Stanley Fung

Stanley Fung

출생 : 1945-06-01, Foshan, China


Stanley Fung Shui-fan (Chinese: 馮淬帆, born 1 June 1945) is a Hong Kong actor and film director known for playing comedic roles. He was one of the Lucky Stars.

프로필 사진

Stanley Fung

참여 작품

심야식당: 식도락
Uncle Zhong
상해 작은 골목길에 있는 심야식당. 남자 주인 혼자 식당을 꾸려나가고 사연 많은 손님들이 이곳에 와서 밥을 먹는다. 불치병에 걸린 가수, 두 다리를 못 쓰는 여학생, 그리고 여학생의 엄마, 난생 처음 권투 시합에서 이긴 선수, 그 선수를 힘들게 키워온 엄마, 낯선 도시에 생활을 꾸린 두 남녀 등 심야식당에서는 그들의 이야기들로 하루를 시작하고 또 마감한다. 그곳에 와서 함께 먹고 마시며 이야기를 나누며 함께 즐거워하고 슬퍼하며 또 다른 아침을 맞이하며 각자의 삶으로 돌아가 생활한다.
Edge of Innocence
Mr. Jiang
Kang Qiao (Huang Zitao) witnesses Xia Yingying (Yang Caiyu) in the process of committing what could be a crime, but yet is drawn to the beautiful girl. After getting to know her better, Kang discovers that there are even more mysteries surrounding Xia and finds himself placed in serious danger.
Philip Chan
After the hot-tempered police detective Fei messes up yet another operation, he is transferred to a fictional department that houses all the useless staff the force couldn’t sack. There he finds a new enemy in the mild-mannered desk officer Johnny, who loathes Fei’s disregard for discipline. But when Fei’s father and Johnny’s mother coincidentally become an item, the new brothers must somehow learn to cohabit under the same roof.
굿 테이크!
GOOD TAKE is an omnibus of five short stories with 85 minutes duration, filled with suspense, surprise etc. The ending of each story is never what it seems….
마트 강탈 사건
24시간 편의점에서 하룻밤 동안 다양한 인물들이 뒤얽혀 펼치는 갖가지 소동을 그린 홍콩 범죄 코미디 영화로, 이가영 감독이 각본과 연출을 맡았다. 2016년 부천국제판타스틱영화제 초청작이다.
리틀 빅 마스터
Yuen Tin Kindergarten chancellor
홍콩의 심각해진 고령화 문제로 학교들이 문을 닫는 지경에 이르렀다. 영화는 실제 이야기를 바탕으로, 적은 월급과 어려운 여건에도 스스로를 희생하며 단 5명의 소외된 아이들을 위한 유치원을 경영한 한 교장에 대해 이야기하고 있다. 그녀의 원칙과 신념, 그리고 열정은 결국 대중의 관심과 나아가 존경까지 받기에 이른다.
Uncle Man
ATM is a Hong Kong Comedy-Drama starring Stanley Fung.
Gao's father
Shigeshoshi is a chinese Thriller directed by Wu Ma and starring Stanley Fung.
Mr. Wang
Wavelet cow born in a coffin family, a child of an absurd accident, he never lost, "smile", but fortunately been living in rural areas, simple environment does not make him feel "laugh" is a serious matter what. Growing up efforts of the mountains, leaving raised his coffin shop, go to the outside world battles, but still had to work into the funeral home. Wavelet witnessed at the funeral home vicissitudes of life, from the perspective of a funeral home handyman departure of family, friendship, love, new understanding on "Life last stop" platform for wavelet slowly growing. Wavelet cow eventually learned to "laugh", but in the last one to leave his loved uncle Hydride day.
I Love Hong Kong 2013
Restaurant owner
Eric Tsang and stars are back with another entry into the "I Love Hong Kong" franchise this Chinese New Year with a story that is set in the 1970s, a decade of economic growth and prosperity for Hong Kong and the citizens.
타이치2 히어로
Grand uncle
무술의 고수들이 사는 진 가구 마을에서 진가권을 배우러 온 양로선. 그는 진장홍의 딸진옥랑의 목숨을 구해주게 되고, 진장홍의 딸 진옥랑과 위장 결혼을 하여 권법을 배우기로 한다. 결혼식 날, 가문을 버리고 나갔던 진장홍의 첫째 아들 진재앙이 돌아온다. 그는 다른 성을 가진 자가 권법을 배우면 화가 전 마을에 미칠 것이며 동종이 크게 울리면 멸족을 당한다는 전설을 들며 로선과 옥랑의 혼인을 반대하고 아버지의 자리를 탐하려 한다. 하지만 아내와 짜고 동종이 저절로 돌게끔 조작을 한 사실을 아버지 진장홍에게 들키게 되어 마을을 떠나게 된다. 한편 동인도 회사 자본과 청나라 대신과 손잡은 방자경이 군대를 이끌고 마을을 공격하게 된다. 위기에 처한 이들 앞에 그와 결탁했던 재앙은 방자경의 무서운 속셈을 알아 차리고 직접 만든, 하늘을 나는 천위익을 타고 마을로 돌아오게 된다. 그의 도움으로 탈출한 로선과 옥랑은 아버지의 명으로 팔괘문 이천군 사부를 찾아가게 된다. 이 사부를 만나기 위해서는 8관문을 거쳐야 하는데.. 로선은 과연 이 난관을 타계하고 마을을 지킬 수 있을까...
Third Granduncle Chen
100년에 1명만이 가질 수 있는 초인적인 힘을 가진 히어로 ‘로선’ 하지만, 그의 능력이 발휘될수록 그의 생명은 점차 단축되는데… 병을 고칠 수 있는 유일한 방법은 고수들만 사는 ‘진가구’라는 마을에 찾아가 ‘진가권’을 배우는 것. 하지만 ‘진가구’에는 열살짜리 어린아이마저도 괴력을 발산하는 고수이며, 지나가는 두부장수마저도 쉬운 상대가 아니였다! 천방지축, 어리버리한 ‘로선’. 과연 이들을 돌파할 수 있을까?
Marrying Mr. Perfect
Uncle Nine
Winnie, in her late twenties, certified as an old maid when she is dumped by her boyfriend and bullied by her colleagues. Koo is a rich womanizer tycoon ruthless in his business dealings. In his latest take over Koo’s action led to death threats by a former employee. For security Koo and his assistant, Ryan to switch identity. Koo as a commoner met Winnie and falls for her as she is the first true person to like him not for his riches. What happens when Winnie release Koo’s real identity?
I Love Hong Kong 2012
Kwok Ching
Kwok Ching (Stanley Fung) is a soon-to-retire television weatherman who really has long aspired to be a news anchor. At home, he's single-handedly brought up three children, but they are fed up with him meddling in their lives. His eldest daughter Mei Mei (Teresa Mo) is a successful lawyer, and married to househusband Yao Ming (Eric Tsang). Tomboyish second daughter Ching Ching (Denise Ho) manages a supermarket and is in love with sissy promoter Lok Yi Nga (Bosco Wong). The youngest son Fu Shing (6wing) is an otaku enamored with beautiful starlet Vivian (Zhang Xinyu) and he unwittingly becomes the romantic rival of billionaire Roberto (William So). Meanwhile, struck by the shocking news of the world's impending doom, Kwok Ching is determined that he must reunite his family before it's too late...
The Winner Takes It All
Huang Fengming
아이 러브 홍콩
Ng Tung
After his business goes bust, Ng Shun and his family move back to his old apartment to stay with his father. He has not returned for 10 years because the apartment is too small for his family. Furthermore, the environment is unfamiliar to Shun's family. Coincidentally Shun's old childhood friend, Lung returns too. Due to an old misunderstanding, Shun is distrustful of Lung. Will Lung regain Shun's trust again?
누구도 믿지마라! 당신도 표적이 된다! 성공률 100%! 어떤 사고도 우연은 없다! 사고로 아내를 잃은 브레인(고천락)은 교묘하게 사고로 위장하여 사람을 죽이는 살인청부업의 리더이다. 치밀하게 계산된 사고로 청부살인을 진행하던 중 동료가 예기치 못한 사고로 죽음을 맞이하자 그는 누군가 자신을 궁지에 몰아 넣기 위해 사고를 조작하고 있다고 믿게 된다. 결국 ‘모든 사고는 조작될 수 있다’는 그의 믿음은 집착이 되어 자신의 숨통을 조여 들며 심지어 자신의 파트너들마저 의심하게 되는데…
피의 복수
Tony Cheung
괴한들에 의해 살해당한 사위와 외손자들, 그리고 중태에 빠진 딸의 소식을 듣고 마카오에 찾아온 코스텔로는 딸의 부탁으로 복수를 다짐한다. 3명의 남자, 그 중 하나는 딸이 쏜 총에 귀를 잃었다는 단서를 듣고. 낯선 땅에서 범인들을 찾던 중, 우연히 호텔에서 만난 청부 살인업자에게 추적을 의뢰한다. 코스텔로에게 고용된 3인조 콰이, 추, 뚱보 룩은 범인들을 추적해 홍콩에서 맹렬한 총격전을 벌이고, 그 과정에서 코스텔로는 중상을 입고 마는데... 젊었을 적 사고로 인해 점점 기억을 잃어가는 코스텔로, 모든 기억을 잃기 전 그의 잔인한 복수가 시작된다!
Contract About Interchange Status
Contract About Interchange Status is a chinese romantic Comedy starring Stanley Fung.
Hooked on You
Miu's dad
Hong Kong actress and pop star Miriam Yeung stars as an eligible bachelorette who reluctantly takes a job as a fishmonger to pay off her father's debts. But her stinky job gets stinkier when a brutish rival fisherman enters the scene.
Oh, My Wife
Oh, My Wife is a chinese Comedy starring Stanley Fung.
Love is a Many Stupid Thing
Police Sergeant
Spoof of the Hong Kong Blockbuster Infernal Affairs, the film is based on a bizarre and nonsense war between the police and the triads. Lek Sir sends Keung, Yan, and Fatty undercover inside Sam's garage to get evidence of any crime Sam has committed, so Lek can win back the heart of Sam's wife Mary.
Fight for Justice
Fight for Justice is a Chinese Action movie starring Stanley Fung.
The Big Friday
The Big Friday is a Hong Kong made-for-TV Drama directed by and starring Stanley Fung.
The Big Friday
The Big Friday is a Hong Kong made-for-TV Drama directed by and starring Stanley Fung.
Pale Sun
The Kid Vs the Cop
The Kid Vs the Cop is a Taiwanese Comedy directed by Kevin Chu Yen-Ping and starring Stanley Fung.
How to Meet the Lucky Stars
Rawhide / Pee
How to Meet the Lucky Stars is a 1996 Hong Kong film and the final film in the Lucky Stars film series. Featuring the "Lucky Stars" Sammo Hung (in a supporting role and another role as a cop), Eric Tsang, Stanley Fung, Richard Ng, Michael Miu and new cast member Vincent Lau as Hung's younger cousin. Also featuring a number of guest appearances including Françoise Yip, Natalis Chan, Chen Kuan Tai, Cheng Pei-pei, Chan Hung Lit and Nora Miao. Produced by Eric Tsang, directed by Frankie Chan with action choreography by Yuen Cheung-Yan and Mars.The film was released as a benefit film for the famous Hong Kong film director, Lo Wei, who died in 1996.
Thrilling Story
Thrilling Story is a Hong Kong made-for-TV Thriller directed by and starring Stanley Fung.
Thrilling Story
Thrilling Story is a Hong Kong made-for-TV Thriller directed by and starring Stanley Fung.
The Musical Vampire
A crazy white scientist resurrects a corpse with a werid chemical creating a super hopping ghost. The only thing that can somewhat control it is the sound of music. A Tao Priest and his two assistants try and stop it from destroying the countryside.
Ghost Punting
Rhino / Rawhide
The "Five Lucky Stars" attempt to help a restless ghost take revenge on the evil drug gang who took his life. At the same time, they want the ghost to help them get rich and court the four policewomen assigned to the case.
Ghost in Me
Lam Fai-Choi
Ghost in Me is a Hong Kong Horror-Comedy directed by and starring Stanley Fung.
Ghost in Me
Ghost in Me is a Hong Kong Horror-Comedy directed by and starring Stanley Fung.
Devil's Vendetta
Priest Yau Tsu Nam
Two rival Taoist schools, one all-female, the other one all-male, must become allies to fight a demon as one of the priestesses is unaware that she's the daughter of the demon and has to lose her virginity to avoid turning into a demon herself.
The Gambling Ghost
Traffic Policeman
Sammo Hung plays three different characters: Fatty, Fatty's father and Fatty's grandfather, Hung Kau. Fatty is a hotel worker, yearning for sudden wealth. Therefore, he, and his co-worker, enter the gambling world, to the dismay of his father. When Fatty hits rock bottom, the ghost of his grandfather resurrects to help him. However, Fatty learns that his grandfather was murdered, therefore, he will stop at nothing to avenge his death.
Blood Stained Tradewind
"Shing (Alex Fong) and Hsiong (Waise Lee) are competitive young men raised by the head of a powerful Triad group. Shing appears to have the winning edge; his gunfighting skills are unsurpassed earning him the nickname Golden Gun and the pretty daughter of the Triad boss appears to favor him more than eager brother Hsiong. But when Shing turns down his godfather’s appointment to head the triad group his luck runs out and he’s kicked out of the group and shunned by the family. Hsiong becomes the new boss and the pretty daughter marries him instead. Shing moves to Macau and becomes a common laborer and rooms with Carrie Ng and her small son. But Carrie’s kid brother is a bad egg who brings the world of crime back into Shing’s life. Then all hell breaks loose and everyone’s life is in jeopardy when traitors and double crossers rise up and take over.
Family Day
Struggling to support a wife a son and his sick mother a kind-hearted man is forced to work the streets as a pickpocket.
Family Day
Struggling to support a wife a son and his sick mother a kind-hearted man is forced to work the streets as a pickpocket.
Family Day
Wong Tak Ken
Struggling to support a wife a son and his sick mother a kind-hearted man is forced to work the streets as a pickpocket.
형사 창피아오는 마약제조자를 조사하는 도중에 마약왕텡에 의해서 살해된다. 그는 특별한 특징을 지닌 어떠한 사람의 도움으로 살인자를 체포하여 돌아오라는 명령을 받는다. 형사 창은 그의 보조자로서 영악한 경찰훈련생 흥징이라는 어처구니 없는 사실을 알게 된다. 그러나 흥징은 창의 도움을 통하여 점점 신용을 얻게 된다. 그리고 창은 흥징앞에 과제를 던지게 된다. 흥징은 첸의 딸 유를 만나게 된다. 그리고 그들의 관계로 그녀 아버지의 처지가 어렵게 됨에도 불구하고, 창의 도움으로 그녀의 마음을 얻게 된다. 창에 의하 여 사건의 실마리가 풀리고, 흥징은 창의 살인자 텡의 체포에 접근하게 되는데...
The Figures from Earth
Master Thunderbolt
Five hundred years ago, to practice witchcraft, a bat elf forces her sister, Siu-chu to lure strong men so that she can suck their blood. A priest stops Siu-chu from killing two guards by using his supernatural powers. After fighting, both parties are wounded. To help the guards cope with bat elves, the priest gives them string instruments, swords and thousand-year-old snow pearls. Unexpectedly, the guards swallow the snow pearls and it takes them five hundred years to resurrect……
Ghostly Vixen
Man in bar [cameo]
Amy plays Evil Girl, who must suck the sperm of 100 virgin boys born at 10 o'clock in order to become immortal. When we first see her, she is stalking victim number 98, whilst being stalked herself by a wizard who seeks to destroy her.
Raid on Royal Casino Marine
Officer Kan
Inspector Kan (Stanley Fung), now married to Madame Wu (Sibelle Hu), has been instructed to train the Banshee Squad Members after Madame Wu goes into semi-retirement. For their next mission, the Squad is assigned to go undercover into a Casino Ship to nab a group of thieves responsible for stolen law enforcement and military weapons.
Spiritually a Cop
A young man wants to be a Hong Kong police officer but is too short to qualify. However, he doesn't let that stop him: he goes around impersonating an officer, investigating crimes and busting criminals. One day, he interrupts a bank robbery (by three men in drag), gets shot in the process and dies. When the case is assigned to a female investigator, he returns as a ghost to lend a hand at solving the robbery.
정장추녀자 3 - 낭지일족
Lau Ting Kin
류정견의 카센터 바로 옆에 그의 오랜 라이벌이 딸들과 제부를 데리고 카센터를 차린다. 류정견은 그를 방해하기 위해 실직자였던 네 명의 사촌들을 고용하고, 옆 카센터의 여자들을 유혹하고자 의기투합한다.
여감방의 불가사의
Inspector Feng
여감방에서 여죄수 아진이 탈옥하다 죽은 후 감옥귀신이 된다. 한편 평이라는 감옥소장과 시체화장사인 아페이는 서로 자존심을 내세우는 연인 사이이다. 아페이의 조카 몽과 그 친구들은 감옥의 수리를 하러 왔다가 여자 죄수들과 눈이 맞아서 그후론 구실을 찾아 감옥을 자주 드나든다. 어느날 감옥에서는 아진 때문에 귀신소동이 일고 급기야 죄수들의 농성이 시작된다.
Kam Shing
A gang of chinese criminals migrate to Hong Kong in search of easy pickings. After pulling a few jobs and killing of a couple of cops, they turn their sight on Tse Sui Luen Jewelry Company. But the robbery is miserably botched. Some of the crooks are tricked and killed by police super sleuth, Detective Yuen Shiu. The criminal boss vows vengeance on Yuen and his family.
A Punch to Revenge
A crippled man with an invalid son, is so greedy that he forces his wife into prostitution. Then, he makes a deal with a crime boss to pull a big heist and invites his friends from China to help. Meanwhile, Miss Fan (Yukari Oshima), the social worker who attends to Eddy, takes a liking to police officer Peter Lee (Ben Lam). The heist goes awry, and the couple gets involved in bringing the bad guys to justice. A tale of betrayal and revenge, in which law prevails at a great personal cost of its agents.
Gift bearer as Santa Claus
중국 명나라 승정 7년인 1632년. 금의군을 통솔하던 방수정(원표 분)은 어명을 받들고 색마 봉삼(원화 분)을 추격한다. 봉삼은 방수정의 사형. 당대 최고의 고수로 알려진 두 사람은 설산에서 치열한 결투를 벌이다 결국 방수정이 그를 안고 절벽으로 떨어진다. 시간이 흘러 1940년대 냉동되어있던 둘은 얼려진 채 홍콩에 보내진다. 시간이 흘러 현대의 홍콩. 방수정은 어느 도둑에 의해 해동되고, 건달들에게서 콜걸 하채(장만옥 분)를 구해준 인연으로 함께 생활하게 된다. 결국 홍콩에 나타난 색마 봉삼은 다시 강간과 살인을 저지르며 방수정과 대결전을 벌이는데...
The Nobles
Taxi driver
Interior designer Dodo and lawyer Michael have been in love for years with no plans of marriage. Because of the intervention by the colleagues, Dodo resigns in anger and leaves for New York with Michael. She is heart-broken to catch Michael in a passionate scene with her close friend at the airport. After that, Dodo gets stuck with her first assignment of her own company. She has no resources but to seek help of Jacky, a worker from former design company, but misunderstanding arises between them due to difference in rank. But as they get on more, they begin to admire each other. Meantime, Michael, who tries to win back Dodo's heart. What would Dodo decide between her two admirers?
Vampire Buster
Councillor Steven Kay
In ancient China, a demon was defeated in a fierce battle with a priest, who sealed it's evil spirit in a vase. Centuries later, during the cultural revolution, rebels attempted to gain possession of the vessel from the priest's descendant; however, he threw it into the ocean to keep it from being tampered. The vase was recovered years later in Hong Kong and was auctioned off to a councilman. The demon, unfortunately, escaped and took control of the councilman's body, beginning a spree of terror in the city.
Little Cop
Vice Squad Commander
Ever since he was a child, Lee Chi-kin has been determined to become a police officer, despite the fact that he comes from a family of criminals. As an adult, he joins the police force, where he is first placed with the Narcotics Bureau. During a drug raid operation, he catches a drug dealer. He is later transferred, first to the Anti-Porno Bureau where he falls in love with a call girl, then to the Regional Crime Unit where he works under Inspector Chu. During a drug raid operation, Lee kills drug lord Ng Cheung. Ng's father hires a killer, Thousand Faces Man to take revenge on Lee. After several confrontations, Lee finally brings Thousand Faces Man to justice. The corrupt director of a mental hospital places Lee in the mental hospital for a year, during which time he develops mental disorders. After being discharged from the hospital, he becomes a restaurant waiter.
A bungling gang of criminal mercenaries arrives from the Chinese mainland on a mission for a mysterious evil mastermind, only to discover that their shady new employer has set them all up for a fall.
땡큐마담 2
패왕화와 비호대는 합작으로 국제보석 도둑들을 처리하고 평상시와 마찬가지로 훈련을 받는다. 패왕화는 새로 신입 대원을 받는데 4명의 신입 대원들과 기존의 구 대원들간의 불꽃 튀는 신경전이 펼쳐진다. 패왕화 교관인 호혜중은 이러한 충돌을 무마시키기 위해서라도 뼈를 깎는 강한 훈련을 시킨다. 남자와 여자가 함께 훈련을 하고 서로의 오해와 사랑 속에 한바탕 격전을 치른다. 이때 흉악범들은 탈옥에 성공하고 비호대의 교관 간위인이 붙잡혀 버린다. 드디어 패왕화의 신나는 토벌작전이 시작되는데...
All Night Long
Mr Big
Kindergarten teacher Wang is being held hostage one night by a bank robber in an all-night shop. Shop attendant Ling-ling and Wang struggle with the badly wounded robber who dies in the fight. With two more accomplices, the four girls decide to destroy the body and split the $40 million loot.
Return of the Lucky Stars
Hong Kong Police Supt. Walter Tso arrests Big Dai, the reformed leader of a criminal corporation. When Dai asked his brother Richard Mao to turn himself in to the police, he betrays him and decides to take over the corporation. Dai is imprisoned and an informant is murdered by one of Mao's men. With no evidence against Mao and the corporation, Tso coerced four of the "Five Lucky Stars" to go undercover in the prison, rescue Dai, and help nab Mao and bring down the corporation
Return of the Lucky Stars
Hong Kong Police Supt. Walter Tso arrests Big Dai, the reformed leader of a criminal corporation. When Dai asked his brother Richard Mao to turn himself in to the police, he betrays him and decides to take over the corporation. Dai is imprisoned and an informant is murdered by one of Mao's men. With no evidence against Mao and the corporation, Tso coerced four of the "Five Lucky Stars" to go undercover in the prison, rescue Dai, and help nab Mao and bring down the corporation
Return of the Lucky Stars
Rhino / Rawhide
Hong Kong Police Supt. Walter Tso arrests Big Dai, the reformed leader of a criminal corporation. When Dai asked his brother Richard Mao to turn himself in to the police, he betrays him and decides to take over the corporation. Dai is imprisoned and an informant is murdered by one of Mao's men. With no evidence against Mao and the corporation, Tso coerced four of the "Five Lucky Stars" to go undercover in the prison, rescue Dai, and help nab Mao and bring down the corporation
정귀는 형의 죽마고우인 "정"의 계락으로 회사를 차압당한다. 정귀와 3명의 친구들은 "정"상무 회사인 "폭"기업에 침투하여 원수를 갚겠다고 결심한다. "폭"기업에 침투한 이들은 비서를 매수하여 정보를 캐내고 회장의 신임으로 승진을 하게 된다. 한편 휴가지에서 "정"상무는 폭력배 보안주임을 고용해 정귀와 세친구를 감시토록 한다. 그러던중 회장딸 니콜이 유학에서 돌아오고 정귀는 자신의 애인인 "땅콩"과 니콜이 친구 사인줄도 모르고 니콜에게 반한다. "정"상무가 돌아와 정귀일행을 해고하려 하나 여비서의 도움으로 위기를 모면한다. 생일이 같은 땅콩과 니콜에게 정귀가 보낸 카드가 뒤바뀌지만 땅콩은 숙부의 설명으로 오해를 풀고, 니콜은 "정"상무와 청첩장을 들고 찾아온다. 그러나 태풍이 휘몰아치자 야비한 행동을 취하는 정상무를 본 니콜은 약혼을 취소하고 정상무는 파면당한다.
Stumbling Cops
Superman Ng
Stumbling Cops is a Hong Kong Crime-Comedy directed by Guy Lai Ying-Chau and starring Stanley Fung.
양리칭의 예스마담 : 자웅대도
Michael's Security Staff
보석상 야마모토가 도쿄에서 보석 전시회를 개최하자, 동맹군 소속 보석 절도단은 테러 자금을 마련하기 위해 전시회장을 급습하여 순식간에 보석을 훔쳐 달아난다. 국제 사범인 2인조 강도단을 추격하던 일본 경찰 히로시의 동료는 적군의 총을 맞고 사망하자 팔을 다친 히로시는 동료의 복수를 위해 강도단을 쫓아 홍콩을 찾아온다. 한편, 도둑을 제압하는 실전에 유능한 양리 일본 경찰 히로시와 힘을 합쳐 보석 탈취범들을 쫓는다. 그들은 야마모토의 수상한 점을 발견하게 되는데...
용의 가족
Sgt Fung
홍콩 암흑가의 대부인 용은 갱조직을 청산하고 개과천선하기 위하여 4대 조직을 통합키로 한다. 그러나 마약밀매를 전문으로 하는 한 조직의 두목이 약속을 위반하여 용은 아륜을 시켜 그를 처단한다. 이때 용의 수제자인 백랑이 용의 처사에 불만을 품고 용과 충돌하자 오래전부터 반란을 음모하던 백랑의 부하 죠셉과 컬크가 용을 제거하고 마약 밀매 조직을 장악하여 백랑의 명의로 마약을 밀매한다. 그후 영국으로 돌아온 용의 막내아들 챨스는 자기 부모와 형제들이 이들에게 참살당한 사실을 알고 아륜과 손잡고 복수를 하게 된다.
How to Pick Girls Up!
Fei Changfan
Three love-challenged men meet a radio host who tutors them in the art of picking up women in a variety of unconventional ways in Wong Jing's gleefully crude and tasteless comedy.
7½ Detectives
Detective Moon's god
Taiwan Comedy directed by Kevin Chu Yen-Ping and starring Eric Tsang and Stanley Fung.
땡큐 마담
Kan Sir
중동의 주요 정객이 홍콩을 방문하고 자객의 습격을 받는데 다행히 여경관 호혜중과 나부락의 뛰어난 활약으로 범인을 잡는다. 홍콩의 경찰국은 여성 귀빈들의 보호를 위해 여자 특경대를 조직하기로 결정한다. 패왕화는 남자 경찰조직인 비호대와 에피소드를 벌이고 남자들에게 뒤쳐지지 않는 혹독한 훈련과정을 거친 후 드디어 그 무서운 힘이 드러나기 시작한다. 곧 이어 국제 보석 도둑들이 홍콩에 나타났다는 소식이 전해지고 그들을 처리하기 위해 비호대와 패왕화가 함께 작전에 참여하게 되는데...
Carry on Dancing
Ma's solicitor
Cheung Sheung and Tze Ngor are twin sisters. Tze Ngor is a lunatic and stays in a mental hospital. But out of a madcap incident, Cheung Sheung is "cheated" into the hospital, exchanging identity with her insane sister. The mad house is lived by all kinds of weirdos. The "game" is that Cheung Sheung will stay in the hospital only for a while. But strangely enough, she gradually becomes more and more ease with the way of life in the hospital until one day, she's forgotten what life is like...
후와 콰이는 큰 돈을 상속받은 형제로 후는 콰이가 상속을 포기하도록 하기위해 3명의 잡배를 조종하지만 실패한다. 후는 사업상 틀린 정보를 콰이에게 흘리지만 콰이는 매번 문제를 수월하게 풀어 오히려 사업을 크게 번창시키고 후는 이런 콰이가 늘 못마땅한데..
Love Soldier of Fortune
Go Shan Liu
Love Soldier of Fortune is a Hong Kong Romance directed by Stanley Fung and starring Maggie Cheung.
Love Soldier of Fortune
Love Soldier of Fortune is a Hong Kong Romance directed by Stanley Fung and starring Maggie Cheung.
양어장의 사장 엽홍은 마약을 만드는 화 회장의 공장에서 나오는 폐수로 물고기들이 죽어 나가자 회장을 상대로 소송을 건다. 그리고 화 회장의 변호사로 선임된 재키는 잘나가는 바람둥이 변호사. 그는 손쉬운 사건 해결을 위해 돈을 밝히는 속물스러운 친구 왕비웅이 엽홍에게 접근해 양어장을 팔도록 설득하게 하고, 또 다른 친구 동덕표를 시켜 엽홍의 집에 도청장치까지 설치하려고 한다. 하지만 이 과정에서 왕비웅과 엽홍은 점점 가까워지고, 재키 또한 엽홍의 사촌동생 온미령과 진정한 사랑에 빠져 버리는데...
정장추녀자 2
Ken Lau Tin Kin
자동차 판매전시장 미녀 4명과 전시장 앞가게에 위치한 자동차 세차장에는 장난이 심한 4명의 남자 사원이 있는데 여자에겐 말도 못붙이는 쑥맥들-미녀들과 사귀고 싶지만 망신만 당하던 중 유덕화의 출연으로 그의코치를 받는다. 우여곡절 끝에 4명의 커플은 웨딩마치 작전 단계에이르는데.
Bet on Fire
Club patron [cameo]
Cherie Chung and Cheung Man are two young women forced into a life of prostitution. Mostly, it's a sensitive melodrama about loyality and female bonding.
Call Girl '88
Fang Shao Feng
A depressing tale dealing with five women involved with prostitution and the effects it has on their love and family lives. High class or low class, each is just as sad.
Shy Spirit
Police Captain
Two feuding families brag about their sons on christening day. One, called Long-life, is destined to die early, while Sing, the other, will do well. Twenty years pass. Long-life has survived, and he fancies pretty Hsio. In a scene stolen from My Life As A Dog, he spies on her in the shower, falls through the roof, kisses her as he lands..... but then her spirit leaves her body. Having died naked, Hsio wanders around sans clothing, and is dubbed the Shy Ghost by other spirits she meets. What follows mainly concerns her family and friend's efforts to lay her spirit to rest. These include taking revenge on Long-Life, getting some clothes to her, stacks of fu fighting, incantations and a duel between a buddhist and a taoist.
주윤발의 미녀사냥
Ken Lau Tin Kin
주윤발은 증지위, 진백상과 함께 풍사장의 공장에서 자동차 수리공으로 일한다. 윤발은 애인으로부터 생일 파티에 초대를 받아 청혼할 기회를 갖지만 친구들의 실수 연발로 청혼을 거절당한다.윤발은 실망에 빠지고, 풍사장을 비롯한 친구들은 윤발을 위로하기 위해 동남아 여행을 계획한다. 동남아 여행 중 우연히 미용 센타에서 일하는 장만옥을 만난 주윤발은 서로의 신분을 속이고 부자집의 아들 딸로 만난다. 여행지에서 돌아온 그들은 홍콩에서 다시 만나 즐거운 시간을 보내게 되나 윤발과 함께 파티에 참석한 장만옥의 아름다움에 반한 재벌 조사장이 그녀를 손에 넣기 위해 계략을 꾸민다. 그러나 윤발은 친구들의 도움으로 그녀를 뺨앗기지 않으려고 사건을 일으킨다. 결국 둘은 서로의 신분을 확인하게 되고 사랑을 확인한다.
Killer's Nocturne
Captain Suen
Lo Tien Pei has retired as the king of gambling. But Yen Li Shan, who was humiliated by Lo years ago, is coming to town with fiery vengeance in his heart. Yen manages to buy the Endless Night, the top casino night club in Shanghai. Lo's son, Chi Feng, sees his father being forced by Yen to fall to his death. Chi Feng, trying to get revenge against Yen is badly beaten up. Chi Feng escapes and eventually leaves Shanghai. He takes on the meanest jobs, including boxing against a kangaroo, to eke out a living. Chi Feng eventually comes back to Shanghai for revenge...
Born to Gamble
Ah Fan
Alex is the smart one who claims first place in every human endeavor. To be true, he really excels in all forms of gambling. Alex likes to help people. Thus, when his old friend Fung is jilted by a rich girl, he immediately takes Fung to a slave auction in the Philippines. There, Fung buys a woman of beauty and femininity. Alex himself falls in love with Mina, who is deadly against gambling. She would break ties with anyone found to be gambling...
The Goofy Gang
Wai is a waiter in a country club. One day at work he is humiliated by the wife of a millionaire Harry Tse; and in order to get even, he and his gang plan kidnap Mrs. Tse. His gang includes Jacky Chong, Sly Sze and Martha. The kidnapping goes wrong from the beginning. Instead of getting Mrs.Tse, they kidnap Harry Tse by mistake! The police sends Inspector Mina Ho to investigate, and she suspects Wai as one of the Kidnappers. Mina also asks Mrs. Tse to cooperate with the police, but Mrs. Tse refuses. On the other Hand, Wai and the others do not know how to get the ransom money. Harry in fact helps them to devise a plan, since he's afraid they might do something nasty to him if they don't get the money...
The Goofy Gang
Harry Tse
Wai is a waiter in a country club. One day at work he is humiliated by the wife of a millionaire Harry Tse; and in order to get even, he and his gang plan kidnap Mrs. Tse. His gang includes Jacky Chong, Sly Sze and Martha. The kidnapping goes wrong from the beginning. Instead of getting Mrs.Tse, they kidnap Harry Tse by mistake! The police sends Inspector Mina Ho to investigate, and she suspects Wai as one of the Kidnappers. Mina also asks Mrs. Tse to cooperate with the police, but Mrs. Tse refuses. On the other Hand, Wai and the others do not know how to get the ransom money. Harry in fact helps them to devise a plan, since he's afraid they might do something nasty to him if they don't get the money...
Promising Young Boy
Canteen operator
Pang, Paul Wong, Sam Wong and few young men are outstanding in Taekwondo. They are selected by the nation to live in contestant village for training. All the young men have different backgrounds, they are energetic and like to play all the time, and they always play tricks with the female swimming team, and cause many incidents. Their competition is coming, they have to face South Korean team in a Taekwondo competition, all of them are excited and think they must win...
The Ghost Snatchers
Fan Pien-Chou
The story is about a new high rise office building that's haunted by a ghost patrol of Japanese soldiers from W.W. II. The angry ghosts want revenge and they'll do anything to achieve that goal.
강시선생 2: 강시가족
망저담은 고고학자인 사이비교수와 동굴을 발굴하던 도중, 전혀 변질되지 않은 강시 가족을 발견한다. 교수는 강시 구매자에게 샘플로 보여줄 어린 강시를 데리고 나가게 되고, 강시에 대해 모르던 망저담은 부부강시의 부적을 떼어 깨워버린다. 우여곡절 끝에 강시를 제압하지만 팔을 물리게 되는 망저담. 한편, 미아가 된 꼬마 강시는 가가의 온실에 숨었다가 친구가 되고 개심귀라는 이름을 얻게 된다. 개심귀는 뉴스에 나오는 엄마, 아빠 강시를 보고 울기 시작하고, 울음 소리에 모인 부부강시와 코믹한 한판 승부가 벌어지게 되는데…
Cancer patient in TV
The Hong Kong detectives, Chau and Beethoven, are back once more. This time, their mission is to protect a young girl from a gang boss' henchmen, who are trying to eliminate her so she couldn't testify in court against their boss. Meanwhile, the plot thickens when a police medical report revealed that Chau apparently has cancer; therefore, Beethoven will see to it that his partner will have a well-deserved vacation in his remaining months.
Naughty Boys
Frequent Jackie Chan cohort Mars stars as Sing, an ex-con who's supposed to dig up the buried loot of his three still-jailed buddies...but when he gets to it, he finds that the treasure chest is full of rocks! The other three are convinced that Sing stole the goods for himself, so Sing decides to hide out with his kick-butt cousin Kuen, played with athletic aplomb by kung-fu princess Kara Hui! But some insurance investigators (Carina Lau and Billy Lau) are also after the loot, and there's even a mousy travel agent (future director Clarence Fok) thrown in for good measure. It all adds up to numerous shenanigans and action-comedy hijinks, culminating in a knockdown action finale set in a warehouse! Wooden crates, two-by-fours, and more props than you can name are used and abused in the name of creative eighties HK-style action, which Jackie Chan and company are only too glad to dispense to the audience!
최가복성 - 구복성
자유무역도시 홍콩에서는 무기밀매를 하는 국제범죄인들의 조직체가 출현한다. 결국 뛰어난 무술기능을 지닌 일품향과자고채,그리고 선발된 5명은 경찰 상관의 아무런 도움없이 아라비아상인으로 가장하여 온갖 우스운 소동을 벌이면서 전격적으로 밀매 조직폭력배 검거작전에 나서는데.
Watch Out
Lulu's Grandfather
Watch Out is a Hong Kong Ghost-Comedy directed by Ang Saan and starring Stanley Fung.
Police Band Drummer
대나팔이라고 불리는 매튜. 그는 성격 좋은 것으로 유명하지만 겁이 많아 오로지 나팔만 부는 경찰이다. 어느 날 우연히 사건에 투입되었다가 동료 경사의 죽음을 목격한 대나팔은 복수를 다짐한다.
Dr. Tsui
낙선 정신 재활 협회 서 복지사(풍쉬범)는 중증 정신 질환 노숙자들을 담당하고 있다. 노숙자들 이야기를 취재해 특집 기사를 쓰려고 준비 중이던 유 기자(엽덕한)는 우연히 서 복지사가 강아지(양조위)를 달래 인명 피해를 줄인 모습을 보고, 서 복지사와 함께 다니길 자처하는데…
Unforgettable Fantasy
Robert's Uncle
Thanks to the help of his uncle's (Stanley Fung) girlfriend (Wong Wan Si), Robert (Frankie Chan) gets to work as a creative assistant in an advertising agency, where he falls for the beautiful manager Cleopatra (Joyce Ni). His uncle brings home an antique mirror not knowing that it hides a fox fairy. Robert inadvertently takes the mirror to the office and by chance the fox fairy is freed and possesses Cleopatra! Hopelessly bedazzled by her vixen charm, Robert is killed in a car accident while looking for the mirror thrown away by his uncle...
괴짜 경찰관들로 이루어진 ‘오복성’(홍금보, 오요한, 증자위, 빙쉬범, 진상림)은, 일본에서 범인을 잡는데 공로를 세워 태국의 파아야 해변에의 휴가를 즐기게 된다. 하지만 국제적 마약 밀매 조직에 대한 정보를 가진 ‘마문견’이 살해 당하는 사건이 발생하고 오복성은 급히 홍콩으로 귀국한다. 살인 청부업자들이 ‘마문견’의 애인 ‘왕의청’ 마저 제거하려 하자, 여경찰 ‘바화’는 그녀를 ‘오복성’의 아파트로 피신시킨다. ‘왕의청’의 마음을 얻기 위한 ‘오복성’의 소동 와중에, 홍콩 경찰은 암흑가로부터 위협받고 있는 마약 판매책 ‘유선생’을 보호하기 위해 형사 ‘성룡’과 ‘원표’를 암흑가에 투입하고, 그들은 악당들과 정면대결을 벌이게 되는데…
Fascinating Affairs
Chan Sir
Fascinating Affairs - a Hong Kong Romance directed by Chor Yuen and starring Tony Leung Chiu-Wai.
장국영의 H2O
Chrysanthemum Tea
대만에서 경찰임무를 돕기 위해 홍콩에온 국제 경찰과 거칠지만 정의감 있는 홍콩의 형사 한명이 대조적이긴 하지만 잘 어울리는 팀을 이룬다. 이들은 공원에서 이들의 지갑을 훔치려던 소매치기 자매와 가까와 진다. 어느날 소매치기 자매는 살인청부를 받고 홍콩에 온 자의 지갑을 훔치는 데 지갑안에는 희생자로부터 빼앗은 범죄조직의 중요한 징표가 들어 있다. 징표를 되찾기 위해 집요하게 따라붙는 검은 손과 그를 피하려는 자매의 기발한 재치, 그리고 사건을 해결하려는 두 형사의 노력이 서로 맞물린다. 결국 자매 중 동생이 죽음을 당하고, 그들은 슬픔에 빠진다. 사건은 또 하나의 살인을 향해 달려가고 살인자는 살아남은 언니를 향해 칼을 빼어들지만, 이들은 극적인 반전을 엮어 낸다.
Those Merry Souls
Uncle Chiu
Chiu Chi-Lung and Ng Kuai-Tak are two movie stunt actors in Hong Kong and are suspicious of Lung's father Chiu's mysterious behavior. Unbeknownst to them, Chiu was commissioned as a "messenger" by the Spirit World to take newly-departed souls to the other side. When Tak suffers a major accident on the movie set, Chiu keeps Tak's soul from being taken away, thereby, reviving him.
홍콩 경찰청 강력계 소속인 악바리(성룡 분)와 위키(원표 분)는 엄청난 액수의 보석을 가로채 야쿠자와 접선하기 위해 일본으로 달아난 전직 경찰을 체포하라는 특명을 띠고 일본으로 건너 가지만 벽에 부딪치자 홍콩으로 연락, 경찰 총경에게 부탁해 지난 날 같은 고아원 출신인 양배추(홍금보 분)의 도움을 청하게 된다. 양배추는 완두콩(증지위 분) 등 고아원 형제들을 규합, 여행사 직원 여왕벌(호혜중 분)과 함께 일본으로 건너가는데 여왕벌의 미모에 반해 갖가지 촌극이 계속 연출된다.
Chung / Inspector Fung
범보(코끼리)는 과거에 금융회사를 턴 전직을 가지고, 지금은 에어로빅 코치를 하고 있다. 또, 올빼미는 암흑 조직으로부터 거액을 사기한 그런 전직을 가지고 있다. 그러던 중 이들의 비밀을 알아낸 형사로부터 감옥과 사회 봉사 중 하나를 선택받게 된다. 두 사람은 소년감화원에서 특별상담원으로 일하게 된다. 올빼미는 연약한 몸으로 삐뚤어진 청소년을 바로잡아 주려고 젊음을 불태우는 여선생을 도와 말썽꾸러기 애들을 설득, 감화시키다가 사랑에 빠져 버리는데...
Fan Kun
After a man is found murdered outside a restaurant, police begin their investigation. All the clues point to Fan Kun (Stanley Fung), an ex-cop who has taken on work as a hitman, as his son is desperately in need of an operation.
Three Stooges Go Undercover
Fei Shifan
Two police officers and an informant go undercover to infiltrate a counterfeiting ring.
Winner Takes All?
Fung Wah
Joe is betrayed by his gang, who then set out to kill him. On the run, he forcibly enters the apartment of Ann. Despite being initially scared, Joe departs on fairly friendly terms, and catches up with Ann again the next day at her work. One of Ann's students is Sweetie, whose father Mr Fung dotes on her. Fung, a jeweller, is also being romantically pursued by one of his employees, Elsa. The following day, Joe's old gang rob Fung's jewellery shop, during which time they snatch Sweetie.
Motorcycle Punk (uncredited)
데이비드(원표 분)와 토마스(성룡 분)은 이동차 간이 식당(쾌찬차)을 운영하며 스페인에서 살아간다. 그러던 어느 날 두 사람은 공주처럼 우아하고 아름다운 실비아를 만나 첫눈에 반한다. 그러나 실비아가 창녀에다 소매치기라는 사실을 알고 충격을 받는다. 한편, 홍금보는 사립 탐정 사무실에서 일하다가 실비아를 찾아 달라는 고객으로부터 거금을 받아 행동을 개시하는데 정체를 알 수 없는 사나이들도 실비아를 납치하려 한다. 홍금보는 데이비드와 토마스에게 도움을 청하게 되고 오래 전에 헤어진 실비아의 아버지가 막대한 유산을 남겼다는 사실을 알게 된다. 실비아의 삼촌은 유산을 가로채기 위해 음모를 꾸미러 홍금보 등은 그의 하수인들과 맞서 싸워 승리를 거둔다. 실비아는 졸지에 귀족으로 변신하지만 다시 옛 친구를 찾아간다.
My Darling Genie
Uncle Fan
Out of the Shaw Brothers vaults comes My Darling Genie, an amiable early-eighties comedy starring the enchanting Cherie Chung. Derek Yee is Cheng, a brusque construction worker who discovers a magical umbrella on a routine dig. When the umbrella is opened and sprinkled with water, a 200 year-old genie arrives to grant the owner's wishes. As if that weren't enough, this genie happens to look like Cherie Chung! Cheng has been given a virtual ticket to Heaven, but he's more annoyed than grateful, and uses the Genie to perform mostly menial tasks.
Rawhide [cameo]
암흑가의 두목 하정의는 마약밀매로 거부가 된 인물이다. 경찰도 그의 비리를 잘 알고 있었지만 결정적 물증이 없어법으로 다스릴 수 없었다. 한편, 모든 불법거래 사항이 담겨져 있는'하정의'의 장부를 그의 정부가 보관하고 있다. 이 사건을 담당한 '베에토벤'과 '아추'는 천방지축의 행동으로 상부의 질책을 받는다. 여경 안나는 아추에게 특별한 감정을 갖고 그들을 도와주는데 '하정위'의 정부는의문의 죽음을 당하고, 두사람은 또다시 곤경에 빠진다. 그때 두사람 앞에그누군가 해결책을 갖고 오는데....
The Lost Generation
Fu Wai Fan
The plot follows a group of women who struggle in Hong Kong, most of them illegal immigrants from mainland China.
Naughty Girls
Father of Flora's friend
Flora and her friends are about to be released from the juvenile detention center. After being persuaded by the instructor, she goes back to school. She lies to her mother claiming that she goes to the tutoring center after school and gets home late all the time. After school, she changes her clothes and goes to parties. At parties, she does more than fun but also stirs up troubles. One time, the girls walk into a brand name store. The products there are very expensive and they get humiliated by store staffs. It drives them to work hard and earn money. They are too young to tell wrong from right.…
Mad, Mad 83
shaw production
Oh, My Cops!
Sgt Chiu Kau
Buddy cops Porky (Kent Cheng) and Big Mouth (Wong Ching) are promoted to the anti-prostitution division after solving a robbery case. In their bid to crack down on a prostitution ring, the bumbling duo arrange for Margaret (Pat Ha) to go undercover as a hooker as part of their supposedly foolproof plan, which unfortunately and inevitably has to go wrong...
어수룩한 좀도둑 주전자(홍금보 분)는 형무소에서 사기 전과자(순사기) 등 다섯 명을 만나 인연을 맺게 되고 출소한 후에 오복청소회사를 차려 새로운 삶을 시작하는데, 우연한 기회에 화폐위조단의 비밀을 알게 되어 거듭 위기를 맞게 된다. 한편 강력계형사 악바리(성룡 분)은 과격한 성격의 소유자로 사건을 해결하는 과정에서 계속 실수를 저질러 형사 반장의 미움을 사게 되는데, 주전자는 사건에 휘말려 그와 친하게된다. 주전자는 영주(종초홍 분)라는 미녀에게 반하지만 동료들의 견제로 좀처럼 뜻을 이루지 못한다. 한편 위조지폐단의 두목 진회장은 다른 폭력조직의 두목 하사장과 마찰이 생기고 본의 아니게 위조지폐의 원판을 손에 넣은 주전자 등은 그들의 표적이 된다. 궁지에 몰린 주전자 등은 양대 범죄조직끼리 싸움을 붙여 그들을 일망타진하는데 결정적인 공헌을 한다. 주전자는 용감한 시민상을 받게 되고 영주의 마음을 사로잡아 결혼을 약속 받는다.
Sgt Chung Ng
The police investigate a series of murders by a probably serial killer. The inspector's wife is amongb those threatened by the killer, but no-one believes her, including her husband. Things are further confused by a gang of local punks who also terrorize the wife.
The Man from Vietnam
The Man from Vietnam is a Hong Kong Crime-Drama directed by Clarence Ford and starring Stanley Fung.
Prisoner [cameo]
Interpol is a Hong Kong Crime-Drama directed by Chan Siu-Pang.
To Hell with the Devil
A shmo makes a deal with the devil so he can become a great Pop star just to impress his dream girl. After he makes the deal, a catholic priest hangs around him to try and convince him that he screwed up and he needs to get his soul back or he'll be damned for eternity. Well, everything goes bad for the shmo and he wants his soul back. But, the devil's lacky doesn't want to give it back. So the priest and the devil's lackey go at it mano y mano.
The Phantom Killer
Sun Chi [voice: Cantonese]
Talented, young and handsome, Siu is a hero to the town folks and idol of the girls. Still, he has an avowed enemy, bad man Kam. Lately, several girls are murdered immediately after they met Siu. Sheriff Chiu is unable to find a lead but decides to trail Siu. Siu calls on his long time girlfriend Sien Sien but find her grieved by her sister's disappearance. Something untold does happen to Siu as he walks into an ambush set up by Kam. Chiu rushes to Siu's rescue and incidentally finds blood coming out from a porcelain statue. The statue turns out to be an enameled corpse...
The Phantom Killer
Talented, young and handsome, Siu is a hero to the town folks and idol of the girls. Still, he has an avowed enemy, bad man Kam. Lately, several girls are murdered immediately after they met Siu. Sheriff Chiu is unable to find a lead but decides to trail Siu. Siu calls on his long time girlfriend Sien Sien but find her grieved by her sister's disappearance. Something untold does happen to Siu as he walks into an ambush set up by Kam. Chiu rushes to Siu's rescue and incidentally finds blood coming out from a porcelain statue. The statue turns out to be an enameled corpse...
Security Unlimited
Ah Fan
This is a story about a security guard agency and its three agents-Michael, Sam and Ricky. Sam and Ricky are delivering a large sum of money to a bank when a robbery takes place under their nose. after a series of hair-raising about hilarious chases, the agents get their men. With Michael and Sam giving their reward money to Ricky. They live haphazardly ever after.
Luo Chaojun
화산파의 대제자인 남궁송(영호충)은 우연히 정파의 형산파 석중영(유정풍)과 마교의 고운(노곡)이 함께 '공곡절향'(소오강호)를 연주하는 것을 마주하게 된다. 그후 마교 교주의 딸 백앵앵 (임영영)을 만나게 되고, 그 결과 남궁송은 화산파에서 쫓겨 나게 된다. 남궁송은 백앵앵의 부탁을 받고 사마무기(동방불패)에 감금 되어 있는 교주 백경천(임아행)을 구해낸다. 한편 오악검파는 새맹주를 추대하려는 준비를 하게 되는데, 암살자가 나타나 오악검파의 장문인들을 차례로 습겨하게 된다. 결과적으로 화산파의 낙초순(악불군)이 새로운 맹주의 자리에 추대 된다. 그때 사모의 원수를 갚기 위해 싸웠던 남궁송은 암살자로 부터 엄청난 계략의 진실을 듣게 되는데...
Frigidity is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Stanley Fung.
Lover's Destiny
Generalissimo Zhang
Director Chu Yuan was one of the new breed of directors at Shaw who raised the bar of martial arts films, by adding compelling storylines and a good dose of drama. Despite being without his regular cohorts Ku Lung and Ti Lung here, Chu shows his master stroke as he delves into the dastardly ways of evil warlords in China back in the 1910’s. Drama and action both take centre-stage as Tsung Hua and Ching Li fall prey to a lecherous general (Stanley Feng Tsui-fan) who rapes and forces the latter to become his concubine. With the help of two street performers (the deft and agile Chen Kuan-tai and Shih Szu) he once helped, Tsung hatches a plot to save his beloved – with deadly consequences.
The Taxi Driver
Chen Guang [Voice: Cantonese]
It stars David Chiang, as the taxi driver whose adventures reveal Hong Kong's verve with wit, compassion and loads of action.
Eight Hundred Heroes
As battle rages in Shanghai, a single battalion of soldiers led by Xie Jinyuan is ordered to hold back the Japanese forces at the Sihang warehouse. Girl scouts risk their lives to deliver food and medicine to the defenders.
Hong Kong Superman
Hong Kong Superman is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Sammo Hung.
The Looks of Hong Kong
The Looks of Hong Kong is a Hong Kong Drama directed by and starring Stanley Fung.
The Looks of Hong Kong
Shi-di Fen-hung
The Looks of Hong Kong is a Hong Kong Drama directed by and starring Stanley Fung.
The Looks of Hong Kong
The Looks of Hong Kong is a Hong Kong Drama directed by and starring Stanley Fung.
The Country Bumpkin
The Country Bumpkin is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Stanley Fung.
Mr Ko
A spoilt rich kid turns up at a fu school to show off, but he gets clobbered by the boastful Little Tiger, who is later framed for the kid's murder when a gang of blackmailers make an example of him. The police allow Tiger to escape, in order to find the real culprits. Tiger hides at his girlfriend's place, but a model she works with does some whoring on the side for the blackmailer, and so the crooks are onto his trail...
Pi Yu She
협녀 자봉은 아버지가 모함당한 일을 알고 대부의 집을 염탐한다. 금선풍이 부탁받고 항복문서를 몽고에게 준 사실을 알고 그녀는 무림의 정의로운 협객을 불러 모아 금선풍을 습격한다. 신원의 제자 양은 금선풍의 행위가 나쁘지 않아 보여 친구가 되나 원능은 부하 벽옥사를 시켜 금선풍을 조롱하여 혈의를 벗어날 수 없게 한다. 벽옥사의 계략에 말려들어 금선풍이 곤욕을 치를 때 양은 그의 사부 신원과 자봉에게 금선풍이 결코 나쁜 사람이 아니라고 변명해 주다 사부에게 쫓겨난다. 그때서야 계략에 걸린 것을 안 금선풍은 변명을 하려 했지만 할 말이 없다. 그는 비밀리에 양과 자봉을 보호하나 자봉은 황량한 벌판에서 신원을 만나고 벽옥사가 기습을 할 때 금선풍과 양이 나타나 도와준다. 진짜 도둑이 신원임이 들통난다. 한 판의 격투 끝에 금선풍은 신원을 죽이고 자봉의 아버지도 모함에서 풀려난다.
Yian Luyan
송나라의 포대협은 금나라에 사로잡힌 송의 태자 강을 구출하고자 한다. 그러나 금나라로 가기 위해서는 위험한 다리를 건너야만 하는데 포대협의 무리 중에는 다리 건너기에 성공한 이가 없다. 이 때문에 포대협은 경공의 달인인 소비를 영입하고 둘은 한 쌍의 협객이 되어 작전을 수행한다. 중국 송조를 배경으로 두 명의 협객이 펼치는 무협극으로 운명에 대항하는 사나이들의 분투는 잊지 못할 결말을 선사한다. 적룡과 강대위의 환상적인 조합과 더불어 최고의 무술감독인 당가와 유가량이 연출하는 최고 경지에 이른 절정의 무술이 돋보인다.
The Mad Killer
Gong Zhao-Nan
A lovelorn pompous knight lashes out after losing a friendly bout with a rival classmate who's also betrothed to the teacher's daughter. Enraged, the estranged knight threatens his own clan who withholds a closely guarded family secret.
The Comet Strikes
Big Chiu
There was a civil strife in the court. In order to protect the king, some loyal ministers and the king hid in an old house. This old house was known as a haunted house; whoever lived in the house shall die for sure. Mr. and Mrs. Tse went to the haunted house but died in it. Their son Tse Tin Jun wanted to find out the truth of his parents’ death, so he went to the house. At the mean time, another minister knew the king's hiding in the house. He sent out a military force to kill the king. Actually Mr. and Mrs. Tse pretended to die to deceive the public. Tin Jun stood with his parents and the loyal ministers to fight against the rebels. After the blood battle, they eventually annihilated the rebels...
Flyer & Magic Sword
Wei Sheng
Flyer & Magic Sword is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Stanley Fung.
In the Nick of Time
In the Nick of Time is a Hong Kong Crime movie starring Stanley Fung.
The Singing Killer
Detective Wang
David Chiang stars as a nightclub vocalist whose former criminal friends blackmail him into working with them again.
Choi Lee Fat
Choi Lee Fat is a Hong Kong Action movie starring Stanley Fung.
I'll Get You One Day
I'll Get You One Day is a Hong Kong Action movie starring Stanley Fung.
Convivial Trio
Heiress Lin Sao Lei (Nancy Sit Kar-yin) manages to find the family warmth she lacks at home from her co-workers. One day, she accompanies Ho Yueh Ying (Chan Chai-chung) to a television audition and eventually becomes a major star. However, the temptation of romance, a rough patch in her career and a scam would soon make her regret the path she has taken.
Famous Swordsman Tin Kiu
A young woman who believes her new husband to be a notorious masked bandit flees before her marriage can be consummated in this classic Wuxia adventure from director Sang Siu. Yu Chiao has been forced into a marriage with a swordsman she fears. Desperate to escape her dreaded new spouse, the terrified bride seeks protection in the company of the heirs of the Five Knights. But her jilted lover Meng is determined to locate the heirs of the Five Knights as well.
The Charming Killer
Lee Ying-Fu
The Charming Killer is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Stanley Fung.
The Prodigal
The Prodigal is a Hong Kong Drama starring Stanley Fung.
Chow's nephew
O.K. is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Stanley Fung.
Sky Dragon Castle
Sky Dragon Castle is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Stanley Fung.
Wise Wives and Foolish Husbands
Wong Bo Fan
Wise Wives and Foolish Husbands is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Stanley Fung.
The Youth
Ah Kam
Rich heir Tommy Wu has a circle of friends at university: Chow Hoi-kit and Kong Fan who both come from a poor background, Wong Ying whom Chow secretly admires, and Mary who goes out with Kong over the protests of her rich father. Tommy hangs out with the gangster Ah Kam, gambling and dancing days and nights away.
The Fragrant Sword
Sze-hung Ying
The Fragrant Sword is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Stanley Fung. Yu Lap-chung has been executed for the murders of martial alliance members when the black-clad assailant to blame is still roaming free. Apprehended by the murder threats to the helmsman of Emei and Xueshan, Golden-clad Ambassador of the alliance solicits help from the security escort master Wai To, Yu in disguise spared from execution by his master who had a rapist stand in his place. The fake scholar ingratiates himself with Ai Ching-yee, daughter of the Mulberry Pillar Fortress helmsman Ai Pak-chuen and exposes the father's conspiracy with his sworn brother to rule the martial world by dispatching Ching-yee's senior disciple Sze-hung Ying to commit atrocities against the martial alliance. Yu cajoles Ching-yee into assisting in Sze-hung's capture and with the culprit handed over to the alliance, the young lovers wander away.
Mary I Love You
A millionaire's son falls in love with his maid-servant. The father objects and the boy leaves home in anger.
The Saint
The Saint is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Stanley Fung.
Young, Pregnant and Unmarried
Fung Chi-Wai
Young, Pregnant and Unmarried is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Stanley Fung.
Right to Love
Fong's cousin
Right to Love is a Hong Kong Comedy-Drama starring Stanley Fung.
Give Me a Kiss
The One-Eyed Swordsman
The One-Eyed Swordsman is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Stanley Fung.
To Rose with Love
To Rose with Love is a Hong Kong Action movie starring Stanley Fung.