Michael Learned

Michael Learned

출생 : 1939-04-09, Washington, District of Columbia, USA


Michael Learned (born April 9, 1939) is a distinguished American actor, known for her role as Olivia Walton in the long-running CBS drama series The Waltons (1972–1981).

프로필 사진

Michael Learned
Michael Learned

참여 작품

Second Acts
Lee Marston
In spite of prejudices impressed on them growing up, Lee (70s, Caucasian) and Ben (70s, African American) strike up a charming love affair over the course of an evening to discover love conquers all.
The Parcel
The unexpected delivery of a parcel from Ben's recently deceased father threatens to disrupt his orderly life.
An American Girl: Chrissa Stands Strong
Nana Louise Hanlon
A fourth grader and her friends deal with bullying from a more popular girl in their class.
A troubled woman seeks out the child she gave up for adoption; a gay motel owner takes in a handsome drifter; and the wife of a preacher frets that a gay couple has moved in across the street. All of their lives will intersect as Loggerheads subtly draws out their secret losses and desires.
Lethal Eviction
A first time landlord purchases a run-down, rent-controlled apartment building in hopes of making a solid investment. Everything seems to be going smoothly until, one by one, the tenants begin to meet strange, untimely gruesome deaths.
Beth Hudler
보안 시스템 회사에서 세일즈맨으로 일하는 토미 허들러는 사장의 신임을 얻는다. 그러나 사장이 또 다른 짓을 할 지도 모른다는 의심이 들자 스스로 보안 시스템을 설치하기에 이른다. 하지만 자신이 설치해 안전하다고 믿었던 경비 시스템에도 불구하고 애인이 살해당하는 일이 발생한다. 괴로워하던 토미는 범인을 사장이라 단정짓고 복수를 꾀하는데.
A Father for Brittany
Edna Humphreys
Keith and Kim Lussier are a childless couple who are given custody of a 3-month-old foster child, Brittany. However, tragedy strikes when Kim dies of cancer in the middle of the adoption process, leaving Keith to fight for Brittany's custody alone.
A Walton Easter
Olivia Walton
In 1969, John-Boy is a TV news anchorperson in New York and he is in the throes of writing a new book. He and a very pregnant Janet are making plans to return to Walton's Mountain for the celebration of John and Olivia's 40th wedding anniversary. Accompanying them to see the place John-Boy lived as a child is Aurora, a Time magazine photographer, who is doing a story on John-Boy. Meanwhile, Elizabeth arrives back from her travels and announces to Drew, who is still working at the mill with Ben, that she is back to stay. She is very upset to find that Drew did not wait for her, and that he has a new girlfriend. Also, problems arise for John-Boy and Janet because the longer John-Boy stays on the mountain, the more he becomes convinced that he would like to settle down there, raise his family, and continue with his writing whereas Janet wants to stay in New York.
A Walton Wedding
Olivia Walton
In 1964, John-Boy Walton is planning his wedding to Janet Gilchrist, the editor of a New York fashion magazine and the daughter of a diplomat. The two of them plan a small wedding and he invites the family and friends from Walton's Mountain to come to New York for the celebration. However, Janet's Aunt Flo has other ideas and begins to take over their wedding preparations. Added to the wedding plan stress, John-Boy is also trying to write an article about his Grandma, but decides that he needs to go home to escape the wedding preparations, as well as to reunite with his grandmother and fill in some gaps leaving Janet in New York trying to prevent her wedding from getting out of hand. But she too leaves the city and heads for Walton's Mountain to plan their wedding there.
A Walton Thanksgiving Reunion
Olivia Walton
The fourth Waltons reunion TV movie is set in the 1960s , with John-Boy still living in New York, trying to persuade his fiancée to marry him. Meanwhile, Ben and Cindy's daughter Virginia has died, and Cindy is finding life very lonely without her. She tells Ben that she would dearly love to adopt another baby, but Ben feels that it is not a good idea. Ben argues with his father about buying a new truck for their lumber company, but John keeps insisting that they can't afford it. Elsewhere, Erin now has three children and is separated from Paul. Her decision to start seeing another man causes some indignation among the other Walton family members. Ike and Corabeth become grandparents when Aimee has a daughter, while Elizabeth returns from Europe and reunites with Drew, her old beau.
드래곤 : 브루스 리 스토리
Vivian Emery
브루스 리는 가문 대대로 내려오는 악귀의 저주를 물리치기 위해 아버지의 권유로 무술을 배우지만, 미국 병사를 폭행하고는 미국으로 가 샌프란시스코에 정착한다. 중국인 식당에서 요리사로 일하던 중 여자 문제로 싸움을 벌여 해고되자, 해고 수당으로 대학에 진학한다. 그는 우연히 체육관에서 시비 끝에 알게 된 백인들에게 무술을 가르치게되고, 여기에서 만난 린다와 사랑에 빠져 결혼하기에 이른다. 생계를 위한 수단으로 도장을 운영하던 그는 서양인에게 무술을 가르치지 말라는 미국 내 중국 무술인의 압력을 받고, 자신의 정당성을 인정받기 위해 그들과 결투를 벌인다. 그러나, 브루스 리는 대결 도중 척추를 다쳐 전신마비가 되지만 린다의 극진한 간호로 회복한다. 그리고 자신이 창안한 절권도의 홍보를 위해 선 브러더스와 재결투를 하여 승리하는데, 이를 계기로 TV 영화에 출연, 영화 스타로의 길에 들어서게 된다. 그의 독특한 무술은 인기를 얻기 시작하고 헐리웃으로부터 관심을 끌게 된다. 그러면서 영화에 출연하게 되고, 명성을 얻으면서 홍콩으로 와 금의환향하게 된다. 홍콩의 영화제작자들은 그를 영화에 출연할 것을 제의하여 세계의 화재를 남겼으며 신화적인 인물로 남게 되는 를 제작하게 된다. 그러나 안타깝게도 개봉 3일전에 운명을 달리한다.
Aftermath: A Test of Love
Based on a true story, an adoring wife and mother is taken hostage during a robbery and brutally murdered.
Keeping Secrets
Marion Mahoney
Based on Suzanne Somer's autobiography, the film tells of her troubled childhood, her affairs, her abortion anad her arrest for writing bad cheques and posing nude.
Roots: The Gift
On Christmas Eve 1770, a young African warrior, who three years prior had been captured and sold into slavery in America, leads a desperate group of runaway slaves as they attempt to reach freedom in the North.
All My Sons
Kate Keller
Two families, related by friendship and love, face up to the consequences of greed and avarice in the post-war years. Love and death play equal roles in determining the outcome of events.
Mercy or Murder?
Roswell and Emily Gilbert were married for fifty-one years, but for the eight final years of their marriage Emily suffered from Alzheimer's disease and the bone disease osteoporosis. Often in pain, Emily begged to die. In March 1985, 75-year-old Roswell shot Emily in the head. He said it was an act of mercy, but he was tried for murder and convicted as the nation debated euthanasia.
Gov. Andrea Stannard
피트 세인트 존(Pete St. John: 리차드 기어 분)은 정치 광고 분야에선 유명하다. 그는 세계 각국의 정치인들의 선거 캠페인을 성공적으로 이끌고 당선하게 함으로써 그의 브랜드는 타의추종을 불허할 정도였다. 막대한 돈과 권력이 따르는 사업 의뢰가 끊이지 않는 피트 곁에는 연인 역할까지 해주는 미모의 여비서 시드(Sydney Betterman: 케이트 캡쇼 분)가 그림자처럼 따라다닌다. 어느날 피트는 고객이자 절친한 친구인 샘 헤이스팅스 상원의원(Senator Sam Hastings: E.G. 마샬 분)의 갑작스런 사임 발표에 경악한다. 샘은 케이드라는 사업가에게 자신의 의석을 넘겨주기로 하고 , 피트는 거액의 수수료를 받기로 하고 케이드의 선거 캠페인을 맡는다. 자료를 수집하던 에너지 개발 계획을 입안 중이던 헤이스팅즈와는 상반된 입장이라는 사실에 의문을 갖게 된다. 더 나아가 헤이스팅즈의 아내인 클레어가 케이드에게 수십만불의 빛을 지고 있고 이를 빌미로 그에게 협박당하고 있었다는 사실까지 알게 되는데...
The Parade
Rachel Kirby
When her estranged, drifter husband Matt returns after spending seven years in prison to ask her to let him be a part of her life again, Rachel Kirby's life is thrown into turmoil, which also affects her teenage daughter and mother.
Mother's Day on Waltons Mountain
Olivia Walton
Mary Ellen marries Jonesy but they don't exactly have a good start.
Night of 100 Stars
The most glittering, expensive, and exhausting videotaping session in television history took place Friday February 19, 1982 at New York's Radio City Music Hall. The event, for which ticket-buyers payed up to $1,000 a seat (tax-deductible as a contribution to the Actors' Fund) was billed as "The Night of 100 Stars" but, actually, around 230 stars took part. And most of the audience of 5,800 had no idea in advance that they were paying to see a TV taping, complete with long waits for set and costume changes, tape rewinding, and the like. Executive producer Alexander Cohen estimated that the 5,800 Radio City Music Hall seats sold out at prices ranging from $25 to $1,000. The show itself cost about $4 million to produce and was expected to yield around $2 million for the new addition to the Actors Fund retirement home in Englewood, N. J. ABC is reputed to have paid more than $5 million for the television rights.
A Christmas Without Snow
Zoe Jensen
A divorced woman (Michael Learned) moves to San Francisco from Omaha with her young son. She's trying to re-build her life after her divorce, she leaves her son with his grandmother. She joins the choir of a local church. She has some issues with the choirmaster (John Houseman) who tries to get the choir into shape before the Christmas concert. The choir overcome some personal setbacks as they all deal with personal issues. Zoe (Michael Learned) thinks of quitting the choir all together when push comes to shove.
Touched by Love
Dr. Bell
A teenager with cerebral palsy attempts to become pen pals with her idol, Elvis Presley.
Off the Minnesota Strip
Hughlene Johansen
A teenage runaway attempts to readjust to home and family life in Minnesota after returning home after years of working on the streets of New York City as a hooker and tries desperately to regain her parents' understanding and love.
Mary Benjamin
Michael Learned plays Mary Benjamin, a recently widowed woman who, confronted with her son's departure for college, decides to resume her career as a head nurse in a Manhattan hospital in this pilot movie for the short-lived TV series.
Little Mo
Eleanor 'Teach' Tennant
Biopic about tennis great Maureen Connolly who, as a teenager, was the first woman to win the Grand Slam of Tennis, became world-renowned as "Little Mo," and died of cancer in 1969 at the age of 34.
Lynn Caine
A woman is left on her own to raise her two children after the unexpected death of her husband.
It Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Guy
Janet Walters
When Harry Walters runs out of gas, he gets picked up by a beautiful young woman. But when she pulls a gun on him and orders him to take his clothes off, Harry puts up no resistance and is sexually assaulted. He reports the incident to the authorities, but they either don't believe him, or, if they do, can't understand why he would consider it a crime - a reaction he also gets from his friends and family.
Lee Jackson
Two hurricane hunters track a huge, violent hurricane that is bearing down on a Gulf Coast town.