Von Flores

Von Flores

출생 : 1960-04-05, Malabon, Rizal, Philippines


Von Flores is the stage name of Valentin Andres Tanga Flores IV, a Filipino-Canadian actor.

프로필 사진

Von Flores

참여 작품

렛 잇 스노우
Mr. Bernal
크리스마스이브, 세찬 눈보라가 작은 마을을 덮친다. 각자의 사연을 지닌 마을의 고등학교 졸업반 학생들. 예기치 못한 폭설은 이들의 우정, 사랑, 미래까지 뒤흔든다.
Never Cry Werewolf
Detective Stalling
Jared Martin moves next door to the Hansetts, along with his hot motorcycle and eerie, ill-tempered dog. Although everyone else in the neighborhood takes an instant liking to him, Loren Hansett can't get over the bad vibes her new neighbor gives her. She starts to spy on his nocturnal activities and comes to believe that a recent killing might the work of a werewolf who happens to be her new neighbor. Her internet surfing provides a lot of collaborative detail but everyone but her friend Steven dismiss her story as teen-aged fantasy. Fearing for her life, she convinces Steven to take her to a gun shop to buy silver bullets in a gun shop, where their neighbor's supernatural dog attacks. When she dispatches the beast, her actions get the attention of Redd Tucker, a washed-up TV hunting show host to believe her as well. When Steven is attacked by the werewolf and Loren's brother goes missing, she and Redd team up to kill the lycanthrope before he can finish them both off.
철없는 자매의 개과천선 프로젝트
Nick Perez
유제품 공장을 하는 리드에게는 테일러와 코트니라는 두 딸이 있다. 말썽만 피우고 쇼핑만 하는 딸들에게 리드는 공장에서 일하라는 말을 남기고 여행을 떠난다. 그러나 리드와 동업을 하던 밥은 회사 돈을 모두 챙겨 달아나고, 어려운 상황에 놓이게 된 공장을 위해 테일러와 코트니는 노력을 하지만 결국 데뷔 파티를 위한 비용과 아빠에게 선물 받은 차까지 팔게 된다. 가까스로 공장이 정상화 되지만 작업 중의 실수로 유통기한을 잘못 적어 납품을 할 수 없게되어 공장이 파산직전에 내몰리게 되는데... (채널CGV)
Plague City: SARS in Toronto
Father Louis
The once clean and healthy city of Toronto becomes the pariah of the western world when a deadly chain of infection lands in the city. Panic spreads as the number of SARS cases increases as there are no effective treatments.
The Good Shepherd
Father Andrews
When a clergyman is accused for the murder of a social worker, the parish priest recruits a reporter (and his ex-girlfriend) to clear his name.
Ham & Cheese
MOW 1st A.D.
Two talentless actors attempt to make it in the cruel world of showbiz. Without an ounce of talent between the two of them and their only strength being persistence, they'll do almost anything to attain their dream. Except let it go.
Home Beyond the Sun
Colonel Khan
Home Beyond the Sun is the story of persecution, faith, and freedom escaping a world of fear. A bible college student, Jenna goes to teach in an area of China where her faith is forbidden. She discovers an orphanage and befriends a Chinese orphan, Chu Lee. Jenna helps with the adoption to a family in the United States. However, the Chinese police are strictly preventing this when they find out that they are Christians.
Lucky Girl
Kaitlyn is a high school student whose obsession with gambling leads to her accumulating a mountain of debt. Her habit also causes a high degree of family tension.
유니버설 솔져 2
Jong Sung
With the budget of the UniSol program cut by the government, a gang of mercenaries takes control of the new line of Universal Soldiers to use them for their own nefarious ends. In doing so, they clash with Luc Deveraux, survivor of the first incident with the UniSols, alongside his long-lost and newly-resurrected brother Eric and news reporter Veronica Roberts.
Johnny 2.0
When Dr. Johnny Dalton awakens, after being beaten by a group of eco-terrorists who were vandalizing his lab at biotech firm Azina, his business partner Frank Donahue tells him him that 15 years have passed and Johnny is merely a clone of himself. He's been created to track down the real Dr. Dalton who has disappeared, taking with him Azine's most devastating discovery as well as the key to disarming Johnny's genetic time-bomb. Johnny is captured, however he finds an ally among the rebels in Nikki Holland, leading him to the real Dr. Dalton, who reveals secrets about Azine, Donahue and the mysterious Mr. Bosch that are far more shocking than anything they ever expected. This futuristic thriller takes the concept of genetic engineering to a whole new level, and into a frightening world that may be just over the horizon.
Corrupt officers track men for sport with dogs.
자상하고 가정적인 인물인 미국 해군 소령 아니발 라미레즈(Annibal Ramirez/Carlos: 에이단 퀸 분)는 이스라엘을 여행하다가 모사드의 비밀 요원에게 체포된다. 그는 냉혹한 테러리스트 자칼과 생김새가 똑같았던 것이다. 라마레즈는 신분이 증명될 때까지 잔혹한 고문을 당한다. 한편 미국의 CIA와 이스라엘의 정보기관 모사드(Mossad)는 자칼을 체포하기 위해 라마레즈를 이용하기로 한다. 모사드와 합동 작전을 전개하던 CIA의 프랑스 지국 부국장 잭 쇼/헨리 필즈(Jack Shaw/Henry Fields: 도날드 서덜랜드 분)는 모사드의 체포작전 책임자인 아모스(Amos: 벤 킹슬리 분)와 함께 라미레즈를 자칼로 변신시킨다. 혹독하고 위험한 군사 훈련과 첩보 훈련을 받은 라미레즈는 서서히 자신의 내부에 존재하는 살인마의 본성을 발견하고 당혹스러워 한다. 자칼에 대해 모든 것을 터득한 그는 아내의 사랑마저 무시한 채 극단적인 작전에 투입된다.
Linh Tze Chou
Two cops who share a devotion to their work—and to each other—suddenly find themselves caught in a tangled web of unspoken passions, lies and accusations when they each become suspects in a brutal mob-style murder.
Mr. Seven
After explosions destroy all the bridges connecting Manhattan to the rest of New York, the authorities attribute the disaster to a terrorist organization. New York cop Jake Gorki, flying over the Federal Reserve Bank in his helicopter, suspects something else: a robbery.
A round of unerotic sexual couplings in Toronto, interspersed with interviews about an impending total eclipse.
코드명 J
테크놀로지가 정점에 이른 지구는 컴퓨터 네트워크의 기습적 침투로 붕괴 위기에 직면해있다. 컴퓨터가 인간의 사고와 감정을 대신해주며 추억까지 소프트웨어로 팔고 사는 시대다. 더구나 인류는 모든 전자기기가 방사하는 전자파에 의해 문명병, 죽음에 이르는 병인 NAS(New Nerve Attention Syndrome: 신경감퇴증)에 시달리고 있다. 실리콘 칩 메모리 확장 장치를 뇌에 이식해 놓은 조니(Johnny Mnemonic: 키에누 리브스 분)는 비밀정보를 입력한 후 의뢰인에게 전달하는 스페셜리스트이다. 그는 이 프로그램을 장치하기 위해 자신의 어린 시절 기억을 송두리째 지워버렸다. 하지만 조니는 머릿속의 칩을 제거하고 잃어버린 기억을 되찾으려 한다. 인간으로 되돌아가고자. 그러기 위해선 비싼 대가를 지불해야 한다. 그 돈을 마련하기 위해 조니는 위험한 마지막 거래를 떠맡는다. 세계에서 3번째로 규모가 큰 제약기업인 파마콤 소속 과학자 두명이 회사에서 빼낸 NAS 치료방법이 담긴 귀중한 데이터를 전달하는 것이다. 그러나 입력된 데이터는 조니의 용량을 훨씬 초과하는 것으로 최대한 빨리 다운로드 하지않으면 그는 곧 죽게 되는데...
TekWar: TekJustice
Sonny Hokori
21st Century detective Jake Cardigan is arrested for murdering the husband of his ex-wife. It seems like a frame up, yet Cardigan refuses to let the authorities investigate further or even deny any involvement in the killing.
Sonny Hokori
After four years, Jake Cardigan is prematurely awoken from his fifteen year cryogenic punishment to a world very different than the one he knew. Much more than before 'Tek', the highly-addictive electronic designer narcotic of the 21st century, seems to be prevalent. His wife has divorced him and disappeared together with their son. He wants them back and he wants justice for those undercover policemen who were murdered by unknown conspirators which led to his imprisonment for a crime he did not commit.
Model by Day
Johnny Lee
Lady X is a woman who works during the day as a model but turns into a fighter for justice at night with the help of her karate master Chang.
I Love a Man in Uniform
Henry Adler, an outwardly normal banker, yearns to make it in show business and still answers to his overbearing father. When Henry is hired to act in a television police drama, he realizes his big break has arrived and decides to do whatever it takes to get into the role — even if that means donning his police costume in public during off hours. It isn't long, however, before Henry begins to take the law into his own hands as his violent side chillingly emerges.
Zero Patience
The ghost of "patient zero", who allegedly first brought AIDS to North America - materialises and tries to contact old friends. Meanwhile, the Victorian explorer Sir Richard Burton, who drank from the Fountain of Youth and now works as Chief Taxidermist at the Toronto Natural history Museum, is trying to organise an exhibition about the disease for the museum's "Hall of Contagion".