John N. Smith

John N. Smith

출생 : 1943-07-31, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

프로필 사진

John N. Smith

참여 작품

Love & Savagery
In 1969, a visiting geologist from Newfoundland arouses scandal in a small Irish village when he romances a local girl who’s destined for the convent.
Geraldine's Fortune
때로는 모든 걸 잃어볼 필요가 있다
라스(Russell Durrell: 빈스 본 분)는 잘생긴 외모의 변호사이다. 그러나 그의 아내(Kate: 모니카 포텔 분)가 자신과 그의 어린 아들 캘빈을 버린 채 떠나버리자, 무거운 마음으로 캔사스로 이사를 간다. 라스는 변호사라는 직업과 고등학교의 농구 코치를 병행하며 우울함을 잊기 위해 노력하며 지낸다. 그러던 어느 날 물건을 사기 위해 시내의 상점에 가게 된 라스는 우연히 베스(Beth: 조이 로렌 아담스 분)라는 여인을 만나게 된다. 섹시하면서도 귀여운 매력의 베스와 편안하면서도 위트있는 매력의 라스는 급격히 가까워진다. 그러나 그 두 사람이 연인으로 발전해 갈 무렵, 라스에게 전처의 전화가 오고 이를 알게 된 베스는 라스를 멀리하게 된다.
The true story of a love affair between mob boss Sam Giancana and singer Phyllis McGuire.
위험한 아이들
루앤 존슨(Louanne Johnson : 미쉘 파이퍼 분)은 9년간의 미해병대 복무를 정리한 뒤 영어교사로 전업했다. 그녀는 캘리포니아 북부의 한 고등학교에서 정교사 자격증을 취득하기 위한 과정으로 일종의 교생 실습을 받던 중 아카데미 클래스(문제아 학급)의 담임으로 배정받는다. 이 아카데미 클래스는 그녀의 인생을 완전히 바꾸어 놓은 교육 현장이었으며, 그녀 또한 문제아 학생들의 인생을 영원히 바꾸어 놓았다. 그녀가 담임맡은 학생들은 하나같이 어두운 환경에서 성장하며 접근하기 힘든 반항 심리를 지니고 있지만 누구보다도 진심 어린 애정과 관심을 가져줄 사람을 기다리고 있다. 또한 이들은 주위에 마음을 열어놓거나 의지할 대상이 흔치않다는 것을 이미 깨달아 버렸다. 그러나 루앤 존슨은 이들에게 꿈을 심어주며 학교의 잘못된 규정을 거부해버리고 스스로 새로운 커리쿨럼을 만든다. 가정의 따뜻한 보살핌이 없이 성장하여 거칠기 짝이 없는 학생들에게 그녀는 밥 딜런의 시와 딜런 토마스의 시를 가르친다. 시험 성적이 천차만별이고 항상 자신들의 실패를 하나의 숙명처럼 받아들이는 학생들에게서 좌절감을 느낀 존슨은 마침내 특이한 교육방식을 고안해내 학생들의 관심을 이끌어낸다. 그러나 무엇보다도 중요한 것은 어려운 상황에서도 존슨이 학생들로 하여금 자기 자신들의 영혼과 잠재력을 믿도록 사랑하면서 힘을 북돋아준다는 것이다.
A dramatization of the failed World War II raid which became the most serious defeat of Canadian forces in the war.
The Boys of St. Vincent: 15 Years Later
Fifteen years after the events of The Boys of St. Vincent took place, the various boys involved are brought in to testify against the brothers, now finally standing trial, who assaulted them when they were children.
The Boys of St. Vincent: 15 Years Later
Fifteen years after the events of The Boys of St. Vincent took place, the various boys involved are brought in to testify against the brothers, now finally standing trial, who assaulted them when they were children.
The Boys of St. Vincent: 15 Years Later
Fifteen years after the events of The Boys of St. Vincent took place, the various boys involved are brought in to testify against the brothers, now finally standing trial, who assaulted them when they were children.
더 보이스 오브 세인트 빈센트
The true story of boys being sexually abused at their orphanage, run by a religious community in Newfoundland.
더 보이스 오브 세인트 빈센트
The true story of boys being sexually abused at their orphanage, run by a religious community in Newfoundland.
Welcome to Canada
Newfoundlanders share their food, culture, and homes with a group of Tamil refugees found off the coast.
Welcome to Canada
Newfoundlanders share their food, culture, and homes with a group of Tamil refugees found off the coast.
Welcome to Canada
Newfoundlanders share their food, culture, and homes with a group of Tamil refugees found off the coast.
Train of Dreams
At 16, Tony is an English-speaking high-school drop-out in Montreal. In trouble with the law and at odds with his struggling single parent mother, Tony is sent to Juvie where he realizes that he's neither as tough or as disadvantaged as he thought. Then he comes home on a weekend pass only to find his younger brother following in his footsteps.
Train of Dreams
At 16, Tony is an English-speaking high-school drop-out in Montreal. In trouble with the law and at odds with his struggling single parent mother, Tony is sent to Juvie where he realizes that he's neither as tough or as disadvantaged as he thought. Then he comes home on a weekend pass only to find his younger brother following in his footsteps.
Train of Dreams
At 16, Tony is an English-speaking high-school drop-out in Montreal. In trouble with the law and at odds with his struggling single parent mother, Tony is sent to Juvie where he realizes that he's neither as tough or as disadvantaged as he thought. Then he comes home on a weekend pass only to find his younger brother following in his footsteps.
Sitting in Limbo
The National Film Board of Canada was one of the guiding forces behind Sitting in Limbo. Fabian Gibbs plays a black Montreal college student forced to leave school when his girlfriend Pat Dillon becomes pregnant. Gibbs resents this interruption in his plans, but he becomes a very good provider. The responsibilities of parenthood, alas, irreparably damage the boy-girl relationship. Filmed in a quasidocumentary manner, Sitting in Limbo seems predestined to win film festival awards--as indeed it has.
The Masculine Mystique
This feature-length drama explores the changing role of men in today's society by delving into the stories of 4 men and their relationships with women.
The Masculine Mystique
This feature-length drama explores the changing role of men in today's society by delving into the stories of 4 men and their relationships with women.
The Masculine Mystique
This feature-length drama explores the changing role of men in today's society by delving into the stories of 4 men and their relationships with women.
First Winter
First Winter is a 1982 Canadian short film directed by John N. Smith. With the father away, an Irish immigrant family struggle to survive their first winter in the Canadian wild. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
The New Boys
This short documentary takes us to St. John's Cathedral Boys' School, at Selkirk, Manitoba, one of the most demanding outdoor schools in North America. As the school can’t accommodate every student wishing to enroll, boys of 13 to 15 years old are put through an initiation tougher than they have ever faced. They paddle canoes through some 500 kilometers of wilderness in 2 weeks, portaging and camping all the way, thereby learning vital outdoor lore, cooperation and self-confidence.
The New Boys
This short documentary takes us to St. John's Cathedral Boys' School, at Selkirk, Manitoba, one of the most demanding outdoor schools in North America. As the school can’t accommodate every student wishing to enroll, boys of 13 to 15 years old are put through an initiation tougher than they have ever faced. They paddle canoes through some 500 kilometers of wilderness in 2 weeks, portaging and camping all the way, thereby learning vital outdoor lore, cooperation and self-confidence.
The New Boys
This short documentary takes us to St. John's Cathedral Boys' School, at Selkirk, Manitoba, one of the most demanding outdoor schools in North America. As the school can’t accommodate every student wishing to enroll, boys of 13 to 15 years old are put through an initiation tougher than they have ever faced. They paddle canoes through some 500 kilometers of wilderness in 2 weeks, portaging and camping all the way, thereby learning vital outdoor lore, cooperation and self-confidence.
Some Natives of Churchill
Executive Producer
This short documentary zooms in on Churchill, Manitoba, on the western curve of Hudson Bay. The town boomed for a while after it became the railhead seaport for the shipment of Prairie grain. It also changed the way of life of the Native Indian and Inuit population.
Breathing Together: Revolution of the Electric Family
The title of this Canadian documentary may have some relation to Canadian Marshall McLuhan's theories. It combines interview with famous U.S. militants of the '60s, such as Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman, with reenactments of their Chicago trials (i.e., the "Chicago Eight," etc.). Other figures of cultural interest from the time, including Alan Ginsberg and Buckminster Fuller, are interviewed or featured. The filmmaker indicates his belief that powerful forces in the U.S. government worked together to suppress American radicals. This view, widely disbelieved at the time, has since been confirmed.