Gene Fallaize

참여 작품

Cain Hill
Hollywood Movie Director
A group of documentary filmmakers are filming a TV special about the events which occurred at the famous and mysterious abandoned Cain Hill asylum many years earlier, and the unexplained abductions and murders that have occurred at the site since then. The group soon learn that one of the inmates never left Cain Hill at all.
Cain Hill
A group of documentary filmmakers are filming a TV special about the events which occurred at the famous and mysterious abandoned Cain Hill asylum many years earlier, and the unexplained abductions and murders that have occurred at the site since then. The group soon learn that one of the inmates never left Cain Hill at all.
Cain Hill
A group of documentary filmmakers are filming a TV special about the events which occurred at the famous and mysterious abandoned Cain Hill asylum many years earlier, and the unexplained abductions and murders that have occurred at the site since then. The group soon learn that one of the inmates never left Cain Hill at all.
Contact Lost
Executive Producer
Contact Lost follows two friends that realise they are probably going to die together, but at the same time utterly alone as they are totally lost and badly wounded after their small plane crash lands in the middle of nowhere.
Contact Lost
Contact Lost follows two friends that realise they are probably going to die together, but at the same time utterly alone as they are totally lost and badly wounded after their small plane crash lands in the middle of nowhere.
Contact Lost
Contact Lost follows two friends that realise they are probably going to die together, but at the same time utterly alone as they are totally lost and badly wounded after their small plane crash lands in the middle of nowhere.
Superman: Requiem
The Last Seven
Associate Producer
Seven strangers wake up on the deserted streets of London with no knowledge of how they got there. Before long someone -or something - is picking them off, one by one....
Zombie Undead
Zombie (uncredited)
A car roars through the darkened country roads. Inside, a distraught Sarah, holding her stricken dad, Mark, is desperately trying to stem the flow of blood. Having been re-directed to an Evacuation facility on the edge of town, Steve, an off-duty Paramedic is in a race against time fully aware that Mark's chances of survival are rapidly slipping away. The scene that greets them on arrival is one of chaos. The floor, awash with blood, is covered with the bodies of the dying and injured, doctors dart back and forth, clearly overwhelmed. A violent convulsion causes Mark to lose consciousness, heart stopped he slumps to the floor. As the adrenalin needle slams into her Fathers heart Sarah stumbles back and her world fades to black. Upon regaining consciousness Sarah is greeted by the uneasy silence of a seemingly deserted building. Bleeding and dazed she stumbles through the darkened corridors unaware of the fate that awaits her...
Tom Toal: On the Scrapheap
Executive In Charge Of Production
After the dissolution of his six-year relationship, Tom is single. A show about the struggle to avoid being placed on the proverbial scrapheap. What to do when you lose 'the one'. An honest and personal tale of life, love and moving on.
Tom Toal: On the Scrapheap
Executive Producer
After the dissolution of his six-year relationship, Tom is single. A show about the struggle to avoid being placed on the proverbial scrapheap. What to do when you lose 'the one'. An honest and personal tale of life, love and moving on.
Tom Toal: On the Scrapheap
Sound Recordist
After the dissolution of his six-year relationship, Tom is single. A show about the struggle to avoid being placed on the proverbial scrapheap. What to do when you lose 'the one'. An honest and personal tale of life, love and moving on.
Executive Producer
이라크 파병에서 돌아온 참전용사 대니는 집에 돌아오자마자 아내의 불륜현장을 목격하고, 집을 나와 호텔에서의 생활을 시작한다. 한편 호텔에는 사회에 강한 불만을 지니고 있으며 CCTV로 호텔의 보안을 책임지는 사이몬은 우연히 대니가 전직 군인이라는 사실을 알게 되고 그에게 세상을 향한 복수를 제시하며 일종의 집단반군을 모집하기로 한다. 그리고 여기에는 거대 마약상으로부터 아내를 살해당한 변호사 세드렉과 거친 10대들로부터 무차별적인 피해를 본 피해자 등이 모여 세상을 향한 그들만의 전복을 시도하는데…
Dark Ascension
The gates of Heaven & Hell have been broken and the afterlife is in ruins. One group of new arrivals must find a way to put things right to prevent an eternal battle between good & evil.
Dark Ascension
The gates of Heaven & Hell have been broken and the afterlife is in ruins. One group of new arrivals must find a way to put things right to prevent an eternal battle between good & evil.
Dark Ascension
The gates of Heaven & Hell have been broken and the afterlife is in ruins. One group of new arrivals must find a way to put things right to prevent an eternal battle between good & evil.
Dark Ascension
Man on Train
The gates of Heaven & Hell have been broken and the afterlife is in ruins. One group of new arrivals must find a way to put things right to prevent an eternal battle between good & evil.