psychological profile of its practitioners. We also follow retired comic Ritch Shydner's attempt to climb back on stage after a thirteen-year hiatus. At the top of his game in the 1980's, Shydner had HBO specials, shot five pilot TV shows, and numerous late night appearances (Carson, Letterman, Leno, etc.) but the big time eluded him. Equipped with the collective wisdom and nutty musings of over 80 of his peers, he gives it another shot. Does Ritch have what it takes to connect with today's young crowds and still get the laughs?
HECKLER is a comedic feature documentary exploring the increasingly critical world we live in. After starring in a film that was critically bashed, Jamie Kennedy takes on hecklers and critics and ask some interesting questions of people such as George Lucas, Bill Maher, Mike Ditka, Rob Zombie, Howie Mandel and many more. This fast moving, hilarious documentary pulls no punches as you see an uncensored look at just how nasty and mean the fight is between those in the spotlight and those in the dark.
Duke the Dog (voice)
어느 시골 마을의 농장. 농부가 잠자리에 들면, 마구간에서는 한바탕 파티가 벌어진다. 파티의 주인들은 다름아닌 가축들. 그들은 인간들의 생각과는 달리, 말도 하고 TV도 보며, 노래도 부르고 춤도 추는, 우리와 똑같은 존재였던 것이다. 천하태평 놀기만 좋아하는 송아지 오티스는 친구들과 함께 하루하루를 빈둥거리며 아버지가 하지 말라는 것들만을 골라하며 말썽을 부린다. 반면 오티스의 아버지이자 농장 가축들의 리더인 벤은 다른 가축들이 파티를 즐기는 동안에도 울타리를 지키며 코요테의 습격으로부터 농장의 가축들을 지키기 위하여 경계를 한다. 그러던 어느 날, 벤이 더 이상 리더로서의 역할을 할 수 없게 되고, 오티스는 아버지 대신 질서를 유지해보려고 하지만, 이 같은 능력은 결코 저절로 얻어지는 것이 아니라는 것을 깨닫게 된다. 때마침, 농장의 주인은 이들의 비밀을 눈치채기 시작하고, 코요테는 벤의 빈자리를 틈타서 농장을 공격할 준비를 하는데...
One hundred superstar comedians tell the same very, VERY dirty, filthy joke--one shared privately by comics since Vaudeville.
Petey (as Dominick Irrera)
A restaurant owner falls in love with an opera singer and, desperate to impress her, travels to Italy to learn how to sing.
A look at the work of two stand-up comics, Jerry Seinfeld and a lesser-known newcomer, detailing the effort and frustration behind putting together a successful act and career while living a life on the road.
Ernie Potts (voice)
그럭저럭 평화롭게 지내던 아놀드와 친구들의 마을에 큰 문제가 생겼다. 사악한 욕심쟁이 미스터 섹이 운영하는 미래기술산업이 이 도시를 완전히 밀어버리고 거대한 쇼핑센터를 세울 계획을 가져온 것. 자칫하면 정든 집과 이웃들이 모두 사라져버리고 만다. 하지만 사람들은 미래기술산업이 약속한 돈에 눈이 어두워 그들이 내민 서류에 속속 서명을 하고 만다. 이를 용납할 수 없는 아놀드와 친구들은 드디어 활동을 개시한다. 정에 호소하고 몸으로 막는 고전적 방법이 통할 리 없고 아이들이다 보니 돈이나 권력을 이용할 방법도 없다. 막막한 상황에서 철거 날짜는 코앞으로 다가오는데...
After the death of his older brother, Guiseppe "the guppy" Calzone becomes head of the Calzone Mob family. His aging father knows his son is not cut out for the job, so he sends him to "Mafia University". The head of a rival Mafia Family sees this as an opportunity to strike and bring the Calzone Family to its knees. Surrounded by danger, double-crossing and pasta.
Tony the Chauffeur
삶의 목표도, 별다른 직업도 없는 제프리 레보스키는 볼링장에서 시간이나 죽이며 칵테일을 늘 손에 들고 다닌다. 어느 날 이웃에 살고 있는 백만장자인 제프리 레보스키와 그를 혼동한 강도들이 그의 집에 침입한다. 강도 사건 후 얼마 지나지 않아 백만장자 레보스키의 젊은 아내가 납치당해 돈을 요구당하자, 이 돈의 전달자로 건달 제프리 레보스키가 뽑힌다. 그는 친구와 함께 백만 달러가 든 돈가방을 전달하지 않고 가로채지만, 불법 주차단속에 걸려 돈가방이 든 차가 견인된다. 그 와중에 백만장자 레보스키의 딸 마우드 버니는 납치된 것이 아니라 스스로 잠적한 것임을 밝히며, 돈가방을 자신에게 갖다줄 것을 요구하는데...
The Earth Day Special is a television special revolving around Earth Day that aired on ABC on April 22, 1990. Sponsored by Time Warner, the two hour special featured an all-star cast addressing concerns about global warming, deforestation, and other environmental ills.
Standup Comic
This mockumentary about fictional movie studio Adequate Pictures boasts an interesting cast. Tony Randall hosts, and James CoCo (practically on his deathbed) stars as head of the studio. Includes parodies of everything from silent comedies to porn, including an ultra violent "three stooges" style comedy team who put a new spin on the eye poking gag.
Rodney Dangerfield hosts a showcase of comics including himself, Robert Schimmel, Bill Hicks, and Andrew Dice Clay, among others.
Rodney Dangerfield hosts a showcase of comics including himself, Robert Schimmel, Bill Hicks, and Andrew Dice Clay, among others.
Additional Writing
Aspiring actor and hot-dog stand employee Bobby Taylor catches the ire of his grandmother for auditioning for a role in the regrettably titled exploitation film "Jivetime Jimmy's Revenge." When Tinseltown Studios casts Taylor in the title role, he has a series of conflicted dreams satirizing African-American stereotypes in Hollywood, and must reconcile his career goals with his desire to remain a positive role model for his little brother.
Aspiring actor and hot-dog stand employee Bobby Taylor catches the ire of his grandmother for auditioning for a role in the regrettably titled exploitation film "Jivetime Jimmy's Revenge." When Tinseltown Studios casts Taylor in the title role, he has a series of conflicted dreams satirizing African-American stereotypes in Hollywood, and must reconcile his career goals with his desire to remain a positive role model for his little brother.
Three sororities must compete in a series of sports contests to determine which one will lose their sorority house. The odds are stacked against the Phi Betas until they're joined by an all-girl rock band.