Åke Fridell

Åke Fridell

출생 : 1919-06-23, Gävle, Gävleborgs län, Sweden

사망 : 1985-08-26

프로필 사진

Åke Fridell

참여 작품

Den tragiska historien om Hamlet - Prins av Danmark
Prince Hamlet is the son of the late king. He hears from a ghost that the current king, Claudius, has murdered his father. Hamlet is unsure if this is true. He test the king by pretending to be insane and put on a show where the murder is reconstructed.
Det är nu livet börjar
A TV drama about an old man who doesn't want to retire.
Christopher's Christmas Mission
Bergdahl (voice)
"Christopher's Christmas Mission"- A tale about a boy who steals Christmas gifts from the wealthy to give to the poor people of Stockholm, while working in a post office on Christmas Eve.
Wide Open
Ollie, Paul's alcoholic father
A philandering cab driver decides to help his girlfriend's attractive sister, who is in trouble with drug dealers.
The Artist
Holidays on the swedish east coast. Invading summer guests collide with the locals, all without inhibitions. The formerly so radical Social Democratic municipal councilor has completely lost his visions and fully accepts that the area is transformed into a tourist resort for the rich.
Aron på Nybacken
19세기 아메리카로 건너간 스웨덴 농민들의 신대륙 개척사를 그린 서사 드라마. 스웨덴 현대 작가 빌헬름 모베르그의 4부로 된 장편 소설을 영화화한 작품. 19세기 중엽, 스웨덴에서 미국으로 건너간 농민 일가의 싸움을 2부작으로 그렸고 제1부에 해당하는 이민자들에서는 가난한 소작인 닐슨 일가의 미네소타까지의 멀고 긴 여정을 다루고 있다. 또 제2부 "Nybyggarna(미국 제목 The New Land)"도 그 해에 아카데미 외국어 영화상에 노미네이트되어 화제를 모았다.
The Lustful Vicar
Mr. Paular
During a witch trial in the seventeenth century a woman is accused of being a witch and burned at the stake. The witch curse the village priest who pushed through the accusations and promises that her offspring will avenge her. During the Caroline the priest's son take over as vicar of the congregation, and the daughter of the witch bewitches him so that he suffers constant erection. This is off course very embarrassing for the vicar. The local women has to step in and try to set things right
Set in the world of the Swedish culture establishment, this is a psychotic thriller where morbid visions, depraved sexuality, and violence come together in perfect proportions.
Mig og dig
The lift that went down into hell
The devil
A loving couple on an escapade, ending in a hotel room in the underworld. When the floor waiter shows up, the woman feel she has seen him before. And suddenly she discovers who he is.
Komedi i Hägerskog
Narcissa and Elina work in a small town social service office and have various erotic encounters with the people who visit it.
히얼스 유어 라이프
Nicke Larsson
주인공의 직업전반을 따라가며 노동의 과정을 열심히도 보여주는데 이 부분이 영화의 절반은 차지하는 것 같다. 특별한 의도나 효과를 노리고 있는 건 아니라서 다 들어내도 영화의 인상에 영향을 미치지는 않을 것 같아 보임. 우직하고 순박한 얀 트로엘의 리얼리즘.
Bertil Durell
The plot revolves around a sadistic doctor, a macabre gravedigger, an innocent girl, sabotage, sex and violent death. The beautiful Vivi Sander is living a rough life and is deeply in debt. She tries to force her family to sell the house to make ends meet. Vivi's car crash after a sabotage. She is injured and brought to a medical center where she meets the perverted Dr. Wester.
Pang i bygget
Teobald Grym
Merchant Valentin Skog runs the small town's grocery shop and folk park with little revenue but a lot of heart. But the no-good profiteers brothers Grym has their eyes on his business, and will use any means. The dirtier the better! But they haven't counted on "The Doll"- a fresh breeze from the big city - or rather storm wind - who blows life in the struggle against the crooks.
Ante Nordlund is on his way to Stockholm and gets a ride with a diplomat in his car. He leaves Ante at the entrance of Grand Hôtel where he gets treated like a millionaire.
Swedish Portraits
disponent Kronback
The unemployed Timjan discover Mejram singing and instantly fall in love with her.
Mordvapen till salu
A man witness an automobile accident. He takes care of one of the survivors. They suspect that something was wrong with the car and track it to a dubious salesman.
Wonderful Adventures of Nils
Bandhunden (voice)
Nils lives with his parents in the south of Sweden. He is a naughty boy and teases like the animals on the farm. They should not have him and be happy if he is bewitched one day with his hamster Crumb for punishment by a gnome.
16 -year-old Mari has just been released from a juvenile detention school after one year of treatment. To prevent her from making contact with her old gang, she is sent to Skåne in southern Sweden, where she will work in a dairy shop. She doesn't like being there so she decides to run away and hitchhike her way up to Stockholm. She makes contact with her old gang but realizes that she's not welcome anymore and her boyfriend has even hooked up with a new girl.
Av hjärtans lust
The Baron of Qvinnevad Castle has financial problems and is forced to show the estate to tourists. The baron finds out that an unknown person is trying to acquire the castle.
'보글레르의 자석 건강 극장'이 마을에 오자, 구경거리가 생긴다. 보글레르의 외국 공연 도중 있었던 초자연적 소동에 관한 다양한 기사를 읽은 마을의 지도자들은 대중들에게 공개되기 전 공연의 샘플을 제공할 것을 요청한다. 과학적 생각을 지닌 불신자들은 그들을 돌팔이로 몰고 싶어 하는데...
Sixten Garberg
A relay race of "scenes from human life". Depicts the human characters inferior traits are spreading like a disease: the person who gets rejected / humiliated / oppressed takes it out on someone else.
A Goat in the Garden
David Jespersson
The wild Jon Esping bets that he will become a churchwarden. He, the upstart and the illiterate who can only write his name, a fox in business, a stud among women and a brute in general, wins the bet.
Karin's Lover
보르그 교수는 78의 나이로 한평생 의사로써 살아온 학자이다. 그는 룬트에 있는 성당에서 명예 학위를 수여받기로 되어있다. 그날 새벽 그는 이상한 꿈을 꾼다. 기분이 상한 그는 비행기 대신 차로 룬트까지 가기로 결심하고 며느리 마리안느도 그를 따라나서기로 한다. 가는 도중 그의 식구들이 여름마다 와서 지내던 시골집에 도착한다. 그는 거기서 자신이 처음 사랑했던 사촌 사라와 그녀와 결국 결혼한 형 지그프로트를 회상한다.이때 이집에 산다는 사라라는 아가씨가 이탈리아로 가는 중이라면서 차를 얻어탈 것을 제의한다. 그는 사라에게서 자신의 젊은 시절을 회상한다. 가는 도중 이번에는 싸움이 잦은 부부를 보르그 교수의 차에 태우게 된다. 이들 부부는 서로 사랑하지 않고 미워하나 이들에게서도 자신의 결혼 생활을 기억해 낸다. 어머니를 만나는 보르그를 본 마리안은 얼음처럼 차가운 어머니를 보고 왜 남편이 차갑고 외로운지 이해하게 된다.
Cupid on the Phone
Direktør Svensson
During a train journey, Carolus, master of literature, meets the charming Italian Enrico. The two men discuss eroticism, and it ends with a bet: In a few days in Copenhagen, Enrico will seduce four women. Coincidentally - and unfortunately, Carolus' wife is the first Enrico to date.
En drömmares vandring
Portrait of the Swedish poet Dan Andersson (1888-1920). Brought up during poor conditions he finds work as a temperance preacher and educator. Bored by this he travels to Stockholm to try to get his poems published. On the train he meets a rich, sophisticated art patron who encourages him and grinds his literary and philosophical formation.
제7의 봉인
14세기 중엽, 기사 안토니우스 블로크는 십자군 전쟁에 참여했다가 10년만에 고국 스웨덴으로 돌아왔으나 페스트가 온 나라를 휩쓸어 고국은 황폐해져 있다. 그의 종자 옌스와 함께 고향으로 돌아가는 여정에서 기사는 죽음의 사자의 방문을 받는다. 기사는 자신의 죽음을 지연시키기 위해 사자에게 체스 게임을 제안하고 사자는 그에 동의한다. 승산이 없는 이 내기에서 블로크가 원하는 것은 체스 게임이 진행되는 동안을 말미 삼아 신의 존재와 구원에 대한 확신을 얻는 것이다. 죽음을 앞둔 삶의 허무를 극복하기 위해 기사는 교회를 찾아가기도 하고 마녀로 낙인이 찍힌 소녀 옆을 지키기도 하지만 그 어디에도 죽음만이 보일 뿐, 신의 구원을 찾을 수 없다. 그러던 중 기사는 광대 부부와 그들의 아기를 만나 충만한 평화를 느끼게 되고, 그들을 지키기 위해 동행을 자처한 기사는 자신의 시종 옌스와 그를 따라나선 여인과 일행을 이루어 길을 떠나는데…
Children of the Night
A man (Gunnar Hellström) meets prisoner Nils Gustaf Boman and asks him why he strayed from the straight and narrow. The prisoner says: "Put yourself in my position." The man does and sees before him himself as Nils Gustaf Boman.
한여름 밤의 미소
한 세기가 시작된, 어느 작은 마을. 중년의 변호사, 프레데릭 에게르만(군나르 비요른스트란트 분)은 자신보다 훨씬 어린 아내이자 두 번째 부인, 앤(울라 야콥손 분)이 자신을 남자가 아닌 아버지처럼 좋아한다는 사실로 인해 결혼 생활이 불만족스럽기만 하다. 결국, 프레데릭은 아내 몰래, 옛 연인이자, 배우인 데지레 아름펠트(에바 달벡 분)를 찾아가지만, 그곳에서 그녀의 현재 애인인 말콤 백작(야를 큘레 분)과 만나게 된다. 두 남자가 논쟁을 벌이는 중에, 데지레가 낳은 사생아의 아버지가 프레데릭임이 밝혀지고, 당황한 프레데릭은 데지레에게 아이를 키우기에 적합치 않다고 말했다가 따귀를 얻어맞고 만다. 프레데릭이 가고 난 후, 데지레는 말콤 백작과 말다툼 끝에 자유분방한 어머니를 찾아간다. 어머니는 아버지와 결혼 한 후, 비슷한 일을 겪었다고 말해준다. 데지레는 모든 문제를 풀기 위해, 하지 축제 이브에 친구들을 초대해 달라고 부탁한다. 데지레의 어머니는 마지못해 딸의 요청을 수락하고, 프레데릭과 아내 앤, 말콤 백작과 그의 부인 샬롯데, 그리고 프레데릭의 장성한 아들 헨릭과 하녀 페트라 등이 저택에 모인다. 저택에 도착한 손님들은 저녁 식사를 대접받는데, 음식 속에는 자극적인 사랑의 묘약이 섞여있다. 프레데릭은 아들 헨릭과 앤이 묘한 분위기라는 사실을 감지하고, 백작부인은 자신이 프레데릭을 유혹할 수 있다면서 남편과 여러 사람들 앞에서 내기를 건다. 그렇게 얽히고 설킨 관계들 속에서 에로틱한 저녁 식사가 진행되는데...
Rasmus and the Vagabond
Rasmus escapes from the orphanage to find parents for himself. He teams up with a hobo and together they experience a series of adventures while looking for a home for Rasmus .
Malin Goes Home
Old lady Malin Klintbom is being promised a cosy and comfortably life at the residential home she is invited to visit. However, she finds the home impossible to live at and flies in panic to her cabin.
톱밥과 금속 조각
알베르트 유랑 써커스단은 오랜 유랑생활 끝에 한 마을에 도착한다. 입을 의상조차 낡아서 공연을 할 수 조차 없게 되자 알베르트는 마을의 극단에서 의상을 빌리기로 하고 젊은 정부 안네를 데리고 간다. 그녀는 극단원 프란스의 눈에 띄게 되고 알베르트, 안네, 단원들은 가난한 유랑생활에 환멸을 느끼기 시작한다. 알베르트는 자신의 아내를 찾아가 안착하고 싶다고 고백한다.
Eliahu, Robber, Barabbas' Father
The story about the thief who didn't get crucified because Jesus was choosen to take his place.
모니카와의 여름
Ludwig Eriksson
특별할 것 없는 작은 상점에서 각각 일하는 열일곱의 모니카와 열아홉의 해리는 우연히 바에서 첫만남을 갖게 된 후 연인이 된다. 모니카는 남루한 현실과는 다른 인생을 꿈꾸지만, 부적절한 희롱이 난무하는 일터에서 퇴근해 가족과 함께 살고 있는 허름한 아파트로 돌아오면 그녀를 기다리는 것은 알코올중독 아버지의 학대뿐이다. 해리에게로 피한 모니카는 해리의 모터보트에 숨어 밤을 보내고, 그로 인해 다음날 직장에 늦게 되어 사장의 비난을 들은 해리는 사표를 던지고 모니카와 함께 배를 타고 스톡홀름에서 멀리 떠나버리기로 결정한다. 스톡홀름 군도의 한 작은 섬에 내린 두 사람은 야생에 가까운 환경에서 둘 만의 꿈같은 여름을 보낸다. 그러나 여름이 끝나가고 돈이 떨어지자 더 이상 섬에서의 도피생활은 지속될 수 없게 되고, 둘은 다시 도시의 삶으로 돌아가야만 한다. 임신과 결혼 등, 꿈과는 다른 성장통들이 기다리고 있는 도시에서 모니카와 해리는 각자의 방식대로 삶을 받아들이게 되는데..
Farlig Kurva
Christer is a teenager who prefers to spend his time on motorcycles instead of his studies which doesn't impress his father. There is also a youth motorcycle gang terrorising the local girls but Christer doesn't dare to stand up to them, leading to his humiliation. One day he comes into contact with a professional speedway racer who takes him under his wing.
När syrenerna blomma
The 1880s. Abandoned by his middle class parents in Stockholm, Johannes grows up in the countryside with a cobbler who regularly beats him up. Also at school he has to face regular beatings because of his Stockholm background, the only one who cares for him is a girl, Lotta, who promises to marry him one day. When he's 20 he moves to Stockholm and joins the Royal guards at the Royal palace. Quite by accident he meets Lotta again and start an affair with her. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Starkare än lagen
About the farming mountain settlers in 1870s Sweden. The young Helge has been accused of manslaughter and has to fight for his life to survive.
The Nuthouse
Chairman of The Research Group for Ancient Films
In Stockholm in the year 2248 an excavation leads to the discovery of 45,000 meters of film from the 1940's master director Hasse Ekman . The material is in a disarray but the Society for Ancient Film Research compiles the material after what is believed to have been the master's artistic intentions
Spöke på semester
"Ghost on Holiday" - Stockholm 1950 is experiencing a gold rush, after the discovery of gold during the building of the new underground. Assistant Borgkrona (Järrell) owns a plot in the gold area. The lawyer Målbrott informs Borgkrona that he has inherited a haunted castle and must stay there for a fortnight. However, once at the castle he meets his old relative who is a ghost (Järrell) and the two trade places
영양 제리
Based on the play by August Strindberg, Miss Julie vividly depicts the battle of the sexes and classes that ensues when Julie, a wealthy businessman's daughter, falls for Jean, her father's bitter servant.
Regementets ros
To save intoxicated friend Boman from getting caught, two conscripts lock him up in the local jail and release a prisoner, Ivan Jansson, so that he can pretend to be Boman for a few hours. But when the real Boman is transported to the county jail, switching them back could be difficult.
När kärleken kom till byn
A new teacher arrives to the small village and he soon stir up some trouble with his modern way of looking at things. He also stir up some amorous feelings among the local women.
Jack of Hearts
Lieutenant Anders Canitz is a womanizer and gambler from the upper class. He has spent all of heritage and tries to get to his sister's money by engaging her to invest in a shady business project he is involved in.
Restaurant Intim
A new realism depiction of life and work in an old restaurant. A social portrayal of exhausted staff and dubious guests.
Två trappor över gården
The rootless, misfit artist Bengt Hallberg escapes from a mental hospital. The head doctor believes him to be a hopeless case and dangerous for the environment. Bengt looks up Inga Larsson, the only person that matters to him.
Stora Hoparegränd och himmelriket
Erik, a poor inventor meets the clerk Lillemor and fall in love. Erik's becomes invention is ready for the market. He contacts a director who might be interested. Erik is attracted almost immediately by the director's wife.
Number 17
The sailor Calle Svensson gets a tip on a cheap hotel from a stranger. But Calle walks to the wrong house. And finds a dead man in the bed, stolen passports and signs of trafficking in a cupboard.
온리 어 마더
A poor woman in a Swedish farming community struggles to feed her large family and is torn by her passion for two different men.
The Troubadour sits at a rock beside his summerhouse Sjösala in the Stockholm archipelago. He is composing a new ballad, when his son Sven Bertil interrupts him, telling him that an angry man is knocking at their door. It is the creditor Andersson, coming with a new unpaid bill to be put on the top of all the other. The Troubadour is tired of all economical problems. It disturbs the peace he needs to be able to write new songs, and without new songs he cannot earn the money he needs to pay the bills. To get peace and inspiration for his writing, he makes a quick decision to go to Buenos Aires. By phone he persuades his publisher to prepay 7000 kronor for some future book. On the little ferry from the islands in the sea to Stockholm city the Troubadour is carried away by his imagination into the fictitious world of his main character Fritiof Andersson. Colorful scenes from various songs are enacted before his dreaming eyes. In Stockholm he spends the night at the inn Gyldene Freden. ...
Kvinnan som försvann
Detective Lövdahl
In England, a famous jewel collection is stolen. The police suspect that the jewels have been smuggled to Sweden, and in Stockholm, the young insurance detective Peter Holmer is commissioned to trace the stolen jewels. The tracks first lead Peter to a certain ballet master Lando, but when he comes to Lando's flat, he finds him murdered. Before the police were summoned, Peter saw a young lady smearing from the floor. He tries to catch her, but when he gets down the street she disappears in a taxi..
영화감독 마르틴의 촬영장에 스승 파울이 찾아와 지옥과 같은 세상을 다룬 영화 아이디어를 주고 마르틴은 작가인 토마스와 그의 부인 소피에게 이를 들려준다. 토마스는 창녀인 비르이타를 인터뷰하고 수개월 후 소피가 자신을 떠나자 비르이타를 만나기 시작한다. 비르이타는 약혼자 페테르의 아이를 낳지만 주위 사람들에 의해 아이를 버리게 된다. 토마스는 비르이타를 사랑하며 도와주겠다고 하지만 그녀는 페테르에게 돌아가겠다고 한다. 그녀는 고통스러운 삶을 견디지 못하고 자살을 한다.
Gustaf Persson
Britt Malm gets hit by a car on a Stockholm street and is taken to hospital. She is badly injured and must undergo surgery. While the anesthetic takes effect she sees hallucinatory images. This turns into a flashback of what happened Britt before the accident.
Strange Harbor
"Strange Harbor " - A Swedish cargo ship is in the winter of 1938 at the dock in Gdynia in Poland, waiting to depart with coal to Sweden. In a tavern in the port a Polish dockworkers tries to tell something to the Swedish sailors, but is rudely turned away by the tavern owner. Later in the evening the port worker is found dead. That same evening one of the Swedish sailors, meets a Jewish woman who has fled Nazi Germany.
Robinson i Roslagen
Parish constable
To get away from his nagging wife, a man goes to a desert island to settle down there.
Lars Hård
Cruel prison guard
Young drifter tells his story in flashback from prison.
인도로 가는 배
Variety Hall Manager
Sailor Johannes Blom returns to his home port, after seven years at sea, to find that Sally, the girl he has been thinking of while away, is completely despondent. Seven years earlier, obstreperous Alexander Blom, brings his mistress Sally to live with him, his wife Alice, son Johannes, and crew, aboard the salvage boat he captains. Amidst all the tensions on the small boat, Johannes and Sally fall in love with each other.
När ängarna blommar
Emil Nicklasson
The farm workers at Näs Farm, lead by Hellman, go on strike, demanding that their employer recognize their labor union. But he calls on strike-breakers to perform the farm work. Hellman's son Gunnar is a hothead who easily gets in trouble.
It Rains on Our Love
Reverend Berg
Maggi meets David after having missed her train, and they spend the night together. Penniless, the young lovers break into a summer cottage. The owner, Håkansson, offers to rent it to them, but he has an ulterior motive. By living together, they have to face their pasts and deal with the meddling neighbors and authorities.
The Girl and the Devil
Young man
The soul of an evil witch about to be burned is transferred to the child of a pregnant woman in the audience. 19 years later a timid girl arrives at a farm looking for work. The farmer employs her despite his wife's protests. Soon it stands clear that the girl is in fact the evil witch, returned to wreak havoc on the farmer and his family. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.