Martin Kiefer

Martin Kiefer

출생 : 1983-10-17, Meerane, Germany

프로필 사진

Martin Kiefer

참여 작품

Biopic about Alice Schwarzer.
뮌헨: 전쟁의 문턱에서
Heinrich Himmler
1938년, 긴장이 흐르는 뮌헨 회담. 각자의 정부를 대표하여 서로의 맞은편에 앉은 두 옛 친구는 어쩔 수 없이 첩보 활동에 발을 담근다. 나치 독일의 비밀을 알려야 하기에.
Zwischen uns die Mauer
Warner Hellmut Wolf
In 1986, Anna from West Germany and the GDR citizen Philipp meet at a church youth exchange in East Berlin. It's love at first sight. But it is also an impossible love, because between them stands the wall.
12번째 솔저
Walter Wenders
1940년 4월 9일, 제2차 세계대전 중인 나치군은 노르웨이를 점령하고 히틀러는 노르웨이 연안에 요새를 구축한다. 노르웨이 군의 마틴 레드작전이 다음 해 3월 24일 시작되고, 영국군으로부터 중요 임무를 수행하기 위한 훈련을 받은 12명의 노르웨이 저항군이 노르웨이로 급파된다. 그들의 임무는 독일 항공기지를 파괴하는 것. 하지만 작전 도중 발각되어 이들 중 11명은 체포되고 단 1명, 얀만이 총상을 입은 채 탈출에 성공한다. 혹독한 추위와 험난한 설산 속에서 냉혈한 나치 친위대 쿠르트 슈타게는 집요하게 추격해 오는데...
The White Rabbit
A young 13-years-old girl searches for love in the internet. But the truth about the persons behind the computers can be terrible.
Kevin is new in youth prison. Due to over-occupancy he has to share a cell with Tommy, Andy and Marc. A partnership of convenience in a system where only the strong prevail and which is dominated by violence and latent aggression. Oppression and beatings are a daily occurence. It is hard for Kevin to establish himself. Especially Marc and Andy are after him. He's afraid of not sticking it out. Only Tommy gives him an amicable advice: In this system, you're either a victim or a culprit. If he doesn't want to be a loser anymore, he has to start fighting... A piece of advice that will trigger most dire consequences
Innere Werte
Hotel Paradijs
Every day Paul crosses a canal that separates the Amsterdam city center from the north side, where his lover Christiaan lives and waits for him. A dear routine for both - until one day Paul meets Claire, who starts seducing him into her very own universe, the Hotel Paradijs. Claire makes Paul the audience of her own play: a play where the roles are reversed and into which Paul is undeniably drawn.
Seven Days Sunday
Teenage dropouts Adam and Tommek pass their days hanging out and drinking in their grim housing complex, but as grinding boredom combines with Adam's need to prove himself and Tommek's penchant for petty crime, the two make a bet that plunges them into shocking and sudden violence.
Four cigarette-smoking, alcohol-drinking, troublesome adolescents wander between the concrete skyscrapers of downtrodden West-German suburbia. These uncouth youths are surprisingly not boys but girls with attitude, quick-tempers and foul-mouths, who violently vent their scorn on any unfortunate soul who gets in their way.
Brennendes Herz
Tango apasionado
In 'Tango Apasionado' we get to know two men struggling with their relationship. We don't know much about them - all we get is a glimpse of their desires and routines. We might find out that they are only part of a game we call filmmaking. Yet our watching their little dance is all too real...
I Am Guilty
Richard Gassner
Armin Steeb is adrift: just finished with school, living with his middle-class parents, clueless about finding work. He tries connecting with a girl, he engages in risky sex with strangers in public toilets, he goes to job interviews. He also sends an anonymous letter to a local Munich newspaper, claiming responsibility for a fatal road accident. He fitfully pursues notoriety as he goes through life nearly without affect. What will it take to get Armin to smile?
Sehnsucht nach Liebe
En Route
A slightly sinister but charming young man falls in with a young mother and daughter and her boyfriend on a camping holiday and leads them astray.
Wasted Youth
Manager Elektronische Zwerge
Distant Lights
Lichter is an episodic tale from Hans-Christian Schmid about the life on the border between Germany and Poland. The film sheds light on the everyday stories of escape and desperateness.
In einer Nacht wie dieser
Afraid that she'll fail her final high school exams, Sally decides to falsely report that her classmate Jack has raped her. Jack finds the accusation ridiculous and doesn't defend himself, but everyone else believe her.
Kiss and Run
Geld macht sexy
Alex Kramer
The Whiz Kids
Two sixteen year old boys, Marcos and Johannes, spend their days racing, wrestling, hanging out, watching videos and playing hide-and-seek at nights. A closeness develops between the two of them, which soon starts to become a calamity to their friendship.