Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni
출생 : 1971-02-24, New York City, New York, USA
Brian's mother dies and is surprised when he inherit's The Sanctuary, her controversial experimental treatment center for addictions. When he and his friends are shown around the dilapidated building by a mysterious employee, it is clear that there is a sinister mood. Despite this the group enters a secret underground passage and the terrible reality is revealed. Brian's mother had built a revolutionary machine that cured people of their addiction, but as a side effect to materialize the addictions in a mutated form of children who are addicted to human flesh which have moved into the building.
Giselle Mares
몽시뇨르 신부가 비테르보 공동 묘지에서 1815년에 매장된 무덤을 파헤쳐 시체가 든 관과 낡은 상자를 발견했는데 그 안에 든 내용물을 보고 놀라 박물관장인 마이클에게 보내지만, 마이클이 부재중일 때 지젤과 사라가 호기심에 멋대로 상자를 열었다가 눈물의 마녀가 제 힘을 되찾으면서 세상에 혼란에 빠지는 이야기
A widowed newlywed stays on her deceased husband's South African farm, then bears a child who seems to be possessed by the dead man.
1877년 파리, 그랜드 하우스에서 몇 명의 인부가 살해된다. 아무도 없는 극장 무대 위, 젊은 소프라노 크리스틴이 연습 중이다. 유령은 그녀의 아름다움과 재능에 완전히 매혹된다. 어느날 밤 크리스틴은 프리마돈나 카를로타의 대역으로 출연하는 기회가 온다. 유령은 크리스틴을 최고의 소프라노로 만들기 위해 방해가 되는 카를로타를 제거하려고 한다. 크리스틴은 결국 프리마돈나로 무대에 오르게 되는데.
Martin Yakobowsky is a brilliant lawyer whose family originally comes from Poland. He is assigned by his legal practice to resolve a contentious case in the prevalently agricultural town in the heart of Iowa, where he was born. After his initial reluctance, due largely to his having cut off all ties with the community of his birthplace, Martin decides to return to the town.
40-year-old Arnold Gardner is put in charge of the talk show "The Twenty-fifth Hour" after the death of the former host Duncan Mackay. His role on screen creates immediate interest and the program becomes a great success with TV audiences. This proves to be a period of great satisfaction for Arnold, but his childhood friend, Eddie Greenberg, suddenly comes on the scene. Eddie is ill and frustrated by lack of success, and is so resentful and envious of Arnold's fame that he wants him to make a full public confession of a "sin" he committed in his young days.
The story of a hideous monster who takes the form of a beautiful, seductive woman who in a torrent of special effects, beauty and monster transform into a climax of pure evil. For years this monster woman has cursed a small village, and to this day her deadly grasps holds the peaceful residents in fear. This ferocious, feminine fury possesses a shocking sensual appetite and she can only satisfy her lust when passion consumes her, by striking where a man is most vulnerable.... and the results are deadly!
젊은 오페라 가수 베티는 베르디의 오페라 맥베스 공연에서 주역을 맡기로 되어 있던 가수가 교통 사고를 당하면서 단순간에 커다란 기회를 얻게 된다. 그녀는 이 불길한 행운을 거머주지만 그때부터 베티는 정신이상 살인마의 표적이 되고 만다. 발견된 피해자의 눈 아래 바늘을 붙이는 광적인 살인 행각이 연쇄적으로 벌어지고, 오페라 공연이 절정으로 치달으면서 그의 정체가 드러나는데.
Sister Candida
The young noble Don Monza is caught and thrown out by the nun Virginia de Leva when she catches him flirting with one of her nun sisters across the stone wall between their gardens. He hears the rumor that she'd have an affair with her trustee - so he kills him in a set-up duel and aims to take his place. Against her initial resistance, Monza manages to win her heart - and to get into her bed. This doesn't stay a secret for long, but Monza, now in love, does everything to keep it going.
Sally Day
{세계를 위협할 악령의 예언이 실현되었다. 영화를 보던 관객들이 피에 굶주린 악령으로 변하는 피의 제전은 계속되었다. 공포의 순간이 닥쳐서야 악령의 존재는 확인되는데.} 어느 고급아파트에 파티가 열리고, TV에는 전편의 그 영화가 상영된다. 영화 속 악령이 TV 밖으로 나오는 일이 벌어지면서 첫 희생자가 생기고, 이어 아파트 사람들이 또다시 하나 둘 악령으로 변해간다.
A grieving mother forced to unravel the mysteries that bind her to other grieving mothers, their children and the Saints to whom all of them are devoted.
A grieving mother forced to unravel the mysteries that bind her to other grieving mothers, their children and the Saints to whom all of them are devoted.
A grieving mother forced to unravel the mysteries that bind her to other grieving mothers, their children and the Saints to whom all of them are devoted.