Jean-Marie Jourdain
Le Co-Pilote / Le Boucher / Le Facteur (French Voice)
아무도 그를 무서워하지 않아 번번히 사냥에 실패하는 여우. 배고픈 여우는 급기야 암탉의 알을 몰래 훔치게 되고 알이 부화하면 잡아먹을 계획을 세운다. 하지만 예상과 달리 알에서 깨어난 병아리 삼총사가 여우를 엄마라고 부르며 졸졸 따라다니는데…!
Chloé, Léonie and Pénélope, three friends who have not set eyes on each other for many years, are reunited in a notary’s office. It appears that Chloé’s aunt, with whom they used to spend their summer holidays, has died and bequeathed them her house in the country. The three young women agree to spend the weekend at the house, to clear it out so that they can sell it. As soon as they arrive at the house, old memories come flooding back. It is the beginning of a very long weekend...
Pilot of the jet
성공한 사업가 아버지 밑에서 유복한 어린 시절을 보내지만 수에즈 운하 국유화 사태로 이집트를 떠나 프랑스에 정착한 후 가난한 청년기를 맞이하게 된 끌로드 프랑소와. 가족을 부양하면서도 춤과 노래에 대한 꿈을 포기하지 않고 열정을 불사르며 가수로서의 성공을 꿈꾸지만, 안정된 삶을 원하던 아버지와 갈등하게 되고, 마음 한 켠에 지울 수 없는 상처를 남긴다.
넘치는 자신감과 지칠 줄 모르는 열정으로, 데뷔 후 두 번째 앨범으로 순식간에 전 유럽을 뒤흔드는 스타로 떠오르며 성공가도를 달리게 된 그는 전례 없는 스펙터클한 무대를 선보이며 대중으로부터 열광적인 반응을 끌어 낸다. 히트곡 제조기에 이어 레코드 레이블, 출판사, 잡지사, 모델 에이전시 등 다방면에서 활약을 보이며 프랑스를 대표하는 ‘불멸의 스타’로 자리매김한 그에게 세상은 ‘끌로끌로’라는 애칭을 선사한다. 그러나 화려한 무대 뒤에 숨겨진 어두운 그의 내면은 서서히 그의 빛을 잠식해가는데.. About Cloclo 프랑스가 사랑한 20세기 최고의 스타 끌로드 프랑소와 (1939~1978) 60~70년대 프랑스 대중문화를 이끌었던 혜성 같은 존재. 39세의 나이에 감전사로 사망했으며 죽기 전까지 파란만장한 일생을 살다간 프랑스의 전설적 뮤지션이며, ‘끌로끌로’라는 애칭으로 불릴 만큼 프랑스의 국민적 가수로 사랑 받았던 아이콘이다. 수많은 히트곡 제조기였지만, 음악 외에도 끊임없이 새로운 사업에 도전하며 자신의 왕국을 만들려 했던 광기어린 예술가였다. 대표곡으로는 1962년 발매 당시 170만장의 판매고를 올리며 그를 탑스타 반열에 오르게 한 히트곡 ‘Cette Annee-la (Belles, Belles, Belles)’, 밀리언 셀러를 기록하며 ADF 디스크 대상을 수상하였던 곡 ‘If I Had a Hammer’, 프랭크 시나트라가 부른 ‘My Way’ 의 원곡인 ‘Comme d'habitude’가 있다.
Jack Lang
A documentary drama retelling the shift of Mitterand's policy. In May 1981, F.Mitterrand is elected President of the Republic, after more than twenty years in the opposition. He wants to change the life; he believes in the supremacy of politics over economics. He wants it to be fast and executes his programme to realise the socialist transformation. Two years later, Pierre Mauroy and Jacques Delors introduce an unprecedented austerity plan and open the parenthesis of austerity... that would never be closed.
Monsieur Didier
One morning Noureddine, who always considered himself a little boy, discovers that his mother Fatima lied to him for 11 years and, in fact, he is a girl.
Victoire wakes up one morning to find the body of her partner, Felix, lying on the floor of her bedroom. Without being able to reconstruct the course of the last few hours, but convinced that she was not completely to blame, she decides to flee. Wherever she is, all bridges are cut, a certain Louis-Philippe, however, curiously always knows how to find her and keeps her informed of the outcome of the "affair". But Louis-Philippe does not tell everything. What is he hiding? Who is who? Who is lying, fabricating, denying, who is the other's denier? And what really happened?
Tanguy Duchatel
The Order of the Solar Temple was particularly twisted, apocalyptic, sinister and lethal cult. It had the particularity of recruiting rich people, in France, Switzerland and Quebec. It became famous through a controversial collective suicide in 1994. The cult was led by Jo Di Mambro and Luc Jouret.
Parisian authorities clash with the Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) in director Alain Tasma’s recounting of one of the darkest moments of the Algerian War of Independence. As the war wound to a close and violence persisted in the streets of Paris, the FLN and its supporters adopted the tactic of murdering French policemen in hopes of forcing a withdrawal. When French law enforcement retaliated by brutalizing Algerians and imposing a strict curfew, the FLN organizes a peaceful demonstration that drew over 11,000 supporters, resulting in an order from the Paris police chief to take brutal countermeasures. Told through the eyes of both French policemen as well as Algerian protestors, Tasma’s film attempts to get to the root of the tragedy by presenting both sides of the story.
Bertrand, Ludo's brother
Ils livrent tout... n'importe comment !Ludo et ses amis rêvent de trouver l'idée de génie qui les rendra riches, et de créer leur propre entreprise. Sans le sou, ils décident de se lancer dans les livraisons en tous genres. Cochons de foire, betteraves ou jambes cassées, ces livraisons frisent parfois le ridicule... jusqu'au jour où la commande du siècle tombe du ciel : livrer en quatre jours une voiture de luxe dans le sud de la France...
un gendarme
Jean-Claude, a bent night-club owner, on his way escaping to Mexico, unfortunately had an accident with a young couple on a motorcycle. But Cédric has witnessed the accident.
Eduardo Scapelli
With his vitriolic pen, Désiré Loncle, does not make the life of filmmakers easy. But chickens come home to roost, don't they? As a matter of fact, Désiré gets his due punishment when Manu, his girlfriend, kicks him out of home. At a loss, he finds refuge with Alex, a young actor. He is soon joined by Eduardo, an Italian producer, dumped like him by his wife. While Désiré tries to rebuild himself, the three men decide to write a film script that will be the basis of a vehicle for Alex.
Jeune homme palier
Irène is a beautiful girl working in Paris, she soon meets a manager and hopes a love story with him. But he tells a lie, so she falls in love with a house painter.
14살짜리의 첫경험에 대한 강박관념을 다룬 작품. 40대의 중년 남자와 사랑에 빠져, 육체적 쾌락을 배우면서, 어른들의 세상을 잔인하게 들여다보는 여자 아이를 다뤘다. 28회 로테르담 국제 영화제 출품작.