Sebastian Urzendowsky

Sebastian Urzendowsky

출생 : 1985-05-25, Berlin, Germany

프로필 사진

Sebastian Urzendowsky
Sebastian Urzendowsky

참여 작품

A boy who grows up with his step-parents in Greece and who, at the age of 20, unwittingly murders his father. While serving his sentence, he falls in love and has a child with a woman who works in the prison. They are both unaware of the fact that she is his biological mother. Twenty years later, he lives in London with his daughter and is beginning to lose his eyesight.
Die Wahrheit
Herbst 1929 - Schatten über Babylon
K. Tucholsky, W. Fritsch, S. Haffner, Reporter, W. Münzenberg
While Teivi is just a typical ambitious young man from the Tahitian golden youth, his distant cousin, Yasmina, is a full-blooded Maori owner of a mysterious gift that isolates her from the world. When their paths clash, she will determinedly give full vent to her hided magic powers.
Dengler - Brennende Kälte
Felix Stelter
I Was, I Am, I Will Be
While Kurdish gigolo Baran dreams of a future in Europe, German pilot Marion is struggling to come to terms with her cancer diagnosis. When the two meet at the Turkish holiday resort of Marmaris, they engage in a kind of double-cross and decide to enter into a sham marriage. After a promising beginning, a shared future seems well within their reach. But things turn out not to be quite as simple as that.
제시카 포에버
제시카는 폭력적인 과거를 가졌으나 지금은 평화와 조화를 추구하는 길 잃은 소년들의 그룹을 이끌고 있다. 그녀는 이들에게 사랑과 이해를 가져다 주는 유일한 사람이다. 이들의 하나뿐인 소망은 평화롭게 그리고 영원히 같이 살 수 있는 세상을 창조하는 것이다.
Meet me in the woods
The petty criminal Frieda stops the physicist Oskar from killing himself. They both embark on a journey to Norway. Oskar does’nt seem to find life worth living as he has calculated that he will never find love and therefore spend the rest of his lifetime alone. The two find themselves on a journey to each other and in the search for a will to live.
Der Richter
Gernot Wollenkamp
Dr. Joachim Glahn is the presiding judge at the Berlin district court and is known for his explicit sense of justice and truth. His daughter Luise is now embarking on the same career path and has just been admitted to law school. But then Luise then Luise is kidnapped and Glahn gets into an ethical-moral conflict: he should go beyond the limits of the law and set a murderer on the loose or he won't see his daughter alive again.
Sam and Anna are part of the hip, vegan, green, eco-friendly, upper-class subculture of Berlin. Anna is a successful doctor, and Nick works in advertising. However, life in Germany's capital is fast-paced and stressful, so the two of them decide to take the next step towards the ideal "eco lifestyle" and move out to the country. As they arrive, they find that life in the country is much less relaxing than they expected, as the rather eccentric locals keep them on their toes.
Crack of Dawn
In Paris, 25-year-old Damien has sex with men who pay him. He also has a life in his housing estate, and tries to keep these two lives as separate as possible. But problems start to arise and Damien feels he must make a choice.
Ihr Sohn
Gregor Brandt
In the thirst for adventure young teacher Daniel head off to his first big journey around the world, but soon loses sight of his goals and finally of himself.
Land of Storms
Szabolcs plays in a German football team, as does Bernard. They are roommates, best friends, inseparable. A lost match makes him reconsider his life and he goes back to Hungary in hope for more simplicity. Yet his solitude does not last long. Soon after his arrival he meets Áron and a mutual attraction between the two boys develops when suddenly Szabolcs receives an unexpected phone call from Bernard: he has arrived to Hungary...
Radical Evil
Das radikal Böse is a German-Austrian documentary that attempted to explore psychological processes and individual decision latitude "normal young men" in the German Einsatzgruppen of the Security Police and SD, which in 1941 during the Second World War as part of the Holocaust two million Jewish civilians shot dead in Eastern Europe.
Goodbye First Love
A 15-year-old discovers the joys and heartaches of first love with an older teen, but in the ensuing years, cannot seem to move past their breakup.
Hit and Run
A woman's attempt to understand the background of her accident and how she deals with the person who caused it.
Hit and Run
A woman's attempt to understand the background of her accident and how she deals with the person who caused it.
웨이 백
1940년, 역사상 최악의 시베리아 강제 노동수용소라 불리는 '캠프 105'! 7명의 수감자들이 목숨을 건 탈출을 감행한다. 살을 파고드는 시베리아의 살인적인 추위와 지옥보다 더 고통스러운 고비사막의 폭염을 이겨내며 오직 자유를 찾아 6,500KM라는 믿을 수 없는 거리를 탈주한 이들의 리얼 감동 실화가 시작된다!
The Day Will Come
Thirty years after giving her daughter up for adoption in order to join the terrorist underground in Germany, Judith is tracked down by her now adult daughter Alice to a vineyard in the Alsace where she is now living with a new family and a new identity. Alice calls on her mother to give herself up, but Judith doesn't regret any of her past deeds.
Berlin '36
Marie Ketteler
Berlin 36 is a 2009 German film telling the fate of Jewish athlete Gretel Bergmann in the 1936 Summer Olympics. She was replaced by the Nazi regime by an athlete later discovered to be a man. The film is based on a true story and was released in Germany on September 10, 2009. Reporters at Der Spiegel challenged the historical basis for many of the events in the film, pointing to arrest records and medical examinations indicating German authorities did not learn Dora Ratjen was male until 1938.
베를린의 여인
Junger Soldat
소련군이 베를린을 침공했던 1945년 여성들은 강간과 폭력의 희생양이었다. 그 중에 한 명이 전직 언론인이자 사진작가(니나 호스)였다. 절망한 그녀는 자신을 보호해줄 수 있는 사람을 찾기로 결심하고, 소련군 지휘관인 안드레이(에브게니 시디킨)을 만난다. 이 만남은 복잡하고 상징적인 관계로 발전하게 되고, 씁쓸한 결론에 이르기까지 두 사람을 계속적으로 남게 한다. 1950년 작가 미상으로 출간되었던 동명의 소설을 원작으로 만들어진 영화로 1945년 소련군이 베를린을 점령했던 시기의 베를린의 모습을 담고 있다.
A Good Boy
After his mother's death, 17-year-old Sven moves in with his dad Achim, a taxi driver, who had divorced his mother several years earlier. It is not easy for Achim to get used to an adolescent around the house, especially since Sven hardly speaks to him. But Sven does well in school, and Achim hopes that time will bring them closer together. It is Achim's girlfriend Julia who first senses that something is wrong with Sven. Why, she wonders, does he always hang around with young boys? Why does not he have any friends his own age? She suspects that he is gay. The truth, however, is somewhat more nuanced - and chilling: Sven has pedophile tendencies. Proof is soon found on videos that shock and sicken Achim. Sven himself is shattered and regrets his actions. Julia suggests therapy, but Achim is convinced that he and Sven can handle this together. But he is wrong. Though Sven practically begs his father to lock him up in his room, Achim has confidence in his son.
Kolya Karloff
역사상 최대의 위조지폐 작전에 투입된 천재적인 위조 전문가! 세상조차 속일 수 있었지만 영혼만은 속일 수 없었다! 독일에서 ‘위조의 제왕’으로 명성을 떨치며 화려한 삶을 살던 살로몬 소로비치는 경찰에 체포된 후 유태인이라는 이유로 아우슈비츠 강제수용소로 끌려가게 된다. 타고난 그림 실력과 예술적 재능으로 나치 친위대 간부들의 초상화 등을 그려주며 다른 수용자들보다 나은 생활을 누리던 소로비치는 수용자 중에 전직 인쇄 기술자, 은행 직원들과 함께 나치의 대규모 위폐 생산과 공문서 위조 작전인 ‘베른하트 작전’에 투입된다. 실패하면 죽음 뿐인 작전에서 탱고 선율이 흐르는 작업 환경과 탁구대 등 다른 수용자와는 비교할 수 없는 혜택이 이들에게 주어지지만, 영국 파운드에 이어 미국 달러까지 완벽한 위조를 눈앞에 둔 이들은 삶과 영혼의 양심이라는 선택 속에서 갈등하기 시작 하는데…
Einfache Leute
A boy has to decide between being gay and being a professional swimmer. He takes the latter, marries and gets a son. 19 years later the whole thing explodes.
Nimm dir dein Leben
The film shows the apparently intact world of a middle class family, whose harmonious façade crumbles due to the unexpected visit of their relative Paul, a young man of 16 years. Paul arrives looking for love and support after the suicide of his father.
Drei Schwestern made in Germany
Die Gelegenheit
Short by Benjamin Heisenberg.
Im Schatten der Macht
Pierre Guillaume
Distant Lights
Lichter is an episodic tale from Hans-Christian Schmid about the life on the border between Germany and Poland. The film sheds light on the everyday stories of escape and desperateness.
A Map of the Heart
Kai Gosrau
Katrin and Jürgen spend their holidays in Corsica. Katrin is in her mid-thirties, working as a tracer at Jürgen’s company who suddenly remembers he’s married – but not with Kathrin. So they decide to end their vacation earlier than they had planned. Virtually a second before they start to drive back to the airport, Katrin takes her belongings out of Jürgen’s car again and lets him go. Now being alone for the remaining days of her vacation, Katrin finds herself more and more bewildered by the things that happened to her.
The Child I Never Was
Jürgen Bartsch, Younger
A serial killer dispassionately discusses the nuts and bolts of his grisly avocation, as well as the youthful traumas which helped to mold him into a psychopath, in this disturbing independent drama from Germany, based on the true story of of Germany's most famous child murderer Juergen Bartsch who, between the ages of 15 and 19, abused, tortured and killed four schoolboys in the Ruhr region of Germany from 1962 to 1966.
Paul Is Dead
A youth discovers Paul McCartney died and the public had never been informed of this fact.