A black comedy centered on a recently engaged celebrity couple and the fans who have been following every stage of their romance.
Dr Lee
Based on a true story, Xiao Fu was contracted HIV virus through blood transmission due to hemophilia. He made his difference by writing a book before his death to change the public's view toward patients with HIV.
Fuk Ching (Michael Hui) runs a farm in Mainland China. Persuaded by a Western businessman, the two put together a joint venture scheme to build a hotel.
White-collar salesman Yan (Sammo Hung) comes so close to dying in a traffic accident that the doctors prematurely pronounce him dead! When he awakens from his coma, he discovers that the doctors have transplanted his genitals to a young wealthy executive named Michael (Kenny Bee). After failing to win back his manhood, Yan realizes that Michael is as much a victim as he; and an unlikely friendship develops between the two men.
A remake of the American film Ruthless People. Sean Lau plays a rich, fast-food chain owner named Lam Chak-chi. Mr. Lam hates his wife but married her so that he could inherit the fast-food chain from her father. He decides he will kill his wife, but before he gets his chance she is kidnapped. Shortly after, the kidnappers demand ransom money or else they will kill his wife. By telling the police one thing and the kidnappers another, he hopes to get rid of his wife, keep the cash and come out of it all without being suspected of any wrongdoings. However, things don't go the way Mr. Lam expects. Lau Ching Wan also plays his twin brother, who is one of the kidnappers.
Determined to hold onto the past, the owner of a handmade-umbrella factory struggles to keep the business running.
The story about a couple who fall in love. The woman finds out later that she has cancer.
Root, who was born into a boat family, bought a woman from mainland China, Lotus, to take care of his mother who had difficulty getting about. Lotus' optimistic and persevering character influenced everyone on the boat. The vicissitudes of life convinced Root that human was no different from the ever-changing sea.
Jin Ming
In the eighteenth film in the series, in late 1918, the Great War may have ended, but a new adventure begins for Indy when a mysterious man's dying words send him and Remy on a thrilling treasure hunt for one of Alexander the Great's most treasured possessions. Pursued by a dangerous one-eyed man, Indy follows the trail of the diamond from London to Alexandria to the South Seas where he has a run-ins with murderous Chinese pirates, is captured by savage headhunters, and meets anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski.
This is apparently a true story about Ching Man Fei, played by the very pretty Alice Lau, who has been blind since six months old and lives with her family in Canton, China. She is about 17 in the role, though Ms. Lau looks older. Ching wants to study, to learn, but her family does not really want that. Throughout the first part of this film, people say to and about her that she is a burden, that she had to do something evil in a past life etc. The family maid Wo becomes the one person who truly believes in her, taking her around the city and answering her questions about everything and eventually being instrumental in her being able to study. The scenes together of Ching and Wo are terrific, you feel the love and trust between them. There are people who pass by in Ching's life, a blind beggar street girl named Jade and a radio actor, who helps her, but their characters are underdeveloped, as if they really were blips in this person's life (perhaps they were).
Li Han-Hsiang's last film.
Butterfly Yiu
On the eve of the Hong Kong 1967 social unrest triggered by the miss-management of the colonial government, Butterfly Yiu was given an accidental chance to perform the final show when the original and star performer, Pak Long, was stranded at another venue. This started a chain of events that will change the four character's lives forever.
Joe Blade is an unclaimed TV pilot film. An American, Blade works in Hong Kong, the home of his adoptive father Chang Chin-tzu. When Chang Chin-tzu is killed and a wealthy man is kidnapped, Blade springs into action.
Lai Fun
월남전이 한창이던 1972년, 전선에서 실종된 프랭크 로즈의 아버지 로즈 대령은 아들이 아직도 적진 어딘가에 포로로 생존해 있다는 것을 확신하고 끈질기게 구명 운동을 하고 다닌다. 그러나 이미 패전한 월남전에 더이상 인력과 경비를 낭비하고 싶지 않은 미국정부나 원호당국은 냉담한 반응을 보인다. 이에 로즈대령은 역시 아들이 실종된 대기업가 맥그리거의 도움을 얻어서 스스로 월남에 뛰어들어 아들을 구해내기로 결심을 한다. 로즈 대령은 타일랜드를 비롯한 아시아지역을 누비고 다니면서 미군이 수용되어 있는 라오스내의 포로수용소들을 탐문하고 마침내 프랭크가 갇혀있는 수용소의 위치와 건물배치도 등을 손에 넣는다. 아들의 옛 전우였다가 지금은 서로 연락조차없이 각각 월남전의 상처와 정신병적인 후유증속에서 은둔하고 있는 윌키스, 블래스터, 세일러, 차트를 일일히 찾아다가 택사스의 한곳에 아들 프랭크가 갇혀있는 수용소 모형을 지어 놓고 구출 작전을 연습한다. 이들은 역시 월남전에서 아버지를 잃은 어린 스코트를 훈련조교로 하여 특공훈련을 받고 방콕으로 떠나지만 미리 연락을 받은 현지 경찰에 의해 모든 장비와 무기를 몰수당하는데...