Charles Shaughnessy

Charles Shaughnessy

출생 : 1955-02-09, London, England, UK


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.           Charles George Patrick Shaughnessy, 5th Baron Shaughnessy (born 9 February 1955) is a British peer, and television, theatre and film actor. He is known for his roles on American television, as Shane Donovan on the soap opera Days of our Lives and as Maxwell Sheffield on the sitcom The Nanny.

프로필 사진

Charles Shaughnessy
Charles Shaughnessy

참여 작품

The Magic
Tom Kane
When a young hotshot attorney has lost the Christmas spirit, his twin guardian angels come to his rescue.
Christmas with a Prince The Royal Baby
King Edward
Things get complicated for the expecting Prince Alexander and Dr. Tasha when a Royal State Visit is planned abroad, passing through her hometown. The couple must struggle with defying tradition and delivering, literally, on expectations.
Final Frequency
Professor Stuart Conrad
A PhD student ties unusual tremors in Los Angeles to rogue scientists, who will weaponize Nikola Tesla's secrets and cause massive earthquakes, if they can only find his lost notebook
Christmas with a Prince: Becoming Royal
King Edward
One year after Dr. Tasha and Prince Alec met and fell in love, Tasha is on her way to spend the holidays in San Saverre and get a taste of royal life. When Alex surprises her with a royal engagement, she spends her first magical days there trying to stay grounded while managing the task of planning a royal wedding. But when Miranda starts scheming to break the two up, it will take a big sacrifice and a Christmas miracle to make sure they get the holiday royal wedding of their dreams.
Harry & Meghan: Becoming Royal
Prince Charles
The continuing love story of newlyweds Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle during their first year of marriage.
Mr. Browning
During a time of robber barons, child labor, and rising industry, two orphan girls get a little help from their unexpected guardian angels who turn the tide of events and change their lives forever.
Christmas with a Prince
King Edward
Pediatric specialist Tasha Mason is focused on one thing; keeping the kids in her ward as healthy and happy as possible. So when her high-school crush, who just happens to be handsome Prince Alexander Cavalieri, breaks his leg on a nearby ski-slope, Tasha is forced to allow him to secretly get well on her floor and she’s furious that a spoiled Royal is interrupting the precious healing time her kids so badly need. Soon, however, Tasha learns that some tough love and a lot of Christmas spirit, could turn this royal pain into a knight in shining armor.
엠블런스를 탄 위험한 백만달러
구급 대원 ‘딘’과 ‘에릭’은 "데인저 원"이라는 구식 구급차를 몰며 돈을 벌기 위해 사건 사고가 발생하는 곳에 누구보다 먼저 출동한다. 그러던 어느 날, 한 사건 현장에서 태운 승객이 데인저 원에서 목숨을 잃고, 응급조치를 취하려 옷을 벗기자 그 안에 100만 달러가 있는 것을 발견하게 된다. ‘딘’은 주저하는 ‘에릭’을 설득하여 돈을 같이 챙기기로 한다. 한편, 괴팍한 마약상 ‘클래덕’은 자신의 잃어버린 100만 달러의 행적을 뒤쫓고, 이 마약상을 뒤쫓던 경찰 역시 돈의 행방을 쫓으며 ‘딘’과 ‘에릭’을 서서히 쪼여오는데… 설상가상으로 ‘딘’과 ‘에릭’은 동료 ‘브리’와 ‘맥스’에게 100만 달러를 챙긴 사실을 들키게 되고 서로 돈에 대해 경계하며 극도로 예민해지기 시작한다. 구급대원 ‘브리’와 ‘맥스’도 100만 달러라는 큰 금액에 욕심이 생기기 시작하고 본인의 돈이라고 생각하고 뒤를 쫓고 있는 ‘클래덕’, 그리고 그 뒤를 쫓는 경찰. 과연 ‘딘’, ‘에릭’은 100만 달러를 지켜낼 수 있을까?
나의 크리스마스 왕자님
King Frederick
교사인 사만다는 크리스마스를 맞아 고향으로 돌아가 남자친구와 함께 있다. 시간이 지나면서 알렉스가 황태자라는 것을 알게 되며 겪는 갈등과 사랑을 다룬 극영화
문트랩: 타겟 어스
Richard Kontral
아주 오래전 인류 역사가 기록되기 이전부터 존재했을지 모를 우주 비행선이 발견됐다. 문자 해독가 스카웃과 그녀의 동료 교수 다니엘은 그 존재의 비밀을 파헤치고자 하지만 알 수 없는 조직의 권력가로부터 제지를 당하고 연구를 이어갈 수 없게 된다. 하지만 미지의 존재로부터 이끌림을 받는 스카웃의 고집으로 조사를 이어나가는 도중 그녀에게 특별한 비밀이 있다는 것을 알게 된다.
어 미드서머스 하와이언 드림
Attorney Tanya McQueen has hired a team of anthropologists to find an ancient artifact which, if found, would halt development of Nick Button's shopping mall in the sacred Hemolele Forest on Kaua'i. The team is led by the experienced duo of Helen and Demetri, joined by grad students Zander and Hermione. The team is seen by Omaka, a native Hawaiian kahuna, and his mischievous aide, Puka. Sensing Helen's yearning for passion from Demetri, Puka doses the man with the nectar of a special flower from the forest -- but he has dosed Zander instead, triggering confusion and hilarity. When Puka tries to make amends by dosing Demetri too, and later Tanya as well, the results are surprising and wonderfully zany. Love wins the day.
My Dad Is Scrooge
"A Christmas Carol" turns into "A Christmas Corral" as the animals of Woodsley's Farm help Oliver and his little sister June stage the classic tale to shock their Dad into embracing the spirit of the holidays.
Maidens of the Sea
A lonely sailor discovers a mysterious island full of secrets...
This Magic Moment
Doyle Duncan
When Hollywood star Helena Harris (Diane Neal) films her newest movie, “This Magic Moment,” in the small town of Stone’s Throw, she strikes up an unlikely friendship with local video store owner Clark Gable (Travis Schuldt). Helena, who recently broke up with “This Magic Moment” co-star Roberto Molinez (Vincent Spano), asks her new friend Clark to pretend to be her love interest in order to make Roberto jealous. Clark agrees and in exchange, Helena helps him pursue his screenwriting career. While this agreement benefits both Clark and Helena, it also complicates the relationship between Clark and his newly single ex-girlfriend, Emily McIntyre (Alaina Huffman). As the director Doyle Duncan (Charles Shaughnessy) begins to wrap production, Clark finds himself caught between his admiration for the famous beauty and his feelings for former high school sweetheart. With whom will he find his happy ending?
The Spirit Game
Morton Hopkins
In the mid-nineteenth century, three sisters astonished the world with their ability to talk to the dead. But what began as a clever prank to gain fortune and fame, soon spiraled beyond anything they could have ever predicted. Based on the true story of The Fox Sisters.
Liz & Dick
Anthony Asquith
On the set of Cleopatra, Hollywood's most beautiful star, Elizabeth Taylor, fell into the arms of one of the world's greatest actors, Richard Burton - and she didn't leave. Their subsequent white-hot, scandalous love affair gave rise to the paparazzi and they became the most hunted and photographed couple on earth. Their rocky, passionate, relationship, born in front of the cameras, was subsequently captured in a series of films, including The V.I.P.s and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? The last of the great, extravagant stars, flaunting diamonds, yachts and private planes, they continually seized the headlines. They even divorced and married again - only to divorce again - but remain in each other's hearts. This Elizabeth Taylor - Richard Burton story is a no-holds barred account of their undying, but impossible love.
톰과 제리: 로빈 후드
Sheriff of Nottingham (voice)
로빈 후드 의적단의 가장 작은 단원인 제리가 톰과 함께 힘을 합쳐 메이드 메리언을 구하기 위해 다시 한 번 큰싸움을 벌인다. 다른 세력에 속해있던 톰은 노팅엄의 치안관과 사악한 존 왕자를 위한 스파이로 비밀리에 둔갑해 있었다 . 악당들이 로빈을 생포할 때 톰은 그들이 매리언도 해치려는 걸 깨닫게 된다 . 그래서 톰은 제리와 한편이 되어 로빈 후드와 그의 동료들을 구하고 리차드 왕의 무사 귀환을 위해 싸운다.
A Taste of Romance
Redman Rove
Uptight French chef, Sara Westbrook, gets fired up when her upscale café, Chez Varenne, is suddenly overshadowed by a new restaurant moving in next door run by a group of rowdy firemen. Led by handsome former fire fighter Gill Callahan and his friend Danny, The Five Alarm Grill is soon a big success while Sara and Patsy, her pastry chef, struggle to bring in customers. Sara suddenly softens when she meets Gill's ten-year-old daughter Hannah. Ignoring the obvious tension between her dad and Sara, Hannah is soon playing matchmaker. Can Gill and Sara's burgeoning romance survive the temptation to compete with each other, or will the heat of competition drive them apart?
Love's Christmas Journey
Alex Weaver
While still mourning the loss of her husband and daughter, recently widowed Ellie King visits her brother Aaron Davis and his children for Christmas. Ellie does her best to enjoy the holidays, even making new friends with Mrs. Thompson, a local shop keeper, and handsome admirer Deputy Strode. Settling in nicely with her brother's family, Ellie also meets Erik, a young man abandoned by his outlaw father whom Aaron has taken in as one of his own. When Aaron travels out of town to purchase adjacent land for farming, Ellie agrees to watch his children, but the season’s festivities are threatened when Aaron goes missing.
케임브리지 공작 윌리엄
Helicopter Flight Instructor
William & Kate is the first of two unrelated American television films about the relationship between Prince William and Catherine "Kate" Middleton (now The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge), directed by Mark Rosman and written by Nancey Silvers. The film was a ratings success, despite the negative reception from critics. The second film William & Catherine: A Royal Romance was produced by a different company and released in August 2011.
유어 하이니스
Narrator / Soul of the Maze
용감한 기사와 사악한 마법사, 아름다운 아가씨와 마법의 예언이 존재하는 중세의 어느 시대. 몬 왕국에는 두 왕자가 있었으니 용감하고 지혜로우며 뛰어난 용모를 지닌 파비우스 왕자와 사고뭉치에 여자를 밝히는 뚱보 타데우스 왕자가 바로 그 주인공. 난쟁이 왕국과의 교류 원정을 떠난 타데우스 왕자는 난쟁이 왕국의 왕비를 희롱해 구사일생으로 살아 돌아오고, 파비우스 왕자는 사악한 마법사 리자의 괴물을 물리치고 무질서의 탑에 갇혀있던 여인 벨라도라를 구출해온다. 파비우스와 벨라도라는 사랑에 빠지고 두 사람이 결혼식을 올리는 순간, 사악한 리자가 나타나 벨라도라를 납치해 간다. 리자는 두 달이 만나는 날 벨라도라를 범하고 가장 강력한 용을 낳아 세상을 공포로 지배하려는 야욕을 꿈꾸고 있다. 결국 파비우스 왕자와 그를 따르는 엘리트 기사단, 그리고 타데우스 왕자와 그의 시종 코트니는 벨라도라를 구하는 여정을 떠난다. 엘리트 기사단의 배신으로 위험에 빠졌던 두 왕자는 구사일생으로 살아나고, 리자를 물리칠 수 있는 마법의 검을 구하기 위해 멀디스 달튼으로 향하는 도중, 아름다운 여전사 이자벨을 만나게되는데…
더 위싱 웰
Widower, Mark Jansen, owns and runs the local newspaper for the Midwest town he grew up in. As he struggles to make ends meet, his daughter takes his happiness into her hands by going down to the famous wishing well their little town is known for, and wishing for just that - his happiness. Shortly after, a glamorous woman appears in town by the name of Cynthia Tamerline. Lead by Mark's daughter, Cynthia makes a trip to the well herself and casts a wish. When she wakes up the next morning, she finds that she has been transported to an alternate universe that ultimately changes her forever.
작은 영웅 데스페로
Pietro (voice)
남들에겐 바늘, 내겐 검! 남들에겐 고양이, 내겐 귀여운 '복실이'! 세상을 깜짝 놀라게 할 겁없는 녀석이 온다! 두려움이 미덕인 생쥐 세계에서 쥐덫을 놀이기구로 삼고, 미술 시간에 고양이 그림을 그리는 등 용감무쌍 행동으로 마을을 놀래키는, 엉뚱하지만 사랑스러운 데스페로. 항상 새로운 세상에 대한 호기심으로 가득 차 있던 데스페로는 어느 날 인간 세상으로 여행을 떠나게 되고, 빛과 활기를 잃은 도르 왕국에서 우연히 아름다운 피(Pea)공주를 만나 어둠 속의 왕국과 공주를 구하기 위해 모험을 시작하는데...
Murder 101: New Age
Criminology professor Jonathan Maxwell investigates a murder at a new age retreat where the leader is killed in a locked room surrounded by people in a deep trance.
Polar Opposites
When Earth's magnetic poles begin reversing, David Terran, the only scientist who predited the possibility of such a sci-fi disaster, must join forces with his estranged friend and lover to save the world. Though his writings found mass readership, scientists scoffed at his theories. But when an Iranian underground nuclear test sets off a global phenomenon that matches David's doomsday scenario, he must attempt to find a solution in order to avoid a catastrophic event of global proportions. -dpeavy
못말리는 섹스 아카데미 2
Professor Rex Cavendish
2학년이 된 빌링슬리 대학생들. 1편에서 온갖 소란 속에서도 유일하게 순수한 사랑의 결실을 맺었던 부커(크리스 오웬)와 레이첼(게이블 커) 커플은 결별을 선언한다. 부커가 크루즈 여행과 함께 열리는 연극제에 참여하기 위해 레이첼을 떠나기로 하는데, 레이첼도 부커를 따라 배에 탄다. 크루즈에서 학생들은 연극 준비에 한창이다. 하지만 밤이 되면 끼리끼리 짝을 지어 섹스 아카데미다운 짝짓기에 열을 올린다. 카벤디쉬 교수(찰스 샤우네쉬)는 선상 특강에서 파라오의 심장이라 부르는 대형 ‘다이아몬드’에 대해 논하는데, 2천만 달러짜리 가치의 다이아몬드는 사실 그의 수중에 있다. 이번 크루즈 여행 중 다이아몬드를 팔아 넘길 생각으로 배에 오른 그는 그만 괴한의 손에 죽임을 당한다. 왕(폴 H. 김)이 데려온 원숭이 추추가 다이아몬드를 주어 오고 다이아몬드의 존재가 배에 있는 사람들에게 알려지면서 다이아몬드 추격전이 벌어지는데…
Stanley's Dinosaur Round-Up
Dennis (voice)
Stanley goes with his family and friend's to his great uncle's dude ranch. The local land baron is trying to buy the ranch and make it a parking lot for his nearby amusement park. The only way Uncle Stew thinks he can get any money to save his ranch is to find other dinosaur bones to attract customers. Stanley and his friends help in the search.
키즈 인 아메리카
Sergeant Carmichael
Inspired by real events, this ribald comedy pits an unlikely gang of students against their principal after she bars safe-sex activities on campus. Protesting Principal Weller's muzzling of free speech, the teens stage a bold and hilarious rebellion.
Mystery Woman: Vision of a Murder
Dr. Drummonds
Sam lands a job photographing a new spa in Southern California for their brochure and brings her best friend Cassie along to enjoy some pampering. When one of the guests staying at the upscale retreat turns up dead, Sam is once again on the trail of a murderer. As the investigation progresses, Sam uncovers a scam that the spa Dr was testing unapproved drugs on the patrons.. filler implants, etc. without the patients' informed consent.
Une nounou d'enfer : Une bouchée à retenir
A one-hour special that reunited the cast of The Nanny.
Get a Clue
Det. Charles Meany / Falco Grandville
A wealthy student with too much fashion sense, her equally rich friends, and her rival/superior from the school paper work together to solve the case when their teacher goes missing.
The Painting
Randolph Barrington III
Heath Freeman (Tru Calling, ER) heads an all-star cast including Clifton Davis (Any Given Sunday) Ben Vereen (Roots), Stacey Dash (Renaissance Man) and Debbie Allen (Fame) in the period drama Soldier of Change, which resurrects the turmoil and confusion of the late sixties. Travel back in time to visit a young man, Randy (Freeman) who finds himself immersed in the impassioned civil rights cause in the States, and struggles valiantly to adjust to the changing social fabric around him. But this is only the first of two worlds that Randy encounters. When he is drafted and shipped off to Asia - and the nightmare that called itself Vietnam - this inexperienced soldier must fight for his life and his convictions as he attempts to survive amid the turmoil of a war whose real nature is alien even to the country fighting it.
Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire
Dimitri Denatos
The Hansen kids are in a jam. Adam and his best friend Duffy have gotten their hands on some tickets for the Headless Horseman concert, and his sister Chelsea has a date with her dreamy boyfriend Peter. The only problem is they're both grounded. Chelsea and Adam will do whatever it takes to get their mom Lynette out of the house, even if it includes a chance meeting with a very mysterious man. Everything seems to go according to plan until their little brother Taylor realizes that this stranger might be a vampire.
The New Adventures of Spin and Marty: Suspect Behavior
Jordan, Marty's butler
Spin and Marty are two young children who share his adventures.
Second Chances
Dr. Hugh Olson
A little girl's physical and emotional reawakening after an accident claims her father and her spirit.
A Kiss So Deadly
Tom Deese
A father falls in love with his daughters college roommate with some very dire consequences.
Everything to Gain
Andrew Keswick
After losing her husband and two daughters in a robbery, Mallory must face up to her bereavement and ensuing depression.
Ben Connors
A five-year-old named Grace creates an imaginary friend, because her parents only pay attention to the new baby, Tony. Now at 35, his sole friend reappears to help her.