Masaki Nishina

Masaki Nishina

출생 : 1982-09-02, Kyoto City, Kyoto, Japan

프로필 사진

Masaki Nishina

참여 작품

Mitsuru Shirakawa
Too Unbelievable of a Woman: Defendant Yoshie
Satoru Yamanaka
Yoshie is arrested as the suspect in three murders. The victims were men who were in their 20's, 30's and 40's. All three of the men killed were handsome and rich. Even though there is no direct evidence that Yoshie killed the three men, people and media suspect Yoshie killed the men. Yoshie's testimony is unexpected. She explains that the all three men were in love with her...
Monji Mori comes to Tokyo to meet up with his old friend, Nakajima, who attempts to persuade Monji to come join the local yakuza. Monji quickly runs into some trouble with one of their members, which leads a small screw up to turn into an alleged murder. The yakuza want Monji a dead man. Will his fists alone be enough to escape this dire situation?
Cursed Songs 2: Nu-Meri
There's something wrong at the Pacific Institute...something wrong and evil. For young Mari, whose family has worked in the finishing industry for generations, her studies in advanced genetics and marine bio-engineering represent not just her own future, but that of her entire family. But when her friend Nanako is mysteriously discovered dead, Mari's dreams turn into her worst nightmares! Because not only was Nanako's body covered with fishbites, she was also growing scales! Now, as a new wave of deaths and tragedies engulf the Pacific team, it becomes all too clear that someone....something...has a new future in mind for all human kind. For centuries man has taken from the ocean, never dreaming what might lurk beneath the waves; now the revelation has begun...and this time, we're the sushi!
Ultraman Mebius Side Story: Armored Darkness - STAGE II: The Immortal Wicked Armor
Ryu Aihara
While the Subordinate weeped, Mirai informed him that Ryu was alive, saved by the power of Ultraman King. He revealed that after Alien Emperor's defeat, Armored Darkness had been known for some time and Ultraman Hikari was sent by Ultraman King to destroy it before it could reach Earth, but the Armor's strength overpowered him and possessed him.
Ultraman Mebius Side Story: Armored Darkness - STAGE I: The Legacy of Destruction
Ryu Aihara
The first of a 2-part sequel to the 2006 TV Series Ultraman Mebius. After the death of Alien Empera, the sentient being known as Armored Darkness is activated to carry out the Emperor's Plan B. To make its presence known, Armored Darkness revives the monsters Saramandora, Roberuga, Mukadender, and Cherubim.
Yagyu Jyubei Mitsuyoshi
400년간 앙숙으로 지내온 이가 츠바가쿠레 부족과 코우가 부족. 두 일족은 특별한 능력을 지닌 닌자를 배출해온 시노비 일족들이다. 핫토리 한조의 부전(不戰)의 약정으로 인해 전쟁 없이 명맥을 이어오던 두 부족은 도쿠가와 이에야스의 후계자 결정에 휘말리면서 부전의 약정을 깨고 닌자의 인법을 사용하여 서로 전쟁을 시작한다. 한편 코우가의 차기 수장 겐노스케와 이가 츠바가쿠레의 차기 수장 오보로는 결혼을 약속한 사이이지만 두 부족 간의 전쟁이 시작되면서 두 사람의 관계는 한 치 앞을 내다볼 수 없는 운명의 소용돌이에 휘말리게 되는데…
Kazuo Umezu's Horror Theater: Death Make
Five people visit an abandoned building where five girls disappeared ten years ago when they tried to summon ghosts. These five people who visit the building has met on a website for people with supernatural powers. With their abilities realize these people that they should leave the building as quickly as possible, the problem is that all doors are suddenly gone.
Masao Ushiku
4년 전에 사고로 양친을 잃고 친구 미키의 집에 얹혀살고 있는 후도 아키라. 어느날 둘도 없는 친구인 료를 따라 료의 아버지인 아스카 박사의 연구자료를 찾는다. 하지만 아스카 박사가 각성시킨 사악한 생명체 '데몬'에 의해 습격당해 몸을 지배받는 아키라와 료. 료는 완전히 데몬에게 지배당했지만 아키라는 강인한 정신력으로 버텨내 인간과 데몬의 중간적 존재인 '데빌맨'이 된다. 데빌맨이 된 아키라는 인류를 멸망시키려는 데몬족과 싸우기로 결심한다.
Following her father's death Mirai moves into a house with her uncle and his wife but finds herself lost and confused as she begins to have horrible visions. Mysteriously people around her begin dying one by one and Mirai sets off on a desperate search into her past in an attempt to find the murderer. The past uncovers a mystery that is linked to startling family secret.
고요하고 평화로운 일본열도, 어느 날 원인 모를 대규모의 폭발이 산발적으로 발생한다. 국민들은 이 원인 모를 폭발에 불안과 공포를 느끼기 시작하고 일본열도는 금세 전쟁터를 방불케하는 혼란으로 휩싸인다. 이에 일본 항공 자위대는 비상소집을 갖고 대책회의를 세우고 폭발사건의 원인 규명에 나선다. 결국 사건의 주범이 일본 내에 주둔중인 미군기지의 미사일이었다는 것을 밝혀낸 자위대는 또한, 미군기지의 미사일 시스템은 '녹색 원숭이'라 불리우는 정체불명의 테러집단의 단원에 의해 조종되었다는 사실까지 알게 된다. 발사 시스템을 조작하여 미사일을 날려보낸 '녹색원숭이' 단원은 체포되었지만 그는 결국 여러 가지 의문만 남겨놓은 채 "녹색원숭이가 세상을 지배한다"라는 말만 남기고 자살을 하고 만다. 사건은 다시 원점으로 돌아가고 이에 자위대는 사건 해결을 위해 '천리안'으로 불리우는 외과의인 '유리 사치코'에게 사건을 의뢰한다. 앞으로 일어날 사건을 미리 볼 수 있는 능력과 사람의 마음을 모두 읽어내는 능력이 있는 그녀는 이전에도 '녹색원숭이'의 테러로부터 사람들을 구했던 경험이 있는 일본 국민들의 정신적인 지주로 자리잡고 있는 유명인이다. 또한 항공 자위대는 '유리'에게 도움을 줄 '미유키'라는 조종사를 선발하여 '유리'와 함께 사건의 해결에 총력을 다하게 한다. 대학 시절 심리학을 전공한 '미유키'는 점점 '유리'의 불가사의한 능력에 감탄하며 그녀를 존경하게 되고...
First Love
Akihito Tatara
This coming-of-age story from Japan opens just after 17-year-old Sataka has gotten dumped by her boyfriend. When her mother is hospitalized with a malignant stomach ulcer, Sataka is left alone with her emotionally repressed father; whiling away the hours one day, she comes across a love letter written to her mother 24 years earlier. Deciding to track down the letter's author, Sataka eventually finds Shinichiro (Hiroyuki Sanada), an overweight slob who was abandoned by his wife years earlier and now spends his time hanging around pachinko parlors. Determined to clean him up and reintroduce him to her mother, Sataka nags Shinchiro until he finally agrees to her demands, and a gradual friendship develops between the two as Sataka drags him to the gym and a clothing store. But once Shinchiro's makeover is complete, he turns the tables on his young friend, and when the time comes for him to meet Sataka's mother, all concerned parties find themselves embarking on a new phase in their lives.