Ada Solomon

Ada Solomon

출생 : 1968-06-03, Bucharest, Romania


Ada Solomon is a Romanian producer and the founder of Hi Film Productions and Micro Film. She has produced films presented and awarded in the most prestigious festivals such as Cannes, Berlin, Locarno, Venice and Sundance. Her credits include I DO NOT CARE IF WE GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS BARBARIANS (Radu Jude, 2018, Grand Prix Chrystal Globe in Karlovy Vary IFF), AFERIM! (Radu Jude, 2015, Silver Bear Berlin) and CHILD’S POSE (Calin Peter Netzer, 2013, Golden Bear Berlin). She has worked with most promising filmmakers from Romania, from Cristian Nemescu to Ivana Mladenovic, from Alexandru Solomon and Razvan Radulescu to Adrian Sitaru and Paul Negoescu- to name just few. Ada has co-produced with over 15 European countries and has released her films in over 50 territories. She has been in charge of production services for projects such as Franco Zeffirelli’s CALLAS FOREVER and Maren Ade’s Oscar-nominated TONI ERDMANN. She is the Executive President of the European Women’s Audiovisual Network, the Romanian National Coordinator of EAVE, member of the executive board of ACE, member of the board of the European Film Academy and was awarded with the European Co-production Award – Prix Eurimages at the 2013 European Film Awards and with the Central European Initiative Award at the Trieste Film Festival in 2018.

프로필 사진

Ada Solomon

참여 작품

지구 종말이 오더라도 너무 큰 기대는 말라
안젤라는 다국적 기업이 제작하는 산업 안전 홍보 영상에 출연할 인물을 물색하느라 부쿠레슈티 시내를 밤낮 누빈다. 과로에 시달린 안젤라가 현실의 벽에 부딪힐 때마다 틱톡에 등장하는 ‘부캐’ 보비타는 위악적인 조롱과 혐오 발언을 퍼부으며 스트레스 해소 창구가 되어준다. 전작 〈배드 럭 뱅잉〉(2021)을 통해 증명한 바와 같이, 풍자의 대가 라두 주데는 어지러운 과잉의 이미지와 필터링 없이 쏟아지는 대사의 향연을 통해 우리 사회의 부조리를 냉철하게 통찰하고 강력하게 비판한다. 우여곡절 끝에 적임자가 캐스팅되고 홍보 영상 촬영이 본격적으로 시작되는 후반부, 휠체어에 앉은 노동자의 목소리가 클라이언트의 다양한 요구에 따라 점점 힘을 잃어가고 진실은 마침내 몇 줄의 자막 속으로 사라지는 과정을 목도한다. 이처럼 지구의 종말은 갑자기 찾아오는 재앙이 아니라 우리 안에 자리잡아 자전할 동력을 서서히 앗아가는 것임을, 그리고 이미 진행 중임을 깨닫게 된다.
Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World
Delegated Producer
An overworked and underpaid production assistant who must drive around the city of Bucharest to film the casting for a workplace.
When he spies on his partner, Camil discovers something sinister: a cult with white robes and strange rituals. Sebastian Mihăilescu’s experimental narrative cinema plays with myths, gender roles, and the set pieces of the horror genre.
Whose Dog Am I?
A docu-comedy about politics in a world where citizens are dogs, politicians are dog breeders, national institutions are local dog breeders’ associations while the highest international forum is the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale, the World Canine Organisation).
A drama about the difficult relationship between a mother and a son, and how their choices have dramatic consequences.
Almanah Cinema
Six shorts by Radu Jude:Plastic Semiotic,To Punish, To Discipline,The Potemkinists, Memories of the eastern front,Caricaturana and The Marshal's Two Executions
Ducu is a a 45-year-old Romanian writer facing a midlife crisis. He leaves Bucharest to be part of a creative residence in Berlin and in an attempt to rebuild his life. He swings between two countries and two women: Andra, his hot-tempered wife, who wants a divorce, and Giulia, Ducu's love from his youth, who lives in an eco-village in Germany - Lebensdorf. Looking for an answer, he goes through a series of strange, funny and even eye-opening events.
Ducu is a a 45-year-old Romanian writer facing a midlife crisis. He leaves Bucharest to be part of a creative residence in Berlin and in an attempt to rebuild his life. He swings between two countries and two women: Andra, his hot-tempered wife, who wants a divorce, and Giulia, Ducu's love from his youth, who lives in an eco-village in Germany - Lebensdorf. Looking for an answer, he goes through a series of strange, funny and even eye-opening events.
플라스틱의 기호학
어린 시절 장난감으로 표현한 인간의 생애.
거장 감독 세르게이 예이젠시테인의 유명한 발언에서 영감을 얻어 완성된 단편으로, 세 부분 중 도입부는 오노레 도미에(Honoré Daumier)의 회화 속 인물들의 제스처를 예이젠시테인식으로 상상한 몽타주이다.
Ivo, manager of a campsite on the shores of the Black Sea, refuses to bury the corpse of yet another dolphin rejected by the sea, because it has holes this time, as if it had been hit by bullets. All the vacationers and inhabitants of the surrounding area are involved in one way or another in an unprecedented war that is breaking out with the police, local and environmental institutions. (Source: cineuropa)
I Don't Know
배드 럭 뱅잉
Fur Client Parent
남편과 합의 하에 찍은 섹스 비디오가 포르노 사이트에 유출된 사실을 뒤늦게 발견한 교사 에미. 학생들 사이에서 비디오가 금세 퍼졌고, 이를 알게 된 동료 교사들과 학부모들이 에미를 해임하기 위해 긴급 회의를 소집한다. 심판대에 서서 온갖 조롱과 모욕을 당하던 에미는 결국 분노를 대폭발시키는데...
배드 럭 뱅잉
남편과 합의 하에 찍은 섹스 비디오가 포르노 사이트에 유출된 사실을 뒤늦게 발견한 교사 에미. 학생들 사이에서 비디오가 금세 퍼졌고, 이를 알게 된 동료 교사들과 학부모들이 에미를 해임하기 위해 긴급 회의를 소집한다. 심판대에 서서 온갖 조롱과 모욕을 당하던 에미는 결국 분노를 대폭발시키는데...
열차의 출구
1941년 6월 29일, 루마니아 이아시에서 1만 3천 명이 넘는 유대인이 학살된다. 나치와 그 조력자들은 총을 사용해 사람들을 죽이다가 나중에는 기차 화물칸에 이들을 가둔 후 독가스로 질식사시켰다. 열차의 출구는 이 잔인한 사건을 기록한 또 하나의 ‘홀로코스트 무비‘다. 라두 주데와 아드리안 치오플른커 감독은 희생자들의 가족, 친구, 그리고 이웃의 증언을 희생자 사진을 배경으로 들려준다. 동영상 없이, 인물 사진과 내레이션이라는 단조로운 구성만으로 3시간 가까이 이어지는 작품이지만 희생자들의 이야기가 하나하나 쌓이면서 이 ‘끔찍한 사건‘은 잊을 수 없는, 잊혀서는 안 되는 기억으로 남게 된다.
Uppercase Print
In 1981, chalk slogans written in uppercase letters started appearing in public spaces in the Romanian city of Botoşani. They demanded freedom, alluded to the democratic developments taking place in Romania’s socialist sister countries or simply called for improvements in the food supply. Mugur Călinescu was behind them, who was still at school at the time and whose case is documented in the files of the Romanian secret police. Theatre director Gianina Cărbunariu created a documentary play based on this material.
심플 우먼
생활고에 시달리는 페데리카 감독은 어린시절 우상으로 여겼던 엘리나와 함께 영화를 만들게 되었지만 모든 것이 계획대로 진행되는 것은 아니다. 페데리카는 흥분 상태에서 뇌전증 발작을 일으키고 그것은 그녀의 세상을 바꾸어 놓는다. 거의 마술처럼 모든 것이 흐려지고 새로운 관점을 얻는다.
폭군 이바나
이바나 마데노비치 감독 자신이 주연을 맡고 감독의 가족까지 현실 그대로 등장하는 영화로, 신경쇠약 직전의 여성 감독과 그녀를 둘러싼 사람들의 소동이 펼쳐진다.
The Distance Between Me and Me
Poet, musician, intellectual, and committed communist Nina Cassian wrestled for decades with the central contradiction of her life: how to reconcile her artistic ideals with the strict censorship imposed by Romania’s Communist Party — a tension that put her at odds with the totalitarian Ceaușescu regime and eventually led to her exile. Interweaving archival footage with firsthand interviews, this thought-provoking documentary illuminates the complex relationships between art, politics, and personal truths.
나 홀로 웨딩
Associate Producer
당돌하고, 충동적이며 유머가 넘치는 루마니아의 젊은 집시 파멜라는 두 살배기 딸을 둔 싱글맘이다. 어느 날 인터넷 채팅을 통해, 벨기에인인 한 중년 남성을 알게 되고, 파멜라는 가난에서 벗어나기 위해 벨기에로 떠날 결심을 한다.
The Marshal's Two Executions
The film confronts two different views of the execution of General Ion Antonescu, Romania's leader during the Second World War.
나는 야만의 역사로 거슬러가도 상관하지 않는다
인종청소 운동이 시작될 무렵인 1941년, 루마니아의 장관회의에서 나온 유명한 이야기를 바탕으로 한 무대를 신랄하게 재현하는 동시에, 이를 지켜보는 관객을 날카로운 시선으로 담아낸다.
Scarred Hearts
During the summer of 1937, Emanuel, a young man in his early twenties, is committed to a sanatorium on the Black Sea coast for treatment of his bone tuberculosis. The treatment consists of painful spine punctures that confine him to a plaster on a stretcher-bed. Little by little, as Emanuel gets accustomed to the sadness of his new life, he discovers that inside the sanatorium there is still a life to be lived to the fullest.
Tarzan's testicles
A research center in Sukhumi, the capital of today’s Abkhazia. Legend has it that it was built at the end of the 1920s to create a hybrid between man and monkey. The hypothetical creature never saw the light of day, but people and primates, like sad relics of the past, live together in the derelict wings of the medical institute to this very day. [KVIFF]
One Step Behind the Seraphim
A group of freshmen in an orthodox college are introduced in a world of cons, pleasure and money, but they soon discover that's not the way one's life should be lead.
데드 네이션
1937년부터 1946년까지 루마니아 사회의 한 단면을 당시의 사진과 자료, 한 개인의 기록을 통해 포착한 다큐에세이
토니 에드만
Executive Producer
“가족이란 누가 안 본다면 내다버리고 싶은 존재이다… 그 중에서도 나의 아버지는 더 그렇다!” 농담에 장난은 기본, 때론 분장까지 서슴지 않는 괴짜 아버지가 인생의 재미를 잃어버린 커리어우먼 딸을 찾아오면서 벌어지는 드라마.
The drama follows a promising young architect as he tries to balance his personal life with the burdens of his career.
A young woman deals with a self-centered, abusive boyfriend.
The Journey
Bari, a city caught in the relentless economic crisis. Ivo is an agronomist, but the lack of opportunities pushes him to accept a job in the fertile region of Banat in Romania. Clara has just ended a relationship and is about to lose her job at the Bari harbor. Ivo and Clara meet by chance and seem to immediately understand each other. They spend only one night together before Ivo's departure, but that is enough to create a bond and wanting to meet again. When Clara visits him in Romania, they fall in love. But is exile their only way to happiness?
Set in early 19th century Wallachia, Romania, a policeman, Costandin, is hired by a nobleman to find a Gypsy slave who has run away from his estate after having an affair with his wife.
It Can Pass Through the Wall
An old man tries to play backgammon with friends while babysitting his granddaughter, who's terrified of the young suicide in their building.
Trading Germans
A first hand account of one of the biggest cases of human trafficking during the Cold War. A story of greed, courage, hope and remorse.
Shadow of a Cloud
In a torrid summer day in Bucharest, the priest Florin Florescu is called to a dying woman's side for saying a prayer.
아들의 자리
60세에 접어든 코넬리아는 30대인 아들 바르부가 독립을 하자 우울해한다. 어느 날 바르부가 교통사고를 내자 코넬리아는 이 사건이 다시 아들의 삶에 개입할 수 있는 기회라고 여기고 아들이 징역형을 면할 수 있도록 부패한 권력에 맞서기 시작한다. 성장한 자식을 떠나 보낼 수밖에 없는 부모의 상실감을 그린 작품으로 베를린영화제 황금곰상을 차지한 수작.
The Adventures of Huck Finn
Line Producer
Huckleberry Finn, a rambunctious boy adventurer chafing under the bonds of civilization, escapes his humdrum world and his selfish, plotting father by sailing a raft down the Mississippi River. Accompanying him is Jim, a slave running away from being sold. Together the two strike a bond of friendship that takes them through harrowing events and thrilling adventures.
A Month in Thailand
In Bucharest on a winter’s morning, a couple make love. Adina wants to move in with her boyfriend Radu as soon as possible. He, on the other hand, is slightly more reluctant but appears to simply tolerate her plans. Today is New Year’s Eve and Radu and Adina have a lot to do: the two have planned a visit to Adina’s parents followed by a party with friends. While buying last-minute gifts at the supermarket, Radu thinks he spots ex-girlfriend Nadja, who he has never forgotten. In one small moment, Radu’s insecurities about Adina come bubbling to the surface. No sooner have the corks begin to pop, the relationship comes to an abrupt end. This is followed by the perfectly timed offer from Radu’s friend Alex to hit the town with him and his friends. Radu accepts the offer in the hope that Nadja is also out. Director Paul Negogescu draws a portrait of Radu with precision and subtle irony – and captures the atmosphere of a New Year’s evening with great authenticity.
에브리바디 인 아워 패밀리
Marius is a divorced man in his late thirties. His five year-old daughter Sofia lives with her mother, which causes Marius a deep frustration. On the day Marius arrives to take his daughter on their annual holiday, he is told that she is ill but he doesn't believe it and insists to take her with him. The situation soon gets out of control with all the family taking part in a web of humor, violence, childish songs, police interventions and love statements.
Although he hates dogs, Toni is engaged in finding lost animals and then sentimentally blackmails the masters in order to obtain beautiful large amounts of money. Because of an old and ugly Pekinese that Toni cannot succeed of getting rid of, feelings of affection awake in him that surprise even Toni.
Principles of life
Velicanu considers himself a fulfilled person. He's got money, a new villa, married a younger woman and has a son from a previous marriage. Before the holidays he has to leave everything in order, but things start to get complicated. The crisis at the end of the day make him wonder whatever he is indeed a happy, fulfilled person...
On the morning of Christmas Eve, Robert travels, together with his daughter, from Tulcea to Bucharest. Robert has to take some black spawn to Mrs. Zina, a wealthy woman who lives in a select neighborhood in the capital. For his daughter, this is the first visit to the capital.
세상에서 가장 행복한 소녀
Delia, a young Romanian girl, comes to Bucharest with her parents to collect a prize she has won in a contest organized by a soft-drinks company. The prize is a beautiful new car. All Delia has to do now is appear in front of the camera in a commercial. All goes well until it becomes clear that Delia and her parents have very different ideas about what to do with the new car. Meanwhile, the contest's sponsor needs a radiant prize-winner with a gleaming smile. A wicked satire and a psychological portrait of a society perverted by its slavery to capitalism and consumerism
Black Sea
It depicts the relationship between an elderly woman and her caregiver.
Medal of Honor
Accidentally receiving a Romanian Medal of Honor, a 75-years-old retiree uses it to regain respect from his family.
On Christmas Eve, a taxi driver takes home a man returning from working abroad.
삼십대 후반의 남성 태비, 그는 어느 날부터인가 그의 딸 알렉산드라가 더 이상 그를 “아빠” 라고 부르지 않음을 깨닫게 된다. - 2008 오버하우젠국제영화제 최우수 단편영화상
The Tube with a Hat
A father and son go to town to try to fix a broken TV set.
쉐도우 맨
Line Producer
첩보원 생활을 접고 기업가로 활동하고 있는 잭. 바쁜 일상중에 어느덧 아내가 죽은지 5년이 되간다. 바쁘다는 핑계로 딸 아만다와 함께했던 시간이 없던차에 딸과 조지와 함께 아내의 고향인 루마니아 여행을 계획한다. 하지만 루마니아 부쿠레슈티 공항에 도착하자마자 아만다는 누군가에 의해 납치당하고, 조지가 탄 차는 폭발하고 만다. 한편, 만든 장본인들도 두려워할 만큼 치명적인 바이러스 MK울트라 프로그램이 있다. 이 바이러스에 노출되면 각종 질병에 무방비 상태가 되고 6개월에서 1년 사이에 죽고 만다. 또한 바이러스에 언제 걸렸는지 조차 추적할 수도 없기 때문에 치명적인 이것을 조지가 첩보부에서 빼돌려 한 몫을 단단히 챙기려했던 것이다. 잭이 최고가를 부르는 쪽에 팔아 넘기려 했기 때문에 KGB의 새 지국인 FSB는 잭이 그 물건을 가지고 있는 줄 알고 잭을 쫓는다. 조지는 잭이 항상 PDA를 가지고 다니는 것을 알기에 PDA에 그 바이러스를 숨겼던 것이다. 살상용으로 비밀리에 만들어진 바이러스를 둘러싼 음모라는 것을 알게 된 잭은 딸을 되찾기 위해 나서는데...
The plot focuses on the lives of the soon to be married Stefan, a German working in Romania for a wealthy and eccentric printing company owner, Nicu Iorga and his soon-to-be bride Brîndușa, who is Nicu's secretary.
I matter
In a seemingly easy theatre exercise, Rebeca, a young Roma woman, student at an elite acting school, is pushed to confront her biggest fear.