Joe Suba

Joe Suba

출생 : 1978-01-11, Harlem, New York City, New York, USA


JOE SUBA Joe Suba had no intentions of being an action film star.  But for someone who has never gone on an audition or had any formal training, he has a pretty extensive resume with 13 films under his belt just ten years into his career.   An only child, Suba was born and raised in Harlem, New York.  A super productive, type A over-achiever who was never known to do anything half-heartedly, boxing and martial arts came naturally to him, and he became a black belt in karate at a young age.   Suba was discovered while working out in a small Harlem boxing gym one day by renowned film producer Roger Corman.  Originally scouted as a boxing extra for Rage and Discipline (2004), Corman and Director Brian Clyde quickly realized that Suba was a natural talent, casting him as the lead actor and making him Associate Producer as well. And the fact that he was also an expert in hand to hand combat, knife fighting, gun handling, and did all of his own stunts didn't hurt either!  Set on the streets of New York, Rage and Discipline was hailed as an authentic, gritty urban drama and quickly became a cult classic among indie film buffs as well. Cut to 2014, and he has 13 films under his belt, four of which were war films produced by Corman. In 2008, Suba starred in Opium War, by Director Siddiq Barmark, who also won a Golden Globe for his critically acclaimed film Osama (2003).  Shot in Afghanistan, Suba plays one of two American soldiers who find themselves wounded in the desert opposite Peter Bussian. Opium War won Best Foreign Film in the 2008 Rome International Film Festival, and Suba won best actor in the Kish International Film Festival in Iran.  Most recently, he starred in  Operation Rogue (2014), a Corman film opposite Marc Dacascos, Sofia Pernas and Treat Williams. Suba will tell you his most challenging and rewarding job is his real life role as Father to his two sons. Keeping up with their school and basketball championships, he keeps his young men focused and excited about all the opportunities life can offer. Being a true role model is something we can all learn from him.   Although he had never planned to be an actor, destiny, hard work and his notorious professionalism have lead Suba down the road to stardom. Where his dreams will take him, only time can tell...until then, we are truly inspired.

프로필 사진

Joe Suba

참여 작품

Shadows : The Movie
Visions and dreams of a Demonic Specter begin to haunt ALAN MCBRIDE, pulling him back into a past he left behind twenty years ago. He soon finds out that members of his old crew are disappearing under strange and macabre circumstances. Sinister rumors in the old neighborhood suggest that the perpetrator is the spirit of a dead man named CLAYTON BRIGGS who was murdered decades ago. The story throws Alan into a state of agonizing guilt, not only because he inadvertently participated in the murder, but also because he is now in love with Clayton's former girlfriend MONICA who has no idea about Alan's past. Alan tries to atone for his sins by admitting his role in Clayton's death to Monica, but by doing so he unintentionally puts her in danger when Calyton's true killer, a notoriously brutal man named MARCUS WALKER, finds out what she knows and hunts her down.
Shadows : The Movie
Thug 1
Visions and dreams of a Demonic Specter begin to haunt ALAN MCBRIDE, pulling him back into a past he left behind twenty years ago. He soon finds out that members of his old crew are disappearing under strange and macabre circumstances. Sinister rumors in the old neighborhood suggest that the perpetrator is the spirit of a dead man named CLAYTON BRIGGS who was murdered decades ago. The story throws Alan into a state of agonizing guilt, not only because he inadvertently participated in the murder, but also because he is now in love with Clayton's former girlfriend MONICA who has no idea about Alan's past. Alan tries to atone for his sins by admitting his role in Clayton's death to Monica, but by doing so he unintentionally puts her in danger when Calyton's true killer, a notoriously brutal man named MARCUS WALKER, finds out what she knows and hunts her down.
Can I Recognize Your Soul
As Christine tries to find a relief after her brother's death, she meets Alonzo at the neighborhood basketball court. After finding out that he lost his father 2 years prior, they became close, and felt that if they stuck together, it would be easier to cope. Now Christine is trying to find a way to encounter her brother's soul as her relationship with Alonzo develops.
로저 코먼의 오퍼레이션 로그
Lt. Barnes
필리핀 마닐라에서 열릴 아세안 대테러 의회 첫 회담을 앞두고 준비가 한창일 때, 전세계의 테러에 관여하고 있는 사이드 나시프가 필리핀 남부 지역의 반란군이자 테러리스트 오마르 말렉과 협력 관계를 맺고 활동을 시작한다. 이들의 임무는 미국 국가정보국 국장과 각국의 주요 공직자들이 참석할 대테러 회담에 폭탄을 터뜨리는 것이다. 첩보를 입수한 미군의 행크 월러스 장군(트리트 윌리엄스)은 필리핀 해군의 맥스 랜달 대령(마크 다카스코스)에게 나시프와 말렉을 생포하라고 명령한다. 하지만 랜달 대령은 작전에 실패하고, 그의 얼굴이 뉴스에 노출되면서 테러의 표적이 된다. 한편, 테러 활동 자금이 필요한 말렉은 행크 장군의 딸이자 랜달 대령의 연인인 제나(소피아 퍼나스)를 납치하고 몸값 5백만 달러를 요구하는데…
Platoon of Death
Sgt. Cowen
My Lai Four, a movie about the My Lai massacre in Vietnam. Here s the blurb: Freely adapted from the Pulitzer Prize-winning book by Seymour Hersh, this film recounts the story of a platoon of American soldiers led by Second Lieutenant Wm. Calley. Falling into an ambush, they come under enemy fire and in the disastrous fight that ensues, two young soldiers lose their lives; a third is so badly injured that Sgt. Cowen is forced to put him out of his hopeless agony.
Opium War
Joe Harris
Two American soldiers crash their helicopter in the Afghan desert and find themselves at the mercy of the natural elements and an eclectic family of Afghan opium farmers.
The Hunt for Eagle One: Crash Point
The Strike Force team is back in this action-packed sequel to "The Hunt For Eagle One"! Terrorists have stolen a Ground Control Encoder...
The Hunt for Eagle One
A group of US Marines are sent to rescue captured a US Marine and a Filipino Captain while stopping a group of Al-Qaeda-backed local rebels from launching biological weapons.
The Hunt for Eagle One
Capt. Seth Cooper
A group of US Marines are sent to rescue captured a US Marine and a Filipino Captain while stopping a group of Al-Qaeda-backed local rebels from launching biological weapons.