Aleksandra Denisova

Aleksandra Denisova

출생 : 1904-09-23, Moscow, Russian Empire

사망 : 1987-04-13

프로필 사진

Aleksandra Denisova

참여 작품

모스크바는 눈물을 믿지 않는다
Gosha's Neighbor
세 명의 시골 아가씨가 청춘의 꿈을 걸고 모스크바에 상경하여 도시생활에 익숙해지려는 그녀들의 하루하루는 자본주의의 여성과 다를 것이 없다. 여주인공 카테리나는 전문학교의 자격시험에 실패, 내년엔 합격하려고 노력하는 모범적 여공이다. 대학교수인 큰 아버지가 바캉스간 사이 큰 집을 지키게 된 그녀는 단짝인 류드미라와 안토니라 두사람과 함께 상류사회의 아가씨들을 행사하며 파티를 연다. 이 날 카테리나는 TV 카메라 맨 루돌프를 만나 사랑에 빠져 육체 교섭을 갖고, 대학 교수의 딸로 알고 결혼을 약속한 남자는 어느 날 우수한 여공을 취재하러 공장을 찾다가 그 우수한 여공은 다름 아닌 카테리나임을 알고는 실망하고 그의 어머니가 나타나 자기 아들은 엘리트 딸과 결혼해야한다고 큰 소리친다. 카테리나는 이때 임신하고 있었지만 그 남자와는 깨끗이 헤어진다. 그로부터 18년이 지나 미혼모는 공장장으로 승진한다. 그녀는 처자있는 남자와 정당히 바람도 피우나 옛날 자기를 버린 여자의 출세을 알고 다시 접근하여는 치사한 남자의 속셈을 알고 그녀는 단호히 고개를 돌린다. 그녀는 다시 기차칸에서 사귄 중년 숙년 기계공 고샤를 만나 그의 기묘한 매력에 사로잡혀 사랑에 빠지는데, 루돌프가 나타나 그녀의 높은 신분을 알게 된 고샤는 그만 그녀의 곁을 떠난다. 하지만 옛 친구의 남편에게 이끌려 돌아온 고샤와 카테리나는 감격적인 화해를 이룬다.
Kysh i Dvaportfelya
Матрена Степановна
Nylon 100%
An adventures of a 100% nylon "fur" coat traveling between various people.
Жизнь на грешной земле
Glavnyy Svidetel
zhena Dyudi
Любовь Серафима Фролова
Мечта моя
Rasplyuev's Days of Fun
A clerk fakes his own death in order to get a big fortune.
The Elusive Revengers
Dan'ka's and Ksanka's childhood in the village has been brutally ended when their father was killed by the White Guard officer in front of their eyes. Seeking revenge they join forces with an intellectual from the city Valerka and jipsy Yashka, but before they get close to their enemy they have to help their village and advancing Red Army.
Priezzhayte na Baykal
Над нами Южный крест
babka Matrena
A Shot in the Fog
The very first work of a young scientist Igor Panteleyev caused a sensation. Not surprisingly, they are interested in foreign intelligence. Soviet security officers are taking measures to protect the scientist. The name of Panteleyev disappears from the pages of newspapers and magazines. The scientist is transferred to work in another research institute, changing his surname to Evdokimov. But due to chance, foreign spies found a researcher.
Come Tomorrow...
cloakroom attendant
The girl Frosya Burlakova comes to Moscow from the remote Siberian village of Eltsovka to become a singer. She stops at the sculptor Nikolai Vasilyevich, who studied at a school in Zaporozhye, where their mutual friend worked — a school caretaker, who then moved to Siberia. Completely unfamiliar with the life of big cities, Frosya amuses Nikolai Vasilyevich himself, his girlfriend Natasha and the housekeeper with his provinciality and spontaneity. However, the absolute sincerity and spiritual purity of Frosy make the sculptor think that he himself has long been stuck in lies, vanity and commercial work, exchanged his artistic talent for trifles and lost his creative path.
A Leap Year
aunt Polya
On the streets of the regional city, a cheerful holiday bustle reigns. The apartment of the Kupriyanovs is also noisy — friends of their youngest daughter Yulka are preparing for the New Year. The old driver Leonid Kupriyanov will not have to celebrate the holiday with his family, he should go on the next trip. Preparing for the New Year, none of the heroes imagined what dramatic events would fall on them, how difficult and unexpectedly the destinies of three families would intertwine, how difficult it would be to recover from their experiences ...
Ссора в Лукашах
Строгая женщина
The Wind
Filmed in the context of the fortieth anniversary of the creation of the Komsomols, the League of Young Communists, tells the story of three youth delegates from the League in 1918, who must make the dangerous journey to Moscow during the civil war to participate in League’s congress.
По ту сторону
Стучись в любую дверь
Little Friend
grandma who lost her suitcase
A family comedy about funny adventures of two best friends Mishka and Kolya and their dog called Little Friend, based on Short stories by Nikolai Nosov.
Quiet Flows the Don
Based on the novel of the same name by Mikhail Sholokhov, about the fate of people broken by the First World War, the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War in Russia (1917-1922), about the collapse of the foundations and ideals of the Don Cossacks of Russia at the beginning of the XX century, about the personal tragedy of the protagonist — Grigoriy Melekhov.
A Weary Road
Mama Vasiliya
Other People's Relatives
Alevtina Ryashkina
The young machine operator Fyodor Soloveikov marries Stesha from a neighboring village and moves to live with her parents in a house. Young and energetic, he suffocates in the petty bourgeois world of the family, living away from collective farm life. Quarrels arise between young people, where old men pour oil of discord. Not receiving proper support from his wife, Fyodor leaves home.
The Lesson of Life
On falling in love with Sergey, Natasha gives up studies at a pedagogical institute and accompanies him to a construction site. In a course of time she realizes that her husband is interested only in his work. She leaves him, graduates from the institute and works as a teacher. But Sergey is fired for authoritative style of work and Natasha realizes that she must be near to him in his hour of need.
The Parasite
After a long absence from St. Petersburg, a young landowner Yeletskaya comes to her estate with her husband.
The Miraculous Bell
the Stepmother (voice) / мачеха
Soviet animation film based on the Russian folk tale " Daughter and stepmother".
The Train Goes East
On the evening of May 9, 1945, when Moscow is noisily and cheerfully celebrating the Victory Day, a young girl agronomist Zina Sokolova and a sailor officer Lavrentyev meet in the compartment of the Moscow-Vladivostok train. The sailor takes the lively, direct character of the girl for windiness and frivolity. Sokolova also reacted frowningly and mockingly to the satellite. To get to know each other better, travelers are helped by nuisance: they are behind the train, and the rest of the way they are together, getting to know people and the life of the country along the way.
Liberated Earth
After the liberation of the Kuban by the Soviet Army troops, farmers return home and begin to restore the destroyed economy. Under the leadership of the young chairman, Nadiezdha Pritulyak, growers are working with great enthusiasm.
Rodnye polya
Zoya Vladimirovna Strelnikova, a famous operetta actress, quits the theater and gets a nanny in a military hospital. There she meets the wounded major Peter Nikolayevich Markov.
The Old Jockey
About Trofimov, a well-known rider who goes on taking part in races in spite of the advanced age, until he realizes his time has gone and passes his experience on to his granddaughter’s fiance