Jan Tesarz
출생 : 1935-08-04, Czechowice-Dziedzice, Polska
사망 : 2020-01-03
właściciel sklepu monopolowego
Małe prowincjonalne miasteczko koło Warszawy rządzone jest przez lokalną mafię. Brutalne napady, zuchwałe kradzieże są na porządku dziennym. Trwa walka między Pawlikiem i Alim o szefostwo. Kto jest na czyich usługach i kto dyktuje reguły gry?
udzielający wywiadu pod Pałacem Kultury
TV movie directed by Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz.
policjant Świda
Early 90's. The political and economic landscape of Poland, Russia and Germany is changing. Both good and bad sides of freedom are revealed. The mafia is becoming more and more bold, operating without obstacles across borders. One of the more lucrative "businesses" is the trade in luxury cars, stolen in Germany and transferred to Russia by Russia.
Henryk, ojciec "Snajpera"
A parable for the end of totalitarianism.
Three protagonists - a high official, a secretary, and a border guard - representative of three generations (1948, 1968, 1988) are forced to confront their ideals and places in society through the events of one strange night.
Taksówkarz Waldemar Rekowski
어두운 내면을 가진 청년 야첵은 도시를 헤매다가 별 이유 없이 택시 운전사를 잔인하게 살해한다. 이후 사형을 선고받은 야첵은 변호사 표트르와 함께 재판정에 선다.
Taksówkarz Waldemar Rekowski
대학생 앙카는 아버지 미할이 숨겨두었던 돌아가신 어머니의 편지를 발견한다. 이 편지를 읽은 앙카는 미할이 자신의 친아버지가 아니란 사실을 뒤늦게 알게 된다. 앙카는 이 문제를 두고 미할과 길고 진지한 대화를 나눈다.
Waldemar Rekowski
바르샤바 특유의 회색빛 거리를 배회하며 방황하는 고독한 시골 청년 야체크는 자신의 최후의 무대를 연출할 사람을 찾아 나선다. 드디어 청년은 택시를 타고 도시의 외곽을 달린다. 그리고 이유없는 살인이 벌어지고 그는 곧 체포되어 재판에 회부된다. 한편 변호사 피토르는 변호사 시험에 합격한 후 첫 업무로 야체크를 위해 사형 폐지론을 주장하며 변론을 편다.
Joanna's Father
1982, Poland. A translator loses her husband and becomes a victim of her own sorrow. She looks to sex, to her son, to law, and to hypnotism when she has nothing else in this time of martial law when Solidarity was banned.
rozmówca Sawinkowa w warszawskim kasynie
The action-packed historical and revolutionary film about the struggle of the VCHK with the international conspiracy against the Soviet government in Russia in the beginning 20s. On the activities of Dzerzhinsky, chairman of the VCHK, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs and at the same time Commissar of Railways. About the work on resuscitation of a collapsed industry, army, railways, to which the Iron Felix attracts (some by threats, some by persuasion) pre-revolutionary intellectuals.
generał u Piłsudskiego
'Znicz' Chairman
A young factory worker takes up on boxing as a way to find himself and advance his chances for the future. But the difficulties of sorting himself out in the crooked boxing environment hold him back in the beginning, until he arrives for tournament in Chicago, where he can prove himself. In the end, he wins over his Yank opponent, an amateur below his ranking, and is back in the factory.
Stefan, brat Anki
Post-war movie
Young boxer studies with a kind, knowing manager, grooming him for the Olympics. He fights the lead boxer, has a brief fling, and gets jailed for beating up a group he feels laughed at him during the drunken spree. But he is rehabilitated and gets a crack at the Olympics where he wins.