Director of Photography
It follows Carlos's sister as she finds out that he is getting married in a week to Grace, a girl he just met in a strip club. His sister investigates and gets pulled into a whirlwind of events, putting her own life at risk.
Director of Photography
When a high school junior is forced to transfer to a new school after her mom is admitted to rehab, she quickly rubs the reigning mean girl the wrong way. The teen’s aunt and uncle offer to throw a sweet sixteen party to help her adjust, but the jealous queen bee will stop at nothing to destroy her plans, including murder. The teen’s mom must redeem herself and help save the party, but more importantly her relationship with her daughter.
Director of Photography
전설적인 총잡이 캔자스 레드는 17살 소년 빌리를 포위하고 총을 쏘는 벤 일행을 쓰러뜨린다. 총상을 입은 캔자스는 치과 의사 틸먼에게 수술을 받고 정신을 잃는다. 그 후, 빌리는 깨어난 캔자스에게 무법자 손 라슨이 노리는 엄마 캐럴의 보호를 부탁한다. 한편 캐논 시티 교도소를 탈옥한 무자비한 범죄자 손은 빌리의 아빠 샘을 죽이고 캐럴과 그녀의 친구 레슬리, 메리앤을 납치해간다. 그날 밤, 레슬리는 몹쓸 짓을 하려는 손의 부하 태치를 피해 달아난다. 피니건으로부터 캐럴 납치 소식을 들은 캔자스와 빌리는 손 일당을 추격한다. 추격 도중 캔자스는 눈 덮인 숲 속에서 추위에 떨고 있는 레슬리를 구한다. 그리고 손 일당에게 죽임을 당한 톰의 어린 자녀 매버리와 버디를 발견한다. 피니건이 매버리와 버디를 지키기 위해 남고, 캔자스, 레슬리, 빌리는 손이 향하는 범죄자의 은신처 무법지대 챈스로 향하는데...
Director of Photography
서부의 용기있는 총잡이 빌리 타이슨은 우연히 신부의 아버지를 죽이고 강제로 결혼하려는 시드 가족 일당으로 부터 신부를 구한다. 그리고 복수심에 불타는 시드 가족 일당의 격력한 분노에 직면하지만 이들을 물리치고 신부를 구한다는 내용을 다룬 서부물
Director of Photography
무뢰한 제드 일당이 맥마스터 보안관의 집을 습격하고, 그의 아들을 납치한다. 이에 분노한 맥마스터가 이들의 일당을 쫓아 추적하고, 홀로 이들을 물리치고 아들을 구한다는 내용의 서부물
Director of Photography
Fifteen years ago, Joanna Kennedy’s life was turned upside down when her three-year-old daughter, Chloe, went missing for six months before being returned. Joanna finds herself searching again for answers and determined to find out if her daughter left of her own volition or has she been kidnapped yet again, and if so, is it at the hands of the woman who abducted her all those years before or someone else…and why?
Director of Photography
Rachel decides to take her three year old daughter to daycare. As the days pass, the woman feels that the teacher turns too with her daughter, reaching an almost obsessive relationship.
Director of Photography
Travis is a divorced architect and devoted father of two who has a hard time handling his unruly dog, Lucky, especially when he goes on dates, which Lucky has a habit of sabotaging. Travis starts falling for a fellow architect, Amber, whose dog Cassie provides a convenient love interest for Lucky. Through Travis and Amber have a mutual attraction, they find themselves at odds when their architectural firm is hired by the wealthy Preston Spencer to design a destination retreat on Catalina Island, and Spencer wants all the architects to compete for the design he'll choose. Unfortunately for Travis, the bigger problem is that Spencer has set his sights on Amber and she seems to be falling for him in return ...
Director of Photography
The only thing that is working in Cassie's world is her small town business. Her Christmas Cupcakery is a huge success, but her love life is a mess. Cassie's whole universe is turned upside down when she falls in love with a co-worker who is revealed to be the famous and notoriously troubled actor Alex Gray. There's no denying that Alex and Cassie are in love, but can their relationship survive the pressure of Hollywood and the holidays?
Director of Photography
Heather is a charming free spirit whose self-absorbed fiancé Roger never seems to hear a word that comes out of her mouth. Bobby is a naval officer who comes home from serving overseas, looking to start a new chapter in his life. Both Heather and Bobby long to meet someone who makes them feel like they are at home in this world, but they are starting to doubt that person exists. Thanks to two Golden Retrievers, Bobby's spirited eleven-year-old niece Myra, and a fun-filled theatre production of 'A Christmas Carol,' these two unlucky and unlikely people end up falling in love at Christmas. But can they overcome the issues of their past and present in order to build a future together?
Director of Photography
Karen is shopping at a convenience store during which a robbery occurs. Her niece is kidnapped and left seriously injured in hospital. When one of the perpetrators is released, Karen decides to go on a murderous trail of revenge.
Director of Photography
When Eric and Marsha break off their long-term relationship, journalist Eric is able to weather it pretty well. He still has his long time canine companion Gabe, and his boss, Ms Andrews, wants to send him to London to open an office. But first Ms Andrews says Eric must find out the true identity of the best-selling author R L Dutton. A bigger obstacle for Eric's trip, however, comes from his dog. Gabe does not want to face six months in quarantine with big pit bulls and mastiffs waiting for an OK to the UK. Getting ideas from a pretty TV host, Gabe acts as Cupid Dog, doing his best to bring Eric and their neighbor Sara together. Gabe's plan works, only to go up in smoke when Eric realizes Sara is the mysterious author. Now Sara thinks Eric was just using her for a story before leaving for London. Gabe the Cupid Dog must go to new lengths to get Sara and Eric to tie the "leash."
Director of Photography
It's love at first sight when Rusty the Labrador and Cheri the Poodle meet one day while jogging in the park. Even better- their owners fall in love too! But love is more complicated for the people, Susan and Jake, who marry and attempt to join together their large family of five children. With kids fighting and a household in complete chaos, it's up to the dogs to keep the family together.
Director of Photography
A woman seeks revenge against those who were involved in a sexual assault against her back in college.
Director of Photography
Zeus, a Labrador Retriever and a former police dog (voiced by Mario López), has lost his bark after his barking ended up blowing off a five-year investigation and his partner can't shoot straight again and ends up at the pound. He is adopted by a father (played by Gary Valentine) as both an early Christmas present and as a good guard dog for the house, but the mom (played by Elisa Donovan) is hesitant.
Director of Photography
In the studio of fashion photographer Dominik arrives a new employee, Leah, a hairdresser/makeup artist. She meets models Clio and Taylor, who explain the studio's particular ways of doing things.
Director of Photography
A film based on the true story of Ed Kemper, a serial killer who murdered ten in Santa Cruz, CA during the late sixties and early seventies.
Director of Photography
A post-wedding party retreat for the weekend; while the bride and groom are busy in the bedroom, their guests relieve their hottest sexual escapades.
Director of Photography
A 1940's period drama about about a woman who has been wronged by her husband, but must help him after he has fallen in with a family of grifters.
Director of Photography
A young married couple, both models, explore the boundaries of marriage and threeways, as they discover new ways to spice up their relationship.
Director of Photography
Playgirl Carrie and her college teacher Jack debate the worth and depth of sexual and romantic relationships while enthusiastically field-testing their theories.
Director of Photography
A man shocks his girlfriend by revealing that he bought them a large house (which used to be an old bordello) without her knowledge, and he infuriates her by inviting his spiteful ex-girlfriend to the surprise party of friends.
Director of Photography
Dan forgets her girlfriend Catalina's birthday and goes to work. Their friends- a couple Miguel and Sahara and Rose come and they tell various sex stories. and when Dan comes he is put into a test about their sexual limits.
Director of Photography
A couple use strip poker and erotic storytelling as a way to entice two of their single friends to hook up.
Director of Photography
Andy and his new girlfriend Sasha go to Matt and Kim’s house for Matt’s birthday. When the guys begin to reminisce about all the one night stands they had in college, Sasha states that one night stand sex is the hottest on the “sexual heat” scale. Grace arrives and joins the conversation about which types of relationships have the best sex, with everyone sharing erotic tales about people they know to illustrate their points. As the debate heats up, it slowly becomes apparent that Grace and Andy used to date, which leads to lots of cattiness between Sasha and Grace, forcing Andy to make a decision.
Director of Photography
A young television reporter (or "investigative journalist") is attacked in her home, leading to her boyfriend being murdered. Six months later she returns to work in a smaller town, and stumbles across a house full of ghosts trying to call out to her. What is the secret of this house and how is she connected to it?
Director of Photography
A carefree co-ed invites her boyfriend and his buddy over for a day of partying, even though her serious roommate is determined to study for an anatomy test.
Director of Photography
A man searches for information about his wife's whereabouts when she doesn't return from a girls' night out.
Director of Photography
The beautiful ex-cop/bar owner/private eye goes undercover as a boxer at an illegal underground fight club in order to find the killer of a female boxer.
Director of Photography
Maisie Calloway, a beautiful ex-cop, bar owner and now private investigator, takes the case when one of her bar patrons is searching for his missing girlfriend, a call girl trying to leave her pimp.
Director of Photography
Maisie Calloway, a sexy former policewoman, is now the owner of the hip club, Dames. When Ally, a sexy coed she employs confesses to being blackmailed, Maisie is plunged back into the world of investigation. As she unravels the dark erotic secrets around her, she puts her won life in danger.
Director of Photography
고속도로에서 사고를 당한 여섯명의 대학생이 고립된 농가에 도움을 요청하러 들어서며 시작되는 슬래셔 무비
Director of Photography
친구 잭, 앨리, 사라, 찰리, 미셸과 에릭 숨바꼭질을 하기 위해 올림픽 파인스 묘지로 이동한다. 한편 그들의 친구 바비는 에릭과 함께 장난을 치려고 가면 살인범처럼 분장한다. 그러나 무서워 탈출하려던 에릭은 날카로운 바에 찔려 죽어버린다. 바비가 사고에 대해 혼자 책임을 지고 감옥에서 5년을 보낸다. 가석방 심리에서 미셸의 증언으로 집행 유예를 얻는다. 친구들이 사고가 난 묘지 근처에 캠프를 치고 재결합과 얽힌 문제의 해결을 의논하려 하는데, 미셸은 바비와 함께 그곳으로 차를 몬다. 모두 그들을 환영하고 어울린다. 그러던 중 잭의 여자 친구 베로니카와 사라의 전 여자 친구 조이가 신비한 가면 살인범에 의해 살해된다. 그들이 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 알게 됐을 때 함정에 빠진 것을 깨닫는데...
Director of Photography
Zack, a young boy, finds two Cocker Spaniels caged in the woods and takes them home. The animals, Sissy and Buddy, have magical healing powers that change the people of a small town.
Director of Photography
Debbie and Mitch try to get over each other by seeing how many people they can have sex with. In this sexual competition, there are no losers.
Director of Photography
Nina is a sexy female cop whose personal life is in turmoil after she kicks out her cheating husband and begins a tentative affair with her ex-partner. FBI Agent Royce taps Nina to perform an undercover operation at a modeling agency suspected of using models as couriers when passing government secrets, where an informant worked before being murdered. Nina manages to get a job at the agency, but at first struggles to get along with her new boss, the other models and her FBI contact. After a few shoots, things start to warm up between Nina and the others, and she eventually gets invited to a special "party" where an illegal exchange may take place.
Director of Photography
A woman has a deeply romantic affair with her best friend's husband, and is now caught in a dilemma between betrayal and true love.
Director of Photography
A couple who operate a bed and breakfast make bets on whether or not another couple staying as guests can be enticed into a threesome before the weekend is over.
Director of Photography
Three friends decide on having a girls night in order to cheer up the one who was recently dumped.
Director of Photography
Tania, a broken-hearted woman, is welcomed to the neighborhood by Catherine and Delilah, the gossiping wives next door. She learns all about their dirty little secrets.
Director of Photography
A husband and wife marriage counselor team provide relationship and sexual therapy to a married couple.
Director of Photography
A writer is having writers block. His wife, Amy Lindsay, suggests that they rent a house with the hope it will cause inspiration.The house once was a brothel run by a woman named Stella. Supposedly, there is $.5M hidden somewhere in the house, and a real estate agent and her handyman boyfriend are trying to find it, all the while the writer keeps talking to the ghost of Stella.
Director of Photography
Couples audition for a sexual reality show.
Director of Photography
A first time landlord purchases a run-down, rent-controlled apartment building in hopes of making a solid investment. Everything seems to be going smoothly until, one by one, the tenants begin to meet strange, untimely gruesome deaths.
Director of Photography
Jerod, the director of a romance film, is trying to complete the final cut with his editor Sam. Jerod isn't satisfied, but Sam thinks it's fine. The producer Kate arrives and she has a third different opinion. The three of them sit around debating what love scenes should be included in the film, discussing what inspires passion in love scenes, and often sharing erotic tales from their personal knowledge or previous films to get their point across. They also take turns pairing off for some behind the scenes erotic fun. Finally, Sam and Kate arrive at an unexpected conclusion, but have to convince Jerod to do some reshoots.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The family of a wealthy Las Vegas dancer gather for her funeral - but the dead woman's niece will do whatever it takes to get her hands on the fortune.
Director of Photography
Roy and Alice are a couple that do repairs for a living. Soon they head to a house where a party is hosted during the day. Soon more guests arrive and begin a day with hot filled passion, attraction and orgy. Even the repairing couple that can't stand each other begin to feel attracted to each other.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Mark, along with his girlfriend, Tracy, decided to go to the mansion to get some rest, where they were met by the hostess named Colette. After a while, their company joined Denise, who at this point had a quarrel with her boyfriend Paul. All together they had nice time told stories to each other, on topics related to love and sex, and sometimes tested them to the practice ...
Director of Photography
A magazine article about a sex therapy clinic accidentally gives out the address and phone number of a failing bed and breakfast instead.
Additional Gaffer
An attractive woman detective, expert in cases of conjugal infidelity is hired by a mysterious millionaire, unaware that she will get involved in a feverish love triangle to gather all the evidence she needs to finish the case.
"B" Camera Operator
Sydnee Steele plays a local news commentator known for a short editorial at the end of each broadcast. She has paid her dues, and is so good that she is about ready to sign a network deal. The newscaster has hired a new agent to find her the best network deal, and has even slept with the female agent to add some incentive, but she has a small kink that might spoil her plans. She tapes all her sex acts.
Director of Photography
After losing their young son, a young couple struggle to keep their lives and relationships intact. Their lives soon change when they met Matthias, a young boy who had lost his family.
"B" Camera Operator
The story of a Hollywood star who, tired of his lifestyle, one night encounters his doppelganger leading to a role switch so the star can slip away for some alone time leaving the double to indulge in his fantasies.