Ilinca Goia

Ilinca Goia

출생 : 1969-03-06, București, România

프로필 사진

Ilinca Goia

참여 작품

아들의 자리
60세에 접어든 코넬리아는 30대인 아들 바르부가 독립을 하자 우울해한다. 어느 날 바르부가 교통사고를 내자 코넬리아는 이 사건이 다시 아들의 삶에 개입할 수 있는 기회라고 여기고 아들이 징역형을 면할 수 있도록 부패한 권력에 맞서기 시작한다. 성장한 자식을 떠나 보낼 수밖에 없는 부모의 상실감을 그린 작품으로 베를린영화제 황금곰상을 차지한 수작.
Lacrimi de iubire
Beatrice Luca
드라큘라 3: 레거시
우피지 신부와 루크는 드라큘라로부터 엘리자베스를 구하고 뱀파이어를 멸하기 위해, 내전과 뱀파이어들로 황폐화된 루마니아에 도착한다. 그곳에서 전쟁 상황을 취재 중이던 영국 TV 저널리스트 줄리아 휴즈를 만나게 되고 셋은 함께 위기를 넘기며 험난한 여정에 맞서 사투를 벌여나간다
The Woman in the Dream
The Woman in the Dream was a 2005 Romanian film directed by Dan Pița.
What a Happy World
Irina Spătaru
The relationship between a younger painter and an older woman.
The Death Triangle
Ecaterina Teodoroiu
The Romanian army faces the German army in the epic battles of Marasti, Marasesti and Oituz, marking a turning point in World War 1.
Elizabeth Storm
As the millenium draws near, an evil being awakens. Fused to an ancient Talisman for centuries -- Theriel, the Black Angel is summoned from his resting place to usher in the end of the world. The ghastly messenger must claim seven human sacrifices to complete the ritual and open the gates of Hell. A teenage boy and girl have been chosen to assist the angel in its deadly mission, yet they alone are the world's only hope for salvation.
뱀파이어 저널
A 19th century vampire stalks a more powerful vampire lord in his quest to gain revenge over the death of his mistress. In his search for the vampire lord in Eastern Europe he kills many of his servants and fellow vampires while cursing another to vampirism as well.
The Idle Princes of the Old Court
Ilinca Arnoteanu
A subtile, soft exploration of the relation between love and death.
Lurking Fear
The storm-swept and depopulated town of Leffert’s Corners has been terrorized for decades by grotesque creatures that breed in the depths beneath the local cemetery. A group of townspeople have hatched a last-ditch plan to destroy the ghoul-infested graveyard, but their mission is interrupted by the arrival of a band of violent thieves intent on retrieving money hidden in one of the graves.
The White Lace Dress
A doctor, a sculptor and a football player trying to win the love of desenatoare models, suffering from incurable disease. But this does not preclude it from working on hand in a clothes factory. Of the three candidate, the young woman prefers the more modest, based with the family.