코로나19로 위기에 빠진 전 세계. 상황이 악화되는 것 같아도 우리 사회 곳곳에는 숨은 영웅들이 일하고 있다. 위기를 기회로 바꾸고 더 밝은 미래를 불러오기 위해, 희망을 전달하기 위해.
작은 체구로 큰 무대와 넓은 세상을 뒤집어 놓는다. 스위트너 월드 투어의 런던 무대에 오르는 아리아나 그란데. 무대 위와 뒤, 그리고 여행길에서의 그녀 모습을 담았다.
A single woman focused on her career in New York is forced to deal with the aftermath of a failed relationship when an ex-boyfriend is hired by her company.
Executive Producer
Inspired by a Buddhist ritual for grieving abortions, a Japanese-American woman reevaluates what it means to end her own pregnancy.
Executive Producer
The persona of a celebrated author is threatened when her best friend and muse reveals the dark secret behind her first novel's provenance, igniting an incendiary tale of sex, lies and betrayal.
Executive Producer
When aspiring filmmaker David is mandated by a judge to attend a social program at the Jewish Community Center, he is sure of one thing: he doesn't belong there. But when he's assigned to visit the Brooklyn Bridge with the vivacious Sarah, sparks fly and his convictions are tested. Their budding relationship must weather Sarah's romantic past, David's judgmental mother, and their own pre-conceptions of what love is supposed to look like.
A young woman attempts to deal with the death of her boyfriend while continuously confronted by his mentally unstable mother.
코네티컷 뉴타운에서 발생한 총기학살을 다룬 다큐멘터리.
전설적인 가수이자 운동가였던 니나 시몬을 다룬 다큐멘터리. 비공개 음원, 진귀한 기록물, 히트곡 등이 포함되어 있다.
More interested in partying and flirting with young musicians than work, veteran rock journalist Ellie Klug has one last chance to prove her value to her magazine’s editor: a no-stone-unturned search to discover what really happened to long lost rock god, Matt Smith, who also happens to be her ex-boyfriend. Teaming up with an eccentric amateur documentary filmmaker, Ellie hits the road in search of answers.
Using the book 'Fragments', which collects Marilyn Monroe's poems, notes and letters, and with participation from the Arthur Miller and Truman Capote estates who have contributed more material, each of the actresses will embody the legend at various stages in her life.
Jenn and Matt are best friends from college who are now in their thirties. Single by choice, Jenn spends her days teaching hot yoga and running errands for her boss. Matt suffers from comic-book writer's block and can't get over his ex-boyfriend. They decide to fulfill a promise to have a child together... the old fashioned way. Can they navigate the serious and unexpected snags they hit as they attempt to get their careers and dating lives back on track in preparation for parenthood? 'Gayby' is an irreverent comedy about friendship, sex, loneliness, and the family you choose.
An indelible portrait of the complex relationship between playwright and actor Sam Shepard and his close friend Johnny Dark as they prepare forty years of their correspondence for publication, stirring up old memories both good and bad.
인터넷에 그들의 첫경험이 떴다! 우리의 역사적인 순간을 전세계에 알려라!
맷과 친구들은 바야흐로 역사적인 첫 경험을 계획하고, 서로를 도와주는 여정에서 다양한 여자들과의 소동, 친구들의 방해, 그리고 인터넷을 통한 만남, 심지어 포르노 스타의 등장까지 파란만장한 사건을 겪게 되는데...
과연 맷과 친구들은 무사히 거사를 치를 수 있을 것인가? "아메리칸 파이와 슈퍼 배드가 만났다" -ADVANCESCREENING.COM 한 개의 카메라를 통한 네 남자의 유쾌하고 놀라운 통과의례인 첫경험을 그린 하이틴 섹스 코미디. '디 아더스"스텝 브라더스"텔러데가 나이트: 릭키 바비의 발라드'로 환상의 호흡을 보여주고 있는 코미디 스타 윌 페럴과 아담 맥케이 감독이 제작했다. 이 흥행 파트너는 '버지너티 히트'에서 놀라운 재능을 보여주는 어린 배우들의 신선한 재능과 상상 이상의 폭소를 자아내는 상황극을 완벽하게 조화시킨다. 조금은 더티하고(?) 조금은 위험한 발상일 수도 있는 이번 영화는 오히려 톡 까놓고 이야기해서 더 유쾌하고 시원한 폭소 쾌감을 선사한다. 주인공 맷 베넷을 비롯해 잭 펄만, 제이크 다비츠, 저스틴 클라인 등 주요 등장인물은 미국의 어느 고등학교에서나 만날 수 있는 친근한 얼굴에 실제 자신의 이름을 영화 속에서 그대로 사용하고 있어서 영화와 실제가 구분하기 어려운 리얼 다큐를 보는 느낌을 선사한다. '메일 오더 와이프'의 각본과 감독을 함께했던 허크 부코와 앤드류 거랜드가 함께 메가폰을 잡았다. "아메리칸 파이와 슈퍼 배드가 만났다" " 놀라운 캐스트"등의 호평을 받았다.
From the first time he performed Swimming to Cambodia - the one-man account of his experience of making the 1984 film The Killing Fields - Spalding Gray made the art of the monologue his own. Drawing unstintingly on the most intimate aspects of his own life, his shows were vibrant, hilarious and moving. His death came tragically early, in 2004; this compilation of interview and performance footage nails his idiosyncratic and irreplaceable brilliance.
Executive Producer
The lives of three lonely strangers intersect while commuting on New York's 1 and 9 subway lines.
Associate Producer
In Washington D.C., one church becomes the symbol of a local community dedicated to one another.
사랑에도 액션(?)이 필요한 법, 그녀는 온몸으로 타이핑을 한다!그녀의 취미가 수상하다…리 할로웨이는 겉으론 봐선 그냥 평범한 이십대 여성. 하지만 이 조용한 아가씨에겐 비밀이 하나 있다. 자신의 몸에 생채기를 내야만 위로를 받는 오랜 습관이 있는 것. 잠시 요양원에서 지낸 리는 다시 가족의 품으로 돌아온다. 하지만 그녀의 일상은 여전히 무료하고 우울하다. 이웃에 사는 고등학교 동창인 피터와의 데이트도 시큰둥할 뿐…엉덩이에 찰싹~
After spending time in New York City, Billy Hayes returns to his Ireland hometown. He wants to get back together with his ex-girlfriend and take her to America in hopes of opening up a gas station. But everything isn't going Billy's way — the townspeople aren't happy to see him, and his ex-girlfriend is engaged and pregnant. Then, Billy runs into his old friends who are planning a scam.
After spending time in New York City, Billy Hayes returns to his Ireland hometown. He wants to get back together with his ex-girlfriend and take her to America in hopes of opening up a gas station. But everything isn't going Billy's way — the townspeople aren't happy to see him, and his ex-girlfriend is engaged and pregnant. Then, Billy runs into his old friends who are planning a scam.
The lives of a lawyer, an actuary, a housecleaner, a professor, and the people around them intersect as they ponder order and happiness in the face of life's cold unpredictability.
덴마크계 기업의 회장이 시체로 발견된 후 회장의 부인은 살인 용의자와 재혼을 한다. 이에 아들 햄릿의 고통은 누구보다도 크다. 아버지를 죽인 살인자를 복수할 결의에 차 있는 동시에 사랑해선 안 될 매력적인 여인, 오펠리아와 사랑에 빠져있기 때문이다. 폭로와 거짓, 상실은 그렇게 시작되고 이들 모두의 삶을 파괴해 가는데...
A group portrait of filmmakers attend the 1995 Sundance Film Festival. Featuring Matthew Harrison, Richard Linklater, Ethan Hawke, Todd Haynes, Greg Araki, Abel Ferrara, Atom Egoyan, James Gray, Robert Redford, Haskell Wexler, among many others. Co-directed by Amy Hobby. [Filmed in Pixelvision and blown-up to evocatively grainy 16mm.]
A group portrait of filmmakers attend the 1995 Sundance Film Festival. Featuring Matthew Harrison, Richard Linklater, Ethan Hawke, Todd Haynes, Greg Araki, Abel Ferrara, Atom Egoyan, James Gray, Robert Redford, Haskell Wexler, among many others. Co-directed by Amy Hobby. [Filmed in Pixelvision and blown-up to evocatively grainy 16mm.]
In a contemporary New York City, members of a dysfunctional family of vampires are trying to come to terms with each other, in the wake of their father's death. Meanwhile, they are being hunted by Dr. Van Helsing and his hapless nephew. As in all good vampire movies, forces of love are pitted against forces of destruction.