Britta Phillips
출생 : 1963-06-11, Boyne City, Michigan, USA
Britta Phillips (born June 11, 1963) is an American singer-songwriter, musician, record producer, and actress.
Boy Scout Camp Singer
미국의 조용한 마을에 살고 있는 잭은 대학에서 히틀러를 연구하는 교수이다. 아내와 네 명의 자녀를 둔 그의 인생은 남들처럼 평범하기 그지없다. 어느날, 화학 폐기물을 실은 트럭이 열차와 충돌하는 사고가 발생하면서 마을 전체에 화학 폐기물이 퍼진다. 대피 명령이 내려지면서 평화로웠던 마을은 금세 아수라장이 되고, 사태의 위험성을 깨달은 잭은 가족들과 탈출 행렬에 합류하는데…
Stage Manager
소도시의 소녀 제시카(오브리 피플스, 내쉬빌)는 그녀 자신의 음악에서 영감을 받은 비밀 아이덴티티를 갖게 되기 전 까지는 평범한 삶을 살았다. 당돌하고 멋진, 두려움 엎는 글로벌 슈퍼스타 젬이 된 그녀! 하지만 그녀의 삶에서 정말 중요한 것들과의 교감을 놓친 것만 같은 순간들이 찾아오면서, 제시카와 그녀의 밴드는 어떤 능력들은 감춰만 두기엔 너무 특별하다는 것을 발견하게 될 아주 특별한 여정을 시작하게 된다.
Original Music Composer
대학 입학과 함께 홀로 뉴욕 생활을 시작한 새내기 ‘트레이시’. 꿈꾸던 대학 생활도, 화려한 뉴욕 생활도 그녀와는 먼 이야기다. 그러던 어느 날, 뉴욕 한복판에서 유쾌한 의붓 언니 ‘브룩’을 만나게 되고 일과 사랑, 꿈을 모두 쟁취한 듯한 '브룩'을 주인공으로 소설까지 쓰게된다. 한편, '트레이시'는 '브룩'과 함께하면 할 수록 동경했던 그녀의 삶이 허세로 가득 차 있음을 눈치채게 되는데...
브루클린의 작은 아파트에서 둘도 없는 친구 소피와 살고 있는 27살 뉴요커 프란시스. 무용수로 성공해 뉴욕을 접수하겠다는 거창한 꿈을 꾸지만 현실은 몇 년째 평범한 연습생 신세일 뿐이다. 사소한 말다툼 끝에 애인과 헤어지고 믿었던 소피마저 독립을 선언하자 그녀의 일상은 꼬이기 시작한다. 직업도, 사랑도, 우정도 무엇 하나 쉽지 않은 그녀는 과연 당당하게 홀로서기에 성공할 수 있을까?
Tommy Littler / Bloberta Puppington (voice)
The story of Orel before Moral Orel
A middle aged, middle class, former music industry executive with a stay-at-home wife and son toils away at a supermarket chain. When a new high energy boss enters the company, she increases his fortunes and responsibilities while also creating tension in both his professional and personal life.
A middle aged, middle class, former music industry executive with a stay-at-home wife and son toils away at a supermarket chain. When a new high energy boss enters the company, she increases his fortunes and responsibilities while also creating tension in both his professional and personal life.
Original Music Composer
Two wounded souls commiserate through drinking and aimless wandering while acting out the roles of the happy relationships that elude them in reality. Greta Gerwig and Olly Alexander deliver beautifully-tuned comic performances in their portrayal of young adults learning to cope with the unavoidable perils of emotional dependency.
Between 1964 and 1966, Andy Warhol shot nearly 500 Screen Tests, beautiful and revealing portraits of hundreds of different individuals, from Warhol superstars and celebrities to friends or anyone he thought had "star potential". All visitors to his studio, the Factory. Subjects were captured in stark relief by a strong keylight, and filmed by Warhol with his stationary 16mm Bolex camera on silent, black and white, 100-foot rolls of film. The resulting two-and-a-half-minute film reels were then screened in slow motion, resulting in a fascinating collection of four-minute masterpieces that startle and entrance, mesmerizing in the purest sense of the word. Songwriters Dean Wareham and Britta Phillips, formerly of the band Luna and currently recording as Dean & Britta, incorporated original compositions as well as cover songs to create new soundtracks for the 13 films.
Has-been rock star Jesse Limbo ventures from a life of dereliction to New York City in search of his long-lost teenage son. While there, he confronts his past in an effort to discover what - if anything - the future holds.
Original Music Composer
A petty thief's mentoring of an apparent orphan takes a profound turn when he kidnaps the boy from a foster home and drives him cross-country to his sister's house in Texas.
The four members of celebrated New York rock band Luna confront the ceiling of their ambition, the harsh realities of their modest success, and their conflicted feelings about each other as they embark on their final tour and uncertain futures. Laced with moments of humor and melancholy, the film earnestly exposes the underbelly of a touring rock band in their final days together.
Original Music Composer
브루클린에 사는 버나드와 조안은 두 아들을 둔 중년의 부부. 17년을 살아온 평범하고 행복해 보였던 부부는 어느 날 이혼을 결정하고 두 아이는 공동양육으로 두 집을 오가며 생활한다. 월트와 프랭크 형제는 한창 성장할 나이에 혼란을 겪지만, 부부는 이를 돌보지 못하고 서로에게 상처 주고 외도한다.
Thea Bascomb
"Nightingales" are eight student nurses living off campus in Southern California in this stylish Aaron Spelling production that ultimately was developed into a short-lived series which aired on NBC at the beginning of 1989. Subsequently edited down to 90 minutes, the film later served as the premiere episode for the series, which was reworked to add Suzanne Pleshette and Barry Newman as stars.
When a young rock group called The Mystery gets its first gig at a club, it's an opportunity to see what life is all about! Fresh out of high school, the rockers are hired by an exclusive beach resort thanks to a faded '60s songwriter. There, they meet with romance and adventure. But street-smart lead singer Jennie Lee faces a dilemma: pursue her budding career or finish high school.