Marija Škaričić

Marija Škaričić

출생 : 1977-08-06, Split, Croatia, Yugoslavia


Prvu glavnu ulogu dobiva 2004. godine u filmu Ta divna splitska noć redatelja Arsena Antona Ostojića. Već tom ulogom Marija vjernim portretom heroinske ovisnice dobiva laskavu titulu najtalentiranije hrvatske glumice. Za formalno priznanje takvog statusa pobrinuo se žiri sarajevskog festivala s Mikeom Leighom na čelu, dodijelivši joj iste godine Srce Sarajeva, prestižnu nagradu za najbolje žensko glumačko postignuće. Novi pravi glumački zalet uzima u jednoj od najvećih hrvatskih komercijalnih uspješnica, filmu Što je muškarac bez brkova (2005.) Hrvoja Hribara. Njena energična interpretacija pokroviteljske, pomalo grube i sirove starije sestre Ljubice nametnula se kao racionalna protuteža središnjim likovima upotpunjujući time dodatno dramski okvir radnje. 2006. oživljava staru ljubav sa Sarajevom odnoseći po drugi put s tamošnjeg festivala Srce Sarajeva za najbolju žensku ulogu u filmu Gospođica redateljice Andree Štake. Marija ovaj puta svoj glumački senzibilitet stavlja u službu prikaza djevojke Ane čija neprilagođenost i nezadrživi mladenački temperament nepovratno utječu na sve one s kojima je turbulencija života stavi u doticaj. U njoj Marija glumi sa najvećom filmskom divom ovih prostora Mirjanom Karanović, a upravo će Mariju mnogi proglašavati njenom nasljednicom, dok će sama Mirjana Karanović u intervjuima upravo nju izdvojiti kao jednu od najboljih hrvatskih glumica. Slijede mnoge manje filmske uloge u brojnim hrvatskim filmova, a glavne uloge dobiva 2010. godine i to u njemačkom filmu Shahada (koji je bio u konkurenciji Berlinskog filmskog festivala), te potom u filmu Dalibora Matanića Majka asfalta. Za tu ulogu je nagrađena Zlatnom arenom za najbolju glavnu žensku ulogu na 57. Pula film festivalu i Fipa D'OR Grand Prize za najbolju žensku ulogu na festivalu International Festival of Audiovisual Programs u Parizu. U ovom je razdoblju Marija Škaričić jedna od najzaposlenijih i najnagrađivanijih hrvatskih filmskih glumica, sa čak 18 dugometražnih filmova koje je snimila u razdoblju od 2000. - 2010. čime se ni jedna druga hrvatska glumica ne može pohvaliti. Glumila je i u serijalima Bumerang i Operacija Kajman, a u kazalištu se pojavljuje jako rijetko.

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Marija Škaričić

참여 작품

After the death of her father, young scientist Ana struggles with an identity crisis, being the last member of a once large family. The changes inside her are suddenly reflected in reality – loneliness, crisis, emigration – and her scientific research on mystical symbols and human traces left in stone are mysteriously intertwined with her life.
Antonio and Nikola are inseparable friends who live across the road from each other, and share a love of pyrotechnics and mobile phones. Their families have been in dispute for years over an easily resolvable problem: the water that flows from the top house to the bottom house. The boys’ friendship, as they are about to enter puberty, is put to the test at Christmas time when their families uncover much more dangerous secrets and interests, and the water just carries the hate of the adults to the children. Debut film.
After several miscarriages, Tereza's gynecologist, in an attempt to cheer her up, jokes she should try to conceive with a different partner. This remark shakes up her monotonous life and steers it in a new direction.
마레는 남편과 세 명의 십대 아이들과 함께 공항 부근에 살지만 비행기를 타본 적은 없다. 그녀는 가족을 사랑으로 돌보지만 때로는 집에서 본인이 이방인처럼 느껴진다. 그녀와 함께 사는 사람들은 대체 누구인가? 마레는 머리 위의 비행기를 바라보면서 변화와 미지의 것을 갈망한다. 그리고 어느 날, 한 청년이 옆집으로 이사 왔을 때, 그녀는 본인의 삶을 시험해 본다.
Three friends, Jelena, Ana and Zorka meat three days before 20-year's high school reunion. Ana lives in a neighboring country, she's a biochemist and she has diagnosed (correctly) herself with breast cancer. Fuki their best male friend, never moved from their hometown, lives with his high-spirited grandmother, and occasionally gets involved with dubious people and business schemes. Each of the ladies used to be in love with Fuki at some point in their lives, but after all, they remained best friends. In three days, they all have a great challenge: to help Ana find the money for the operation. They will have to go through serious soul-searching, in order to find courage and strength to bring out the best and most noble in them. Breasts define all of them, not only as a metaphor.
Cure: The Life of Another
Eta's mother
Teens Linda and Eta are inseparable friends, though they have plenty of disagreements, but one horrific argument has unexpected consequences.
Fashion Tension
A small village on an island called Bura, is looking for the 100th citizen so that the village may become a town. The head of the village will do anything to get what he wants...
Flower Square
An obscure actor is hired by the police to get a confession out of a dying mafioso.
신부의 아이들
출생률 0%의 작은 섬에 부임한 보좌신부 파비앙에게 콘돔을 파는 매점 주인이 자신 때문에 생명이 죽어가는 것 같다고 고해성사를 해온다. 그렇게 시작된 두 사람의 비밀스러운 출산장려 프로젝트 덕에 섬의 출생률은 70%에 치닫는다. 하지만 예상치 못한 부작용이 찾아오고… 과연 파비앙 신부는 이 프로젝트를 무사히 끝마칠 수 있을까?
When Ruslana floods her Munich flat, Vladan, a former Boxer from Serbia, comes to her rescue. It is the night when Ruslana's son Bogdan should finally come from Kiev. He rather falls in love with the spoiled pop-starlet Maria, for whom he is working. Both, however, are depending on Maria's rich patron Jora. The same night in Belgrade Vladan's son Zoran meets Jelena. But she intends to leave her homeland the next day, forever. Three cities. Three Love-Stories. One night in Europe.
Mother of Asphalt
An abused wife leaves her husband, takes her child away and goes to live in a car.
The fates of three German-born Muslims in Berlin collide as they struggle to find their place between faith and modern life in contemporary western society, caught at a crossroads where alluring liberated lifestyles conflict with deeply-rooted traditions.
The Man Under the Table
The microcosmic world of a street market on the outskirts of Zagreb: traders, thieves, prostitutes, self-appointed security guards and other lost souls, each with their own unique ideas, passion or mania. We follow the tragicomic, mutually intertwined mini dramas of each character, as they fight to save the marketplace itself, when city planners threaten to raze it to the ground and replace it with a skyscraper.
Zagreb Stories
Marija (segment "Žuti mjesec")
Nine short films are connected into one whole, and they describe life in Croatia's capital of Zagreb.
In the Land of Wonders
Still today, years after the war, some regions are contaminated with broken families, poverty, crime and low-grade uranium. In the middle of nowhere in Western Herzegovina, at a NATO military training range, a nine-year-old girl called Alica, together with her uncle Valentin, collects shells and scraps of grenades to sell on the black market. Valentin dies of cancer, Alica's diagnosis is not good but there's no money for therapy. Alica's journey through the Land of Wonders begins.
Behind the Glass
Sestra Majina brata
Through a period of five days, the story follows intertwined characters who live in false serenity and rather chaotic general order.
True Miracle
It is no wonder for a son to have the miraculous powers of his father, but when he discovers love, that's the true miracle.
젊은 여자
전 유고슬라비아 출신의 세 여성을 통해 생존에 대한 개념과 세대 간의 차이로 빚어지는 미묘한 오해를 보여주고 있는 영화. 50살의 꼬장꼬장한 루자는 세르비아 출신으로, 취리히에서 식당을 운영하고 있다. 그녀의 유일한 관심사는 돈벌이뿐이다. 루자의 식당에서 일하는 60살의 밀라는, 고향인 크로아티아에 집을 지을 수 있을 만큼 돈을 버는 것이 꿈이다. 22살의 아름답고 충동적인 아나는 사라예보 출신으로, 저녁시간에 식당에 와서 일한다. 뒤엉킨 적대감으로 인해 세 사람 사이의 우정은 힘들지만 천천히 싹터간다. 로카르노영화제 금표범상을 수상한 작품으로, 국적이란 무엇인지, 무엇이 국적을 만들어내는지, 이민의 메커니즘은 어떤 것인지, 이런 복합적인 문제들을 단순한 감상주의에 기대지 않으면서 효과적으로 그려내 보인 작품이다.
Einstein's Greatest Mistake
A TV comedy.
What Is a Man without a Moustache?
A young widow, an aging widower-returnee, and a priest from a bankrupt parish are struggling to come to terms with the post-war environment, complete with its prejudices, illusions, and unpleasant mentality. What follows is a romantic comedy set in rough landscape, about a woman who falls in love with a local priest. He is not blind to her love, but is unable to choose between the church and her, until the circumstances force him to make his choice.
No Biggie
Student film.
A Wonderful Night in Split
The film is set over the course of a New Year's Eve night in the Croatian port city of Split, where it follows three parallel plots. The first plot line features a small-time drug dealer Nike (Marinko Prga) and a young widow Marija (Nives Ivankovic); the second plot line deals with a drug addict called Maja (Marija Skaricic) who decides to have sex with an US Navy sailor called Franky (Coolio) in exchange for some heroin; the third one shows a young couple, Luka and Andela (Vicko Bilandzic and Ivana Roscic) who spend the night desperately looking for a place to celebrate the New Year by having their first sexual experience. The plots are connected through Dino Dvornik's concert, where all of them pass through at some point, and through the omnipresent fireworks that dot the night sky over the course of the film.
God Forbid a Worse Thing Should Happen
The adventures of a small town Croatian family during the 1960s. The decade will leave eternal marks on all of their members, but most of the story focuses on the youngest one, a boy, Frula, who discovers the love and fashion of the time.