Max Frisch

출생 : 1911-05-15, Zürich, Switzerland

사망 : 1991-04-04

참여 작품

Graf Öderland
Homo Faber (Trois femmes)
A man turning 50 (Walter Faber) narrates his liaisons with three women: Hanna, who was pregnant and left him many years ago in Zurich; Ivy, who broke up with him recently in New York; Sabeth who is 20 and whom he just met on a boat to Europe. Sabeth and the narrator travel to France, Italy and Greece. But who is Sabeth? What does she feel towards the narrator? What does he feel towards her? The entire movie is shot in subjective view (we only see what the narrator sees); there are no dialogues, just his post-synchronised voice.
Adapted from the Max Frisch novel "Der Mensch erscheint im Holozän". It tells the story of an old man, isolated from the outside world in a little mountain village in Ticino, Switzerland, who fights against oblivion. From books that he has there he cuts out texts and images about geology and geological history to fix and arrange them on the walls of his cottage. Frisch adds these articles to his novel to assemble human history with individual decay.
사랑과 슬픔의 여로
자신의 인생까지도 조절이 가능하다고 믿는 부족한 것 없는 중년의 월터 화버는 비행기의 엔진고장으로 멕세코 사막에 불시착, 우연히 대학시절 사랑했던 한나의 소식을 듣게 된다. 당시 임신했던 한나는 원한다면 결혼하겠다는 화버의 말에 민감한 반응을 보이며 다른 사람과 결혼해버렸다. 유태인 한나는 공산주의에 빠져 독일에 항거했고 남편과 이혼한 후로는 그 소식을 을 알 수 없다는 것. 복잡한 생각으로 뉴욕에 온 화버는 다시 여행을 떠나는데 여행 도중 사베트라는 아름다운 아가씨를 만나는데...
Max Frisch - Gespräche im Alter
Philippe Pilliod interviews Max Frisch in 1985/86.
Max Frisch, Journal I-III
A “filmic re-reading” of Max Frisch's novella Montauk (1974) and of excerpts from his published diaries. It is neither a biographical portrait of Frisch – who was one of the greatest 20th century Swiss writers – nor a filmed adaptation of the novel. Instead, Dindo returns to the locations the author describes in his texts, searching for traces of past events that may turn out to have been more imagined than real.
Veliký hněv Filipa Hotze
Theatre Play
Biedermann und die Brandstifter